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Final Fantasy VII Remake is a multi-part series


FF7 is my favorite and I'm fine with this move. Sorry you're so down on the combat.

If Final Fantasy 7 is your favorite then it isn't for the gameplay if you're fine with this move. If you don't like Final Fantasy 7 for the gameplay then you could likely find another game to fill that void with gameplay you prefer and everything else included as well.


Purple Drazi
Clearly it isn't people who say it's their favorite game, because if it's their favorite game they wouldn't want the core gameplay mechanics so drastically altered.

Plenty of us are totally cool with the gameplay changes and cite this game as our favorite. We mean it. Our voices matter just as much as yours.
I'm not too worried about all this. Just don't release ff7 episode 1 for $60 then the next year episode 2 for another $60 and so on. Also no more than 5 parts hopefully. If episode 1 were to end at midgar like people are expecting that would be a horrible way to do it. Midgar is easily the most boring part of the game. Hopefully episode 1 is just disc 1 with episodes 2 and 3 being discs 2 and 3 with added content.


my hard graphic balls
Why are you guys willing to pay so much for an episode that is a fraction of the game?
Am I missing something? Episodic games these days cost $5-$10 per episode, why do you guys think it will be $60? Is an episode expected to be as big as a full game, like FF15?


Shoutout to @tokyofog for translating some of the parts of the interview.

Okay, I'm... back to being cautiously optimistic.


So much of this still rests in the execution. And how much/what kind of bloat they introduce. Like, if they create an added focus on the core characters such as Cloud and Barret and Tifa and Aeris, spending more time with them and hanging out in their world helping them solve problems, great.

If they immediately start venturing outside that scope with "Cloud is a
replicant and there are lots of clones and stuff!
" then that's terrible.


There, see folks? Nothing to worry about!

While all of that sounds fantastic, it still doesn't vanish my worries about the world not being fully explorable like in the original. The episodic nature worries me in the sense that they might remove the overworld exploration in favor of a more linear progression style, by using only the important scenes in the game.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that new info, but I also want to know if I would be able to walk from Midgar to Kalm myself.


Now the question is where does "part 1" end.
Part 1 - Midgar section, can explore around the city. Will be the shortest part but contains plenty of story/cutscenes.
Part 2 - Open world section+extra open world-y stuff and the story location after.


Gold Member
60 pages of faux outrage over incomplete information. You deserve this you all.
Not at all. There are still considerable concerns unaddressed, like what will happen to the world map and backtracking in this episodic model.


They should ask them about the world map and free exploration. Are those among the things that will be cutted replaced by others (like bigger towns with more buildings to explore and things like that)?

Of course if all the main aspects of the game are preserved and we get to play it earlier with multiple parts there is no problem.


Well, there's still a matter of how it will be priced.

There's a guy in here hoping that it'll be $180 for 3 episodes.
They charged $60 for a Type-0 port because it had demo. Unless they really go full piecemeal, I would expect no less than full price for each of these.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Quick stuff from interviews

-they made multi-release since they would have to cut stuff out if they made it in one game. The detail of the game will be so dense, and you will be able to go to various locations within Midgar that you couldn't go before.
-there will be some stuff that has to be cut, but there will be lots of stuff added. overall volume will be big
-They are working with various companies outside, including CC2
-The battle system is real-time, action feel. The degree of action will be "Dissidia > Kingdom Hearts> FF7 remake" It will be more tactical.
-Although it's action style, it has ATB as well.
-You can control other party members, but you can keep control one if you want
-3 party members at a time like the original

Ugh that battle system...

This isn't FF7. In a way I'm glad that they decided to go the episodic route, now I won't be tempted to play this wannabe FF7 game.


I am curious about the world map. I would be fine with anything that creates a sense of non-linear space between the major locations of the game. It doesn't have to be a classic scaled down over world (though that would look amazing - Ni No Kuni did a great job with this).
The worst part is that this is basically what several of us have been describing for a while in the thread lol.

Once the full thing is translated maybe a new thread with real info would be worth it.

Oh, definitely. Once the famitsu article comes out, this absolutely deserves a new thread, I would say.

Glad to see they're at least keeping the goofier moments too, aha.
It makes an awful hell of a lot of sense why Midgar looked so far along at PSX now. Obviously that is "episode 1" it'll likely end as soon as you leave Midgar
My thoughts exactly. And, for better or worse, I think that's a perfect place to end an episode since not even in the original could you go back to Midgar after leaving, so Square now doesn't have to think about backtracking from episode 2 to parts from episode 1.

