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Final Fantasy XV Hands-On Demo (Chapter 0-3) Previews

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Truly ahead of its time!

(I insist the next game should go back to the world map and ditch the idea of a western open world if these are gonna be the results)



It's obviously his mother's spirit

See, that's what I actually expected to see when I clicked!

I'm actually really into the original joke, to the point that I was disappointed because I wanted to laugh when it was dropped on me in-game. Now I'm disappointed it's not a thing, I guess! The name even fits!


You don't even get full control over your party. A car is the last thing we should be complaining about. My take is that it is for some people the car or any other vehicle should be fully controlled by the player. SE seems hell bent on automating everything in this game to appeal to people who don't like these games. While I don't know if it has the desired effect of luring in people who don't like these games I do know that the constant handholding and automation is driving me away from these games. If you would have got in an Airship in the old games and it would have just auto flown you to the next town I don't really think that would have been a great experience. In fact in games where the Airship was just a menu (FFX-2) there were nothing but complaints about it. Person who has few hours to play games might not be as bothered.

I don't really see this game pulling in a audience that wouldn't typically be interested in it, especially because the entire cast are a bunch of anime pretty boys.


I don't really get people complaining about the car. This is not GTAV or Forza Horizon, this is still a Final Fantasy and the car is less an integral gameplay element (like combat and exploration) and more of a game option to make gameplay more comfortable and accessible.
The implementation of the car is basically the necessary concession for making FFXV's world so vast (the map sizes are huge!). You need the car to get from one region to the other. For the more in detail exploration you have the chocobos...or you can always just go by foot.
Later in the game, when you need to revisit older areas or areas you couldn't reach yet, you'll be able to fly your car.
Last but not least, it imo makes perfect sense to only drive on the roads with the car (and that carefully). Not only is this a super expensive luxury car but also a memento of Noctis' father (we already learned that in the Platinum Demo). No sane person would speed with this car through the wilderness and drive over monsters. It would break my immersion.

Your perception of the car and how SE has presented it are completely at odds. It is integral to the game. It's a core part of the experience to the point it's front and center with Noctis and the party. It's a game about a road trip.


Your perception of the car and how SE has presented it are completely at odds. It is integral to the game. It's a core part of the experience to the point it's front and center with Noctis and the party. It's a game about a road trip.

I agree. To give my two cents, I don't think the car needs to be able to traverse all terrain or to be able to run over pedestrians, etc, but it sounds like there's not nearly enough player control over it. Even the small things sound like a hassle. That sucks for a game that makes the car sections one of its pillars. If the car sections are this bland, why not relegate them to a loading screen? Or skip them altogether?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I agree. To give my two cents, I don't think the car needs to be able to traverse all terrain or to be able to run over pedestrians, etc, but it sounds like there's not nearly enough player control over it. Even the small things sound like a hassle. That sucks for a game that makes the car sections one of its pillars. If the car sections are this bland, why not relegate them to a loading screen? Or skip them altogether?

I presume that the moments where you are riding in the car, panning the camera around to look at scenery, and listening to music, are kind of tranquil, and add to the "road trip" feeling. That's why you would feature them in the game. This is a series based around moments of beauty, after all.

But we'll see in a few months time.


I presume that the moments where you are riding in the car, panning the camera around to look at scenery, and listening to music, are kind of tranquil, and add to the "road trip" feeling. That's why you would feature them in the game. This is a series based around moments of beauty, after all.

But we'll see in a few months time.

Exactly. This is precisely the point. It's going to be glorious. :)
What makes the game great is if the developer manage to put all these things together in a package that really comes together. Not everything will be perfect, e.g the car driving doesn't sound like it is actually anything substantial even for the manual control. But if they can utilize this design in a way that is by no mean frustrating but actually enjoyable in the final game, then I don't see anything wrong with it.

Those who have seen the video gameplay can learn that Chocobos are given way earlier in the game and they can be called everywhere through the use of a chocobo whistle. Honestly the way we can ride Chocobos, they seem like ideal for off-road adventures, which is why I have no idea why are some of the posters suddenly having the urge to drive the car off-road or with more control for quests.

