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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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Whats this PS3-exclusive in Japan only bizsnatch? Are console companies just coming up with zannier adaptions of exclusivity deals? I mean, if you port it to 360, most of the work is already done.


Rayme said:
I really doubt that SE is going to put the final touches on FF13-PS3, send the disc off to presses, and then start unboxing their Xenon devkits.

Guessing that PS3 is their main platform, and when it's basically ready they'll focus on getting the 360 build polished up. Something like that, if the quote is accurate.

But the quote is that they will start 360 development after localisation of the PS3 version. So what made you come to that conclusion?

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Well, we dont know the details yet but I find it hard to believe that they will start to work on the 360 version TODAY...

The game has probably been under development for quite a while on 360...
Man, people must really be clinging to straws if they can read that the PC is the development lead and then turn around and say the 360 version is going to take months to create.
APZonerunner said:
Square have explained this. It will launch in Japan first. Exclusively on PS3.

They will then begin localization and porting at the same time. And it'll release in US/Europe on both consoles on the same day.

I still think it's poor form to leave Japanese 360 owners in the cold but eh.

Or...FFXIII 360: International? Hmm


Three weeks ago:

Kaz walks into the Square Enix's offices, sees an Xbox 360 dev kit.

Kaz: Hah, still working on those 2nd-tier franchises, huh? Well, you gotta fund the Final Fantasy projects somehow, right?

SE: Yeah...about that Kaz, we need to talk about something. E3 is coming up and we've got a few announcements to make.

Kaz: Yes, like FFXIII coming to PS3 exclusively!

SE: Well, that wouldn't be an announcement, since we already said that before. I guess this is both an announcement and a retraction.

Kaz: Wha...what do you mean?

SE: We're taking FFXIII to the 360.

Kaz spends the next minute letting his blood boil. He's not sure what to do, suddenly, over in lobby next to the some couches he notices a rack with People, Time, Newsweek, and other various magazines all available for reading. Immediately he knows what to do.

SE: No! NOT OUR RACK! Kaz, you...

Kaz shoves the rack with full force, and the magazines scatter as the rack skitters across the lobby. In a flash, Kaz is out the front door.

SE: So, who is going to pick this up? Didn't we hire a few more helper monkeys after that MS check came in? Get them on it.

el Diablo

BobsRevenge said:
It's not that it's difficult. Its that this game wears it's PS3 exclusivity on it's sleeve. It's almost like a badge. To port it over would seem almost shameful.

I would agree, but seriously do you think there's any loyalty out there? Hell you're in a thread about FFXIII on the XBOX 360 :lol.

The only 3rd party PS3 exclusive games i can see myself playing this gen are going to be niche games and JRPGs that developers just decide to do on the PS3. Basically stuff like what Atlus releases. EVERYTHING else is going to be multiplatform, like it was said before FFXIII was the one game that might have had a big enough name to not go multi but clearly that's not the case.


StormyTheRabbit said:
Oh for sure. Either way, I was more interested in Verses than 13 anyways,

So am I (so far anyway) but this is extremely hilarious. The damage control in this thread are off the scales. Anyway it's entertaining I guess.
fortified_concept said:
You doubt it? MS most probably moneyhatted so it's very very possible.

I don't doubt it anymore. But that's just because this is a Japanese gamedev. Konami has even managed to release ZOE2 more than half a year later in Europe than Japan.
Son of Godzilla said:
Man, people must really be clinging to straws if they can read that the PC is the development lead and then turn around and say the 360 version is going to take months to create.

I had no idea a PC version was being made. WOOT. And people say PC gaming is dead. I can play most games nowadays on it. Fallout, FF, Last Remnant, Mass Effect, etc etc.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Dali said:
Which still isn't out of the question.
It almost is. All this MGS4 talk is silly and I could've sworn there was an announcement made about talking about exclusive games becoming multiplat when there is no proof is bannable.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Jeff-DSA said:
Three weeks ago:

Kaz walks into the Square Enix's offices, sees an Xbox 360 dev kit.

Kaz: Hah, still working on those 2nd-tier franchises, huh? Well, you gotta fund the Final Fantasy projects somehow, right?

