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Freedom Wars |OT| Vita's imprisonment for million years


Uh, how does element inheritence work? I just upgraded a blank Level 5 weapon from Zakka to the Will'O variant and fed it to my gun, but it only got a bunch of modules and no element. Did I mess up? Did I need to add materiel along with the Will'O gun?


Uh, how does element inheritence work? I just upgraded a blank Level 5 weapon from Zakka to the Will'O variant and fed it to my gun, but it only got a bunch of modules and no element. Did I mess up? Did I need to add materiel along with the Will'O gun?

Weird, element inheritance should be guaranteed (at the rate of 20% of the fodder's elemental value). Also, there's an elemental cap of 100 points across all four elements (before elemental modifiers). If the cap wasn't reached, I don't know what went wrong for you :/


Weird, element inheritance should be guaranteed (at the rate of 20% of the fodder's elemental value). Also, there's an elemental cap of 100 points across all four elements (before elemental modifiers). If the cap wasn't reached, I don't know what went wrong for you :/
The only elements I have on it right now are 6 in Fire and 16 in Electric, which just sort of happened during manufacturing/upgrading. I fed it another random weapon straight after with 29 in Ice and my gun got some of that. It also replaced my Power Up (L) with a Power Down (L) though so I had to save scum it off. Really weird.

Maybe my luck is just that bad. RNG still screws with what should be a guaranteed thing. :p
Bought this Friday and have stopped at CODE 5. Great game. I didn't like MH because it felt too slow and clunky, but this was better thanks to the thorn. I like that this has a story too. Maybe I'll revisit MH after this, I may like it, who knows.


Haha yes, 3D Composite Sensor dropped on my first try of Red Rage and I wasn't even trying to cut off it's head. Now watch it never drop ever again.

Bought this Friday and have stopped at CODE 5. Great game. I didn't like MH because it felt too slow and clunky, but this was better thanks to the thorn. I like that this has a story too. Maybe I'll revisit MH after this, I may like it, who knows.
Yeah, the faster paced combat of FW is definitely what won me over from MH. Don't get me wrong, I still like MH, it just never grabbed me as much as FW did. I'm 80 hours into FW and I show no signs of stopping any time soon.


Platinum'ed the game today. Only have to grind down the last years off my sentence.
Really fun game, great introduction to the Vita as it was my first game for the system.
Spend over 100 hours playing it.


Dang, I was really terrified of the final boss from everything I'd read on here but I managed to do it on my first try with just the computers. I can see how those chains could get super annoying but hiding in that back alcove when they got too overwhelming really helped me manage them.


Small question, how viable are rarity 6 weapons for endgame? I've got 2 rarity 6 LB GR1 melee weapons I'm upgrading but I don't know of it's a waste or not. I read 6-8 is what you want and that 6 is good enough but I'm not sure.

Both my guns are Rarity 8, and I was never a ranged player. Figures!


Small question, how viable are rarity 6 weapons for endgame? I've got 2 rarity 6 LB GR1 melee weapons I'm upgrading but I don't know of it's a waste or not. I read 6-8 is what you want and that 6 is good enough but I'm not sure.

Both my guns are Rarity 8, and I was never a ranged player. Figures!

They're ok. With 4 fixed slots you could go with Power Up L+XL, crit rate+damage XL and then try to get lucky with the other 4 slots.
Melee weapons aren't as slot dependant as firearms.

Sera O

Small question, how viable are rarity 6 weapons for endgame? I've got 2 rarity 6 LB GR1 melee weapons I'm upgrading but I don't know of it's a waste or not. I read 6-8 is what you want and that 6 is good enough but I'm not sure.

Both my guns are Rarity 8, and I was never a ranged player. Figures!

They're ok. With 4 fixed slots you could go with Power Up L+XL, crit rate+damage XL and then try to get lucky with the other 4 slots.
Melee weapons aren't as slot dependant as firearms.