It was always shown as leading from one point to another along the way and the only time it radically changes is when we transform it into a flying car. The other thing here is that Car can also get some modifications because I am pretty sure we saw it during one of the gameplay. It remains to be seen what kind of modification the car can get, maybe something that will make it faster like Nitro or simple cosmetic changes.

That said, there will be fast travel in the game based on the leaks so it just looks like developers have decided to satisfy everyone.

- Car for those who want to go quickly from Point A to B while enjoying scenery.
- Chocobo for the hardcore fans who want to explore the open world
- Fast travel for those who want to avoid roaming the open world and just carry with the story


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What if I told you in 2006 that the year Versus/FFXV releases will have Square-Enix's best release be a Deus Ex game.
I presume that the moments where you are riding in the car, panning the camera around to look at scenery, and listening to music, are kind of tranquil, and add to the "road trip" feeling. That's why you would feature them in the game. This is a series based around moments of beauty, after all.

But we'll see in a few months time.
And my god this is exactly what I want.

I want the car to be that vehicle that I can sit in whilst listening to FF music looking at the scenery taking in conversation between the characters. That exemplied a 'road trip' to me. Being able to control the car and being able to mindlessly drive anywhere would take away from the beauty of not having that option.

The car is such a unique feature in this game. With the radio playin old ff sounds too! I can imagine myself later on just playing my fav songs and just asking it to drive wherever.

Chocobo riding to explore deeper is great. That will be really fun. This is all very exciting.

Guess my only concern with the car is not being able to ask Ignis to turn back at will


It all sounds wonderul to me. Diamonds in the rough can make for the most interesting games there are, like last year's Xenoblade Chronicles X, another gem that had rough spots, but ultimately was the best thing released in the entire year (to me of course). I also saw mention of Shenmue, which is another one of those games. No one in his right mind would call that game perfect, but its ambition and attention to detail is what makes it a very special game indeed. Here's hoping FFVX can reach those heights and stand proudly among them.
I'm the guy that wrote the preview with the stuff about how the car controls and the Shenmue comparisons.

So -- here's the thing -- I think the thing the car offers is as some GAFers picked up on above... that sense of travelling through the world, of locomotion. Panning the camera around with music running, etc. When the game is performing well and not throwing up a pig-ugly texture it's a wondrous feeling.

I think that the FF music isn't a great pick, honestly -- it's one of those things where I would've liked them to maybe license a score that seemed appropriate for Eos, or have licensed tracks that are covered in FF15-appropriate versions, ala Stand By Me. As it stands, on the radio in the hands-on we had the CDs for FF1, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. There were more CDs in shops.

Here's an important thing to note about this: As far as I could tell, each FF is limited to the contents of one CD, which is 7 tracks or something. The FFs with the most music are 11 and 14, because there's multiple CDs for those games covering the different versions/expansions. As far as I could see there was only one CD for each other FF, a 'greatest hits' style thing. Like FF7 has One Winged Angel etc, but you sadly won't be able to jam to, say, Barret's Theme or the background music from Wutai. It's possible that more could be unlocked later but I doubt it -- the FF7 CD for instance is just labeled as the FF7 CD, whereas the first FF14 CD is like 'Music from Final Fantasy XIV Disc 1 - there's no disc notation on the others in their names, so I assume it's one CD per game.

There's also some original instrumental music to make up some Eos radio too. There was an amazing dumb rock track with hefty guitar solos that I was quite into.

Anyway, back to the car: I really like the concept and the feeling behind the journey you take in it. Driving it is clunky and restrained though, and that's something I try to get across in my preview. The incident with the Iron Giant was particularly frustrating. By the back half of the hands-on I'd given up on manually driving since you're barely engaged when you do it - I just started putting it on auto pilot and used the drive time to scenery watch and make notes (not that many players will be making notes, ha).


That looked very akward to me in the gameplay video - them driving st nighy and then suddenly stopping to fight a giant in the middle of the road. I just thought "Why would I do this?"

That's unfortunate about the music selection.


That looked very akward to me in the gameplay video - them driving st nighy and then suddenly stopping to fight a giant in the middle of the road. I just thought "Why would I do this?"

That's unfortunate about the music selection.