SE: Yeah...about that Kaz, we need to talk about something. E3 is coming up and we've got a few announcements to make.

Kaz: Yes, like FFXIII coming to PS3 exclusively!

SE: Well, that wouldn't be an announcement, since we already said that before. I guess this is both an announcement and a retraction.

Kaz: Wha...what do you mean?

SE: We're taking FFXIII to the 360.

Kaz spends the next minute letting his blood boil. He's not sure what to do, suddenly, over in lobby next to the some couches he notices a rack with People, Time, Newsweek, and other various magazines all available for reading. Immediately he knows what to do.

SE: No! NOT OUR RACK! Kaz, you...

Kaz shoves the rack with full force, and the magazines scatter as the rack skitters across the lobby. In a flash, Kaz is out the front door.

SE: So, who is going to pick this up? Didn't we hire a few more helper monkeys after that MS check came in? Get them on it.

:lol :lol :lol
I'm willing to bet Phil Harrison left shortly after becoming aware of this catastrophe of epic proportions.

Not even his sly english accent and superior linguistic skills could damage control this shit.


fortified_concept said:
You doubt it? MS most probably moneyhatted so it's very very possible.

And I still insist all this is Sony's fault. I mean c'mon it was fucking obvious MS was courting SE.
Yeah, Sony basically tried to rely on the promise of bringing the successor of the PS2 to the market alone. And it worked in the beginning, with lots of exclusives announced... But they've been losing them. And they will continue to lose them.

Sony has been too passive. If your product is failing in the marketplace, you need to aggressively court third parties to ensure exclusivity. It's not a god-given right. The success of the PS2 made Sony complacent in that regard, and they're paying dearly for that now.


BruceLeeRoy said:
So wait im confused..Is FFXIII coming out on PS3 and 360 at the same time or PS3 first and then 360 later?

Day and date in the US and Europe.

APZonerunner said:
Square have explained this. It will launch in Japan first. Exclusively on PS3.

They will then begin localization and porting at the same time. And it'll release in US/Europe on both consoles on the same day.


BruceLeeRoy said:
So wait im confused..Is FFXIII coming out on PS3 and 360 at the same time or PS3 first and then 360 later?
In Japan, FFXIII is releasing on the PS3.

In the US, FFXIII is releasing on the PS3 and 360 at the sametime, which is sometime after teh Japan release.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
BobsRevenge said:
That doesn't even make sense. Not every 360 even has a harddrive. Stop being silly.
Not to mention that most of the ones that do are 20GBers.


BruceLeeRoy said:
So wait im confused..Is FFXIII coming out on PS3 and 360 at the same time or PS3 first and then 360 later?

As far as I can tell, PS3 JP version first then possibly PS3/360 version in English together but not quite sure yet.
As the Joker would say...

"It's not about console sales, it's about sending a message."

People compare this to GTAIV and say, "Lol that didn't help the 360 console sales! Nice work MS!" Yeah, PS3 has been beating the 360 by minor margins the last couple of months with GTAIV out, but imagine what their sales would be like if the game WASN'T on the 360.

The same thing is going to be the case with the FF13 and the 360 in North America and Europe. Are people going to rush out to buy 360s with FF13? Maybe, maybe not. But it will give people the option of buying the 360 instead of the PS3 if they were going to buy FF13. THAT is the message MS wants to send. "Whatever is making you want a PS3? We're working hard to get that on the 360. Oh, and we have the awesome Xbox Live and we're cheaper."

MS is in pure competition with Sony at this point. I know they do some stuff with the casuals to fight off Nintendo, but make no mistake, this generation is about taking Sony's place in North America and Europe. They've got one of those down, they're working on the second. Once they have Sony's place in North America, then they'll be able to work on Nintendo.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
gregor7777 said:
I think for all your bluster in this thread, you're the one most hurt by this.

Good show.
What? I never speculated on any ports. I'm just saying that the speculative talk is uncalled for and anyone who actually played the game would know this.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
TheBranca18 said:
I never called you a name did I? I'm sorry, but my response was purely mind to fingers, I didn't tone it down because I was utterly confused.

