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Fighting Games Weekly | June 8-14 | We played a lot of SG and VF for some reason


Question about the Fighting Commander 4: It looks like it has R1/R1 buttons to the right of ABXY, but it still has four shoulder buttons. Does that mean the controller has two R1 and two R2 buttons?

Yes, and there's a switch to make two of the shouldr buttons function as R3/L3.

Capcom need to release the XBLA/PSN Fighting Games on XB1, PS4 and PC

Yes. Fuck. Yes.

I NEED a current gen CvS2 and Alpha Anthology w/ GGPO gameplay.
Regarding Yatagarasu's netcode:

Dudes. I play KOF. I know bad netcode like the back of my hand. Yatagarasu's current netcode is beyond reproach. Matches up to 300-ish ping are highly playable once you learn how to make it work and adjust it to your liking.

So stoked people will finally have their chance to try this game.


I took care of that for you already.

In the GC/PS2 era, we got a classic Mega man collection that had games 1-8. Now we are getting a new title with games 1-6, and it really should be 1-10 at this point. Pretty lame.

I don't disagree with that though. That's not disrepecting the fanbase or anything, just making a product less than it could be. I have the GC collections & play them on Dolphin so I'm good. That said, it appears the product goal was best possible preservation of the NES games; all that's up for debate and interpretation but it's not doing something horrible.


Question about the Fighting Commander 4: It looks like it has R1/R1 buttons to the right of ABXY, but it still has four shoulder buttons. Does that mean the controller has two R1 and two R2 buttons?

It can. There's a toggle to determine if you want that or not, as mentioned above.

What Juicebox is describing is precisely what UM netcode is to me- I know bad netcode from kaillera days. Juicebox just a youngun when it comes to bad netcode.
All this VF talk kinda makes me want to give it another chance. Where does one go for character tutorials? Not sure who i'd play. Maybe Pai or Sarah. Eileen? Is there like a simple overview of 'this character is good at A but bad at B' somewhere?

(I've played VF but it was a long time ago and.. not very competitive)

I'm kidna looking forward to Yatagarasu. I wanted to mess with the beta but the graphics are so messed up it's unplayable for some reason.


A short list of JPN players attending EVO for Xrd.

@hc0519: For Xrd, some names we have now (not all yet)
- Nage
- Ogawa
- Nakamura
- Woshige
- Jonio
- Koichi

This is not even half of the list

@hc0519: For Persona, we have
- Souji
- DIEchan
- Mui
- Okusan
- Domi
- Tahichi
- pet
- Damosu
- Shuuto
- Cho
- Aguro

and of course myself
All this really says is that due to the very nature of a fighting game the developers can never actually teach anyone how to play on a competitive level.

It also says that "putting effort into getting good" is a bullshit concept, because even "competitive" players only reach the point at which they are comfortable and then stop.

Fighting games are hard. That's my opinion. Wish they were more fun though.

I feel the same way. I think the issue is finding IRL people willing to play fighting games but I am transitioning to friends that have jobs/kids/not a lot of free time. I hope that KI shadow AI makes its way to SF and MK.

I am going to buy Yatagarasu and probably only play a bit. I feel like this year I broke the more money than time threshold.


All this VF talk kinda makes me want to give it another chance. Where does one go for character tutorials? Not sure who i'd play. Maybe Pai or Sarah. Eileen? Is there like a simple overview of 'this character is good at A but bad at B' somewhere?

(I've played VF but it was a long time ago and.. not very competitive)

Learning the game as well atm, here's an excellent tutorial regarding the general mechanics of the game:


And these are a bunch of really good tutorials from Sega themselves, they released them around the game's console port launch:


Aside from talking about the mechanics, they also talk about each character individually and recommend BnB moves to get you started.

Also check out VFDC, they have forums with lots of info for each character.
Learning the game as well atm, here's an excellent tutorial regarding the general mechanics of the game:


And these are a bunch of really good tutorials from Sega themselves, they released them around the game's console port launch:


Aside from talking about the mechanics, they also talk about each character individually and recommend BnB moves to get you started.

Also check out VFDC, they have forums with lots of info for each character.



