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Fighting Games Weekly | June 8-14 | We played a lot of SG and VF for some reason


I'm being earnest! I want people to understand what I'm doing, otherwise I'm on autopilot and I greatly prefer making reads.

Was just kidding hehe, If we do play then make sure to spam away and abuse as per usual, I will be making note of moves that give me trouble to test in practice mode later for sure.


tagged by Blackace
mannnn I really hope Verendus speaks the truth
even if VF6 is the series' swan song I'll just be happy it exists. 5 is so old and I didn't play it until like 7 years after it came out. I'd like to be a part of a VF entry's entire lifespan.
But.. Verendus said there is no VF6, right?


Anne, reading your posts makes me realize it's probably time for me to hang up the arcade stick. Shit is so complicated. Interesting, but complicated. Anime is too deep, but xrd is so crap that it's deepness is buried beneath the shit. I guess Id be more for learning if it was for a game I love, but there hasn't been a fighting game in the last 10 years I really liked.


Anne, reading your posts makes me realize it's probably time for me to hang up the arcade stick. Shit is so complicated. Interesting, but complicated. Anime is too deep, but xrd is so crap that it's deepness is buried beneath the shit. I guess Id be more for learning if it was for a game I love, but there hasn't been a fighting game in the last 10 years I really liked.


If it makes you feel any better people have been doing stuff like this since the 90s, and the new age of sharing information just made it way more prevalent and develop further.
But.. Verendus said there is no VF6, right?
Only thing I remember him saying about VF6 was in a post near end of last year where he said a new Virtua Fighter was coming. Which was a month after version B of FS was announced so unless he was confusing it with that, I'm not sure.


A little bit more about fuzzy defense, I guess I'll talk about how to check and apply them when you're on offense.

It's pretty simple really, since fuzzy OS exists in Persona to a great extent, when I'm playing and get a turn on offense, my first thought isn't "shut down fuzzy OS", my thought is to check which option they're wanting to go with. Throw as a base mix up is pretty weak and leaves me with little information though, so I'll try to run a mix up that beats throw and OS without over commitment. With Narukami for example, I'll run something like 5A > delay 2B. Here are the results:

A) They mash and get hit. I know they're willing to mash now, and I've shown I'll stop it.
B) They upback and get hit. Now I can figure out that they might be fuzzy jumping, or empty upbacking to just try and get away. Either way now I know that's a possibility, and I've shown I'll stop it.
C) They DP and hit me out of it. Well fuck, but now I know they're willing to do that so I can bait or check it.
D) They block and I continue my string. I don't get a whole lot of information out of this, but I've shown them I'm aware of fuzzy jump and they need to think about it.

So, no matter what happens here, the end result is I've shown my opponent what options I'm aware of and trying to beat, and as a result other options are stronger. Basic FG 101, the only difference is I've treated fuzzy OS as another option to think about. I didn't need to see it and bust ass try and beat it right then and there, I just needed to show "hey, I can beat this". If they don't know about it, no harm done and I still establish the frame trap, if they do hey now they might reconsider how they do it and allow my throw to hit.

Against a really good player though, they might opt to try something like fuzzy roll next time that situation occurs though. I still need to look out for and check it so I might run something like 5a > j.A > j.2B which is higher commitment but catches both the roll and jump OS. It's just interesting because all it does is change my default mix up from throw to anti-throw OS or frame trap at first, then once it's established throw becomes good again. It's why you don't see throws out the gate in high level play of games very often, as a default it's bad because it loses to so many options, but once those options are checked then it works.
A bit of research and its more likely to premier VF6 at an arcade expo. The thing is that AOU was merged with some another event is now called JAEPO which is in February. So if there is a VF6 being developed Sega has some choices as to where to premiere the game.


The best Excellent Adventure in a while. For some reason, this was the first thing that I thought of when Aris said that:

So SEAM is going to be on ps3 it seems like. Players are going to have to juggle both system timings as CEO is on the 360 which is just a week after.
Just saw your post, Shouta. Will try and make time to call the hotel sometime this week.

The room is still open for one more person, as an FYI.


A bit of research and its more likely to premier VF6 at an arcade expo. The thing is that AOU was merged with some another event is now called JAEPO which is in February. So if there is a VF6 being developed Sega has some choices as to where to premiere the game.
I would ask why Sony would fund a game that was being released in arcades first, but then I remember the arrangement they have with Square/Team Ninja for Dissidia AC and that sort of arrangement (where Sony kicks in funding/support for development, and the IP holder gets to make money from the arcade release whereas Sony gets another exclusive down the line) would make tons of sense for a new VF -- but that would assume that Sega would be willing (and capable?) of doing it.


Slayer of Combofiends
Capcom doubling down with Other Ocean on that Mega Man 1-6 port, lmao.

I can't even...

LMAO @ Aris.

"We don't say shit like salty runback or godlike reactions while playing Tekken. It's a grown up game, we don't talk like that".

I loved the accent he put on when he said shit is so complicated in Tekken, they don't get amazed anymore. Instead they say "HM, SUPERB" lol

Its that time again...


...this one is a slightly different take on last week's question. Last week was about the characters, and this week is about the players. Let the salt flow.

I love watching Cloud. Justin too but now its just obvious what he's going to do 80% of the time...
go low
Can't say I hate seeing any players play cause once you have a good understanding of the game, you can't hate on it lol

So SEAM is going to be on ps3 it seems like. Players are going to have to juggle both system timings as CEO is on the 360 which is just a week after.



