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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Khrno said:
Mate, what does he care if you don't think XIII has the best job system, it's his opinion, don't go around trying to push your own opinion down other throats. There's better ways to word certain posts.

Rahxephon91 said:
Hey Hey! Well let's be honest. My post was pretty much the bolded here. I mean you just shouldn't take anything I say about FF seriously.

lol yeah it was just a reply to Rahxephon thinking XIII was the best. We all know everyone has their own favorite FF systems, but I didnt think it was inflammatory or anything. No harm meant.

I blame lack of avatars for this :p
hateradio said:
Let's not even go there. I think we all know the answer to that one.
Is the answer that FFVI sucks and people are riding on nostalgia with past FFs and refuse to realize that the stuff they dislike in XIII like melodrama and easy gameplay has been a part of the franchisee since the modern template of FF? I'm sure someone much smarter then me could push this case. I'm not though.

leadbelly said:
No. I think in terms of the actual pacing of the game, it was far, far worse than any FF game I've ever experienced.
Who you know what. No I'm sorry I doubt agree with this. I'm not talking about the story here either. After the first part of the game you basically have the main meat of the game. Then basically you get use to the characters, which I personally thought was fun. I mean you have the jobs and are introduced to how they work, what more do you really need?

I mean compare to FFVI, it's like ten hours of me selecting attack with little need to do anything else and few actual rpg elements. Was it fun? Yes it was.

Beth Cyra

Nice trailer.

Got to say I'm not happy that Lightning isn't the main character. I guess people knew this but I didn't so that sucks.

However Snow's absence seems very odd given how dedicated and in love with Serah he was.

Still loving Lightning's new Feather Skant and weapon though so I hope we see her a decent amount in the game.
TruePrime said:
However Snow's absence seems very odd given how dedicated and in love with Serah he was.

I'm sure there's some subplot about Snow going out to search for Lightning and then disappearing/getting kidnapped, which makes Serah all determined and somehow able to fight with some fucked up dual bladed weapon despite having little to no combat experience.


Rahxephon91 said:
No Snow is out training to raise his power level.
Actually, Snow is dead and Serah and Noel need to collect nine crystals to wish him back to life along with Lightning.


Rahxephon91 said:
Who you know what. No I'm sorry I doubt agree with this. I'm not talking about the story here either. After the first part of the game you basically have the main meat of the game. Then basically you get use to the characters, which I personally thought was fun. I mean you have the jobs and are introduced to how they work, what more do you really need?

I mean compare to FFVI, it's like ten hours of me selecting attack with little need to do anything else and few actual rpg elements. Was it fun? Yes it was.

You're being deliberately obtuse. :p

FFXIII's battle system was dumbed down pretty much compared to any FF battle system before it. To ease newcomers into the battle system they basically made it into a lengthy tutorial which lasted for a major part of the game. It is only when you reach Gran Pulse that it becomes open to you. other FF games it was far more open to you. You had more control over the battle system much earlier. Yes other FF games introduce new things as you progressed in the game, but the level of control over what you could do was greater than in FXIII earlier on.

In terms of actual pacing: Older FF games were much bigger, so yes they may have took time to reach a point where the battle system is more open to you, but then there was a much bigger game there.
jackdoe said:
Actually, Snow is dead and Serah and Noel need to collect nine crystals to wish him back to life along with Lightning.
You joke, but watch part of the plot be about collecting some sort of thing to free those two girls.

leadbelly said:
You're being deliberately obtuse. :p

FFXIII's battle system was dumbed down pretty much compared to any FF battle system before it. To ease newcomers into the battle system they basically made it into a lengthy tutorial which lasted for a major part of the game. It is only when you reach Gran Pulse that it becomes open to you. other FF games it was far more open to you. You had more control over the battle system much earlier. Yes other FF games introduce new things as you progressed in the game, but the level of control over what you could do was greater than in FXIII earlier on.
I don't actually believe any of this and you don't have to believe anything I say. I doubt believe XIII is at all dumbed down, not compared to past FF games. It's battles and party combination have a lot of depth. The problem is that the game hold's your hand far too much.

