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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


The Xtortionist said:
So this IGN article claims the game has rap music? They bullshitting?
Wouldn't surprise me at all. FF13 already has vocal music, and FF10-2 had some hip hoppy music. Shouldn't be too bad. Plus just look at how well it worked for Persona 3.


The Xtortionist said:
So this IGN article claims the game has rap music? They bullshitting?

IGN said:
Familiar places: We played a mission where Serah and her new friend Noal return to the world of Cocoon.

New characters: During a mission to Cocoon, Serah is accompanied by a brown-haired soldier named Noal and a moogle named Mog.

ye gods, instead of dubstep how about some instrumental hiphop like DJ Shadow or god, house music like Kaskade.

NO dubstep in my final fantasy.
FTH said:
thanks baby

dat heavy rain
It's heavier rain than the game Heavy Rain actually had

re: Iwatodai dorm, stop making me hum the tracks in the game I have tried so hard to forget. I actually... still kind of like... that track

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
The Xtortionist said:
So this IGN article claims the game has rap music? They bullshitting?

I wouldn't be worried if Takeharu Ishimoto is composing those tracks. The World Ends with You's soundtrack was radical (is that word still used?).


ZephyrFate said:
It's heavier rain than the game Heavy Rain actually had

re: Iwatodai dorm, stop making me hum the tracks in the game I have tried so hard to forget. I actually... still kind of like... that track
haha yep, funny how that worked out

also Iwatodai dorm music, why did it have to be posteeeed! so good, makes me wanna replay P3P

I don't wanna feel like dah dah dah dah dah
FTH said:
haha yep, funny how that worked out

also Iwatodai dorm music, why did it have to be posteeeed! so good, makes me wanna replay P3P

I don't wanna feel like dah dah dah dah dah
My favorites tracks from that game are still Changing Seasons, one of the overworld tracks, Master of Shadow, the first boss theme, and of course the final one.

So I guess for how much I hated the vocals, some of them really grew on me.



this is a bit from their interview I think.

Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase told Eurogamer that fans demand top-of-the-line visuals from the core series, leaving them no choice but to restrict the franchise to high definition machines.

"If you're talking about the main Final Fantasy titles, one of the strong focuses of the series is cutting edge graphics. That's what people enjoy and that's what people associate Final Fantasy with," he insisted.

"In that sense I would like to assure our users of this top quality artistic visual achievement. To do that we have to stick with high definition consoles."

Kitase added that Square will continue to concentrate handheld development on franchise spin-offs, such as the Tactics or Crisis Core series.

"Though the main Final Fantasy franchise has always been with top definition consoles, Crisis Core, for example, has been very successful on PSP. So those smaller projects we'll consider for PSP2 or 3DS."



this part is from the private demo (not on showfloor), gamespot's impressions.

While that was the end of our hands-on, Square Enix showed us another section of the game, this time featuring XIII's heroine Lightning. The level opened with Lightning falling from the sky and landing on Odin, all while being chased by a very angry looking Bahamut. As Bahamut launched energy projectiles and vicious looking swipes at the fleeing Lightning, the camera swept across the scene, showcasing the beautiful ruins of a city in the stormy background. Lightning continued to fight off Bahamut from atop Odin, with her new suit of armour protecting her from attacks. We noticed that Lightning's health, attack power, and level were much higher than those of the characters we saw earlier. Square Enix told us that she starts the game with at a much higher level than the others--a concession to the fact that her heroic deeds saved the world in the last game, and as such she is already extremely powerful.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The Xtortionist said:
So this IGN article claims the game has rap music? They bullshitting?
I remember when it was shocking that FF had metal music in FFX.... or full on vocal chanting for the last boss in VII.... Pop and vocal songs were once unusual too. Now that stuff is predictable for FFs...

Rap is next.

Then Dubstep.

edit: what in the hell I was beaten to that exact comment. should read the whole thread :p

Einbroch said:
FFX had metal, FFX-2 had pop.

FFXIII had pop, FFXIII-2 has rap.

FFXVI will have rap, FFXVI-2 will have dubstep.



Siliconera's impressions from the closed demo, with pics, a bit more than gamespot.




Spencer said:
Even though everyone thinks Lightning is dead, she is a playable character in Final Fantasy XIII-2. Attendees didn’t see her on the show floor, but in a behind closed doors meeting Square Enix showed a fight between Lightning and Chaos Bahamut.

Before the battle, Lightning jumped on Odin. The camera panned to city ruins and Chaos Bahamut flew from the sky and into Lightning’s path. The camera continued to move during the battle where Lighting rode Odin while Chaos Bahamut lunged at her.

