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Future of Final Fantasy XI press conference ended [OP updated with details]


Konschtat is so much better. >.>

I remember my first week playing and the seeing NM Ram (Steelfleece?) for the first time. It was wrecking a couple of people and it was awesome.

Konshat was less desolated with windmills and stuff yes but the first time i arrived in Lathein with those fantastic sunset colors and the wind that blew the grass stems around in front of the crevasses .. oh man. I thought that was the best 3D place ever..


I've tried to get into this game twice over the last couple of years and it was rough, real rough. I would gladly welcome a modernized single player version that brings over the good story because I would never experience it otherwise.


Is it true the game now has ilv gear?

Can't be as horrible as the XIV ones though...

No news of this in magazine
What can it be!?


Is it true the game now has ilv gear?

Can't be as horrible as the XIV ones though...

No news of this in magazine
What can it be!?

Yeah, they changed to ilevel because they couldn't raise the level cap anymore but still wanted to provide everyone more powerful gear and all that. They revamped the entire system as a result.


Yes. Up to i119.

Makes me wonder just how much things have been reworked.. One of the beauties of XI as I knew it was that you could pick up a piece of gear at level 40-50 for example from an NM / BCNM, and still be able to use it as part of one of your endgame gearsets. Very situational on the piece and purpose of use of course, but the potential was there, and it was pretty common.

So even though you would generally be working towards various pieces in endgame, depending on how extensive you chose to make your gearswaps, you could likely find a use for the gear you'd previously obtained. Is there really room for that still in a game that encourages ilvl progression, or is it optional?
Makes me wonder just how much things have been reworked.. One of the beauties of XI as I knew it was that you could pick up a piece of gear at level 40-50 for example from an NM / BCNM, and still be able to use it as part of one of your endgame gearsets. Very situational on the piece and purpose of use of course, but the potential was there, and it was pretty common.

So even though you would generally be working towards various pieces in endgame, depending on how extensive you chose to make your gearswaps, you could likely find a use for the gear you'd previously obtained. Is there really room for that still in a game that encourages ilvl progression, or is it optional?

You still do this but it's more dangerous to use lots of old gear in the weapon and 5 main slots. Accessories don't have ilevel.

There's still plenty of swap potential at and slightly below 119. They have been introducing side grade gear for the last year or so and af relic and empyrean gear can be upgraded to 109 and 119.

Using lower ilevel gear just means lower stats and such for that action, so it you get caught with your pants down it could really hurt.


Yeah the biggest risk of not using ilevel gear is probably the defensive hit that you take - ilevel stuff gives you a massive jump in defense and survivability.

More recently, through the new Unity and Accolades system, they've been adding ilevel versions of a lot of old NM drop gear, so that's useful for some things too.
Yeah, they changed to ilevel because they couldn't raise the level cap anymore but still wanted to provide everyone more powerful gear and all that. They revamped the entire system as a result.

Literally the worst and most boring system ever

I mean yeah you need escalation but I would rather see Sideways upgrades, more wierd quirky equipment, more modifiers, risk/reward builds that expand strategy etc....

Destiny and Dark Souls kind of handled gear interesting ways despite being entirely different games in different genres.

When it comes to RPG mechanics i like to have the emphasis on Fun, Mechanics, Strategy and effing personality. Like how the gear in Monster Hunter reflects the monster it came from.

They did this in 11 with many interesting pieces of gear (not the least of which the infamous Kraken Club)

I realize that 11 got so huge that it had its limits and clearly there is a limit to how many quirks and mechanical anomalies you can throw in.... still I appreciate the effort people put into making RPG mechanics interesting

I never likes the opposite approach that Diablo would take where everything is all about hitting caps and maximizing your performance threshold.


Junior Member
The best thing about ffxi was the partying up and taking down mobs with the perfect party setup. That rythym, skill chains, magic burts etc....

Single player ffxi would strip the best thing about the game away
The best thing about ffxi was the partying up and taking down mobs with the perfect party setup. That rythym, skill chains, magic burts etc....

Single player ffxi would strip the best thing about the game away

Your best thing is also one of the absolute worst things about ffxi. LFG for hours during prime time sessions, then losing a good pt due to a member dropping...not being able to do certain content because other melee classes were far more useful in limited party space. I know it's not really like that anymore, but the party system (while unique) was one of the biggest knocks against this game.
Literally the worst and most boring system ever

I mean yeah you need escalation but I would rather see Sideways upgrades, more wierd quirky equipment, more modifiers, risk/reward builds that expand strategy etc....

Destiny and Dark Souls kind of handled gear interesting ways despite being entirely different games in different genres.

When it comes to RPG mechanics i like to have the emphasis on Fun, Mechanics, Strategy and effing personality. Like how the gear in Monster Hunter reflects the monster it came from.

They did this in 11 with many interesting pieces of gear (not the least of which the infamous Kraken Club)

I realize that 11 got so huge that it had its limits and clearly there is a limit to how many quirks and mechanical anomalies you can throw in.... still I appreciate the effort people put into making RPG mechanics interesting

I never likes the opposite approach that Diablo would take where everything is all about hitting caps and maximizing your performance threshold.