Nah it's all good ;) I can see there's a real person over there, and even your initial post wasn't insulting...

I just thought that... this being GAF.... people could start to think that I was saying "FF sells everything cause it's the best game evar!!", and it almost seems like your post was in reaction to that perception, so I wanted to correct it.

TheBranca18 said:
This situation is entirely different in almost every circumstance. Although I'm sure Sony gave Square a crapload of money back in the day to get FFVII :D
It is different. Times have changed totally. I think it's just worth pointing out that Square's support MIGHT have completely given PlayStation 10+ golden years... so losing exclusivity could signify the end of that era.

Actually I don't know if Sony straight up moneyhatted Square back then. They might have... I don't know. But publically, Nintendo was such a bully back then that their high licensing fees and cost of cartridges would have amounted to a moneyhat if Square no longer had to pay those. They could keep most of the money their game made, and they could do that on Playstation.

And you're right that Saturn basically imploded. Maybe Sony found themselves in the right format at the right time... and without any negtive history behind them like Sega did. In either case I think we both have a point! Sony's overall model was best, and Square was the first big un to throw all their eggs in Sony's basket.

Funny how now Sony's model is the worst... hmmm..


soldat7 said:
With Tales, Star Ocean, Lost Odyssey, IU, Last Remnant, and now FFXIII coming (amongst others), the 360 has become THE JRPG console of choice. There is no argument that can refute that fact.
Oh, I agree. There is a JRPG push for the 360.

My argument is that they haven't really sold well.

What is LO's LTD? That's arguably the biggest JRPG for the 360, but did it even top 1M WW?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
:lol :lol

At the people crying about Ami when those same people love it when he kicks the shit out of the Wii in 5 threads a day.

God this E3 is already awesome.


sex vacation in Guam
:O wow

This is so huge its incredible. Of course I wouldnt dream of getting the game on the 360 but wow SQUAREENIX support on SONY platforms has been aweful for the past few years.


gofreak said:
I agree with the poster earlier that it's actually probably good for Nintendo, in that it's another example of the two HD consoles cancelling each other out on a franchise. By making it multiplatform, it dampens the impact either company can make on Nintendo using FF.

At the end of the day, the net result is that 360 has added one (big) game to its catalog, and nothing's changed on that front for PS3. I think very few current 360 owners would have bought a PS3 solely for FFXIII. There would have to be other reasons too, and that's still the case.

I don't see how multiplatform FF13 helps Nintendo's market share. So now you have people buying both 360 or PS3 for this game. If we are going by your assumption not many 360 owners will buy a PS3 for this game, then how would ps3 exclusivity damage Nintendo's market position?

Does it mean PS3 exclusive will move more HD consoles overall than a multiplatform release? Even if that was the case and people are buying a PS3 just for FF13, it still doesn't help Sony when the front-loaded beast dies down. I say overall the HD consoles are so far back on momentum that this doesn't matter. This doesn't alter Nintendo's demographic anymore than the HD twins' demographic. Now if this moved to the Wii it'd be a different story.


Bish loves my games!
How well do FF games sell in Europe/America versus Japan?

One thing is undeniable: this is great news for 360 owners.


12:50 - Bozon and I are here and waiting, enjoying the soothing music and pretty employees that helped us to our seats.

12:52 - Shinji Hashimoto, corporate executive and Yoshinori Kitase have taken the stage.

12:53: - Turns out the Q aand A is only about Final Fantasy XIII. Guess they knew we'd be all WTF after that Microsoft conference.

12:54 - First question: "Why move it to the 360?" The answer being that they looked at the hardware of both systems and decided to move it over to the 360.

12:58 - Someone asked if FF XIII means that other Final Fantasy and Square Enix games will come to the 360.

12:59 - The answer to that is... (double translated, sorry for the delay)

1:00 - For right now Square Enix says they are full with FF XIII and are focusing on that and haven't thought about other titles.

1:00 - How many discs will it be? TBD.

Hashimoto and Kitase

1:01 - They are "ready to start" developing FF XIII. So first they will complete the PS3 version in Japan, then start a localization for the US and Europe while they start development on the 360 version.

