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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 13-19 | This Netkode Is An Injustice


"Do some drastic shit" is too vague to mean anything. Where would Capcom have to innovate or improve on for SFV to expand the genre? If you ask me they're doing the right things with the open beta testing.
Honestly, I would be totally okay with this. I wouldn't mind more fighting games adopting the KI season model and then come out with proper sequels once every 4 or 5 years.
I would prefer it over ArcSys crap, that's for sure.

I would financially support 3-4 fighters with this model. I plan on buying all of the Smash character DLC, for example. I put $100 on my PSN wallet when MvC3 came out so I could buy its massive character DLC loadout (lol).


Arcsys stuff will never meaningfully expand with the way they do their release schedule and updates.

Indeed, they seem satisfied milking yen coins from what's left of the arcades before putting any effort into their console versions. Really frustrating.


ASW knows how to make that JP money. They're so far in that type of business it's a miracle we even get games from them.


Arcsys stuff will never meaningfully expand with the way they do their release schedule and updates.
They don't care. Arcsys isn't a big time developer/publisher like Valve or Blizzard so expecting them to be able to do something in those guys' level but with their own franchises is already outrageous. what they care about the most turning a profit and the current way they do business is sustainable for them.
Not sure if USF4 will still be a main Evo event after SF5 drops, but the game will def still be played competitively to an extent like ST & 3rd Strike


You got that right.

The answer is a Blizzard or Valve made fighting game.

Not gonna lie I would play a Blizzard fighting game. Let me main Illidan son!

I have issues with both companies games and just don't like their track record in terms of balance. A fighting game would be nice, but two companies who rely on statistical analysis on balance without actually playing the game really annoys me.

I'm not saying some of the FG devs are that much better either. ASW for example have their own adgenda. I think their tech is great, but man the people behind their games are just fucked up when it comes to balance.



Triforce is trying his best to make Tetris come back.


I disagree.
Floe doing a overrated list.

Chris T
Sanford Kelly (said he sucks his own dick...wow)

He left before he finished.

Justin's Top 5 U.S players.

1. Smug
2. PR Rog
3. Snake Eyez
4. Die
5. Himself
If we had gotten CVS3 instead of SFxT, everyone probably would of dropped SF4 (unless it turned out to be garbagio).

Everyone would drop SF4 for a crossover game? pls

Also.. doing a little research to see how GOAT Daigo is in longer sets

Since Infiltration won Evo he's beaten him

10-2 @ Tokyo Game Show
7-1 @ Topanga World League 2014

Since Xian won Evo

10 - 0 @ Madcatz Unveiled (damn)
7-5 @ Topanga World League 2014
5-2 @ Topanga World League 2015
7-5 @ Canada Cup Master Series

Since Louffy won Evo

7-3 @ Canada Cup Master Series
5-1 @ Topanga World League 2015

..breh. He's bodied every Evo champion on some


type shit b. Momochi aint eem on his radar yet.



I have issues with both companies games and just don't like their track record in terms of balance. A fighting game would be nice, but two companies who rely on statistical analysis on balance without actually playing the game really annoys me.

I'm not saying some of the FG devs are that much better either. ASW for example have their own adgenda. I think their tech is great, but man the people behind their games are just fucked up when it comes to balance.
LOL who's talking about balance, I am talking about making a fighting game with a good online infrastructure and ample post release support.

These games will not be balanced but they can push fighting games to the next level. Especially if they are tied to specific IPs which combined with the company names could be huge. Blizzard alone has a zealous fanbase that plays and buys whatever they put out.


Everyone would NOT have dropped SF4 for CvS3 just like everyone didn't drop SF4 for MvC3.

CvS2 wasn't even as big as either 3rd Strike or MVC2 back in the dark ages. With the way stream monsters are these days, they would've booed out a CvS3 from stream if it played anything like CvS2..

Besides all these games have different appeals.
No way was 3rd Strike more popular than CVS2 in the dark ages. Maybe in Japan but definitely not North America.

