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Future of Final Fantasy XI press conference ended [OP updated with details]


West Adoulin, East Adoulin, and Port Jeuno. I'm online right now and there are the zone numbers:

West Adoulin - 72 people
East Adoulin - 25 people
Port Jeuno - 77 people
Al Zhabi - 0 people
Whitegate - 23 people

There are only 508 people on right now on the entire server.

Man, there are orobably more people AFK in Mor Dhora than in the entire FFXI server right now. Kinda sad.

Then again, most people left with Abyssea, so no surprise here.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
A single-player HD remake would make me shit my pants.

Especially since I'm not a big fan of MMORPGs and the fact that I quite liked the game and its beta. So getting to play its story on my own would be sublime.


The world they crafted was so great. The music, the art style, the beautiful cities, the marvelous levels, the enemy designs. I miss it so much, but those days are gone ;_;

You can't even cling to the memories with a bit of imagination anymore. The game is super dead.


Question for FFXI vets:

Since people keep posting about it, how likely/feasible would it be for them to convert FFXI into an SP experience, anyway?
Question for FFXI vets:

Since people keep posting about it, how likely/feasible would it be for them to convert FFXI into an SP experience, anyway?

Not really possible.

Realistically, the best possible solution would be to convert the stories into a visual novel format, and release it either digitally or physically (or both). So the people who missed out on playing the game can still experience the stories in some way, if/when the servers get shut down.


Hnnnng!!! Yes!

Or a start over server like in Everquest. No crazy super xp boost expansions like Abyssea. Old fashioned Dunes / Qufim parties >:D

I always wondered about a version of FFXI that took all the assets and improvements and condensed it down to a 1-60 game.

I think a single player version of FFXI would likely be a whole new game. Probably less of an archival effort.

Anyway thinking FFXI pains me in the nostalgic sense.

Joe T.

Question for FFXI vets:

Since people keep posting about it, how likely/feasible would it be for them to convert FFXI into an SP experience, anyway?

It's practically already an SP experience, so all the calls for SE to convert the game to one comes across as a bit silly to me. I've been playing since the PS2 launch in early 2004 and the game has changed significantly since then. As mentioned already in this thread, barring a few fights at the very end of the last expansion, all the quests and missions are easily done without any outside help. The introduction of Trust NPCs less than a year and a half ago made everything very easy as they're basically bots, each with different specialties, and being able to summon three at a time usually has you covered for whatever it is you're looking to do.

I think it would be interesting to see SE (and any other MMO dev, for that matter) release a single player version of their games so that players had something to hold onto after the servers got shut down, but I don't think it's very likely, especially if people are expecting updated graphics, new maps and all that good stuff.


I think when people talk about "SP FFXI" there are different thinks that different people think of. People who don't play FFXI or MMOs probably want a single player offline RPG which offers the story, design, and some of the gameplay from FFXI without having to play a MMO. The people who do play FFXI and talk about how the game is basically already a "SP experience" simply mean that it is a MMO which can be solo-ed at this point. But I don't think that automatically means that it is something which easily converts to an offline single player experience which a non-MMO player would want. So there's that to consider. Just because something can be solo-ed does not mean that the infrastructure, economy, and stuff behind the scenes in the game would easily adapt to a normal single player RPG.


I think when people talk about "SP FFXI" there are different thinks that different people think of. People who don't play FFXI or MMOs probably want a single player offline RPG which offers the story, design, and some of the gameplay from FFXI without having to play a MMO. The people who do play FFXI and talk about how the game is basically already a "SP experience" simply mean that it is a MMO which can be solo-ed at this point. But I don't think that automatically means that it is something which easily converts to an offline single player experience which a non-MMO player would want. So there's that to consider. Just because something can be solo-ed does not mean that the infrastructure, economy, and stuff behind the scenes in the game would easily adapt to a normal single player RPG.

Then you consider games like Xenoblade Chronicles lol.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
I think when people talk about "SP FFXI" there are different thinks that different people think of. People who don't play FFXI or MMOs probably want a single player offline RPG which offers the story, design, and some of the gameplay from FFXI without having to play a MMO. The people who do play FFXI and talk about how the game is basically already a "SP experience" simply mean that it is a MMO which can be solo-ed at this point. But I don't think that automatically means that it is something which easily converts to an offline single player experience which a non-MMO player would want. So there's that to consider. Just because something can be solo-ed does not mean that the infrastructure, economy, and stuff behind the scenes in the game would easily adapt to a normal single player RPG.

