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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Nothing wrong with rap music. If Meguro can do it for Persona then so can Hamauzu for FF, especially since there have already been lots of different music types used in FF since X.

Unless it sounds horrible :p

EDIT: And there was the world ends with you, which had a great soundtrack.
Kalnos said:
Yes, and they will announce the reason for the delay was a WiiU motion port.


I don't think so. Versus was confirmed for 2012 a far while back. If they wanted, they could have easily made an E3 trailer. I believe the reasons, though, are simple:

1.) The japanese VAs aren't even nailed down yet. In the recent gameplay trailer there were still cutscenes without VAs

2.) The game isn't confirmed for a stateside release, neither is type-0. FF13-2 strangely was confirmed stateside right away.

3.) The team making Versus is a completely different team to the one made by FF13-2. The Kingdom Hearts team is making Versus, and, as you would guess, we didn't see anything kingdom hearts related at E3.

4.) IF there is a wii-u motion port, they'll probably announce it at TGS, not E3.
Teknoman said:
Nothing wrong with rap music. If Meguro can do it for Persona then so can Hamauzu for FF, especially since there have already been lots of different music types used in FF since X.

Unless it sounds horrible :p

EDIT: And there was the world ends with you, which had a great soundtrack.
Fear not, nothing can be as horrible as the opening of FF X-2



Nora Kisaragi said:
I don't think so. Versus was confirmed for 2012 a far while back. If they wanted, they could have easily made an E3 trailer. I believe the reasons, though, are simple:

1.) The japanese VAs aren't even nailed down yet. In the recent gameplay trailer there were still cutscenes without VAs

2.) The game isn't confirmed for a stateside release, neither is type-0. FF13-2 strangely was confirmed stateside right away.

3.) The team making Versus is a completely different team to the one made by FF13-2. The Kingdom Hearts team is making Versus, and, as you would guess, we didn't see anything kingdom hearts related at E3.

4.) IF there is a wii-u motion port, they'll probably announce it at TGS, not E3.

While these are all good to point out, Kalnos' post was clearly a joke.


ULTROS! said:
Yeah, I can take the shame again.

Wanna bet Versus XIII for E3 2012? :p
By then you better hope you would stop losing, if not for your sake then for the sake of a game that's been in development hell for years.
CruxisMana said:
You mean amazing, right?

The decision to make Yuna a slutty singer celeb was the worst decision by any game maker in history. Yes, even worse than Kojima's decision to rapidly age Snake so he will no longer have to deal with MGS. Yuna went from being my favorite FF girl character to the worst. Anyway, I digress. Destroy us with the interview, Kagari!


malingenie said:
Great... this thread spoiled FFXIII's ending for me. Not that I ever was ever going to finish it, but still.
One of the most unsatisfying endings. Check out the FMV on youtube.
malingenie said:
Great... this thread spoiled FFXIII's ending for me. Not that I ever was ever going to finish it, but still.

...And you're mad about going into a a thread for a sequel to the game you had not finished yet and were spoiled?


RustyNails said:
The decision to make Yuna a slutty singer celeb was the worst decision by any game maker in history. Yes, even worse than Kojima's decision to rapidly age Snake so he will no longer have to deal with MGS. Yuna went from being my favorite FF girl character to the worst. Anyway, I digress. Destroy us with the interview, Kagari!
They didn't do that, though. The opening sequence to FF10-2 is Leblanc dressed like Yuna. And the concert later in the game was her channeling Lenne. She wasn't a celebrity singer. She was still famous for bringing the calm.

mm eyecandy when I play.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Aeana said:
They didn't do that, though. The opening sequence to FF10-2 is Leblanc dressed like Yuna. And the concert later in the game was her channeling Lenne. She wasn't a celebrity singer. She was still famous for bringing the calm.

But that doesn't explain why she turned into a gun-wielding, skimpy outfit-wearing girl from a seemingly down-to-earth and goody-two-shoes summoner. :p

Of course I didn't finish FFX-2, so I have no idea what happened before that or so.
Aeana said:
They didn't do that, though. The opening sequence to FF10-2 is Leblanc dressed like Yuna. And the concert later in the game was her channeling Lenne. She wasn't a celebrity singer. She was still famous for bringing the calm.
I dont remember any of this!


ULTROS! said:
But that doesn't explain why she turned into a gun-wielding, skimpy outfit-wearing girl from a seemingly down-to-earth and goody-two-shoes summoner. :p

Of course I didn't finish FFX-2, so I have no idea what happened before that or so.
I beat it but I barely remember the dumb plot. All I remember are the minigames.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
LiK said:
So you have faith again? Im not expecting much from the story.

*miladesn avatar quote*

Anyway, it looks interesting, but I was hoping for "seamless" cutscene-battle transitions like what FFXIII had (though not much).
RustyNails said:
I dont remember any of this!

The opening intro being Leblanc you find out during the intro sequence - it's how you get the Songstress Dressphere.

Lenne/Shuyin you don't find out about for quite a while into the game itself.

Yuna bringing the "Calm?" End of FFX, of which FFX-2 is a direct sequel, hence "-2".
Edvardelis said:
The opening intro being Leblanc you find out during the intro sequence - it's how you get the Songstress Dressphere.

Lenne/Shuyin you don't find out about for quite a while into the game itself.

Yuna bringing the "Calm?" End of FFX, of which FFX-2 is a direct sequel, hence "-2".
Nope. Still don't remember any of that despite finishing the game and watching the epilogue. Crappy story was crappy!


Crystal Bearer
Okay guys, I have to go out to the show now, but it'll be up today I promise. We're publishing parts of it in separate articles since there is some really great quotes there, and the whole thing all at once also.