It also says that "putting effort into getting good" is a bullshit concept, because even "competitive" players only reach the point at which they are comfortable and then stop.

I don't even see how these two concepts are related, let alone how your conclusion even follows from the premise. What does "good" even mean?

Fighting games are hard. That's my opinion. Wish they were more fun though.

They're not. You should doing things with your leisure time you don't enjoy, though. Doesn't sound very healthy.
While I don't think they aren't fun, I do think fighting game devs have lost their way on making things fun. I think what I like is probably way out of sync with most people here though. I like Smash Run afterall.

I honestly think we want too much out of FGs at times. We want them to teach things that are really hard to grasp for entry level people and things that's gonna take time and practice. Developers can help no doubt but there won't be this great change imo.

Azure J

Totally random tangent, has anyone heard from Satou on whether or not he'll be playing Xrd now that Johnny's in?


Looking more and more likely that I'll be going to both CEO and EVO this year. Who's all going to those events from here?
"Seriously, I played on 4.3 on a wireless connection that's shared with people who were probably watching Netflix. It was still good."

(4.3 is the old version of Yatagarasu, before the crowdfunding campaign was completed. The netcode is still unchanged from 4.3 up to today.)
I don't even see how these two concepts are related, let alone how your conclusion even follows from the premise. What does "good" even mean?

They're not.
Ok since you want to engage and this thread is already a hot mess, lets do this.

The two concepts are not related at all. In my opinion this demonstrates that competitive players are only concerned with beating whoever its is that falls within their narrow view. This is the root cause for stagnation, ignorance, lack of understanding, whatever other ills that can be heaped upon them whenever they lose after going up against more dedicated, knowledgeable, better players.

Now since you are always on about this grand philosophical idea that "playing games isn't hard, playing against other people is hard", please do explain to me what you define as non competitive playing of a fighting game and why it is so easy.

Edit: Because like seriously, fighting games are stupid on a purely mechanical level, like seriously, super dumb. Way harder than anything else is, and should be.


I honestly think we want too much out of FGs at times. We want them to teach things that are really hard to grasp for entry level people and things that's gonna take time and practice. Developers can help no doubt but there won't be this great change imo.

Like I said, my tastes are out of step, I want them to do things like they were doing in the PSX era, like Tobal 2's dungeon mode or Bushido Blade free roam. Fun stuff. Development right now is in the narrow end of a funnel.


The two concepts are not related at all. In my opinion this demonstrates that competitive players are only concerned with beating whoever its is that falls within their narrow view. This is the root cause for stagnation, ignorance, lack of understanding, whatever other ills that can be heaped upon them whenever they lose after going up against more dedicated, knowledgeable, better players.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

What "narrow view"? Even if this were true, how is this different from any game or sport?


Now since you are always on about this grand philosophical idea that "playing games isn't hard, playing against other people is hard",

No, it's not that "playing against other people is hard" it's "playing a game competitively" is hard.

If you're going to hold yourself to an arbitrary standard - anything in life can be a challenge. That challenge will come with it set of frustrating periods. Whether it be fitness goals, your career goals, school, sports, skipping rocks. Anything.

The real challenge in FGs is finding someone at your level to play with. FGs, conceptually, could not be more straightforward if you approach them with a humble mindset/are willing to seek people at your own skill level.


Messed around with the Yata beta a bit. Im probably gonna end up picking either Aja or alt-Juzu, not sure yet.

Juice, did you do a character primer on alt-Juzu or only regular Juzu?


If you're going to hold yourself to an arbitrary standard - anything in life can be a challenge. Whether it be fitness goals, your career goals, school, sports. Anything.

The real challenge in FGs is finding someone at your level to play with. FGs, conceptually, could not be more straightforward if you approach them with a humble mindset/are willing to seek people at your own skill level.
Straightforward is not the same as "not hard". You still didn't clarify that part.

I am sorry for misunderstanding your initial premise though.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

What "narrow view"? Even if this were true, how is this different from any game or sport?
Whoever else they play, online, locals, whatever. It's true for everything because its just human nature, why try if there is no reason.
Juice, did you do a character primer on alt-Juzu or only regular Juzu?

The old video is on regular Juzu only.