It takes so much patience to deal with the randomness of the modification process, and the game is very beatable solo without an 8 module weapon or maxing it out. I just tried to get some Power Up, stagger up, and maybe component damage mods on and called it a day since trying to get modules on is luck of the draw, basically. Thank goodness for the ability to remove junk mods.

Post-game may be a different story (haven't dipped into that much), but I think firearms would be the focus for special missions.


They're ok. With 4 fixed slots you could go with Power Up L+XL, crit rate+damage XL and then try to get lucky with the other 4 slots.
Melee weapons aren't as slot dependant as firearms.
Phew, that's good to know. I managed to manufacture a Rarity 7 of the polearm I was using, so I'm gonna switch to that, but I also produced a Raritt 8 LB GR1 Heavy Melee as well, ao I'm upgrading both to switch between them. My Light Melee is trapped at R6 though, so being able to get by with that is a relief. Thank you!

It takes so much patience to deal with the randomness of the modification process, and the game is very beatable solo without an 8 module weapon or maxing it out. I just tried to get some Power Up, stagger up, and maybe component damage mods on and called it a day since trying to get modules on is luck of the draw, basically. Thank goodness for the ability to remove junk mods.
I really hope they fix the crafting system if a Freedom Wars 2 happens. It's pretty much my only big complaint with the game. I plan to save scum for modules and I can already tell it's gonna take forever.

Semi related note, I tore through a special ops mission with 2 Dionaea one after the other like it was nothing with my weapons today. I'm feeling pretty good with what I'm working with!


The last boss. I can't do it. I've tried three times. I can freaking do it.
Keep at it yo. I felt exactly the same, but I managed to push through it, and now it's eeeeeasy as pie.

You can use the door trick for the chains juuuust a little bit. We won't blame you.

Edit: If you end up frustrated and can't do it, hit me up on PSN and I'll help you take it down in a flash, if my connection actually works that is. PSN ID is Zareka2323. :)


The last boss. I can't do it. I've tried three times. I can freaking do it.

Grab a flamethrower and focus one box at a time. When you break it and release the chain grapple and force it down and if your flamer is a high enough level you should be able to kill each chain in one clip, and because you broke the box it won't respawn. Also, do the two missions leading up to it in multiplayer mode (use bots to help you out if no one's online) that way you can skip them whenever you want to retry the final boss in the singleplayer mode with your leveled up party.

Sera O

I can connect to the Store and to any other multiplayer game...but I just can't get this damn thing to connect anymore...

Yup. The online is a crapshoot. I picked the game up again this weekend and it's either failing to connect when initiating missions, or unable to connect to PSN upon ending co-op missions.

Must be the freedom wars server. Connecting from donation screen or citizen's voice also fails a lot.
I bought this game when it came out, and found it kinda confusing. Since then I've played a fair bit of Monster Hunter 4 on the 3DS, so I feel like I may be in a better place to give this game a shot cuz I like the setting and theme.

As a noob, what do I need to know?


I bought this game when it came out, and found it kinda confusing. Since then I've played a fair bit of Monster Hunter 4 on the 3DS, so I feel like I may be in a better place to give this game a shot cuz I like the setting and theme.

As a noob, what do I need to know?

When creating a weapon, make sure its base attack is as low as possible since it mean that weapon is a late bloomer, and will become strongest later on.

Use Ibara/Thorn to move around and dodge, it's faster that way.

You can hold down O instead of mashing it when severing Abductor limbs

When all else failed, always use Barbara

Human enemies are more dangerous than Abductor due to their accuracy, always target them first

Sera O

I bought this game when it came out, and found it kinda confusing. Since then I've played a fair bit of Monster Hunter 4 on the 3DS, so I feel like I may be in a better place to give this game a shot cuz I like the setting and theme.

As a noob, what do I need to know?

Definitely what Shengar said about how enemy sinners are way more dangerous than abductors. Use lock-on and prioritize them.

The other thing that is very helpful to know is that you can use your thorn to target fallen allies for faster and safer revival from a distance.

