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Fighting Games Weekly | June 8-14 | We played a lot of SG and VF for some reason


I hope BananaKen can bring his A-game to Evo this year, I would love to see him take down some well known JPs. Would be all sorts of hype!


Pretty much anything and everything is negative on block in VF. It's way easier to list the exceptions than the reverse.

Yeah most are negative and a few are positive.

Was more interested in seeing which moves weren't just negative and gave me advantage but were actually punishable, which is more useful to me since that will make the opponent think twice about spamming them. Noted what can be punished by quicker and slower moves like the launcher.


loves Arcade Sticks
SEAM in 2 weeks

Daigo Mago Tokido Momochi Fuudo Kazunoko Bonchan Kichijojiken KOK Dashio Reiketsu Nemo Shiro Misse Matsuri Kawaguchi Gachikun Gonzales Eita Santarou
Poongko Infiltration
Gamerbee RB
Xian Gackt
Dakou Xiaohai
Big Bird

I got my money on Markman

I can probably bop most of the players attending the event.......

in MK.


Having a lot of fun dicking around in vf. It's too bad 6 is not happening soon. Eileen's face is kind of terrifying and the block sound drives me nuts.


About fuzzy defense


I know it's intimidating but it's a thing. Try telling new SF4 players they can OS offensively with chain vs link stuff or have to deal with 4 button tech etc. This is a type of OS theory that exists in almost every fighting game, so deal with it :v

It has been well documented several times over actually, it just hasn't quite entered the common use era.


Pretty much anything and everything is negative on block in VF. It's way easier to list the exceptions than the reverse.

The big thing is jabs are + on block, and usually moves with yells are also +

As for option selects, I really think when a game's option selects start getting too prevalent, it really makes the game a lot less fun. Then again I like my games to have big bets instead of everything constantly being safe.
I mean, I can play that way, and in VF I know how to make folks pay for OSing, but it's just not the way I like to play and I get bored fast.
Man I'm tired of having to create in USF4 since I keep getting matched up with these 2000+ PP players, but since custom is broken its all I can do.

Man this sucks.


Also, I do hang around and see the top Persona players doing stuff. They're working p hard atm to deal with Japan, BKen is basically playing 24/7 now and targettign things he wants to beat. The only real problem is heavy ass MUs or straight up god players bearing down on us.

We are certainly better off than the Xrd players I will say that.


Its that time again...


...this one is a slightly different take on last week's question. Last week was about the characters, and this week is about the players. Let the salt flow.


Justin Marvelous Wong obviously. Whenever he's on I am like...


The why is obvious... his defensive play and decision making are off the charts.

Don't really hate to watch anyone to be honest. Like yeah of course I would not rather watch bad players play on stream but I don't hate them for it.
Its that time again...


...this one is a slightly different take on last week's question. Last week was about the characters, and this week is about the players. Let the salt flow.

Marvel players I like to watch: Justin, FChamp, ChrisG, Clockwork, Full Schedule, Apologyman
Dislike: Sometimes Zero players are boring to watch, but not always

SF4 players I like to watch: Arturo, Smug, Sanford


About fuzzy defense


I know it's intimidating but it's a thing. Try telling new SF4 players they can OS offensively with chain vs link stuff or have to deal with 4 button tech etc. This is a type of OS theory that exists in almost every fighting game, so deal with it :v

It has been well documented several times over actually, it just hasn't quite entered the common use era.

Thanks for sharing this, I think Sol's recording is meant to start with 2S though. 2D is negative on block and by the time he run toward you, there's no point in doing 1 > 7 > 1 as you don't have throw invisibility anymore if he goes directly for the throw.

Running Wild

Neo Member
So glad Yatagarasu finally has an official release date on Steam. It's the only fighting game I've been looking forward to for the last 2 years or so.

Love seeing: SonicFox. Just because of how much salt he generates in people who have no clue what they're talking about.

Hate seeing: KBrad. His gameplay is really nothing spectacular but he somehow gets really far in brackets. I wanna see how good he is in a more honest game (but that's a pointless criticism i suppose).


Thanks for sharing this, I think Sol's recording is meant to start with 2S though. 2D is negative on block and by the time he run toward you, there's no point in doing 1 > 7 > 1 as you don't have throw invisibility anymore if he goes directly for the throw.

you do it on wake up after 2D knocks you down.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Had a really fun online session in VF5FS over the weekened, spending a few days with a tutorial while playing arcade mode really paid off. Felt way more in control and even nabbed some wins.

Played it during the day and didn't have problems finding matches, player matches seemed dead but ranked looked active, usually got matched with someone within seconds.

It's interesting how natural the gameplay feels once you have a basic idea of the flow of offence and defense. Feels like you can do well even if you stick to basics. Think I'm clicking with Jean as much as I am because he feels like an extension of Ryo from KOFXIII.

