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Freedom Wars |OT| Vita's imprisonment for million years


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
How are the promotional events fairing? Are they well attended? Also I think there's been some merchandise (I seem to recall a Beatrice Nendoroid), do you know how those have been received?

Also, what's the general feel amongst the Japanese fanbase? I get that they've been soured, but do they generally feel there's a good game hampered by poor design choices or do they think it's fundamentally bad?

in short its referred to as "the shitty game" by the core gamers. so thag should give you an idea of what they think of it.

the only popular thing with the series is the propaganda idols.

no idea about the events since its not like they announce attendance numbers. game is too old as is so that folks who generally care and would show up are those who are still fans over new folks as information about the game is all over the place and easy to find.


So i remember glancing somewhere here that the last 3 mission are consecutive correct? I'm pretty sure i'm about to start them due to my next mission being the
beatrice rescue [/SPOILER ]and was wondering what i should prepare for going in. I definitely know i need to obtain the rights for the cpu to use level 7 gear as well as upgrading my weapons but is there anything else?


Neo Member
Anyone knows where to get Ruined Cable Ultra High Quality besides Retribution 100? Need it for a weapon upgrade.


Anyone knows where to get Ruined Cable Ultra High Quality besides Retribution 100? Need it for a weapon upgrade.

Retribution 100, 101 and 106. If you have any of these missions available you can "savescum" (upload/download or transfer your savefile) and redo the mission untill RNG shows kindness.


Retribution 100, 101 and 106. If you have any of these missions available you can "savescum" (upload/download or transfer your savefile) and redo the mission untill RNG shows kindness.

Retribution 100 is by far the shortest mission though; you don't have to savescum btw, just make sure you don't pass the final de-briefing screen if you didn't get the desired material. In other words, you can finish the mission - which should take you anywhere between ~40s and 2m30s - check harvest stuff, check what you got and close app if you didn't get Ultra High Cable. Restart and try again, should (even) be doable with full NPC team offline.

With the presence of the Percy statue getting the Retribution/s (100) you want has become even more trivial then before, making 'save scumming' them all but unnecessary and hopefully a thing of the past.


So i remember glancing somewhere here that the last 3 mission are consecutive correct? I'm pretty sure i'm about to start them due to my next mission being the
beatrice rescue
and was wondering what i should prepare for going in. I definitely know i need to obtain the rights for the cpu to use level 7 gear as well as upgrading my weapons but is there anything else?

Yes, they are consecutive. Other than what you already mentioned, I would suggest looking at a faq to see how to properly take down the final boss. Because not doing it properly in single player could mean setting yourself up for an unwinnable situation.


So I'm at CODE7 now and I'm starting to get quite suspicious about the weapon selection... Each category only has six or seven weapons in it at most. Do you end up being able to make or purchase any more weapons, or are you just limited to upgrading weapons for progression? It's not necessarily the stats or anything that worries me, but I'd quite like some more visual variety with my weaponry besides the palette swaps you get when you move to an advanced model. Maybe you get more equipment upon entering the endgame?


Use the shelter to your advantage.

Once the tentacles come out I'm screwed.

I can't find help online. It's as I feared, this section is total bull shit. I doubt I'll be able to finish this solo.

edit: lol.. nvm. beat it. The shelter trick worked.


Yeah I think I recall a few new weapon types after the final boss-- heavy melee stuff though I think, wasn't very interested, maybe there's more.

Once the tentacles come out I'm screwed.

I can't find help online. It's as I feared, this section is total bull shit. I doubt I'll be able to finish this solo.

edit: lol.. nvm. beat it. The shelter trick worked.

Yeah the shelter is pretty crazy. It's a shame, the boss fight would be really cool if the tentacles weren't completely insanely OP. They're basically OHKO high speed tanks. If they were more of a minor annoyance with low-ish HP that only became a threat when all were on the field at once it would be a more fun game of managing the chains and cutting off bits. Instead it's "cling to the abductor for dear life because everything is an OHKO and the chains are almost unkillable without exploiting the shelter"
It took me a while to get the game but I'm enjoying it now. Still on Code 6, haven't done any MP yet. The story is actually managing to hold my interest. I don't like fighting other sinners but fighting abductors is great.
I think this franchise has potential. A sequel on PS4 with much bigger abductors and destructible environments would be amazing.


Took five times to not get tentacle raped even using the shelter exploit to survive but i finally beat it after a couple of weeks of trying and even then it was dumb luck when the flash grenades spawned that saved my life. It's shame as other than the OP tentacles i enjoyed the final fights a lot.
So what now though?


There is some post game missions that you can do, though they pretty much require you to go online as they are pretty tough.

Also there is some sentence farming to do to unlock each one, which again is easier to do online.