Here's the differences for alt-Juzu:

1) LP -> LP target combo is FAR more + on block and on hit, so the link LP -> LP, crHP is much easier (this is a 1f link for Regular Juzu)

2) qcb+P removed

3) alt-Juzu can "fake" dp+HP by holding the punch down. Regular Juzu cannot fake dp+P, but he has qcb+P which is pretty much the shoulder fake.

We usually refer to them as "Light Juzu" and "Dark Juzu" because of how the lettering appears in the character select.


Huh? Are you sure you aren't mistaking this for the old version?

AoC is the new one made via kickstarter funds and has new characters, moves etc. and improved netcode and will also get GGPO.

Yeah. It's still generic. And why the fuck isn't GGPO available on launch? Come on.
No, it's not that "playing against other people is hard" it's "playing a game competitively" is hard.

If you're going to hold yourself to an arbitrary standard - anything in life can be a challenge. Whether it be fitness goals, your career goals, school, sports. Anything.

The real challenge in FGs is finding someone at your level to play with.
FGs, conceptually, could not be more straightforward if you approach them with a humble mindset/are willing to seek people at your own skill level.

Man, I could not have said that better.

I thought PP/BP in concept is a good idea but maybe playstyle or other metrics might be needed to get better/competitive matchups.


OK. What's with the asymmetrical controller shape? Does that feel natural for playing fighters?

It's for people that use :claw." I hold it on the left and have my fingers over the buttons similar to the way I would using a stick. It's how I play all fighters on a pad, so the design is very comfortable to me.
Who's the Remy in yata?

There isn't a Guile-type character.

Hina is the only character with more than one charge move, and her gameplay could be described as "like Balrog, but letting go of charge more often".

Hanzo is a mixup character that has a charge command grab (charge down~up+P).
In fact, let me repost this. This is a summary of each of the characters in Yatagarasu's playstyles:



Straightforward is not the same as "not hard". You still didn't clarify that part.

I am sorry for misunderstanding your initial premise though.

Whoever else they play, online, locals, whatever. It's true for everything because its just human nature, why try if there is no reason.

So what's "hard" mean?

In terms of comprehensibility? A FG is only as incomprehensible as you want it to be. Just like anything else. Depleting your opponent's vitality bar via pressing buttons is about as straightforward as video games get.

The guys in the UMVC3 "Let's Play" video seemed to comprehend the game just fine.

In terms of execution? Again, it's only as hard to execute in FGs as you're willing to make it. Your execution level is defined by the standards you've set for yourself and that is defined by your personal goals regarding the game. That's the beauty of FGs. Just like a fitness venture (i.e.): you get out what you're willing to put in.

The guys in the UMVC3 "Let's Play" video seemed to execute their gameplay intentions just fine.

If you find yourself being frustrated by a particular challenge (such as becoming "good" at a FG) you either need persevere, revise your standards, or revise your goals.

Or quit the challenge all together.
It's for people that use :claw." I hold it on the left and have my fingers over the buttons similar to the way I would using a stick. It's how I play all fighters on a pad, so the design is very comfortable to me.

Hmm, the only game I ever played claw style was Tekken. I'm guessing you could also just hold the FC4 like it was a Saturn pad and hit the buttons with your thumb.


The old video is on regular Juzu only.

Here's the differences for alt-Juzu:

1) LP -> LP target combo is FAR more + on block and on hit, so the link LP -> LP, crHP is much easier (this is a 1f link for Regular Juzu)

2) qcb+P removed

3) alt-Juzu can "fake" dp+HP by holding the punch down. Regular Juzu cannot fake dp+P, but he has qcb+P which is pretty much the shoulder fake.

We usually refer to them as "Light Juzu" and "Dark Juzu" because of how the lettering appears in the character select.

Thanks! If those are the only changes to dark Juzu, isnt Light Juzu theoretically better if the player controlling him has perfect execution?

There isn't a Guile-type character.

Hina is the only character with more than one charge move, and her gameplay could be described as "like Balrog, but letting go of charge more often".

Hanzo is a mixup character that has a charge command grab (charge down~up+P).
In fact, let me repost this. This is a summary of each of the characters in Yatagarasu's playstyles:


hm, would you say Hina doesnt fall under the typical SF charge archetype of characters then? In terms of how reliant she is on charge is she closer in playstyle to say Mitsuru/Leona/Bishamon?