I would ask why Sony would fund a game that was being released in arcades first, but then I remember the arrangement they have with Square/Team Ninja for Dissidia AC and that sort of arrangement (where Sony kicks in funding/support for development, and the IP holder gets to make money from the arcade release whereas Sony gets another exclusive down the line) would make tons of sense for a new VF -- but that would assume that Sega would be willing (and capable?) of doing it.
Sega's making that mobile money. I'd rather they didn't.

I don't know why they went with the ps3 version. It would have made more sense to go with the 360. That is the version that everyone plays online in Asia. That is the version that EVO is going with and that is the version that will be played a week from SEAM at CEO. I predict a lot of dropped combos at either of those two tournaments.


Sega's making that mobile money. I'd rather they didn't.
Except that everyone (outside of Nintendo... for a few more months, anyway) in Japan is making that mobile money (or is trying to, at least). The only thing that I really wonder is why any of them bother with console development at all anymore. Even the few developers that make decent money from console/PC games in the west (like Bandai-Namco) have an ROI that pales in comparison to a mobile hit.
Its that time again...


...this one is a slightly different take on last week's question. Last week was about the characters, and this week is about the players. Let the salt flow.
I watch to learn, so I like seeing players that tend to bring new tech, or at least show tight and consistent play.


Slayer of Combofiends
I don't know why they went with the ps3 version. It would have made more sense to go with the 360. That is the version that everyone plays online in Asia. That is the version that EVO is going with and that is the version that will be played a week from SEAM at CEO. I predict a lot of dropped combos at either of those two tournaments.

Not trying to be the anarchist over here but maybe the players should vote against having the PS3 version by saying they won't attend. I'm assuming the players are pretty adamant about wanting to play on the 360 version. Plus this is money on the line... Seems pretty dumb for lag input to be the deciding factor when it comes to combos they do day in and day out in that crucial moment.
I love watching Cloud. Justin too but now its just obvious what he's going to do 80% of the time...
go low
Can't say I hate seeing any players play cause once you have a good understanding of the game, you can't hate on it lol

Justin plays his team with such finesse now that I love watching it. Who would have guessed Storm could be that cheap in Marvel 3?
I don't know why they went with the ps3 version. It would have made more sense to go with the 360. That is the version that everyone plays online in Asia. That is the version that EVO is going with and that is the version that will be played a week from SEAM at CEO. I predict a lot of dropped combos at either of those two tournaments.

My guess is that the tournament wants to run every game on the same console. Arcsys games are only on PS3.
Its that time again...


...this one is a slightly different take on last week's question. Last week was about the characters, and this week is about the players. Let the salt flow.

Love: MTK.Jerome, Misterio
Like: just high level play in general.
Yuck: People who pick horrid teams or order theirs in a crazy order.

Love: Sharp, clean play with some variety to it, especially with a space control character.
Like: Solid play in general.
Yuck: Press button into lottery, good players going to waste.

Love: Infiltration when he's focused and playing Akuma/Chun/Ryu, Sekiganryu when he's feeling sharp, Daigo (Evil Ryu), Momochi, Bonchan
Like: Usual laundry list of good players, special mention to Tokido, Gagapa, Valmaster.
Yuck: Certain characters, Infiltration messing around, NuckleDu picking Random Counterpick #73956 donating a game he could've won with Guile

Love: FAB, Karinchu (Sol, such violent, wow), Machabou (Sol), Rion, Ain
Like: Ogawa on point, Gazou, Nage, Isa, Kiisha when he's not fishing for the tenth stupid ground reset in a row
Yuck: Certain characters, Kiisha fishing for the tenth stupid ground reset in a row.

Other games I won't bother to list. Same damn trend. Play a neutral game character sharp and lively and chances are I'll love you.

Special mention:
Like: The Chairman


Its that time again...


...this one is a slightly different take on last week's question. Last week was about the characters, and this week is about the players. Let the salt flow.

Like: dieminion, poongko, non-decapre infiltration, tokido, bonchan, kazunoko, momochi, yung art, xian
i also like when players counterpick with unexpected characters like bonchan going for ryu and snake eyez switching to e ryu
Dislike: elena counterpickers, infiltration playing decapre, daigo's e ryu, rufus players, team eg in general, fuudo


Except that everyone (outside of Nintendo... for a few more months, anyway) in Japan is making that mobile money (or is trying to, at least). The only thing that I really wonder is why any of them bother with console development at all anymore. Even the few developers that make decent money from console/PC games in the west (like Bandai-Namco) have an ROI that pales in comparison to a mobile hit.

Because would be a short term decision. Why stop a stable revenue flow? They are making good profit on relatively safe titles and keeping their brand alive in console space.

If you want to go ALL IN on mobile and completely ignore consoles ( Kinda like what Sega has been doing). The day the mobile buzz starts dying down you cant just restructure your company and go back to being a console developer.

Consoles have survived for 3 decades and as much as people say they are going to die. Nothing really indicates that being true.


I love watching Justin's storm in marvel. Ditto for clackwerk's point Vergil. I hate watching fchamp unless it's against another marvel god. Otherwise his movement out classes everyone to the point of being boring.


If a new VF were in the works, how long would be the arcade to console gap be? Is Sega as notorious for long waits like other Japanese developers?
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