It seemed to me that it was specifically to show that there could be things that happen during your travels that aren't necessarily scripted occurrences. At the same time to illustrate that you can also randomly run into enemies that are much more powerful than you may be at the time.


It seemed to me that it was specifically to show that there could be things that happen during your travels that aren't necessarily scripted occurrences. At the same time to illustrate that you can also randomly run into enemies that are much more powerful than you may be at the time.

Yeah, that makes sense. I just hope that's what it was and not that they stopped because they had to.


I'm the guy that wrote the preview with the stuff about how the car controls and the Shenmue comparisons.

Thanks for the write up. I was also initially excited about having the radio to play old tunes, but the Final Fantasy XV soundtrack is also shaping up to be fantastic so I hope they incorporate songs from the game, it sounds like a no brainier but I'm not sure if it's been confirmed. Also, the limited variety is a little off putting, but here's to hoping you may find even more tracks, hopefully not with DLC :X


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I'm the guy that wrote the preview with the stuff about how the car controls and the Shenmue comparisons.

So -- here's the thing -- I think the thing the car offers is as some GAFers picked up on above... that sense of travelling through the world, of locomotion. Panning the camera around with music running, etc. When the game is performing well and not throwing up a pig-ugly texture it's a wondrous feeling.

I think that the FF music isn't a great pick, honestly -- it's one of those things where I would've liked them to maybe license a score that seemed appropriate for Eos, or have licensed tracks that are covered in FF15-appropriate versions, ala Stand By Me. As it stands, on the radio in the hands-on we had the CDs for FF1, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. There were more CDs in shops.

Here's an important thing to note about this: As far as I could tell, each FF is limited to the contents of one CD, which is 7 tracks or something. The FFs with the most music are 11 and 14, because there's multiple CDs for those games covering the different versions/expansions. As far as I could see there was only one CD for each other FF, a 'greatest hits' style thing. Like FF7 has One Winged Angel etc, but you sadly won't be able to jam to, say, Barret's Theme or the background music from Wutai. It's possible that more could be unlocked later but I doubt it -- the FF7 CD for instance is just labeled as the FF7 CD, whereas the first FF14 CD is like 'Music from Final Fantasy XIV Disc 1 - there's no disc notation on the others in their names, so I assume it's one CD per game.

There's also some original instrumental music to make up some Eos radio too. There was an amazing dumb rock track with hefty guitar solos that I was quite into.

Anyway, back to the car: I really like the concept and the feeling behind the journey you take in it. Driving it is clunky and restrained though, and that's something I try to get across in my preview. The incident with the Iron Giant was particularly frustrating. By the back half of the hands-on I'd given up on manually driving since you're barely engaged when you do it - I just started putting it on auto pilot and used the drive time to scenery watch and make notes (not that many players will be making notes, ha).

It all sounds awesome to me. I didn't expect a GTA anyway.
I didn't know you could buy CDs. Cool to see them on stores and buy ahah


people who are bothered by the car...what do you want? Lets say you had "full" control...but was still restricted to the roads and virtually all you could do is go from point a to point b.....is that much of a change?

again it would be nice but at the end of the day, the idea is to cruise with the characters and listen to the interactions...that is legit the whole point, the whole vibe the game is going for. I am honestly surprised you even get to drive it really. Its open world but not, that has seemed to be the idea Tabata has been presenting for a while, no? The Car is a way to travel in between the connected zones...which until later, is rather restrictive to keep you on track. It is basically similar to FFVII's various modes of transport...didn't really open up until later.

This game was never going to be about go anywhere you want, anyway you can. It is still going to be rather linear the difference being in the various zones, there will be multiple things one can do at their own leisure.

I am seriously struglling to find why people are upset here. If it controls bad or is too slow and boring....sure. But as it stands, it sounds like a method of going for point to point with the option of getting out and doin shit if something along the way tickles your fancy. ...i.e a Roadtrip.; something with a start and an end but often sprinkled about the journey.

but I want to know what you guys thought it would be...because I am very confused.
Able to traverse without such restrictions has been the standard in open-world games since 2001. It's why anybody finding out about the driving is surprised by it. Doesn't matter where said series come from, when you create the same basic structure as the likes of GTA, that's the standard for those who play this genre a lot expect. Why have such a narrow view of what "The Road" is when you're creating a metaphorical sandbox in a virtual reality?