It was a bit of a mess at first but the end result is a similar sidegrade scenario at 119 as we had at 99 and 75, with some pieces in between still being useful beyond their level.

Also there is totally a new beastman head you can wear.


Found some old pics and got nostalgic D:
SoD farming paper for me when I started :,)

Getting ready to do some Chocobo Diggin!

I was such a shitty Bard, but I always liked this ss
I miss the little dude :(

Edit: Jesus at those fps, forgot how shit my pc was back then, could barely run the game haha.
So many good memories, going to wait for the news, I kinda want to make a new character and solo all the old content with those new systems.


I don't know how feasible this is, but I wish SE could develop an offline version of XI for when the servers go offline. It's so wrong for a numbered Final Fantasy game to disappear and become unplayable.


So many good memories, going to wait for the news, I kinda want to make a new character and solo all the old content with those new systems.

I super want to play through FFXI with my wife and having follower NPCs to fill in the party. Co-op Final Fantasy is a lot of fun :x


It would be cool if they combined subs for 11 and 14, so that you payed for one sub but got access to both games. About as probable as an HD single player port though, so not bloody likely.
Found some old pics and got nostalgic D:

I miss the little dude :(

Edit: Jesus at those fps, forgot how shit my pc was back then, could barely run the game haha.

aw dang good ol sacan

lalafell have grown on me but god damn, tarutaru are the cutest mmo race ever

those pics make me miss my Rockman ;_;
Out of sheer curiosity I took a look at some new H2H weapons and noticed there was a pair of knuckles that gave something like +200 guard skill. As a former MNK (and lolpup), it makes me feel funny in my sitabaki.

I also noticed they revamped the TP system from % based to flat numbers. Does changing weapons still erase TP?


Found some old pics and got nostalgic D:

I miss the little dude :(

Edit: Jesus at those fps, forgot how shit my pc was back then, could barely run the game haha.

Last night, pancakes was showing me some screenshots, and then I started going through my own. I miss FF11 sooo much. Maybe it's time to go back. (._. )
Those of you pining for the good old days should try coming back long enough to attempt some of the even remotely difficult content before writing it all off because they uncapped cop and made xp easier.
Out of sheer curiosity I took a look at some new H2H weapons and noticed there was a pair of knuckles that gave something like +200 guard skill. As a former MNK (and lolpup), it makes me feel funny in my sitabaki.

I also noticed they revamped the TP system from % based to flat numbers. Does changing weapons still erase TP?

Skill on ilevel weapons represents the increase you would have seen in those areas had you been that level.

Yes you still lose tp.


Skill on ilevel weapons represents the increase you would have seen in those areas had you been that level.

Yes you still lose tp.

Yeah, it would be kind of helpful if they'd dump all the stat vomit and added skill that's just from ilevel into a second page like they do with augments or something.

Certainly would make it a lot easier to compare various ilevel stuff at a glance.


I looked at the Job Adjustments for March and they're adding this finally!?

The effect duration of maneuvers will increase based on the amount of time elapsed since using Deploy.
* This effect is removed whenever the automaton is knocked out or deactivated.
* This effect is maintained even if combat ends, whether by vanquishing monsters, retrieving the automaton, or other such means.

That's f'ing amazing. It keeps the Autos buffed and gives reasons to keep Autos alive now. D= Why didn't they have this before? lol
I looked at the Job Adjustments for March and they're adding this finally!?

That's f'ing amazing. It keeps the Autos buffed and gives reasons to keep Autos alive now. D= Why didn't they have this before? lol

Maneuvers also don't have JA delay
New t3 attachments were added
Gifts let you get +2 elemental capacity per element on all frames.
Auto damage is now blunt instead of h2h
And you can hit 950+ Pet acc in your idle set before food and maneuvers.



Last night, pancakes was showing me some screenshots, and then I started going through my own. I miss FF11 sooo much. Maybe it's time to go back. (._. )

The world they crafted was so great. The music, the art style, the beautiful cities, the marvelous levels, the enemy designs. I miss it so much, but those days are gone ;_;


I read about the JA delay change but duration buffs for maneuvers is more exciting. You don't have to micromanage as much with that nor do you have to worry if something happens like your Earth maneuvers drops suddenyl. I hope they last a few minutes if not more, lol.


The best thing about ffxi was the partying up and taking down mobs with the perfect party setup. That rythym, skill chains, magic burts etc....

Single player ffxi would strip the best thing about the game away

You'd be surprised. They've added AI companions that are surprisingly reliable in prepping and closing skillchains, Magic bursts, etc. A Tactics/Gambit system would do wonders for a single-player FFXI.


The world they crafted was so great. The music, the art style, the beautiful cities, the marvelous levels, the enemy designs. I miss it so much, but those days are gone ;_;

I reactivated around when Adoulin came out, and I still had a great time, even if many areas of the world were dead. The saddest thing to me was seeing Whitegate/Al Zahbi deserted.