If 3rd Strike had more SF2 characters it would be a different story. It wasn't until the Anniversary Edition did 3rd Strike gain any real traction.


It might be a good idea to provide a list of people who already gave an interview, Enzo.

Everytime I hear about Triforce and Tetris, I think about Hito and how he talked about how Triforce got his "record."

RIP :(


LOL who's talking about balance, I am talking about making a fighting game with a good online infrastructure and ample post release support.

Yeah. They should try to lower the system requirements. The more people can play the game regardless of their hardware the better. Maybe going back to sprites will help with that.

If 3rd Strike had more SF2 characters it would be a different story. It wasn't until the Anniversary Edition did 3rd Strike gain any real traction.

Evo moment #37 probably helped as well.


No way was 3rd Strike more popular than CVS2 in the dark ages. Maybe in Japan but definitely not North America.

If 3rd Strike had more SF2 characters it would be a different story. It wasn't until the Anniversary Edition did 3rd Strike gain any real traction.
Pretty sure 3rd Strike lasted at EVO longer than CvS2.

Also at every arcade I went to that had all the games, CvS2 was always out paced by MvC2, Tekken and 3rd Strike. It was that game that people tried out while waiting for their main games.

Though there aren't any hard stats to back this up so it's hard to say which was more popular.


Pretty sure 3rd Strike lasted at EVO longer than CvS2.

Also at every arcade I went to that had all the games, CvS2 was always out paced by MvC2, Tekken and 3rd Strike. It was that game that people tried out while waiting for their main games.

Though there aren't any hard stats to back this up so it's hard to say which was more popular.

It did, but honestly I remember the last two evos 3s was at it being a snooze fest, while CVS2's last evo showing was a great one. I know many people thought CVS2 was the harder game since it had the biggest cast, so it was the least popular. A lot of people look at cvs2 pretty fondly, and I think the game had a lot of untapped potential. Don't forget about 3s resurgence after the daigo moment too. It helped bring new players and help keep that game alive.

LOL who's talking about balance, I am talking about making a fighting game with a good online infrastructure and ample post release support.

These games will not be balanced but they can push fighting games to the next level. Especially if they are tied to specific IPs which combined with the company names could be huge. Blizzard alone has a zealous fanbase that plays and buys whatever they put out.

Yup. Right now, there needs to be a game that brings in a lot of players. Right now Fighting games have more viewers than actual players. While some of the bigger competitive games out there have massive viewers and massive players.


Indeed, they seem satisfied milking yen coins from what's left of the arcades before putting any effort into their console versions. Really frustrating.

I don't think it's fair to say they don't put effort into console ports, but yeah- they are goofy. How is it ok that that one or possibly both Arcsys games will have outdated versions being played at the biggest fighting game tournament in the world?

Maybe they do not understand how important "hype" and "newness" are for sales in the West.

I think they don't even think about the west (maybe a little).

They don't care. Arcsys isn't a big time developer/publisher like Valve or Blizzard so expecting them to be able to do something in those guys' level but with their own franchises is already outrageous. what they care about the most turning a profit and the current way they do business is sustainable for them.

I respect sustainable business and I don't think anybody wants Arcsys to sell out or go nuts just for the sake of expansion. Arcades are not that healthy in Japan either- places are slowly closing. It's a very gradual decline, but even Japan-centric arcade devs need to get beyond the arcade model even if their goal is just sustainability.


Are the EG boys going to jump in on MKX? I doubt they could have the same success they had with MK9 now that there's a decently sized NRS games community, but they could probably still make some money.


Are the EG boys going to jump in on MKX? I doubt they could have the same success they had with MK9 now that there's a decently sized NRS games community, but they could probably still make some money.

Justin had no problem going into KI and doing good, with a pad no less. I'm sure a few will give it a shot.


Are the EG boys going to jump in on MKX? I doubt they could have the same success they had with MK9 now that there's a decently sized NRS games community, but they could probably still make some money.