I not that I want it, it's just that I think leaving Midgar will mark the end of ep1 for sure.


Still concerned about the overworld and airship. No way can they remove that.

I mean I hope they don't but they can lol. Hopefully there is a world map and if there is they have to figure out a means of travel for it. You don't get the highwind until later in the game. So I wonder if there will be a car or something once you leave Midgar.


Over the years this game has been on fan wishlists I (as long as 4 years ago) expected that the best, most profitable way for Square to pull this game off and have it look like the 2005 tech demo (which , honestly, that's what people wanted) would be to split it up.

The original title was 3 discs.

Disc 1 actually ran quite some time - it lasts all the way until the death of Aeris.

Disc 2 has the entirety of the game outside of the final dungeon

Disc 3 only exists to handle the colossal size of the final CG movie which took up 35% of the disc space.

These aren't the greatest stopping points and it probably doesn't split the game up into quite enough episodes to make the whole venture as profitable as they would like. Remember, remaking FF7 is the final ace in the hole, they have 1 shot at this and they need to make as much cash from it as possible. No other entry in the series is anywhere near as popular world wide nor has any single entry been more demanded for a next gen makeover than FF7.

Here is a quick recap of the events in ff7 , well the number of boss battles which is a good gauge of content in various sections of the game -

Midgaar - 9 boss fights before you leave
From there all the way to clearing the temple of the ancients - 9 boss fights
From there until Diamond Weapon (the last boss before Return to midgaar) - 8 boss fights
Remainder of the game - 8 more bosses

Optional bosses (pretty much just Wutai) - 5 bosses in wutai plus 3 WEAPON bosses

Now If I were to split the game up , I think you could pull off 4 main parts , include the first half of wutai in the second part and everything else in the optional section would simply be included in the last part.

Alternatively if they really wanted to milk us for all we're worth ? They could split Midgaar into 2 sections - everything up until sector 7 is dropped and everything until you escape from the city. Charge 14.99 for each piece. Then, once you get out of midgaar , the next portion of the game is expanded upon , perhaps with new bosses or a more elaborate flashback to nibelhiem. Something big anyway, this could go until you arrive at Junon , maybe even have the end point be when you sneak aboard the ship going to costa del sol. Part 4 would then go all the way up to Nibelheim , ending after the materia keeper boss fight. Part 5 Would let you play through until Aeris dies. Part 6 would then continue until you battle Ultima weapon and wake cloud up from his coma. Part 7 Would entail everything up until the return to midgaar. Part 8 would then allow the player to do all of the return to midgaar stuff followed by a good chunk of the original games extra content. Part 9 would have north cave in it's entirety as well as the rest of the bonus content. Golden saucer , chocobo breeding and perhaps some bonus dungeons , boss fights could be offered as optional DLC once all 9 parts are out.

They could also then split these parts into seasons - perhaps 3 of them ? Let everyone download a demo that has only the original bit with the scorpion tank boss for free and buying the rest of Episode 1 would cost 14.99. ala carte at 14.99 a pop after that OR buy a season pass for 29.99. A new episode could drop roughly every 4 months. The aforementioned DLC could be 4.99 a pop and maybe they sell about 4 of them, buy all of them for 14.99. Then, 1 year after everythings out , bring out the entire package tightened up into a single product for a normal price but maybe on PS5 ?

This means that , if they did split it up that much - you'd have a new portion to play 3 times a year but it would cost 105$ when it's all said and done.

If they (hopefully) split it into only 3 or 4 portions they could probably sell then for 24.99 a pop but you might be waiting almost a year between releases.

Certainly it would be great to have just 1 game instead of many but I think that would vastly narrow the scope down to FFXIII level dungeon and world design - no one wants that right ? This way they can maximize the visual potential.
While all of that sounds fantastic, it still doesn't vanish my worries about the world not being fully explorable like in the original. The episodic nature worries me in the sense that they might remove the overworld exploration in favor of a more linear progression style, by using only the important scenes in the game.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that new info, but I also want to know if I would be able to walk from Midgar to Kalm myself.