But as for the other part. I'm not sure whats wrong with having the game trying to ease it into it's battle system, so that you know it. Could they have done it in a better way? Possibly, but compared to the FF's in my memory right now it does an ok job. It eases you into the party and gives you a solid taste of the battle system before it opens up(though the game is almost over). That's kind of like FFXII, even though it dumps gambits on you. It spends most of the game throwing you scraps of it's gambit system as you progress. Or the already mentioned FFVI. Or FFVIII where it just seemed like here's this system, get use to it.




Rahxephon91 said:
You joke, but watch part of the plot be about collecting some sort of thing to free those two girls.
There will also be a part of the plot involving Serah rescuing Snow and saying something like "You saved me, now it's my turn to save you," or something equally cheesy.


Dark Schala said:
My thoughts exactly.

And the guy in the logo marries Lightning and they'll be a big happy family. :3

Or Lightning gets stuck in the past, marries the guy in the logo, and Noel is their son!


Fimbulvetr said:
He is brothers with the guy on the logo.

Calling it now.

Actually they're the same person from different timelines. He's trying not to meet himself from the future.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was


Rahxephon91 said:
The problem is that the game hold's your hand far too much.

Well, that is sort of what I am saying. The battle system does have some depth to it - the problem is you aren't allowed to use it to it's full potential until the last quarter of the game. There are simple things you can't do - like develop your players skills - until towards the end of the game.


Gonna take a heck of a lot for SE to convince me to buy after their recent output of either average or plain terrible games.


Wonder how much of pulse we'll get to see this time. FFXIII gave me the impression that not even a whole continent of the planet was explored by the group.


Crystal Bearer
RPGCrazied said:
well you played it. :p

how did it look?

Still seemed early... bad textures in place. The game was running at 720p though, PS3 version. Obviously they didn't have the Xbox one there. And yeah, the water in the game looks awful.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
Still seemed early... bad textures in place. The game was running at 720p though, PS3 version. Obviously they didn't have the Xbox one there. And yeah, the water in the game looks awful.

In other words, it doesn't look as good as FFXIII?


ULTROS! said:
In other words, it doesn't look as good as FFXIII?

This one is in speedy development, It should be looking better by release. It already looks better for the most part.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Rahxephon91 said:
Is the answer that FFVI sucks and people are riding on nostalgia with past FFs and refuse to realize that the stuff they dislike in XIII like melodrama and easy gameplay has been a part of the franchisee since the modern template of FF? I'm sure someone much smarter then me could push this case. I'm not though.

I played FFVI in 2006 so I'm not full of nostalgia. I was, however, nauseated after playing XIII. You truly do have pitiful taste. :|


Haha. I just realized that Noel and Serah are obvious Fang and Vanille analogues. I can't be the first to realize this?
hateradio said:
I played FFVI in 2006 so I'm not full of nostalgia. I was, however, nauseated after playing XIII. You truly do have pitiful taste. :|
Why because I like XIII and VI? Sorry can't help that. I sure hope I find out that you like some supposedly terrible game. Your not a Heavy Rain fan are you? But the truth is, I've been playing a lot of old FF games because of the recent release of 4 and well now I see a lot of these problems people have with 13 exist to a sometimes worse extent in these old games. And quite honestly I don't get what people want or expect from FF. I don't see how XIII is some offensively bad game in the series compared to other installments. Story? FFVIII and FFIV are pretty terrible. Ease of battle system? X is basically pick the corresponding character and the older games are pretty basic as well. Towns? Exploration? The older games may not be straight lines and when they are they hide it better, but it's not like they are some open worlds filled with mighty treasures and side quests. Most side quests are just extra monsters to attack and hell in 6's case a lot of the towns are boring and look the same. And it's not like these old FFs have fantastic dungeon design either. Character desgins? While nothing touches the desgins of VI and VIII it's not like XIII is at all terrible compared to the stuff in VII. Is it the leveling system? Look at XII it's leveling system might as well not exist. The license board is terrible and boring. Everyone will become the same, the only way for them no to is to gimp them yourself. Till this day VIII still makes no sense to me and I just become overpowered anyway. I just can't wrap my head around why XIII is considered so terrible when it shares many faults that it's peers have. Well I mean I get why some dislike it, but not why it's some terrible unforgivable installment.


computers putin' said:
well, this shit looks like shit. Depressing what kind of turn the FF series took.