Kagari said:
Okay guys, I have to go out to the show now, but it'll be up today I promise. We're publishing parts of it in separate articles since there is some really great quotes there, and the whole thing all at once also.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Kagari said:
Okay guys, I have to go out to the show now, but it'll be up today I promise. We're publishing parts of it in separate articles since there is some really great quotes there, and the whole thing all at once also.

Take your time to enjoy the show, Kagari.


Aeana said:
They didn't do that, though. The opening sequence to FF10-2 is Leblanc dressed like Yuna. And the concert later in the game was her channeling Lenne. She wasn't a celebrity singer. She was still famous for bringing the calm.

Can someone explain to me why does Leblanc looks like Yuna when using her dress grid? It doesn't make any sense to be honest. Dress spheres are supposed to be using memory from people to access their skills and well it's impossible for her to look like Yuna since the songstress sphere is based on Lenne's memory.

I love the battle system and job system (even if some jobs were horrible) of X-2 but Yuna's change of heart and attitude certainly didn't impress me.



famitsu interview, some parts here:
Anoop Gantayat said:
Regarding the line in the trailer about Lightning's death

Kitase said that he can't talk about this mysterious line about FFXIII's main character Lightning. He suggested that fans read the Episode i novella and imagine from there. Toriyama said that Lightning is the story's backbone, and dead or alive she'll appear in the game and you'll take control of her.

On why there are monsters in your battle party

One of the changes observed in the battle system is that monsters can now be part of your party. This is to allow for more strategic roll gameplay, said Toriyama. Each monster has specific rolls, and by grouping monsters together in different ways, players can create a more personalized experience. Kitase said that the the Paradigm Shift system gives the game the image of battling while switching your decks in a card game.

On the response from overseas press

Toriyama said players appear to be happy that gameplay areas from the original have changed. Kitase noted that in the current version, they're showing off the explorative elements and greater feeling of freedom. However, there are a lot of other elements that they currently cannot speak about.

On repeat play

Toriyama said that the game will have more yarikomi elements (I keep forgetting how to translate that damn word -- it's all the extra crap you can do in a game beyond the main quest). You'll be able to play the game multiple times. Famitsu asked if this means there will be a New Game + style feature, where you restart the game with your character fully buffed up from the previous playthrough. Toriyama responded that they hope to offer a different form of repeat play from this.

On multiple endings

FFXIII-2 will have multiple endings, a first for the series said Toriyama. Famitsu.com's interviewer was extremely shocked by this statement. One of the reasons for including a multi ending system, explained Toriyama, is that when it comes to the world view and serious story development, FFXIII-2 is similar to FFXIII, so they felt that they should show new elements in the gameplay area. He contrasted the changes to the switch from FFX to FFX-2, where the world view and battle system changed considerably.

On Multiple Bahamuts

An E3 trailer showed Lightning in a battle scene where she was riding her Odin summon and fighting against a Bahamut, Chaos Bahamut. Famitsu.com noted that Fang's summon is also Bahamut. Are these two Bahamuts different? Yes, responded Toriyama. The Chaos Bahamut is a slightly different existence from a summon.

On Serah's Summons

The Serah character does not have summons during battle, said Toriyama, but in its place she can have monsters join her party.

On the demo's location

Toriyama wouldn't identify the location of the demo area, but he did say that it's an important area in the game's story.

On the poster image in Famtisu's article

The poster image in Famitsu.com's article (shown below), which shows Serah and Lightning, was created by art director Isamu Kamikokuryou as part of a request for something different from FFXIII, owing to FFXIII-2 having a darker and more mysterious world. The theme Kamikokuryou used for the image is "surrealism." The image shown in the article will be a symbolic image for FFXIII-2, said Toriyama.
Is it March yet?

Seriously, I'm loving almost everything that's been said about this game so far, and it seems like they're adding a lot of cool new features.

The only sobering thing is Toriyama seeming to indicate there won't be a New Game Plus, but at least they're looking into ways to make repeat playthroughs worthwhile.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm loving EVERYTHING about this game right now... EVERYTHING.


badcrumble said:
Buh?? I mean, he DID direct Final Fantasy X-2, right? And he DOES remember that it has multiple endings, right?
I guess he means actual different endings, aka branching like you would have in Radiata Stories. I wouldn't trust either of them though, because it's in Toriyama's and Kitase's habits to exaggerate or give false info to different people.


miladesn said:
On multiple endings

FFXIII-2 will have multiple endings, a first for the series said Toriyama. Famitsu.com's interviewer was extremely shocked by this statement. One of the reasons for including a multi ending system, explained Toriyama, is that when it comes to the world view and serious story development, FFXIII-2 is similar to FFXIII, so they felt that they should show new elements in the gameplay area. He contrasted the changes to the switch from FFX to FFX-2, where the world view and battle system changed considerably.
Called it! And it's probably gonna be based on choices this time around.
dramatis said:
I guess he means actual different endings, aka branching like you would have in Radiata Stories. I wouldn't trust either of them though, because it's in Toriyama's and Kitase's habits to exaggerate or give false info to different people.

Didn't they also say Lightning was the first female FF protagonist sometime before XIII's release?

If they are gonna make choices that actually effect the story, I do hope they don't end up with contrived conveniences like that one part of Chrono Cross.
Lightning versus Bahamut footage was...... LEGEN - wait for it - DARY :O

but dammit, multiple endings? why whyyyy whyyyyyy!!!! every FF game should have only ONE TRUE ENDING -_-"

they had to have a way to ruin this for me ;_;
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