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First baby born without a gender in Canada


Do you think trans people should be unable to change gender markers on birth certificates and driver's licenses because doctors might need to know in case of an emergency?
I'd say so. Even after gender re-assignment surgery sex at birth is medically relevant and might be needed by a medical professional to save one's life in the event of an emergency. It shouldn't have any bearing on one's gender identity but I recognise how this is a nuanced issue that can very negatively impact a transgendered person's mental health. Arguably though that information shouldn't be available outside medical professionals anyway so shouldn't really matter.

Using "Gender" in a health card meant for medical/biological purpose was the incorrect thing to do in the first place imo.
OP says the healthcard says 'sex'


Okay correct me if I am wrong here (really please) but isn't labeling sex kinda important for some medical stuff? Like I understand the idea of wanting them to decide their gender but I just thought that knowing the sex was needed in some cases?

If it is required for medical stuff I am pretty sure they will choose a doctor that can make a pretty fast diagnostics on which genital the kid has


I think it could be pretty freeing to be raised with no constraints or expectations regarding gender expression, but that would be unlikely to happen due to advertising.

Then that's fine. The point is that society (and this thread) can largely illustrate how bad we are when it comes to any sort of flexing of those muscles if something 'outside the norm' happens.

I mentioned earlier that I was bullied enough as a kid for just being a tomboy as a younger girl. Now I conform, maybe it was social pressure maybe it was my fashion senses maturing. :p But not all people will feel that way, and it's important that if some people don't fit rigidly to the "boy" mould or the "girl" form then that's perfectly okay.

Guy's wearing pink in the recent decade or so has been met with so much "spilt ink" for a darn colour choice or anytime a girl goes from long hair to a buzz cut, for instance. :p
Because WOAH those norms are being tampered.
I don't understand how people think you can raise a child to be a certain gender in the first place. I mean a baby doesn't care what color their room is, so giving a boy a blue or a pink room doesn't even matter. As a kid grows older, their interests will become more apparent and they will be able to tell the parents what kind of clothes, toys, movies they like etc. Although it is important to not conflate a child's interests with their gender. As they grow older still they will be able to decide what pronouns they want or if they want to change sex. Even if the parents are not supportive and force a child to do things they do not want to do, they will still know in their hearts what gender they are.

Ultimately the idea that the government needs to know the gender of people is pretty dumb since it is just a label and the biological sex is the only important thing.

EDIT: If they health card says sex then definitely put down the appropriate sex in case of medical emergencies. Especially because there are actual people who are born gender-less and it could be confusing.


They're doing this specifically for the child's well-being. Their "political leanings" (a phrase, I might add, that betrays an utter lack of respect for the subject) are a direct result of their own experiences as children.

They can say that all they want; only time will tell.

And I don't see this utter lack of respect, especially for a person whom neither of us knows.
How is this at all similar to "praying the illness" away? How is this hurting and endangering a child? Do you really think that if something was wrong, they wouldn't take the kid to a doctor? They're also doing all of this so that the child DOESN'T have the parents view pushed onto them.

From numerous posts in this thread, the sex of the child on their health card is used for various important, medically related things.


I feel sorry for the kid.

Why? They're a baby they probably don't care.

What's the matter?

From numerous posts in this thread, the sex of the child on their health card is used for various important things

What does a pre-schooler need to know about their sex organs???? By the first few years of school, I'm sure the path is pretty set if the kid ID's more as a boy or a girl, and hopefully the parents won't complicate the matter too much for them until the time comes (like in the very boring likelihood that a boy ID's with boy things and a girl with girly things — and that's okay!).
Again, for the occasional medical issue that might need it (most babes getting, what, colds or whatever) there's few medical conditions that are so detrimentally gender specific at a young age or that can't be determined by seeing what's going on down below with a quick view of what junk is under the trunk.

This is not a hill worth dying on. The bullying that kids get because they've been FORCED with boy and girl-labels defining their lives much more than what they actually felt on the inside and being ostracized by society for daring to step outside it.


