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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Kagari, your efforts are very much appreciated!

After the original game, I'm not going to let myself get hyped up for this, but I'm willing ot be surprised.

Mr_Moogle said:
With FFXIII, Square FAILED in so many key areas.

-Shitty story line. The setting was pretty good but there werent really any memorable villains and only half of the party were likable characters. All that stuff about FalCie, LCie was pretty tiring. Also the Jihl thing is just terrible writing and scenario.

Agreed entirely. So much potential with this setting, yet as I played through the game, again and again I felt like the writers had printed up some concept art and then given a group of 11-year-old boys free reign to write whatever story they liked.

"There are summons, but the summons transform into vehicles!"


"There's this big train flying over the mountains, and there are people riding it. The government says that they're being sent to Pulse,
but actually they're gonna be KILLED!"


"And I don't wanna get lost. Don't put any mazes in. Just paths."

"Yeah, and no 'game over'. If we lose a fight, we just start again right there."

I'm still amazed at how FFXII can appeal to such a broad age range in comparison to this game's juvenilia. Especially for the first game on a new platform, you know that the graphics (amazing as they might be today) aren't going to age well. If the story is a clunker too, where does that leave this game in the future? It won't be as fondly remembered as some of the previous entries, that's for sure.


Crystal Bearer
I'll be seeing the game again today in approximately 9 hours... hopefully a different demo as it's closed doors. Maybe they'll have Lightning gameplay or something.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
I'll be seeing the game again today in approximately 9 hours... hopefully a different demo as it's closed doors. Maybe they'll have Lightning gameplay or something.

Tell us if there are towns and NPCs. :p
Guys.... did the beloved Fanfare returned?

I still so pissed off they removed the Fanfare and the Prelude from FFXIII... a main FF game without these two tracks feels not completed to me :(
This is pretty much coming up to last chance saloon to get any burning questions to myself or Kagari for us to try and ask in the interview. You can drop 'em here, and we'll also be fairly regularly checking the two FF13-2 stories we posted last night (the screens and the podcast) right up until we head in to see them.

So tired. Holy crap. She seems to have far more energy than me, too. Think she might be a machine.
Probably been posted, but ask them if they're adding difficulty settings (Hard mode please) since they'll patch them soon for FF XIII.


ULTROS! said:
Tell us if there are towns and NPCs. :p
Towns can exist and that wouldn't change a thing. What's important is what you can do in those. We need answers God dammit!

And thanks Kagari for your efforts. The interesting bit in that podcast was how you can assign different monsters to each paradigm. This part from that teaser makes a lot more sense now:


Also, about the time travel thing, you could tell that Lightning was stuck in the past just by looking at those buildings in the background. Story is fucked... Like always.
The Praiseworthy said:
Guys.... did the beloved Fanfare returned?

I still so pissed off they removed the Fanfare and the Prelude from FFXIII... a main FF game without these two tracks feels not completed to me :(

I was actually surprised and saddened that Hamauzu didn't even attempt them. :(

I mean, even Sakimoto did his own renditions of those in FFXII.


Looks complete crap, useless towns like in FFXIII, worse music, worse characters...oh god.. but I have to buy it. Complete whore that I am.

Fimbulvetr said:
Temporal Anomalies?

Alternate Dimensions?

"another me"?

Is this secretly Chrono Cross 2?
I hope not because it that would make me sad, Chrono Cross deserves more than this.


Wazzim said:
Looks complete crap, useless towns like in FFXIII, worse music, worse characters...oh god.. but I have to buy it. Complete whore that I am.

I didn't think 13 was bad. The story was senseless, but I enjoyed the graphics/music/gameplay. I also bought the game for $20...so that factored in as well.

I usually measure my enjoyment against the cost of the game.
Wazzim said:
Looks complete crap, useless towns like in FFXIII, worse music, worse characters...oh god.. but I have to buy it. Complete whore that I am.
Well we can't really tell if the towns are useless quite yet. The music has not been revealed aside from a short 2 minute track in the trailer (which I personally thought held up very well to the quality of the XIII score). I'm not a big fan of the characters revealed so far either, but it's early days. Don't be so quick judge this, is all I'm saying.
Dunan said:
"There's this big train flying over the mountains, and there are people riding it. The government says that they're being sent to Pulse,
but actually they're gonna be KILLED!"