Justin's has had the game a few days and he likes it I think. So he'll probably play here and there.


Since there is a new fighting game coming out this week it's time for...

Shoutouts to Cossner BTW
Slide slide slippity slide...
Since there is a new fighting game coming out this week it's time for...

My most anticipated would definitely be Ferra/Torr, Kano, Kotal Kahn, D'Vorah and Quan Chi. I intend to play all these characters, and I may yet play more! Mortal Kombat X is the first fighting game in a long while where I am really interested in playing a good chunk of the cast. The fact that MKX has legit unblockable command throws makes me so hyped.

Least anticipated, on the other hand, is definitely Jason Voorhees and the Predator. I don't like guest characters. Never have. Never will.


Are the EG boys going to jump in on MKX? I doubt they could have the same success they had with MK9 now that there's a decently sized NRS games community, but they could probably still make some money.

Justin will win one tournament and bounce.


I think a lot of that has to do with just how awful playing fighting games online are. FG events can be competitive with tournaments from other games, but there aren't any FG streamers that can play online and pull in 10k+ viewers on the regular. I also don't think it has to do with personalities at all (that's hardly an issue for the greater FGC in general -- if anything, there might be more interesting personalities out of the playerbase (on a per capita basis) than anywhere else). It has to do with the fact that the online play sucks, ends up playing fundamentally differently and no one (top players or otherwise) takes it seriously. The idea that online tournaments are completely meaningless would not fly with any other competitive game in this day and age.

FG's require good amounts of a wider variety of techniques than card games

FG's are also solo, unlike MOBA/shooter.

Both of these things hurt the numbers, as they're both super-discouraging. You can't be carried, or you can't just buy your way to a top-tier deck like you can in HS. (and the card game genre is just Hearthstone right now even moreso than the FGC is SF4)

As for Viscant's ponderings:

He's right somewhat about SM's killing games, but the companies with their design flaws, or bad luck with Disney being dumb in the case of Marvel, gave the companies reasons to kill the game. Stream monsters can't crap on a game if you don't give them low-hanging fruit like Capcom did with SFxTK.

The reason the FGC is becoming SF and little else isn't the hostility of the SF scene. That hostility was around 20 yrs ago and was actually worse. I was laughed at for playing KOF95 and SamSho4. I had CVS2 and 3S tried to shove down my throat- one event I went to actually tried to require entry to those games.

It's because of a combo of the money being marketed only towards a pool of about 60 players who can win it, and the money being so lopsided towards SF4-5. MKX could become a player, if its netcode is "good enough". The definition of good enough is playable matches at any hour of the day six months out like USFIV is, even on PC.

That said, he is right about all games needing respect. I think Viscant has a lot of respect for Jinxhand down in SD, and SD scene in general has always had a poverty aspect to it. I remember Onaje from the old old days and getting into with on the old SNK mailing lists from the 90s.

One thing I've tried to do is tone down my crapping on games, some of it in the past was a defensive mechanism. That doesn't mean I won't be critical of bad design- but I always try to stop short of saying a game is bad.
Arcsys stuff will never meaningfully expand with the way they do their release schedule and updates.

Yeah. BBCP and Xrd were never even released in my country, not even on PSN. Of course i dutifully bought the imports and trying to get my friends into them, and will continue to do so because i'm an idiot, but..

That's not the way to expand.


A side note regarding Skullgirls: I think there are real cultural differences between their community and other anime FGs. If nothing else, I'm on the IRC server where #skullgirls is hosted and there have been a lot of personality clashes I saw, especially when they first started. It doesn't really happen now, but conversely there is also very little crossover with the other channels.

Yeah, there's a huge difference. The skullgirls fanbase isn't FGC. If you look at the Steamspy charts- Your average Skullgirls player is more likely to own 100% Orange Juice (and nothing wrong with that game, it's fun as hell) , than they are other fighting games.

