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First Diablo IV gameplay (PC, PS4, X1). Come share your opinions.

Looked like Diablo 3 engine with D2 art style and higher res assets. The shaders don't look much improved though, but I guess it makes sense given how they want to sell this to current gen console established customer base, and I wouldn't be suprised to see even a Switch port eventually. Still, as a PC gamer with a high end rig I'd like to see more advancement from such titles and not be held back by the base consoles.

Personally I hope this game would be more enjoyable for casual sp playthroughs like the first two games, but I guess it's a fools hope given how online centric the series has become. I just don't see any of the appeal of grinding for loot with minuscule chances over and over.


Gold Member
Just getting up to speed about this announcement.... watching Blizzcon stream right now.

The gameplay trailer looks awesome. No doubt, it'll be the usual button mashing mob blasting game, but the visuals........... FINALLY. A gritty looking Diablo game.

The last one that looks this natural and grim was Diablo 1 and its dark carverns.

The fat character that turns into a bear looks awesome.

Ivory Blood

Yeah, Diablo is the gem of this Blizzcon. Sadly it will take years to come out. I guess we'll have Elder Scrolls 6 by the time this ships.
The tone is great but I feels as though the game is still missing something. If I can get it on sale near launch I might try it, but this is the sort of game that won't be polished to a shining gem until the first expansion, which is when I'll truly dive in. Hitting level cap and beating the hardest difficulty a dozen times over was when I shelved D3 and I didn't come back for years.


It looks ok, seems to be lacking a bitt of oomph for me. I never thought there would be a day where I cannot get hyped by a new diablo game.


Runewords are back!
Not the way they were back in the day, it seems. At least based on what they said.
I hate these types of events where it's hard to track down all the information as it's spread throughout multiple days, trailers, interviews, Q&A's and whatnot. I want to know about the loot, endgame, new systems and such. The website barely gives any information
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Like many grew up on PC and Diablo 1/2 were pinnacles of PC gaming. I played the heck out of them.

Never got into Diablo 3.. I bought it but only played it for two days. Path of Exile is just better in every way.

Diablo 4 looks really good and is looking like a definite buy.


Gold Member
I'm in there on day 1 in 2025. Taking the grim style from Diablo II and making a "prettier" version of that already has me interested. We'll have to see how the rest of it pans out but right now it looks like Blizzard is doing everything right.
Looks like Diablo II artistically. A bit slow as others have said, maybe like it's more beat 'em up style than constant clickety click crowd control and kiting to accommodate console/action game users better (but obviously still have decent point & click controls on PC). They better have more classes added before launch, I like none of those and only 3 is laughable anyway. Overall it looks good but it doesn't look nearly as amazing as Lost Ark Online does when you first see it. They should have looked at that game if they wanted it more like a beat 'em up. Maybe Lost Ark Online is a horrible grind (I dunno) or worse artistically but overall even after all these years it's been showcased it still looks like next gen material in comparison when it comes to such ARPGs. Crazy skills, diversity, synergies, situational functionality tweaks and epic set pieces.

The fact that it's a Korean game is suspicious. May likely be pay-to-win.

BUT the gameplay looks a lot more fun than what's been shown by D4.
Was hoping for more of a graphical punch. Technically, looks about on par with D3. Hopefully an instance of "early version of game is early".
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