1:03 - The PS3 and the 360 versions will be released simultaneously in the US and Europe, but not Japan.

1:04 - I'm pretty hungry, I skipped free lunch to come to this and I'm pretty sure this small 75 person room can hear my stomach rumble.

1:05 - They said they will try to time the release date for US and Europe at the same time, and that they will "expedite" the process of localizing from Japan.

1:06 - I heard "Infinite Undiscovery" and "Exclusiv-o."

1:07 - And the translator confirms that, yes, Infinite Undiscovery is being developed exclusively for the 360, but they think they might at some point do it for PS3.

1:08 - Someone asked about exclusive content for either version of FF XIII. Square Enix said they have no intention of making the games different.

1:09 - Someone asked a question in Japanese. Showoff!

1:10 - The question was about the business direction for Square Enix and how the success of the 360 in Europe and America influenced the move from exclusivity.

1:12 - No motion control in FF XIII. Mega...ton?

1:13 - Final Fantasy Versus XIII has not been changed, so no word on if it's coming to 360.

1:15 - FF XIII is being developed using the Crystal Tools engine, which will be used for Versus, and the MMORPG.

1:18 - Hey Kitase, what American games are you influenced by? Mass Effect?

1:19 - No, says Kitase. I'm not.

1:20 - Reminding people that, hey, they've done multiplatform stuff using the Crystal Tools before. FF XI anyone?

1:22 - Bozon looks like he's going to fall asleep. Poor Bozon, no Wii news here!

1:23 - Somebody asked what the workload on localization was when using Crystal Tools. I think we're running low on interesting questions.

1:24 - Turns out the answer is "It's hard to explain, but we're doing it." To clarify (thanks cute clarification lady!) they're building it on a PC, for the PS3 then will be working on porting to 360.

1:26 - Bozon asked a question. He asked if they think one of the platforms will "dominate" sales. Silly Bozon.

1:27 - Square Enix doesn't know. Hashimoto says statements will be made after market research. (Cop out!)

1:31 - Can we expect a surprise announcement from Iwata at Nintendo's conference?

1:31 - Kitase says "I have no idea what Iwata will do next!"

1:31 - Erik Brudvig is here, asking questions about Xbox Live!

1:32 - Squeenix says it's TBD. (Second cop out).

1:35 - How will the gameplay of FFXIII differ from FFXII?

1:36 - The difference between 12 and 13 will be that overall the entire atmosphere and tempo are different. The direction is different. More flashy, more excitement.

1:37 - Hey guys, favorite Final Fantasy game?

1:38 - Hashimoto likes FFVII since he was so deeply involved with it.

1:39 - Kitase says "Me too!"

1:41 - Was the fighting in FF XIII inspired by the fighting sequences in Advent Children? Is there an effort to bring that experience to games, and is it turn based?

1:42 - Apparently Advent Children gave Kitase "stimulation." I'm going to guess something got lost in translation.

1:43 - The fighting will use a system called ATB. Details cannot be given on it.

1:43 - And that's it! It's over! See ya next time, kids!


el Diablo

h3ro said:
I've never seen the Internet lulled by the shock of an announcement like this before... its awesome.

You didn't see the Dragon Quest announcement for the DS? That was pretty big, alot worse than this. The one overwhelming feeling i'm getting from this thread is a sense of coming to grips for alot of people that the one game they thought could save the PS3 won't be saving it.

The PS3 is a person who has be diagnosed with cancer. It may go into remission and you may have some good times but you're never going to be what you were before this announcement and you're never going to live to your full potential heh.
stalker said:
At the same time on USA and Europe.

So are they finishing the PS3 version first and then working on the 360 version or have they been working
on them in tandem for a while?

Because I was getting the impression from the Q&A that they hadn't started the 360 version and if thats the
case does that mean FFXIII in 2020.


I really don't understand why people care if their game is exclusive to their system.

Why is the game only fun if people have to buy your system to play it? Why is only good if other people are suffering while you enjoy it?

You still get to play the game you wanted to play.

The 360 port is being done alongside the NA/EU localization. They haven't started it yet, except for some possible feasibility tests.
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