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Four Swords - Single Player Experience


I have been playing it all afternoon in single player mode and just wanted to let everyone who is on the fence about picking it up only for the single player game, to go buy it! It is really fun and feels just like playing "A link to the past".

The single player experience is very puzzle focused so far... At no time have I felt hampered by just playing it by myself (as I did in FF:CC).

As a side note, I am completely blown away by the graphics. This is the way to make a 2D game.



Those of us who played the JAP version got in early on a great single-player experience. It's hard to explain it to someone and have them believe you. Hopefully there will be more reports saying single-player is fun and the graphics are great. I can't imagine anyone not having fun with this game (unless they hate Zelda for some unhuman reason).


Single player is alright. Two-player is kinda fun. Three-player... Haven't done that yet.

Four-player is fantastic.


What's the best deal on the game this week?

Doesn't Circuit City give you a 10 dollar gift card?


Kumiko Nikaido said:
Fry's Electronics will be selling Zelda: Four Swords for $37.99, starting Wed.

Yeah, unfortunately I don't have a Fry's Electronics where I live. Damn you, East Coast.

I think Circuit City is my best bet. I'll go and buy LoZ:FS and use the gift card to get a 5 dollar Classic NES GBA game.


Going to play 3 player this afternoon after finals. I havent even tried singleplayer FFCC, I guess because there are always people at my house, and if you are going to play a multiplayer game, it will be played with multi-people.


waiting on player's choice..

i'd buy it for $30..

If it's because "it's 2-D," then I hate you. It's a beautiful game.

If it's because "it's not a real Zelda," I still hate you. It is a great part of a great series.

In short, this game rocks and is actually worth what you're paying for it...unlike most games these days.


AniHawk --

I hear some of the puzzles and stuff are different for single player...might be worth playing alone if you are a huge fan of the series. (From your other posts I've gathered you are.) I know I plan on playing it through alone and with others.
Yep, it's excellent in single player. I had a sp and mp game going at once. We finished it in mp first but I went back and played it through again in sp. It was damn fun as well, great game regardless of how many players are playing. Anyone who is a LttP fan should really check it out, they'll be in Zelda heaven.


I'm going to start wearing a shirt around informing people of the awesomeness that is single player 4swords. I'm not sure if Nintendo just hasn't done a good job at informing the public of the massive size of the game or what.

I encourage you to spread word about this game if you like it. The gamer inside of me wants to see a 2-D adventure game in this generation succeed. 3-D pisses me off more than it does entertain me. When's the last time someone bitched about a camera pre-Saturn/PSX.

Damn you polygons....DAMN YOU!!
fugimax said:
If it's because "it's 2-D," then I hate you. It's a beautiful game.

If it's because "it's not a real Zelda," I still hate you. It is a great part of a great series.

In short, this game rocks and is actually worth what you're paying for it...unlike most games these days.
it's because "wario ware gc was $30"


fugimax said:
AniHawk --

I hear some of the puzzles and stuff are different for single player...might be worth playing alone if you are a huge fan of the series. (From your other posts I've gathered you are.) I know I plan on playing it through alone and with others.

I'm POSITIVE that the single player and multiplayer puzzle are different. Example (SPOILER warning) :
World 5-1, Lost Wood
The Deku Scrub puzzle :
If you are playing single player, the portal show up automatically.
If you are playing two players, the portal show up when you put 3 Links on the switch (switch not showing up on the single player game), and have the red color Link (same color as portal) step into the Dark World.

I need help to get ALL 10 thieves. I get 9, and could not find the tenth.

Deku Tree


I refuse to buy a second GBA to play 4 Swords two player with my GF.
Hopefully the DS lets you use it as a second controller in 4 Swords and FF:CC,
then I'll finally buy FF:CC and play it with my GF. Otherwise, I have no friends with GBA's.

But in any case, single player 4 Swords is a blast. I'm loving it!
I'm still cautious. I enjoyed FFCC as a SP experience for about a week or so, before I got completely tired of it. And yet the Zelda whore inside of me is calling out to me saying "it'll be different this time, I swear".


I agree. FF was not well thought out in regards to accomdating all different setups. FSA works as well in singleplay as it does with multiple players.


RazzleDazzleRB said:
What is the story like? Is it totally different from Lttp? Is it related?

It's unrelated to LttP, but it borrows a lot of elements from Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past.

Thought it was a step down from the previous Zelda game, but on the flip side, I guess FSA's story adds more to its retro feel.

way more

AniHawk said:
Single player is alright. Two-player is kinda fun. Three-player... Haven't done that yet.

Four-player is fantastic.

Three-player is really fun, but it makes you wish you had a fourth.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wow, I've just started this myself...

I am really impressed with this so far! The gameplay rocks hard, the visuals are absolutely beautiful looking, and it plays extremely well in single player mode. I'm absolutely shocked here!

I would really love to play this in multiplayer mode, but alas...I don't meet the GBA requirement. Ah well, the single player mode is suprisingly great!!!!
Gave it a rental tonight. I thought the controls would be bordering on rocket science for SP, but it's actually quite an intuitive setup. Still deciding whether or not I'll be getting this. So far so good.


I've got a sealed copy of the game next to me, but I think I'm going to hold off until it's pretty reasonably priced used before I play the single player.
Finished it in a rental. It's basically a dungeon-only sequel to ALTTP. Also some of the GBA segments are a spinoff of TAOL's side-scrolling gameplay. The final battle was sweet as hell.
Best 2D Ganon so far?
I'll definitely be picking up a copy for my collection. Love the musical cues. Definitely looking forward to playing this 4p at some point. I could see where teamwork could help out in some situations, but overall it looked as though Nintendo was very careful in regards to single-player implementation.
dark10x said:
Wow, I've just started this myself...

I am really impressed with this so far! The gameplay rocks hard, the visuals are absolutely beautiful looking, and it plays extremely well in single player mode. I'm absolutely shocked here!

I would really love to play this in multiplayer mode, but alas...I don't meet the GBA requirement. Ah well, the single player mode is suprisingly great!!!!

Hell yeah. I'm loving it right now in single player as well! Very cleverly designed, fun game. Btw- it's too bad you can't play multiplayer. It's one of the best 4 player console games I've ever played. Words can't describe how high the fun factor goes in this mode...

eitherway though, this game is worth full price just for single player alone. All of you on the fence about single player mode need not be. The game is lengthy and awesome!
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