New patch (1.22) came out earlier today, and of course the patch notes are useless.

But Japan got 1.23 last week, so maybe it's the same as our 1.22. Can any jp speakers help here? Google translate isn't helping much.

バージョン1.23 アップデート内容




New patch (1.22) came out earlier today, and of course the patch notes are useless.

But Japan got 1.23 last week, so maybe it's the same as our 1.22. Can any jp speakers help here? Google translate isn't helping much.


Google Translate:
Version 1.23 update content
I was corrected following problems .

In interpersonal volunteer , Fixed a bug of the decision of when you resuscitation using a thorn .

I'm finally under 800,000 years. Those Retribution missions with Contribution augments don't mess around. Anddo and I blew through the first 5 or so Retribution missions the other night. I barely have "spent" any special missions so I blew through 5 with him and two randoms and reduced my sentence sooooo fast.

What is the "best" weapon to use? I've been rolling with Barb's blaster but I can't seem to make any high level blasters even with my facilities all at 8...


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
New patch (1.22) came out earlier today, and of course the patch notes are useless.

But Japan got 1.23 last week, so maybe it's the same as our 1.22. Can any jp speakers help here? Google translate isn't helping much.


バージョン1.23 アップデート内容


They fixed an issue during vs other volunteers where when you use the ibara to revive someone and the problem occurs after revival.

Or something like that. Basically fixed an issue with the ibara revival system.


Thanks guys!

What is the "best" weapon to use? I've been rolling with Barb's blaster but I can't seem to make any high level blasters even with my facilities all at 8...

Well, a high level (8+) rarity 6-8 late bloomer growth rank 1 Barbara with the right mods (say, Power Up L+XL, Clip Size Up XL, Carry Ammo XL, Pod Damage XL and Stagger Damage Up XL) is broken as hell. Unload it to the pod and stunlock the abductor to death.
It's not that good against sinners and small robots, though. And don't forget to bring those ammo pack+.

Sera O

Aw, man. NPC sinner AI for missions has been iffy starting with code 6 discretionary ops, but it wasn't until fighting peltatum last night that it became a hilarious festival of shit. I didn't even realize what was happening until suddenly there were a bunch of chains turning the arena into a giant blender. From the tips I've read, it sounds like I should be bringing barbara into the fight to make my life easier.

I've found online for this game to be pretty slow - even finding someone with decent connection to play one mission with can take forever, so I've been trying to solo as much as possible. I haven't really tried any of the "special" missions yet - is it fair to say that most of these aren't possible solo?

Also, is there any in-game acknowledgment after reducing sentence to 0? I whittled my sentence down tons after a few nights of constantly checking facility output while watching movies, and getting a friend caught up on missions online. I'm code 7 atm but haven't seen any difference beyond the numbers disappearing.


Aw, man. NPC sinner AI for missions has been iffy starting with code 6 discretionary ops, but it wasn't until fighting peltatum last night that it became a hilarious festival of shit. I didn't even realize what was happening until suddenly there were a bunch of chains turning the arena into a giant blender. From the tips I've read, it sounds like I should be bringing barbara into the fight to make my life easier.

Easy Blaster is good, but it takes a heck of a lot of work (and unfortunately luck) to get it to be quite SUPER broken. Might as well start any time I guess, but the thing I would do in that fight is chop the backside bits off like crazy, set your AI to prioritize healing, then when things get too hot you hide in that covered shelter and waste all the chains. They won't enter the shelter, but they can still attack. It's the safest way to take care of them even if it isn't foolproof.

Then once the chains are down, cut off 2-3 more of the bits of the boss, try to avoid killing the chains too often as they just respawn if you don't finish off the legs.

It's a real shame, it's a cool fight idea but the chains are way too OP and your AI buddies are a bit too stupid. It's extremely frustrating that they refuse to heal your accessory or use the vine to heal.

Sera O

Easy Blaster is good, but it takes a heck of a lot of work (and unfortunately luck) to get it to be quite SUPER broken. Might as well start any time I guess, but the thing I would do in that fight is chop the backside bits off like crazy, set your AI to prioritize healing, then when things get too hot you hide in that covered shelter and waste all the chains. They won't enter the shelter, but they can still attack. It's the safest way to take care of them even if it isn't foolproof.

Then once the chains are down, cut off 2-3 more of the bits of the boss, try to avoid killing the chains too often as they just respawn if you don't finish off the legs.

It's a real shame, it's a cool fight idea but the chains are way too OP and your AI buddies are a bit too stupid. It's extremely frustrating that they refuse to heal your accessory or use the vine to heal.

Thanks for the tips. I feel like in that fight it might be better to just order everyone to just stand around/revive instead of aggravating the thorn situation further. Absolutely agreed that it would be so much better if the AI dudes would use thorn to revive each other instead of going into one spot one by one to consecutively eat chain.