Yo, what the fuck were you guys on yesterday when I wasn't looking. Seriously. >=O

Anyway, update on sending Q to Evo, I've purchased Q's ticket and the one-way for Enigma, Q's friend that we sent with him last year. Enigma has something to do that week and is heading to somewhere else first before meeting up with Q in Vegas on Thursday so he only needed the money to fly back home to Fresno. We're basically set in regards to travel and registration.

All that's left is a power wheelchair for him to get around the venue. Beef, do you think you can call the hotel up and ask about that and how much it costs?

Whatever's left will go towards helping Beef with the hotel room and misc costs to help Q like food, gas money for the folks driving him back in Cali, and taxi/shuttle fare.



Nuki practicing some usf4 with Kojiro in preparation for Topanga Charity Cup and EVO.

Who is Kojiro anyway? He randomly followed me awhile back so I followed him but I'm not really sure who he is lol

Galileo: No, not to my knowledge
Dogura: He currently plays Sol (and had a mean Testament and Robo-Ky in the old games. Pray that neither of those characters get readded!)

Dogura's a Sol main currently but he's been heavily playing Sin a lot recently. I think he wanted to hit 1000 games with him before Evo.
Thanks! If those are the only changes to dark Juzu, isnt Light Juzu theoretically better if the player controlling him has perfect execution?

No, because LP->LP being better on block actually helps his close range game quite a lot, and it's arguable how useful Light Juzu's qcb+P followups are. Almost every japanese Juzu player prefers Dark because of the super easy link and better pressure.

hm, would you say Hina doesnt fall under the typical SF charge archetype of characters then? In terms of how reliant she is on charge is she closer in playstyle to say Mitsuru/Leona/Bishamon?

I would say that every character in Yata doesn't really fall under an SF archetype in practice, it just LOOKS like they do when you look at them or try out their special moves. And yes, she likes to charge temporarily at certain times in the match like Leona, but doesn't necessarily have to be defensive (like an SF character would).

Nyoro SF

I normally don't say Japan only Top 8 but that Persona list... I don't think there's a single American that can defeat Souji


LMAO @ Aris.

"We don't say shit like salty runback or godlike reactions while playing Tekken. It's a grown up game, we don't talk like that".
Was also surprising how spammable various moves seemed to me in actual matches but later while hitting practice mode to see the frame data showed how bad a lot of those moves are on block, most fully punishable. So the rule I guess is if a move seems good, especially on hit, then there is a good chance it's pretty punishable, even if they don't look like it visually. Looking forward to shutting these moves down next time.

Pretty much anything and everything is negative on block in VF. It's way easier to list the exceptions than the reverse.

A short list of JPN players attending EVO for Xrd.
@hc0519: For Xrd, some names we have now (not all yet)
- Nage
- Ogawa
- Nakamura
- Woshige
- Jonio
- Koichi

This is not even half of the list

RIP West.

I feel the same way. I think the issue is finding IRL people willing to play fighting games but I am transitioning to friends that have jobs/kids/not a lot of free time. I hope that KI shadow AI makes its way to SF and MK.

I am going to buy Yatagarasu and probably only play a bit. I feel like this year I broke the more money than time threshold.

I'd really go for older games - I find 2k2um and 3S for example to be a lot easier to get people into than anime and 13 - they look more normal, and the gameplay is simpler because you actually get good rewards off single hits, and are visually clean so you see what's going on. Won't work with people who have pixel allergy though.


I normally don't say Japan only Top 8 but that Persona list... I don't think there's a single American that can defeat Souji

If only brkrdave didn't hate Persona so he could beat Souji again :(

Edit: Or wait, am I remembering wrong? Was Souji at 2013 evo?

Oh wait, that's right, he couldn't make it to Evo that year or something. I think I was thinking of Tomo getting 0-2'ed to Bananaken.


I normally don't say Japan only Top 8 but that Persona list... I don't think there's a single American that can defeat Souji

Folks said the same thing about BB last year but we did get one American in so who knows, 1 American for Persona again!?
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