And what the reveal of FFXV showed us with the warping gave us the impression that we could be able to traverse anywhere we ever wanted to go. To push the boundries of next-gen and open-world.

Unless you're trying to say this open world is just a glorified World Map that the devs slaved years over. Because that would suck if that what it came down to.


that puzzling face
it's one of those things where I would've liked them to maybe license a score that seemed appropriate for Eos,

In my personal experience,
disclaimer: completely unrelated to this game
until the music industry gets over its inflated view of its place in the universe, where publishers talk to you like they're the second coming of Jesus here to bless the world with their content, licensing deals for popular music are a double edged sword.


Able to traverse without such restrictions has been the standard in open-world games since 2001. It's why anybody finding out about the driving is surprised by it. Doesn't matter where said series come from, when you create the same basic structure as the likes of GTA, that's the standard for those who play this genre a lot expect. Why have such a narrow view of what "The Road" is when you're creating a metaphorical sandbox in a virtual reality?

And what the reveal of FFXV showed us with the warping gave us the impression that we could be able to traverse anywhere we ever wanted to go. To push the boundries of next-gen and open-world.

Unless you're trying to say this open world is just a glorified World Map that the devs slaved years over. Because that would suck if that what it came down to.

I wonder why people expect to go off-roading in the regalia? You can't off-road in a car like that, you'd get stuck or fuck up your vehicle immediately. The game also don't present itself as a GTA either. With defined chapters and areas you visit, its much more of a "open world as background" in terms of relevance. You can still go anywhere on a chocobo, or on foot, or fly around later in the game. But this game isn't doing GTA or Witcher when its doing open world. Think more Mafia 2 (from what I've heard of that game) than GTA.


I wonder why people expect to go off-roading in the regalia? You can't off-road in a car like that, you'd get stuck or fuck up your vehicle immediately. The game also don't present itself as a GTA either. With defined chapters and areas you visit, its much more of a "open world as background" in terms of relevance. You can still go anywhere on a chocobo, or on foot, or fly around later in the game. But this game isn't doing GTA or Witcher when its doing open world. Think more Mafia 2 (from what I've heard of that game) than GTA.
And people argued Mafia 2 should have been a linear shooter then treat a world as nothing but highly expensive wallpaper.

Also: other games allow expensive cars to traverse in most off-road terrain and it being a fantasy world (or fiction), I'm not understanding why real-life wear would be a concern unless they were taking the "fantasy is reality" motto a bit too far.


Junior Member
I wonder why people expect to go off-roading in the regalia? You can't off-road in a car like that, you'd get stuck or fuck up your vehicle immediately. The game also don't present itself as a GTA either. With defined chapters and areas you visit, its much more of a "open world as background" in terms of relevance. You can still go anywhere on a chocobo, or on foot, or fly around later in the game. But this game isn't doing GTA or Witcher when its doing open world. Think more Mafia 2 (from what I've heard of that game) than GTA.

Which begs the question, why does FFXV need to have such a humongous open environment to begin with. Big for the sake of being big is what I'm concerned. I would generally prefer a more linear world if developer could not make a meaningful, big world map.


And people argued Mafia 2 should have been a linear shooter then treat a world as nothing but highly expensive wallpaper.

And I personally disagree with those people because we really shouldn't limit our open world design to things that would ruin the themes and feel of the overall game. If the game wants to have an open world to accent its themes and game-feel than so be it. Its basically what every other final fantasy has done (sans 11, 12, & 14/ARR)

Which begs the question, why does FFXV need to have such a humongous open environment to begin with. Big for the sake of being big is what I'm concerned. I would generally prefer a more linear world if developer could not make a meaningful, big world map.

I have a feeling its gonna be very "Final Fantasy" in this regard. Linear story experience, but you have an open world with side stuff to do and see. Honestly the car is really just a way to get to a location you haven't been using the road in a way that's quicker than your feet or a chocobo. Pretty sure quick travelling is in the game, so once you get to a local, you probably won't need to use the Regalia to go there.
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