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Fighting Games Weekly | July 14-20 | Bracket Resets Full of Tears (of Joy?)


Rodent Whores
I had the exact same thing from EVO. Sore throat from hell, coughing up phlegm and tight chest. Turns out I have a chest sinus and ear infection. Someone was passing something nasty around. Still recovering

Damn, was that this year? If so, probably what my dad has. I'm sure he'll get checked out at some point, but I'm feeling (hoping, really, heh), that what I have will go away pretty soon. The worst thing right now is the shitty sleep I'm getting.

Drink lots of water. Make a supply run to Walgreens or CVS to buy a box of water for 4 bucks.

Vitamins might help. Vitamin E.

Wash your hands often, especially after playing or shaking lots of hands. Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer if you can't wash your hands.

Don't touch your eyes or nose with dirty hands.

Gargle with Listerine to kill any nasty that might be living in your throat.


EVO should give out sanitizer and deodorant instead of busted ass japanese fans. Though other than one stank dude in my pool and another in line for Xrd the smell was under control this year.

Also good to meet the GAF people I did this year. Ya'll some cool cats.


Q do you play BBCP on vita? I have you as a PSN buddy and even though I suck I would love to play sometime.

I only play it on console sorry :(

Drink lots of water. Make a supply run to Walgreens or CVS to buy a box of water for 4 bucks.

Vitamins might help. Vitamin E.

Wash your hands often, especially after playing or shaking lots of hands. Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer if you can't wash your hands.

Don't touch your eyes or nose with dirty hands.

Gargle with Listerine to kill any nasty that might be living in your throat.
All this, plus honestly don't drink a lot if you been in the crowds.

Also good to meet the GAF people I did this year. Ya'll some cool cats.

Yeah, it was really awesome to meet a lot of people from GAF I was constantly surprised when people kept coming up to me XD

El Sloth

I had the exact same thing from EVO. Sore throat from hell, coughing up phlegm and tight chest. Turns out I have a chest sinus and ear infection. Someone was passing something nasty around. Still recovering
Judging from Koogy's twitter it was probably him. Should be obligated to make some sort of Evola shirt as penance!


Exactly. He's probably shrugged it off already.

He doesn't, it's just people doing the whole celeb treatment with him.

Why does Daigo or anyone need to make a statement about losing?
I think I phrased my post wrongly. The Topanga players were discussing about how Daigo hasn't really spoken to any of them about what happened during evo. I thought it was interesting since they are all close with him yet no one knows the aftermath.


You DO NOT want me cosplaying anyone, especially Platinum. Sailor Bubba would be less traumatic...
Please cosplay Platinum LOL

I saw you at finals but didn't have a chance to say anything cause you were zipping around so quick!
Hey had to get back to the front hahaha, besides it was fun to be able to move around at a speed faster than a snail again :p

I can't pass up those free casino drinks :p It's actually pretty cheap, as long as you don't lose money. The art of pushing.
Yeah I had a few myself. I was mostly treated to drinks though, everyone was so nice T-T

lol, well in a way you were the GAF celebrity at Evo, not to mention that unlike us you were instantly recognizable
HAHAHA I guess I did stand out pretty easy.
While I like the idea of Bandai Namco introducing storm league and whatnot, I'm not sure CC2 is committed to altering things on the development side to help the game last.
I think I phrased my post wrongly. The Topanga players were discussing about how Daigo hasn't really spoken to any of them about what happened during evo. I thought it was interesting since they are all close with him yet no one knows the aftermath.

But why does he have to? It's not like there's some deep meaning to his losses. He lost, end of story.


If I was Daigo I would seriously be doing some self reflecting and wondering if I'm washed up after losing to 2 players who don't even take the game seriously.


I was saying at the after party that Daigo and Sako are like two halves of a whole when it comes to Evil Ryu right now. They need to learn the fusion dance and dominate


If I was Daigo I would seriously be doing some self reflecting and wondering if I'm washed up after losing to 2 players who don't even take the game seriously.

I think he's being way to reclusive. I doubt sitting in the arcade all day, grinding BP, is the way to go. He needs to attend tournaments in order to not get rusty in that type of setting


Daigo is human, is what I got out of his last EVO. He can't just pick up a new character and dominate at this point, the game has too many great players for that.

I think he has to be wondering whether or not he should stick it out with Evil Ryu or return to Ryu.


Oh my god that's... that's Jack Bauer (at the beginning)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I think I phrased my post wrongly. The Topanga players were discussing about how Daigo hasn't really spoken to any of them about what happened during evo. I thought it was interesting since they are all close with him yet no one knows the aftermath.
Conversely, how much do you think FChamp is reveling in the fact that his victory will live forever through that documentary?


I think he's being way to reclusive. I doubt sitting in the arcade all day, grinding BP, is the way to go. He needs to attend tournaments in order to not get rusty in that type of setting

He had a bad tournament, it happens. Not to mention so did alot of other players, PR Rog, Tokido...the list goes on.
I forgot how much fun P4A is.

The only thing I'm dissapointed in is that I can't find any videos on the Labrys changes.

Does anyone know where I can look at the P4A EVO footage?


Yeah I hardly go there anymore, so I have no idea where tournament pics get posted. BTW, was it Ivylicious? He was pretty beastly.

Yep that's him. Sucks he got DQ'd into losers for missing his first match, but his SF pool was at the same time so he was running back and forth lol.


tagged by Blackace
Man, y'all make EVO sound like it's the ultimate sacrifice. Offer the gods health in exchange for hype. Unless you're WesternHeretic, in which case you exchange it for alcohol.

How did we go from Enzo removing it from the original post to now everyone beechifying their avatars?
You can take the man out of the beech but you can never take the beech out of the man.

Working on the interview of Daigo Ikeno (Street Fighter 3.3 illustrator and SF4 art director), I'll have an english version for you guys. Ikeno is so talented and humble it's almost disgusting. :3


And right after, it will be 30 minutes with Harada-san. WAY TO LONG I DON'T LIKE VIDEO EDITING. :'(
Really looking forward to this! Good stuff.
It does work really well. Hope you and your dad get better soon. After sleeping 10+ hours the past 2 nights I think I'm finally back on schedule.

Thanks! I'll tell him about it tonight. I've been getting shit sleep since we got back and my eyes just feel exhausted more than any other part of me


I'm sad no one has mastered Juri yet because of her complexity plus no one really using her at all over the years to begin with... she's dumb now.
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