Yeah after 13 and 14, it's like the sonic cycle transferred over to FF.
It seems like they're still trying to please both the skill/scoring system based action game fans and the RPGers who like their grinding, questing, and exploring. I don't think they can please both camps.
Rahxephon91 said:
Why because I like XIII and VI? Sorry can't help that. I sure hope I find out that you like some supposedly terrible game. Your not a Heavy Rain fan are you? But the truth is, I've been playing a lot of old FF games because of the recent release of 4 and well now I see a lot of these problems people have with 13 exist to a sometimes worse extent in these old games. And quite honestly I don't get what people want or expect from FF. I don't see how XIII is some offensively bad game in the series compared to other installments. Story? FFVIII and FFIV are pretty terrible. Ease of battle system? X is basically pick the corresponding character and the older games are pretty basic as well. Towns? Exploration? The older games may not be straight lines and when they are they hide it better, but it's not like they are some open worlds filled with mighty treasures and side quests. Most side quests are just extra monsters to attack and hell in 6's case a lot of the towns are boring and look the same. And it's not like these old FFs have fantastic dungeon design either. Character desgins? While nothing touches the desgins of VI and VIII it's not like XIII is at all terrible compared to the stuff in VII. Is it the leveling system? Look at XII it's leveling system might as well not exist. The license board is terrible and boring. Everyone will become the same, the only way for them no to is to gimp them yourself. Till this day VIII still makes no sense to me and I just become overpowered anyway. I just can't wrap my head around why XIII is considered so terrible when it shares many faults that it's peers have. Well I mean I get why some dislike it, but not why it's some terrible unforgivable installment.

I agree with everything in this post (well, I actually like FF8, but you do get seriously overpowered). It's exactly how I thought of the game too.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Rahxephon91 said:
Why because I like XIII and VI? Sorry can't help that. I sure hope I find out that you like some supposedly terrible game. Your not a Heavy Rain fan are you? But the truth is, I've been playing a lot of old FF games because of the recent release of 4 and well now I see a lot of these problems people have with 13 exist to a sometimes worse extent in these old games. And quite honestly I don't get what people want or expect from FF. I don't see how XIII is some offensively bad game in the series compared to other installments. Story? FFVIII and FFIV are pretty terrible. Ease of battle system? X is basically pick the corresponding character and the older games are pretty basic as well. Towns? Exploration? The older games may not be straight lines and when they are they hide it better, but it's not like they are some open worlds filled with mighty treasures and side quests. Most side quests are just extra monsters to attack and hell in 6's case a lot of the towns are boring and look the same. And it's not like these old FFs have fantastic dungeon design either. Character desgins? While nothing touches the desgins of VI and VIII it's not like XIII is at all terrible compared to the stuff in VII. Is it the leveling system? Look at XII it's leveling system might as well not exist. The license board is terrible and boring. Everyone will become the same, the only way for them no to is to gimp them yourself. Till this day VIII still makes no sense to me and I just become overpowered anyway. I just can't wrap my head around why XIII is considered so terrible when it shares many faults that it's peers have. Well I mean I get why some dislike it, but not why it's some terrible unforgivable installment.
Older FF games give you linear goals in open levels.

FFXIII gives you a literal linear level design. Hours and hours of a straight line. They don't even hide it.

Older FFs had "bad stories" in the sense that they were simplistic fantasy plays (IV) or teenage fantasy animes with insane plot twists (VIII).

FFXIII has a bad story in that scenes are only dramatic in the sense that characters say things angrily and dramatic music plays. The story does not earn these moments.. they're badly manufactured because the producers mandated "drama" be cobbled out of the random elements their artists had been generating blindly for years.

Old FF games had saturday morning cartoon villains.

FFXIII has villains that read like unsophisticated parodies of anime villains from people who hate anime. The villains motivations are tossed out in two or three lines that are borderline nonsensical even if you're invested with the attention of a fanboy.

FFXIII is different from the others... lacking a lot... that is so much a fact. Even my FF fanboy ass turned on it after a point, you may remember... I don't hate it. I still valued my time with that flawed game. But yes, the hate is justified. You shouldn't be surprised by it.
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