Was also surprising how spammable various moves seemed to me in actual matches but later while hitting practice mode to see the frame data showed how bad a lot of those moves are on block, most fully punishable. So the rule I guess is if a move seems good, especially on hit, then there is a good chance it's pretty punishable, even if they don't look like it visually. Looking forward to shutting these moves down next time.
I'm going to set up another room at some point this week and give you the honest business with lau - please save any replay of me using lau and when you watch it turn on the frame advantage display. i actually wish everyone I play with lau would do this because frames in VF CAN be deceptive and I use that to my (haha) advantage a lot,


Neo Member
Thanks for sharing this, I think Sol's recording is meant to start with 2S though. 2D is negative on block and by the time he run toward you, there's no point in doing 1 > 7 > 1 as you don't have throw invisibility anymore if he goes directly for the throw.
Pretty sure it assumes you get knocked down by the 2D, then he does the above as you wake up.



SF4: Daigo, Bon Chan, Tokido, Momochi, Kazunoko.

KOFXIII: KouKou, Kaoru, Tengawa, Bala, Misterio, Tokido, Reynald, Madkof.

VF5FS: Two Japanese Jean players, not sure what their names are but recognize them by their custom costumes.

I'm going to set up another room at some point this week and give you the honest business with lau - please save any replay of me using lau and when you watch it turn on the frame advantage display. i actually wish everyone I play with lau would do this because frames in VF CAN be deceptive and I use that to my (haha) advantage a lot,

Bully :p


Yo isn't there some way one of yall can give me xrd through like some method or some shit? I remember seeing yall talk about something like that before. (if I'm not supposed to ask something like this then pls ignore but I do remember yall talking about it) I aint tryna wait till the new one and mkx is dope and all but I can't take the meter in this game. It's just super armor city.

Oh snap I'm about to play BB.

The big thing is jabs are + on block, and usually moves with yells are also +

As for option selects, I really think when a game's option selects start getting too prevalent, it really makes the game a lot less fun. Then again I like my games to have big bets instead of everything constantly being safe.
I mean, I can play that way, and in VF I know how to make folks pay for OSing, but it's just not the way I like to play and I get bored fast.

jabs being the fastest attack and also plus on block is one of the best things in the game, imo. You can jab your opponent out of their autopilot offense even if you don't exactly understand what is going on

Most moves being negative on block and most lows being negative on hit make it a really accessible and forgiving system, and again I'm sort of surprised more people don't play the game.
Also, I do hang around and see the top Persona players doing stuff. They're working p hard atm to deal with Japan, BKen is basically playing 24/7 now and targettign things he wants to beat. The only real problem is heavy ass MUs or straight up god players bearing down on us.

We are certainly better off than the Xrd players I will say that.

bken is finishing up his thesis/dissertation. not sure he's playing a lot, but he's probably working on specific things.

I also dont dislike any player on stream. But in terms of love watching. It would have to be arturo, dieminion, tokido, xian, jwong, chris g. There's probably more


Yo isn't there some way one of yall can give me xrd through like some method or some shit? I remember seeing yall talk about something like that before. (if I'm not supposed to ask something like this then pls ignore but I do remember yall talking about it) I aint tryna wait till the new one and mkx is dope and all but I can't take the meter in this game. It's just super armor city.

Oh snap I'm about to play BB.

There's no method to give you GGXrd that doesn't involve you giving money to someone or something.


Trust me, he's playing a lot >_> very hard worker he is.

Also about wanting big bets over OSes, you make the big bet by calling out the OS with something that yields very high reward vs it and scares your opponent. Playing Narukami and running up and dead ass 2Bing somebody out of fuzzy jump and then killing them is pretty great.


Fok it I'm about play that mahvel baby, it's been a hot minute.

Yo my nigga smurf u still be playing?

It is some account shit but you will still probably have to give someone the money for giving you their account info.

Like 50 bucks or a lil something something for their trouble?


Also since I'm bored and talking about it, I should probably explain why we use the term "fuzzy" for all these OSes when most people just know it as some dumb type of mix up.

It's pretty simple actually, it comes form the old JP way of saying fuzzy guard for the VF OS. The idea is you do a defensive OS that hides multiple inputs behind perceived blockstun or a change in state (like throw tech state). You're left with something that has a different result whether you're A) in blockstun or B) not in blockstun or C) in that specific state you're OSing against

Delay crouch teching in SF4 is probably the most basic fuzzy type OS out there, we'd actually call it fuzzy mash. If you input downback LK+LP you get crouch short, but if you're in throw tech state you tech. You try to time this in a way so that you also hide it behind blockstun if your opponent decides to press a button. So now you've OSed against throw in throw tech state, you select block if your opponent does put you in blockstun, and outside of blockstun you get cr.LK (mash) to interrupt delays. Obviously the counter to this is for your opponent to leave a longer gap to catch the cr.LK, which yields a very high reward, but it leaves them open to quicker mash and reversal options.

So the question is why stop there? You can input a special move, a backdash, a focus attack(four button tech), or something different for when you're not in block/tech state to do. Since most games universally have some form of blockstun, this type OS will exist in pretty much every game, so it's good to have the theory down to apply to different games as you see them.

Note this doesn't require throw tech state, that's just by far the most common type. You can just layer it to deal with blockstun/not in blockstun to avoid certain situations, like in Xrd. The "fuzzy" part just means you're really masking it with blockstun.
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