I loved Jeuno and Whitegate ;_____;

Port Jeuno is still pretty populated, because there are actual reasons to be there - NPCs for teleporting to Abyssea, exchanging Beastman Seals, and whatnot. The rest of the cities other than Adoulin are generally pretty empty though.
I reactivated around when Adoulin came out, and I still had a great time, even if many areas of the world were dead. The saddest thing to me was seeing Whitegate/Al Zahbi deserted.

Of all the things I've read in this thread, this is the statement that floors me the most. I remember when Whitegate/AZ were almost guaranteed DC zones! Where do people hang out now?

Also, I was a mnk lolpup as well (but also a whm/blm/red/nin/smn on another account). Jesus, if I keep reading this thread, I'm gonna get another copy.


Of all the things I've read in this thread, this is the statement that floors me the most. I remember when Whitegate/AZ were almost guaranteed DC zones! Where do people hang out now?

West Adoulin, East Adoulin, and Port Jeuno. I'm online right now and there are the zone numbers:

West Adoulin - 72 people
East Adoulin - 25 people
Port Jeuno - 77 people
Al Zhabi - 0 people
Whitegate - 23 people

There are only 508 people on right now on the entire server.


Hunky Nostradamus
What would a theoretical single player version of this look like? I always wanted to play FFXI but never had the opportunity to.


West Adoulin, East Adoulin, and Port Jeuno. I'm online right now and there are the zone numbers:

West Adoulin - 72 people
East Adoulin - 25 people
Port Jeuno - 77 people
Al Zhabi - 0 people
Whitegate - 23 people

There are only 508 people on right now on the entire server.

I am genuinely surprised at 23 people in Whitegate. I can't imagine what they're doing, other than passing through on the way to Salvage or Ein or something.


West Adoulin, East Adoulin, and Port Jeuno. I'm online right now and there are the zone numbers:

West Adoulin - 72 people
East Adoulin - 25 people
Port Jeuno - 77 people
Al Zhabi - 0 people
Whitegate - 23 people

There are only 508 people on right now on the entire server.

And Saph is against server merges!
I think it'd be good for the game. I know it's kinda sad to see it because it's like an admission that the game isn't doing as well as it used to, but you know... I think FF11 could feasibly go on for a long time with a smaller dedicated userbase as long as they could find each other. Kinda like EverQuest 1.


West Adoulin, East Adoulin, and Port Jeuno. I'm online right now and there are the zone numbers:

West Adoulin - 72 people
East Adoulin - 25 people
Port Jeuno - 77 people
Al Zhabi - 0 people
Whitegate - 23 people

There are only 508 people on right now on the entire server.
That 100,000 subscribers # doesn't sound very realistic does it?

What would a theoretical single player version of this look like? I always wanted to play FFXI but never had the opportunity to.
Populating the world with NPCs and rebalance the grind and time limitation?
Sounds like most of the game is soloable already


Just out of interest since it's so fast to level to max now, how does skilling up factor into that? Do you hit Lvl99 (or whatever the cap is now) with the weapon/element skill of a Lvl30, or have skill up procs been turbocharged?


Do you hit Lvl99 (or whatever the cap is now) with the weapon/element skill of a Lvl30, or have skill up procs been turbocharged?

If you level in Abyssea, you will. They've made it easier to skill up. There is gear and food that increases skill gain rate and you can buy books with Sparks of Eminence that give guaranteed skill ups.
I mean yeah you need escalation but I would rather see Sideways upgrades, more wierd quirky equipment, more modifiers, risk/reward builds that expand strategy etc....

I never likes the opposite approach that Diablo would take where everything is all about hitting caps and maximizing your performance threshold.
The only job you can really go at it with "maximizing performance" is Monk. Everything else has some nuance. Well, should have it, unless you're painfully lazy. You can make some jobs do some very weird things with a little work and it's actually quite fun to try.

"Sidegrades" are plentiful these days. The cap has been 119 for over a year I think with probably 20+armor sets in the 115-119 range (5-8 for each job) that have some use if you want to think of ways to use it. That's before accounting for the stuff you can augment in different ways and the job-specific gear. Most jobs have multiple weapon options. Mages in particular still use a lot of gear in the 75-99 range.
Just out of interest since it's so fast to level to max now, how does skilling up factor into that? Do you hit Lvl99 (or whatever the cap is now) with the weapon/element skill of a Lvl30, or have skill up procs been turbocharged?
Weapons have more +skill level built into them the higher their ilevel. The typical for 119 is +242. The actual weapon and magic skill caps are still the numbers reached at level 99. Skilling up is much easier than it used to be.


I end up reading these threads and feeling so sad lol. I'm interested to know what the news is, but when I think of the good times before me and most of my friends quit.... jeez. Anyway here's a pic of mine. One of many.


Still when one of these threads pop up it's nice to know there's a good few gaffers feeling the same.


I had lost my original level 75 that had gotten through Vanilla, RoZ and CoP, so that made it really hard for me to come back to the game and try the later expansions.

I finally popped in with a new character a few months ago and went through almost all the content again. The story is so good. I only have Seekers of Adoulin left to go through.

I'm looking forward to this night's announcement, I hope it's good news.
If it was to announce the service's end, I'd think they would just make a press release, not host a dedicated stream?
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