I'd say so. Even after gender re-assignment surgery sex at birth is medically relevant and might be needed by a medical professional to save one's life in the event of an emergency. It shouldn't have any bearing on one's gender identity but I recognise how this is a nuanced issue that can very negatively impact a transgendered person's mental health. Arguably though that information shouldn't be available outside medical professionals anyway so shouldn't really matter.'

What kind of life saving emergency is someone's sex relevant though? I could understand going to a doctor with an issue and having to tell them, but I can't imagine a life saving scenario like that.


You could just let them grow up normally and not be bullied and confused at school so that you could pat your own back about how cool and liberal you are but what do I know.
Safe to say they don't care if their weird actions increases the chances of their child developing gender dysphoria or not.
What kind of life saving emergency is someone's sex relevant though? I could understand going to a doctor with an issue and having to tell them, but I can't imagine a life saving scenario like that.

The made up kind that has to exist for that argument to make sense.

I can't think of any common medical issues relevant to someone's sex before they go through puberty that the doctor literally couldn't find out in a 30 second examination.

I dunno. I'm not Canadian, but it seems like that sex is probably used when running tests and diagnosis whenever the child sees a doctor. It was presumptuous to compare it to parents trying to pray away illnesses, as they haven't actively endangered their child yet, and that I apologize for, but it seems similar in them trying to impose their views on their child.

Just like a person can be religious and still take normal medicine, having the child's biological sex (and yes, I'm aware of people who are intersex) listed doesn't prevent them from identifying as whatever gender they are.

But I'm not a transgender, so maybe having that match would be a big deal for them, and I don't realize that.

Astral Dog

My sister says its stupid if they teach you (at school) that you can chose your gender. She was like, very against it.


tag yourself i'm the lawyer who spells their name without capital letters

that's the most chill thing i've ever heard of


I'm waiting for the time they are going to look for visa to travel in different countries.

Sorry, you cannot get in, we only have male or female in our checkbox and it needs to match what is on your passport.
This baby is good to face an administration nightmare.


I welcome such a change, but I also feel bad for that kid and what they might have to endure growing up.

Just look at GAF responses and you can only imagine how the real world is gon' be for this child.


I feel sorry for the kid.

These parents are probably going to be disappointed when the child ends up wanting to be what they were born as.

You could just let them grow up normally and not be bullied and confused at school so that you could pat your own back about how cool and liberal you are but what do I know.
Safe to say they don't care if their weird actions increases the chances of their child developing gender dysphoria or not.
even the lawyer has her own crazy shit going on. That poor kid
Poor kid, wish they had different parents.
This thread needs to be renamed "reveal your transphobia here" at this point.


This thread needs to be renamed "reveal your transphobia here" at this point.

Being against this does not mean you are transphobic. I think most on GAF are fine when someone can recognize as a person that is able to think and communicate for themselves they want to be a certain way. We are dealing with a baby here where choices are being made for them. I also find this rather unnecessary and insane.


My sister says its stupid if they teach you (at school) that you can chose your gender. She was like, very against it.

Well I hope one day she will become more open minded. Fortunately they are teaching this stuff in schools more and more, starting at a young age. Those outraged in here will have to deal, as this will become the norm during their lifetime.
Then that's fine. The point is that society (and this thread) can largely illustrate how bad we are when it comes to any sort of flexing of those muscles if something 'outside the norm' happens.

I mentioned earlier that I was bullied enough as a kid for just being a tomboy as a younger girl. Now I conform, maybe it was social pressure maybe it was my fashion senses maturing. :p But not all people will feel that way, and it's important that if some people don't fit rigidly to the "boy" mould or the "girl" form then that's perfectly okay.