The extremely unmemorable/long component names make upgrading weapons such a chore.

Does the defense thorn thicket block the chains' element attacks? I haven't really been using it at all, but if I'm going to bunker down in that little room to tackle them, it might be worth a shot. I also hadn't realized how good flash grenades would be going into that fight, or that I should prioritize mobility on my accessory rather than equip it with artillery that slowed it down.


I dunno honestly, I just stick with the Binding Thorn because I forget to use any other thorn. The def buff from the defensive thorn is useful though, it can turn an OHKO into a two hit KO at least, if you're lucky. I tried using weakening grenades on the boss before cutting but I can't really tell jack squat about my DPS in this game, I just use guns people say are good or that have good numbers and hope things die fast enough.


I bought this game with the intent of experiencing the story and combat. I did both and enjoyed my journey. I never planned on getting lvl 10 weapons, or heavy grinding etc.. Getting the plat for this game was an afterthought. But 160hrs in, here I am just 66k years off my sentence away from the plat. Once I learned the highs and lows of the games mechanics. The only thing that stood in my way was RNG (still continues to screw me). I don't like save scumming, so I take what I get.

Anyway. I can't wait for part 2.. Hopefully, God Eater 2 comes to the US to hold me over.

Sera O

Getting the plat for this game was an afterthought. But 160hrs in, here I am just 66k years off my sentence away from the plat. Once I learned the highs and lows of the games mechanics. The only thing that stood in my way was RNG (still continues to screw me). I don't like save scumming, so I take what I get.

Anyway. I can't wait for part 2.. Hopefully, God Eater 2 comes to the US to hold me over.

I have spent so much time in this game that it might be kind of hilarious not to get all the trophies (but still possible depending on that lv 10 weapon thing). I guess I should look it up on a wiki or something rather than replaying all the wrong missions trying to get stuff. The RNG factor in weapon modification is frustrating. Trying to get that last module on, and having a bunch turn into useless grey ones for no apparent reason... such pain.

Thanks Sir TapTap for your suggestions for Peltatum. I ended up getting the no sustainability lost trophy on my next attempt - just focusing on the boxes and trying to get the AI teammates to follow me when I ran like hell to the vestibule. A huge difference from the bloodbath it was before.


Guys I have been using Barbs blaster ask way through the game as my main gun. It's upgraded to 1000 horsepower and I can't get it further as I need some rare shizzle from the Romosa class abductors.

What weapons are you guys using? My accessory is using an AW type rocket launcher that has 3k horsepower. Is that OK? Again I'm stuck here as well needing done rare bits to upgrade the weapon.



got to the end bit and got that nice POLE thing. I tried to add modules to it and i lost them all. They addeds modules didnt say "reduce" or "take away" - so how did they over write the ones I had on it?
Up to CODE 3 now, and I'm getting antsy about upgrading my weapons. Reading the guide on GameFAQs just makes the upgrade system in this game completely broken. How do you hide multiple stats that are crucial to crafting and upgrading from players?


Up to CODE 3 now, and I'm getting antsy about upgrading my weapons. Reading the guide on GameFAQs just makes the upgrade system in this game completely broken. How do you hide multiple stats that are crucial to crafting and upgrading from players?

I honestly didn't even bother with upgrading weapons except to raise my weapon factory's level until Code 7 or 8. It's extremely not important at that stage of the game. But you should be able to upgrade most things to level 3-5 without much issue. Beyond that you tend to need to do targeted hunting. I would suggest just leafing through your drops and not worrying too much since you're going to trash your gun eventually anyway and you can't make the best weapons until postgame (nor will they drop--and if they did, they'd just be confiscated since your rank is too low)

And while the "growth type" stat is an incredibly terrible idea, if you're not a complete minmaxer you can get buy with "just" a rank 7 or 8 gun and go from there. You won't set speedrun records but it's not quite enough to be a major determining factor in victory or defeat IMO--just takes longer.

Sera O

My accessory is using an AW type rocket launcher that has 3k horsepower. Is that OK? Again I'm stuck here as well needing done rare bits to upgrade the weapon.

I did that too, and then switched at code 7-8 so it could run faster to revive me. If I gave it an assault weapon and equipped Last Legs augmentation, I barely ever lost a life. Accessory movement speed helps a lot on special missions.

And while the "growth type" stat is an incredibly terrible idea, if you're not a complete minmaxer you can get buy with "just" a rank 7 or 8 gun and go from there. You won't set speedrun records but it's not quite enough to be a major determining factor in victory or defeat IMO--just takes longer.