More people like Skullgirls because of its art, music, and style, than they do because of its gameplay. I'd even go so far (though SG fans hate me saying this, I'm gonna hurt you with some truth) to say that SG would have done even better if the game had been less complicated.

so what happens if SF5 is a commercial failure? or its sales are really disappointing? will capcom be done with fighting games for the new gen?

Only way SF5 fails is if the game is total crap. I don't see that happening.
And he is definitely right that the whole "lol ded gaem" meme is one of the silliest things in recent memory. Do I have to bust out the list of REAL dead games that have come and gone since MVC3's release?

I hate "Game Z is not a real XYZ game" more. KOF13 is not KOF, UMvC3 is not Marvel, Brawl and Smash Wii-Uuu Wii-Uuu are not Smash because they don't play like Melee, 3S is not Street Fighter, and who knows what else.

The greater "FGC" still thinks Skullgirls is the same game as it was 3 years ago and it's near impossible to get them to give it a second look.

It looks as offputting now as it did 3 years ago.

Original SFxT was not a good game but the most recent version of it is actually a legitimately good game. Thing is that no one gave the game a reasonable shot even after the patch fixes because the mob mentality sunk in.

I'll put it this way: I watched an SFxT match once. I was bored to death. But I looked at the match and thought that it was a pretty solid footsies match that should've been entertaining. I put the video on mute and was more entertained. The game's music and sound effects are so bad they literally make the game more boring and suck joy out of you.

I'm still kind of glad SFxTK crashed and burned.


He shits on anime, but I don't think he shits on the games.

Shitting on modern anime is the sane thing to do. I want new Juuni Kokki and Moribito but they make checklist moeblobs ;_;

That title card has me in tears, thanks enzo

No tears here, but I concur. Title Kard is made of win.

Another thing is that it seems a lot of viewers (and players, I'm guessing) seem to only care about a few games at once. I find those reddit stream schedule charts to be horrendous at trying to show me what I should watch when, but it seems people love it when they can look for the logo they care about and just block that part of the schedule out. That's really what I think it comes down to, people have way more nuanced preferences in a genre that forces you to care about every little detail, and would rather associate/play/spectate at that level of specificity.

welp, time to rename FGC-GAF

I tend to like the charts that show concurrent stream timelines.

I do think it's weird that people get so attached to a specific game, though. To the point where they quit the hobby when their game goes out of style.

If SF4 was the only fighting game, I wouldn't be playing fighting games. I adore 1v1 competition as well but I'd be playing MTG or Go or Counterstrike or trying out historical longsword to see if the actual practice agrees with me or something. It needs to be good before it needs to be of a specific kind.

Also, modern games require a ton of work to learn and maintain a decent skill level - you need to learn tons of system mechanics, proper conversions for all manner of situations because single hits just don't deal damage, etc.

It's just much harder to pick up games and do well with fundamentals.

Going from master to noob is tough to swallow for many people. The scene will remain big enough to support SF4 for some time.

Starting fighting games was and is very frustrating. From competence (MTG) to being completely and utterly free to everyone in the local scene is a pretty good way to crush your ego.

Indeed, they seem satisfied milking yen coins from what's left of the arcades before putting any effort into their console versions. Really frustrating.

Uh, what? The actual console product (at least in Xrd's case) is superb. It's just that the version shenanigans shaft the competitive players. The patching nonsense is one reason I feel more drawn to UNIEL and KOF - what I learn will stick, and I learn way too damn slowly.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
FG's are also solo, unlike MOBA/shooter.

Both of these things hurt the numbers, as they're both super-discouraging.

I see people say this, and I wonder how true it is. The fact that my success is not dependent on the competency of a teammate is one of the strengths of fighting games to me, and it's one major reason why I've never really played a MOBA or even an MMO. Team-based games just seem like a hassle.

I find those reddit stream schedule charts to be horrendous at trying to show me what I should watch when
Oh god, those are horrible.

Would it kill them to just chart things in simple chronological order so I don't have to scan the image over and over to find everything I'm looking for? I much prefer something like this.
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