Don't get too hung up on weapon module stuff. Level what you use up, but for modifications, you're at the mercy of RNG and it's fine to leave it for later in the game. Just know at some point you will be able to remove the bad ones which will make it easier.

Have fun!
As a noob, what do I need to know?

A few more things:

A lot of players prefer to use either the Technical or Sprinter control schemes. There aren't quite enough buttons so you have to give up something either way - Technical makes it a little bit harder to run, and Sprinter makes it a little bit harder to use items.

When upgrading weapons you will eventually be asked whether to change models or not. The most common recommendation is to change to the Impact model, but this is only really important when you have settled on an ideal endgame weapon and want to max it out fully. When you're still in the middle of the game, not changing the model makes it much easier to get the later levels of the weapon.

People commonly recommend rocket launchers for your accessory, and this is a very good idea in a lot of cases. However, this heavily reduces mobility and will make it harder for accessories to avoid enemy attacks. In many damage-heavy missions it's better to switch to a lighter weapon.


Yeah rocket launchers on Accessories is deadly due to how accurate they are just like enemy AIs. It is hilarious whenever I see my Accessory able to send enemy across the field by accurately shooting them into the face with rockets.
Hey everyone, I've had this game since launch but haven't really gotten into it until recently and I feel a little lost in one respect.

I have absolutely no clue if my gear/weapons are any good. I feel like I've been coasting through the game (code 5 now) with the same polearm and katze whatever auto machine gun the entire time. What am I missing? Somebody tell me what to do! I never touch all those resources you get during missions and the munitions places seem so convoluted.

LTTP to this game. Fucking brilliant. Brought me back again to mainly Vita gaming.

Hey everyone, I've had this game since launch but haven't really gotten into it until recently and I feel a little lost in one respect.

I have absolutely no clue if my gear/weapons are any good. I feel like I've been coasting through the game (code 5 now) with the same polearm and katze whatever auto machine gun the entire time. What am I missing? Somebody tell me what to do! I never touch all those resources you get during missions and the munitions places seem so convoluted.


Not sure if you know this already but you should be upgrading/modifying your main weapons in the facilities management. I built three weapons facilities dedicated to upgrading/modifying my main weapons. I've kind of reached a upgrading weapon limit, but I've been modifying my favorite gun and light melee with adding elements stats.

Maybe a vet can expand on this because i'm only Code 6 and I too have pretty much stuck with my favorite/basic weapon so far.
I'm at CODE 7. Haven't failed a mission once so far (did lose my accessory once though). But now 7-5 is wrecking me. That whole fight feels like getting stunlocked by 20 wheel skeletons or something.


Maybe my gear is too bad or something?


I'm at CODE 7. Haven't failed a mission once so far (did lose my accessory once though). But now 7-5 is wrecking me. That whole fight feels like getting stunlocked by 20 wheel skeletons or something.

Maybe my gear is too bad or something?

Use that shelter to your advantage when things get out of control.

That wheel skeletons metaphor is very accurate.

Sera O

I'm at CODE 7. Haven't failed a mission once so far (did lose my accessory once though). But now 7-5 is wrecking me. That whole fight feels like getting stunlocked by 20 wheel skeletons or something.

Maybe my gear is too bad or something?

Of course upgrading your gear will help if you are also running out of time, but if your problem is mostly getting killed by chains it might not help that much with this fight. Are you already focusing on the chain boxes and the chains after breaking the front shields? This fight becomes more manageable when trying to take out the boxes and chains while doing as little damage as possible to the main body. Once main boss HP reduces enough to release/revive all the chains, there will be less to deal with if you've severed the boxes and killed the chains that came off them - they can't revive once the box is gone.

For the chains, dragging or flash grenades will bring them down to be killed more safely. Like Soulhouf says, that little vestibule can help you get some breathing space too. They can still hurt you, but they can't go in there.