Guy's wearing pink in the recent decade or so has been met with so much "spilt ink" for a darn colour choice or anytime a girl goes from long hair to a buzz cut, for instance. :p
Because WOAH those norms are being tampered.
Agreed. I wish more parents would take this approach TBH. Gendered toys/clothes/colours are stupid.
Being against this does not mean you are transphobic. I think most on GAF are fine when someone can recognize as a person that is able to think and communicate for themselves they want to be a certain way. We are dealing with a baby here where choices are being made for them. I also find this rather unnecessary and insane.

lol literally every baby gets choices made for them come on

that's like the definition of being a baby

is that someone else makes your choices for you


And you know what is worst, a doctor choosing for you =O

A doctor identifying a baby's biological sex and "choosing" its gender are not the same thing. And the former would in no way effect how this parent decided to raise their child, given their apparent fervor for the subject.


I don't see what is so wrong with assuming that a kid's gender will correspond to their biological sex and raising them accordingly, since that will be the case 99% of the time.

Not forcing traditional gender roles on your child is not praiseworthy if instead you are just forcing your agenda on them and parading them around. That honestly borders on child abuse.

This is why the conservatives are winning.

Van Bur3n

You don't get to choose to not capitalize your name. The English language uses capital letters for names.

fuck off

Exactly so. I don't care about your deep "out of the norm" message you have behind it, your name is improper. Please, stop fucking up the English language, Miss Barbara Findlay.

As for the baby, tell me if it has a penis or a vagina and I will confirm it for you. Tis that simple.


If it is required for medical stuff I am pretty sure they will choose a doctor that can make a pretty fast diagnostics on which genital the kid has

As long as an overbearing parent doesn't then step in and criticise said doctor for treating the baby by what they'd medically diagnose them as. That's the line of debate for many in here, that this can be argued as a case of parents projecting onto a baby/child. It's not the hospital or doctors who want babies listed without their gender diagnosed, in this case, it's a parent with prior life experience wanting to make a decision and going as far to get a lawyer involved to make it so.

You could say it comes down to an emotional decision vs a best intended medical practitioners decision. For anyone who says "a doctor deciding is no different than a parent deciding". The doctor is influenced by science/biology and has no emotional attachment to the child.


OP says the healthcard says 'sex'

I see.
Well, isn't this incorrect then though and unnecessary? Sex has little or nothing to do with gender identity.

Even a genderless person would have a biological sex. Would someone from the LGBTQ community chime in on this? Because to the best of my knowledge I can't remember a case where a trans person has taken issue with labeling their biological sex, it's always been about gender.
They're doing this specifically for the child's well-being. Their "political leanings" (a phrase, I might add, that betrays an utter lack of respect for the subject) are a direct result of their own experiences as children.

The probability that the kid is cis is much higher than not. The probability that this kid will get a lot of shit in junior high because of their parents decision to make a statement is very high as well. Imagine the equivalent of this entire thread in the junior high locker room. This is just a selfish parenting decision.
This thread needs to be renamed "reveal your transphobia here" at this point.

You are joking right, you and a couple of others in here seem to be attacking anyone that has an opinion that does not align with your own. Transphobia has nothing to do with my comment and it just shows the level you are willing to dish out insults to prove your point. Its very sad.

My main reason for saying poor kid, is because before they can even say their first word, they are being used as genie pigs to push what i think is an agenda by their parents. If i'm right or wrong is not for you to decide.
The probability that the kid is cis is much higher than not. The probability that this kid will get a lot of shit in junior high because of their parents decision to make a statement is very high as well. Imagine the equivalent of this entire thread in the Junior high locker room. This is just a selfish parenting decision.

Do you think kids in junior high school compare their health cards or something? Is this a canadian thing? I've never shown someone my birth certificate.


You are joking right, you and a couple of other in here seem to e attacking anyone that has an opinion that does not align with your own. Transphobia has nothing to do with my comment and it just shows the level you are willing to dish out insults to prove your point. Its very sad.

My main reason for saying poor kid, is because before they can even say their first word, they are being used as genie pigs to push what i think is an agenda by their parents. If i'm right or wrong is not for you to decide.

The only "agenda" I'm seeing here is that the kid should be free to be who they want and not have the parents push them one way or the other. That doesn't seem like an inherently bad message, and I really don't see how you can call them bad parents for wanting to go along with that.
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