This is so true. The basic, discretionary and showdown ops are very doable solo with only a bit of attention to upgrades. I had "advanced" model weapons at level 3-5 for those. Special missions are another story. Even then, there is no way I've got the patience to max out my main weapons (Excalibur, Hawshadow + Barbara EZB P). By far the hardest trophy was the DIY demon. I completed it on a Nambu 25 because the rest seemed to require rare field materials from special missions.

Question about the ending:
Uhhh. . . is there one? I got the platinum so I assume no quests are left, my sentence is 0, I'm 6 on Toronto's GPP board. Credits were way back at the end of code 7. I am confused.

Sera O

Definitely not all of the conventional wisdom about this game is completely optimal.

Yes, Code 7 and Code 8 exams can really force a rethink depending on how a person has been playing! Special missions are a whole different animal.

Hopefully a sequel is in the cards. I wish the setting was explored a little more. It seemed like we barely scratched the surface.
Is there a list of where field resources are located? The special conditions for 2-1 is harvest all resources, and I've searched high and low for them. But I still haven't gotten them all.


Is there a sequel planned for this?

They held a super weird event with a total non-announcement earlier this year. They haven't completely abandoned the IP but whether that will lead to a sequel is questionable. But Hunting games seem to do alright on Vita, and hunting games almost ALWAYS have improved sequels/expansions. A PSV/PS4 version seems possible but it's hard to say.
Yeah, I'm done with this game. I was having fun but now at code 6 the game is just annoying. Fighting other sinners is so damn infuriating.
I'm focused on the abductor and suddenly I'm getting shot at from a random direction and before I even have time to turn the camera I'm dead.
If I try to engage them they run away while shooting incessantly while staying out of range of my thorn until I'm dead.
Tried the optional missions on code 6 but while fighting 2 abductors I'm dead before I even know what's going on.
Besides, I'll probably break my o button from all the mashing.
Wish I had bought Ys Celceta instead.
Oh well, had some fun fights. Gotta say that the game looks fantastic and the music is pretty cool.


Is there a detail guide to effectively building and upgrading weapons? I've hit a road block where abductors beat the crap out of me and my weapons don't seem to do much damage.


I started this game back up and finished the code 5 exam. Um, why am I stuck on the loading screen after the bear told me I passed?
The loading screen issue sounds like you may just need to close and restart.

Is there a detail guide to effectively building and upgrading weapons? I've hit a road block where abductors beat the crap out of me and my weapons don't seem to do much damage.

This is the most detailed one: http://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomWars/wiki/weapon_upgrading

Rare drops is a huge problem in this game as is the upgrading system. I'm running out of steam with this game.

Pretty much the only way to avoid needing too many rare drops is to never change the model of your weapon.


Fiiiinally got a Rarity 8 LB GR1 gun. Now just to luck out with my weapon and I might stand a chance in some lf the harder operations.

Man, apart from the RNG crafting I loooove this game so much. Kills me that there probably won't be another Freedom Wars, judging by what I've heard.
Fiiiinally got a Rarity 8 LB GR1 gun. Now just to luck out with my weapon and I might stand a chance in some lf the harder operations.

Man, apart from the RNG crafting I loooove this game so much. Kills me that there probably won't be another Freedom Wars, judging by what I've heard.

The game sold really well though.


The game sold really well though.
Oh, it did? I keep reading, here and elsewhere, that the reception in Japan wasn't that great so I reckoned that + Vita meant it done terribly.

If that isn't the case though, then that's fantastic. Whether it's Freedom Wars 2 or Freedom Wars G/Delta/Whatever I can't wait for more Freedom Wars!


Ok, can someone tell me how I can more easily lock onto a part with thorn without it spazzing all over the abductor? I might just be playing wrong but whenever I try to lock onto a specific part and get the color to come up (like say to sever an arm), it hits something else entirely or it suddenly switches targets as I'm ready to shoot myself at it.


Ok, can someone tell me how I can more easily lock onto a part with thorn without it spazzing all over the abductor? I might just be playing wrong but whenever I try to lock onto a specific part and get the color to come up (like say to sever an arm), it hits something else entirely or it suddenly switches targets as I'm ready to shoot myself at it.

I just free aim. I only use the wonky lock-on when first trying to see what parts on a new beastie are severable.
Ok, can someone tell me how I can more easily lock onto a part with thorn without it spazzing all over the abductor? I might just be playing wrong but whenever I try to lock onto a specific part and get the color to come up (like say to sever an arm), it hits something else entirely or it suddenly switches targets as I'm ready to shoot myself at it.

Before locking on, position yourself so that you're facing the abductor from an angle where the target lock is unlikely to get confused. For example, for a biped, face its front or back, not its side.

Also, try to avoid moving the camera around once you're locked on.
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