As for the people asking about upgrading weapons, I recommend checking a faq if you care about using your resources optimally. It's not necessary to beat the game, but the system is obtuse. There are growth types and a hidden growth rank within the growth types - you'll need a calculator to figure out which weapons are the best investment. Even once you understand the system, lots of luck is needed if you want optimal modules etc.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I'm at CODE 7. Haven't failed a mission once so far (did lose my accessory once though). But now 7-5 is wrecking me. That whole fight feels like getting stunlocked by 20 wheel skeletons or something.

Maybe my gear is too bad or something?

How to last boss.

*not my vid

thats a fully upgraded barbara in the vid btw. games most broken weapon

As for the people asking about upgrading weapons, I recommend checking a faq if you care about using your resources optimally. It's not necessary to beat the game, but the system is obtuse. There are growth types and a hidden growth rank within the growth types - you'll need a calculator to figure out which weapons are the best investment. Even once you understand the system, lots of luck is needed if you want optimal modules etc.

At least now you can delete modules you dont want thanks to that update patch. It was AWESOME before that when trying to make the perfect weapon...


I'm at CODE 7. Haven't failed a mission once so far (did lose my accessory once though). But now 7-5 is wrecking me. That whole fight feels like getting stunlocked by 20 wheel skeletons or something.?
There's a specific order you need to cut off the boxes that release the chains
. Once you get that down, and if you can plow through it fast enough, the fight's a piece of cake.

Looking at it from the front, this is the order you should chop the boxes in:


I almost lost all hope the first time I had to fight that damn thing, and just a few months ago I helped someone else beat it without a sweat. You'll get there!
Jesus Christ. I'd heard that thing was OP, but I could never have imagined that.


It's been a while since I touched this game. I kinda want to get back into it, but I feel like I'd need to start from scratch just to relearn the basics.
Thanks a bunch for the 7-5 tips. Tried again but no luck. I'll chill with Muramasa for a while and try this shit again later on. I'll probably have to grind out some materials to upgrade my weapons or make entirely new ones. Too bad the inventory management part of the game is horrible.

Sera O

At least now you can delete modules you dont want thanks to that update patch. It was AWESOME before that when trying to make the perfect weapon...

Yeah it is improved, but it's still totally AWESOME how the good stuff on there can randomly change into crap, lol. Weapon modding sucks so much.


Yeah it is improved, but it's still totally AWESOME how the good stuff on there can randomly change into crap, lol. Weapon modding sucks so much.

And let's not forget that the game auto-saves while the magic of crapification happens, so savescumming requires PS+ or backing up elsewhere.

This is what made me take a long break from the game. Other than the crafting system I absolutely love it.


I hope if we ever get a sequel/Delta/G version that they completely revamp the inventory and crafting systems. Making new weapons involves so much RNG it's not even funny. The game would proudly sit virtually tied with P4G as my favourite Vita game if it wasn't for the ass crafting system.

Sera O

Other than the crafting system I absolutely love it.

The game would proudly sit virtually tied with P4G as my favourite Vita game if it wasn't for the ass crafting system.

That crafting system is the huge smelly butt crashing the party. I kind of hate the timers on facilities too.

Zipping around on/off abductors with the thorn, though - that shit is so fun.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yeah it is improved, but it's still totally AWESOME how the good stuff on there can randomly change into crap, lol. Weapon modding sucks so much.

Yeah if you are trying to make specific builds its asscrackers indeed. At least thankfully to beat the game you dont really need the perfect type of builds. But the end game shit yeah thats a whole nother story...

There's a specific order you need to cut off the boxes that release the chains
. Once you get that down, and if you can plow through it fast enough, the fight's a piece of cake.

Looking at it from the front, this is the order you should chop the boxes in:


I almost lost all hope the first time I had to fight that damn thing, and just a few months ago I helped someone else beat it without a sweat. You'll get there!

Jusus Christ. I'd heard that thing was OP, but I could never have imagined that.

I had something similar but still took me about 3 minutes.


Got into it again after some middling. I hopped back on board pretty quickly, and I'm still rolling melee because FUCK trying to aim gunfire. I'm CODE 3, and unlocked some more color palettes, so I changed my avatar accordingly.