I'm still amazed at how FFXII can appeal to such a broad age range in comparison to this game's juvenilia. Especially for the first game on a new platform, you know that the graphics (amazing as they might be today) aren't going to age well. If the story is a clunker too, where does that leave this game in the future? It won't be as fondly remembered as some of the previous entries, that's for sure.
The story and storytelling was so bad that I didn't know what the hell was happening from start to finish.
APZonerunner said:
This is pretty much coming up to last chance saloon to get any burning questions to myself or Kagari for us to try and ask in the interview. You can drop 'em here, and we'll also be fairly regularly checking the two FF13-2 stories we posted last night (the screens and the podcast) right up until we head in to see them.

So tired. Holy crap. She seems to have far more energy than me, too. Think she might be a machine.
Please ask about whether it'll have New Game+ since that was such a popular feature in FFX-2 ;_;


CrankyJay said:
I didn't think 13 was bad. The story was senseless, but I enjoyed the graphics/music/gameplay. I also bought the game for $20...so that factored in as well.

I usually measure my enjoyment against the cost of the game.
Yeah well I payed €60 which is quite a bit more than $20 so that may be why I'm a bit more negative on 13. I agree on the graphics/music/gameplay (battle system) though.
Feeling at little bit of the Final Fantasy hype... About time I sit down and finish XIII

Anyway I'll post some questions here for Kagari's interview but I imagine others have already asked similar questions:

  • What was the team's inspiration for Noel? Was there a Cloud => Lightning style inspiration? Compare him to another character from games/books/etc... I'm curious to see what "type" of character he is. (Key word to look for: Matsuno)
  • Better villain this time? Do you think people will remember XIII-2's villain the way they remember 6 and 7?
  • Will the game offer anything for people who didn't play FFXIII or simply forgot most of it to catch them up?

Dunan said:
"Yeah, and no 'game over'. If we lose a fight, we just start again right there."

Hey now lets not lump this in with FFXIII's problems. Best decision this game made IMO


HamPster PamPster said:
Hey now lets not lump this in with FFXIII's problems. Best decision this game made IMO

I actually liked this decision too. But I know we're in the minority on that.


CrankyJay said:
I didn't think 13 was bad. The story was senseless, but I enjoyed the graphics/music/gameplay. I also bought the game for $20...so that factored in as well.

I usually measure my enjoyment against the cost of the game.
This applies to me too, which is probably one of the reasons why I dislike vanilla 13. It definitely wasn't worth $60, and I got import which is actually more expensive.

Since this one looks like more of the same with superficial improvements rather than substantial improvements, iit feels like it's definitely not a day 1 purchase. Which is sad, because sequels for this generation showed how core systems can be improved.


dramatis said:
This applies to me too, which is probably one of the reasons why I dislike vanilla 13. It definitely wasn't worth $60, and I got import which is actually more expensive.

Since this one looks like more of the same with superficial improvements rather than substantial improvements, iit feels like it's definitely not a day 1 purchase. Which is sad, because sequels for this generation showed how core systems can be improved.

I'll wait and see, but my backlog is so big at this point I usually wait for games to come down in price.


Neo Member
APZonerunner said:
This is pretty much coming up to last chance saloon to get any burning questions to myself or Kagari for us to try and ask in the interview. You can drop 'em here, and we'll also be fairly regularly checking the two FF13-2 stories we posted last night (the screens and the podcast) right up until we head in to see them.

So tired. Holy crap. She seems to have far more energy than me, too. Think she might be a machine.

I'm sure they'd be evasive about it, but please get in a question on whether there will be more playable characters than Noel, Serah, and Lightning (and the monsters :/ ) .


Judging by what I've been seeing and reading, this is not the sequel to XIII that even people who liked XIII wanted. It doesn't look like they listened to the fans at all, they've just added more useless crap.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
Jeels said:
Judging by what I've been seeing and reading, this is not the sequel to XIII that even people who liked XIII wanted. It doesn't look like they listened to the fans at all, they've just added more useless crap.
Let's see:
- It seems to have towns now;
- It seems to have more exploration now;
- It seems to have more interactivity with the world/ npcs, plus there's puzzles;

The people have been crying and crying and crying for all this since the original was released. How is it useless crap?