It's certainly possible given that they haven't said but I also don't think this has any bearing on whether airship and backtracking can be done, in the end the game is going to be installed so I imagine they could link the data somehow, old multi-disc games had to do this somehow.
If Final Fantasy 7 is your favorite then it isn't for the gameplay if you're fine with this move. If you don't like Final Fantasy 7 for the gameplay then you could likely find another game to fill that void with gameplay you prefer and everything else included as well.

If you love something you have to let it go-slightlymoreactioncombat
Not at all. There are still considerable concerns unadressed, like what will happen to the world map and backtracking in this episodic model.

Exactly. People shouldn't be claiming "All good!" yet.

A lot of this is reassuring but there is still a hell of a lot of missing information


While all of that sounds fantastic, it still doesn't vanish my worries about the world not being fully explorable like in the original. The episodic nature worries me in the sense that they might remove the overworld exploration in favor of a more linear progression style, by using only the important scenes in the game.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that new info, but I also want to know if I would be able to walk from Midgar to Kalm myself.

Honestly, that was my worry since day 1, even considering we would have the full game. The recent news hasn't changed much about "What will they do with the overworld". So that is still up in the air. I'm ready to compromise tho if the alternative is fun enough
Nah, the people that actually liked the game enough to want it remade would've liked the old battle system because they liked the old game or herald it as the next coming of Christ.

Changing that into something damn near unrecognizable to the original gameplay is a "who the fuck is excited for this" type move. Clearly it isn't people who say it's their favorite game, because if it's their favorite game they wouldn't want the core gameplay mechanics so drastically altered.
Thank you for speaking on my behalf but no.
Quick stuff from interviews

-they made multi-release since they would have to cut stuff out if they made it in one game. The detail of the game will be so dense, and you will be able to go to various locations within Midgar that you couldn't go before.
-there will be some stuff that has to be cut, but there will be lots of stuff added. overall volume will be big
-They are working with various companies outside, including CC2
-The battle system is real-time, action feel. The degree of action will be "Dissidia > Kingdom Hearts> FF7 remake" It will be more tactical.
-Although it's action style, it has ATB as well.
-You can control other party members, but you can keep control one if you want
-3 party members at a time like the original

So we'll have to wait and see:

  • How much content each part will have, and how long they'll be
  • How many parts itll be devided into
  • How much it'll cost
  • If it'll all feel like they covered the original properly and thoroughly.
Still doesn't explain what will they do with exploration and the overworld though.
That's my main concern from this vague press release.

While all of that sounds fantastic, it still doesn't vanish my worries about the world not being fully explorable like in the original. The episodic nature worries me in the sense that they might remove the overworld exploration in favor of a more linear progression style, by using only the important scenes in the game.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that new info, but I also want to know if I would be able to walk from Midgar to Kalm myself.

I'm sure they'll incorporate a good open world into this somehow. If they're splitting it into parts to add more content, I'm sure they'll make the exploration bits in each part to be the best that they can be.


Plenty of us are totally cool with the gameplay changes and cite this game as our favorite. We mean it. Our voices matter just as much as yours.

Then the point I made at the top of this page also applies to you. Also lol do you think Square Enix is reading this shit?

If you love something you have to let it go-slightlymoreactioncombat
Let it go to the shitter with this episodic content and new gameplay mechanics

Thank you for speaking on my behalf but no.
Find a new favorite game then, guess you hate the gameplay of the original and always wanted something different.
While all of that sounds fantastic, it still doesn't vanish my worries about the world not being fully explorable like in the original. The episodic nature worries me in the sense that they might remove the overworld exploration in favor of a more linear progression style, by using only the important scenes in the game.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that new info, but I also want to know if I would be able to walk from Midgar to Kalm myself.

I think the most likely thing is that you'll have a world map, but it won't be SEAMLESS, like you'll have to transition into the towns, which will have the vast majority of their respective 3D models and content. Then you could have the world map, but the towns that aren't included in the episodes the player already owns would just be inaccessible at that point.


Why are you guys willing to pay so much for an episode that is a fraction of the game?
Am I missing something? Episodic games these days cost $5-$10 per episode, why do you guys think it will be $60? Is an episode expected to be as big as a full game, like FF15?

I don't see a scenario where all of FF7 costs $60. And that's in US prices. Canada-Gaf is having to pay about $80 per game now.

If Square can get people buying multiple full-priced games for a remake, they'll do that.
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