Purple's my favorite color, so damn right I'm gonna rock it. Can't wait to edit my Accessory to match.


Got into it again after some middling. I hopped back on board pretty quickly, and I'm still rolling melee because FUCK trying to aim gunfire. I'm CODE 3, and unlocked some more color palettes, so I changed my avatar accordingly.

Purple's my favorite color, so damn right I'm gonna rock it. Can't wait to edit my Accessory to match.
As much as i love melee you're unfortunately better off using guns in the long run. :/
Specifically up til code 8 really as i believe it's doable until then.
Really wish melee was better implemented though as i enjoyed it in this game


As much as i love melee you're unfortunately better off using guns in the long run. :/
Specifically up til code 8 really as i believe it's doable until then.
Really wish melee was better implemented though as i enjoyed it in this game
I've heard that, but at the same time, I try to use guns and hit nothing. Besides, I usually let my teammates do most of the fighting while I run around collecting materials. Yes, I'm terrible.


Are there any guides for how to use each weapon properly floating around? I've been running around with an Exodus spear for a while now but I'm still not sure whether I'm using it efficiently.

Also, after 165 hours, I finally got around to achieving platinum.
I have had so much fun with this game. It's one of the few games I've been mega hyped for from the teaser right up until release and had all my expectations met and more. Hell, I still show no signs of stopping yet. I still need to get my other weapon to 10 as well as my accessories, my alt weapons for when I'm bored as well as elements/modules and I've yet to clear my sentence. I've still to attempt some of the more difficult looking retribution missions too and I haven't touched competitive multiplayer.

I really, really hope we get a Freedom Wars 2. I'd take a G/Delta version even. Make it PS4/Vita to boost sales. I just want more FW...with an overhauled crafting system and more balance between melee and guns.

Bonus screen from the mission that got me my platinum! (I think?)

Sera O

Congrats on the platinum!

I've still to attempt some of the more difficult looking retribution missions too and I haven't touched competitive multiplayer.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that that exists in this game. Any impressions from those who have tried it - do you need full teams to do it? I attempted going into the vs lobby a while back but it was completely deserted at the time.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that that exists in this game. Any impressions from those who have tried it - do you need full teams to do it? I attempted going into the vs lobby a while back but it was completely deserted at the time.

Non-full teams will be automatically filled up with bots... but bot AI is very underwhelming.

But it's true, there is no PvP community. I barely got in some matches in the early days - it was pretty much an opportunity to get sniped to death repeatedly by people clinging to walls high up.


Congrats on the platinum!

I'll echo that the competitive MP has always seemed pretty dead. I couldn't even connect at first, but whenever I could or whenever I searched there was pretty much no one on. The one match I did get in to disconnected in seconds, and there were only around 3 people total. It sucks, because I'd really like to try it some day. Doubt there'll ever be enough people playing now, though. :(

Second achievement of the day: I cleared my sentence!
I laughed my ass off when the reward was swimwear. Seriously, bikini and trunks for clearing your sentence. Wow.


How good is the online co-op for this, and more importantly, is it worldwide? I live in NY and my friend lives in Tokyo, will we be able to play this together? We were not happy to find out that Fantasy Life and Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS don't allow it due to region restrictions in the online mode, so we wanna look for something else.


How good is the online co-op for this, and more importantly, is it worldwide? I live in NY and my friend lives in Tokyo, will we be able to play this together? We were not happy to find out that Fantasy Life and Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS don't allow it due to region restrictions in the online mode, so we wanna look for something else.
Game's been out for a while, but you can still get a full MP party without too much hassle.
If you're short on a player, you can opt to have the AI fill in that spot for you.

You can play with people from all over the world. The lobby allows you to put a password if you only want to play with certain people as well.


Game's been out for a while, but you can still get a full MP party without too much hassle.
If you're short on a player, you can opt to have the AI fill in that spot for you.

You can play with people from all over the world. The lobby allows you to put a password if you only want to play with certain people as well.

Thanks! I'll try and get to this in the next month or two.
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