Grivenger said:
Let's see:
- It seems to have towns now;
- It seems to have more exploration now;
- It seems to have more interactivity with the world/ npcs, plus there's puzzles;

The people have been crying and crying and crying for all this since the original was released. How is it useless crap?

None of this is really confirmed. The only thing we know for sure is now you can press x to talk to NPCs instead of walk past them. If the towns are useless they are not any better than the towns in XIII.

All the demo impressions talk about how we still essentially have hallways.
Jeels said:
None of this is really confirmed. The only thing we know for sure is now you can press x to talk to NPCs instead of walk past them. If the towns are useless they are not any better than the towns in XIII.

So really just adding a shop and a few hidden treasure chests (along with interactive NPCs) makes a useful town?

Seems like a pretty easy fix to me.
Looking interesting. I ended up liking FFXIII, played through twice even. This despite how easy it is to tear apart objectively. And given that in the second (quick) playthrough I largely played as though I were Snow on a quest to save "my" fiance, I am very curious as to what the deal is with the character in the sequel.

The only character I didn't like for much of the game was mega-whiner Hope. They dragged that on far too long. And once Lightning stopped punching friendlies at will--primarily Snow (and Fang even calls her out on her behavior)--I liked her as primary lead.


APZonerunner said:
This is pretty much coming up to last chance saloon to get any burning questions to myself or Kagari for us to try and ask in the interview. You can drop 'em here, and we'll also be fairly regularly checking the two FF13-2 stories we posted last night (the screens and the podcast) right up until we head in to see them.

So tired. Holy crap. She seems to have far more energy than me, too. Think she might be a machine.

Nice podcast you two. Thanks for the media as well.

I'll repost my questions from this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=432241&page=3


- What are the chances that future FF games (Type-0, Versus) or S-E games in general will have simultaneous worldwide releases.

- Did they take any of the criticism directed at XIII to improve XIII-2? If yes then what was applied in XIII-2.

- Can they include multiple difficulty settings in XIII-2 and New game+?

- Length of the game compared to XIII. Also, how will the endgame content compare and is DLC a possibility?

- Dual audio for XIII-2.

- The chances of us getting a HD FF/KH collections. Also, it would be nice to point out that many international fans wish to play the International/Final Mix versions of the games. (dual audio as well!)

- What are their plans for the NGP? Are they looking to port any games to it? Can Crystal Tools run on it?

- Finally, VersusXIII's development progression, release estimate, when can we expect more info and media for the game.

Thanks, even if you can only squeeze one question on to your list!
Despera said:
Towns can exist and that wouldn't change a thing. What's important is what you can do in those. We need answers God dammit!

And thanks Kagari for your efforts. The interesting bit in that podcast was how you can assign different monsters to each paradigm. This part from that teaser makes a lot more sense now:


Also, about the time travel thing, you could tell that Lightning was stuck in the past just by looking at those buildings in the background. Story is fucked... Like always.
Yes, because we know SO much about FFXIII-2's plot already. Whatever dude. Hyperbole is stupid.


ZephyrFate said:
Yes, because we know SO much about FFXIII-2's plot already. Whatever dude. Hyperbole is stupid.
You're right. I should give them the benefit of the doubt because of how awesome the stories of their recent games were.

My bad.
Despera said:
You're right. I should give them the benefit of the doubt because of how awesome the stories of their recent games were.

My bad.
I know, right, because people can't change ideas or fix what was broken before. Game developers NEVER do that, EVER.

Oh wait, Square did! Numerous times!
From Joystiq:

As for XIII's other big complaint, the linearity, it's tough to tell from the short demo if Square Enix has really tackled that issue in the game's overworld (if, indeed, there even is one). But the demo starts in a sort of "town" area, with various guards hanging out that you can talk to and get information from. And the dungeon itself even tries to offer up some choice with what Square Enix is calling a "Live" event -- when Noel and Sarah finally find Atlas again, they're notified that another artifact has been found in the ruins, and given the choice of attacking Atlas right away, or going for the object first.

Unfortunately, attacking Atlas is a no go -- he kills the characters in one swipe, and you're forced to restart the game.


badcrumble said:
From Joystiq:


This sounds a little stupid as it is (though maybe this is a little different from other moments where you can choose your next action), but if there's a new game+ and you can come back to these encounters in a much more powerful state and alter the story, it'll be awesome.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is Atlas the same giant we get to see in the far distance as the party reaches Pulse?
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