Lightning saved the world in Final Fantasy XIII, so she is not a level 1 character in Final Fantasy XIII-2. She retains powerful attacks, five selectable commands, and pelted Chaos Bahamut with thousands of points of damage. Compare that to Serah and newcomer Noel who scratch out a couple hundred HP per strike on weak enemies.

The battle galloped on until a cinematic action where Lightning jumped on a falling building and cut into Chaos Bahamut. Like other cinematic actions, players had to trigger quick time events.

Square Enix wouldn’t say anything else about where Lightning is other than promising a reveal at Tokyo Game Show.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is slated for a winter release in North America and Europe. Japan gets the game in December.


Crakatak187 said:
Why can't SE make a good looking Bahamut for once? All the Bahamut I've seen from them are ugly as shit.

FFIX Bahamut was my fave. Back when they still looked like dragons.

CruxisMana said:
Returning, hostile summons?

The Summons in XII and XIII all try to brutally murder you before joining.

Crakatak187 said:
Why can't SE make a good looking Bahamut for once? All the Bahamut I've seen from them are ugly as shit.

The XIII Eidolon designs in general are pretty meh.

At least Alexander is pretty awesome.

I just realized we should be getting new Eidolons for Noel and Serah, hopefully they aren't too funny.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
If rap, I hope it's J-rap.


Okay I can't lie, Squenix is making me very excited for this game as it seems like lots of things I had problems with in XIII that were missing or done poorly are being included and improved this time.

HD Towns, Talkable NPCs, Explorable Environments with Multiple Pathways, Moogles, Monster Switcing with Paradigm Shifts & Minigames.I'm so fucking there Day 1 as I enjoyed the gameplay and visuals of XIII, I just felt the supporting material wasn't there for me.


Fimbulvetr said:
I just realized we should be getting new Eidolons for Noel and Serah, hopefully they aren't too funny.
That's assuming they're going to become l'Cie...Unless, some other massively overlooked thing will roll in and give them the power to use magic and Eidolons.

...That's probably what's going to happen.
I don't want a rap soundtrack but the game is looking like it will be, at the very least, a good way to pass time until the real Final Fantasy launches.


Noel, from his cloths, looks like to be a Pulse native . He's probably already a l'cie and just woke up from crystal sleep.. that's what I think anyway.


miladesn said:
Noel, from his cloths, looks like to be a Pulse native . He's probably already a l'cie and just woke up from crystal sleep.. that's what I think anyway.
I hate his MC Hammer pants.

And there 's rap. It all makes sense.


I just hope they beef up the crystarium system and make summons a bit more useful. Those were my two biggest disappointments for XIII.
miladesn said:

Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase told Eurogamer that fans demand top-of-the-line visuals from the core series, leaving them no choice but to restrict the franchise to high definition machines.

"If you're talking about the main Final Fantasy titles, one of the strong focuses of the series is cutting edge graphics. That's what people enjoy and that's what people associate Final Fantasy with," he insisted.

"In that sense I would like to assure our users of this top quality artistic visual achievement. To do that we have to stick with high definition consoles."

Kitase added that Square will continue to concentrate handheld development on franchise spin-offs, such as the Tactics or Crisis Core series.

"Though the main Final Fantasy franchise has always been with top definition consoles, Crisis Core, for example, has been very successful on PSP. So those smaller projects we'll consider for PSP2 or 3DS."

this is a bit from their interview I think.

Thank you, Kitase.
Hopefully that will put to rest some of this "FFXV FOR 3DS!!~~!~!~!" I keep hearing from portable N-fans... at least for a little while. :p

Angry Fork

Not feeling this game at all right now. I loved FF13 but these characters look beyond stupid. I hated Snow's companions, I don't like that new noel guy or whatever his name is he looks like he bows down to Serah at every waking moment, and Serah is one of the worst characters ever in a video game.

Need me some Fang, Vanille, Snow hell even Hope so I could see someone I recognize.


So this year or not? At the end of the trailer it says early 2012. And from the updated info it says this winter? Thats not making any sense if Japan gets it in December. I guess January is still considered winter? Blah. I hate waiting.


RPGCrazied said:
So this year or not? At the end of the trailer it says early 2012. And from the updated info it says this winter? Thats not making any sense if Japan gets it in December. I guess January is still considered winter? Blah. I hate waiting.

Spring doesn't start until mid-March.


Crystal Bearer
M_Night said:
Looking forward to Kagari's interview with Kitase. Hopefully we get some new info.

You will. I'll go up today. Would have been sooner but I was up from 6 am to to 1 am last night.


RPGCrazied said:
So this year or not? At the end of the trailer it says early 2012. And from the updated info it says this winter? Thats not making any sense if Japan gets it in December. I guess January is still considered winter? Blah. I hate waiting.
Dec for Japan and most likely Jan or Feb for us, still counts as Winter.
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