Pretty much exactly what I came in here to say. I'm more inclined to believe that they're announcing a PS4 port than I am to believe they're cancelling or F2P transitioning the game... and I'm way more likely to believe that grievously absurd stuff than I am to believe they're somehow creating an offline single player version of it for some reason.


Could convert it into some .hack-like pseudo-MMO, I suppose.

There's already basically no economy in the game prior to endgame now (as you might expect when almost everyone is max level), so at least that part of it wouldn't really be a hindrance.


I want an offline SP version of XI myself with changes to the game systems to be conducive to offline SP. Stuff like getting rid of crafting levels so you're able to do it with the correct recipe or a quest, make items drop much more regularly, reduce some of the more annoying requirements like Relic/Mythic/Empyrean stuff a little softer, etc.


Yeah, obviously. But it's funny how much Xenoblade (and a few other games) feel like an offline MMORPG.

Hey FFXII was one of the first high profile ones! And I think we can definitely say that it is very much inspired by the work they did on FFXI. Many of the FFXII staff worked on the early development of PlayOnline too iirc.
This makes me anxious, I hope its not closing down. :( I don't even play anymore but I was hopelessly addicted for like 10 years and just hearing of it closing would make me terribly sad.

Convert it to f2p or whatever, Vana'diel can't die! :( My characters need to live forever!


The teams behind the stories in FFXI are super talented. The best SE has for sure. Seekers of Adoulin was overall a bit weak, but still better than anything SE has done since FFX and shits all over FFXIV any day of the week. Sure FFXIV is more in tune with today's MMO player, but its a shell of what FFXI was.

As a long time FFXI player (currently subscribed) I have no clue what the could be announcing tomorrow but if it's big enough for a press conference my guess is some type of expansion or add on (like Abyssea). And with that the complete discontinuation for PS2 support. Although I don't believe they supported PS2 with SoA and that's where most of the game takes place now, so not like they would be getting the most of the game anyway. A $200 Best Buy bargain laptop could run this game on decent settings... no reason to stay on PS2 anyway.


If they close down Final Fantasy XI, I will be immensely sad, as I haven't started up the game yet and I don't want to miss out on the story.

If they make a PS4 version I will be thrilled, even though I'll probably play it on my PC anyway but updated textures would at least be appreciated.
I don't know how feasible this is, but I wish SE could develop an offline version of XI for when the servers go offline. It's so wrong for a numbered Final Fantasy game to disappear and become unplayable.

Didn't even think of it that way, that will make it even more of a shame when the day comes. Same goes for FFXIV later down the road. Hopefully SE sees it the same way.


Although I don't believe they supported PS2 with SoA and that's where most of the game takes place now, so not like they would be getting the most of the game anyway. A $200 Best Buy bargain laptop could run this game on decent settings... no reason to stay on PS2 anyway.

SoA was released for PS2, but only in Japan.

Dropping PS2 support wouldn't be a magic pill, but it would at least open up the possibility for some serious quality of life improvements.


An offline version would require a lot of re-balancing and streamlining , especially to get rid of all the clutter due to the many different systems introduced over the years. As of now, it's solo-able but certainly not intuitive for new players.
For as much as I want one, unless SE decides to give it a chance and put in the resources required, which is unlikely, I don't see an offline port coming anytime soon.
Hopefully they announce a new build of the game as well that is not literally 10,000+ single files. When I had it installed complete virus scans took hours all because of this game.


Come to think of it, its incredible how many Final Fantasy products we have/will get on PS4 just 1.5 years into its lifespan.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae demo
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy XV

On PS3 we got all of FFXIII, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns. While on PS2 we got Dirge of Cerberus, FFX, X-2, FFXI and FFXII.


This game was such a huge part of my daily routine 10 years ago. Even when I didn't play much I was online every day checking NM spawns, AH sales, seeing if my LS was planning any major quest. I know lots of people considered the game too grind heavily (and to be fair they are right). But I have yet to encounter another game that fostered such communication, understand and dedication from other players. It was an amazing experience (and one that FF14 fails to match on any level).

Tried this game a year or so again... my god what did they do to you. :(

I expected faster leveling, moving speed maybe more shops to get essential gear/spells. The whole thing is just a frankenstein of mismatched system that make no logical sense. Nobody groups anymore, no one speaks to one another... just made me depressed.


This game was such a huge part of my daily routine 10 years ago. Even when I didn't play much I was online every day checking NM spawns, AH sales, seeing if my LS was planning any major quest. I know lots of people considered the game too grind heavily (and to be fair they are right). But I have yet to encounter another game that fostered such communication, understand and dedication from other players. It was an amazing experience (and one that FF14 fails to match on any level).

Tried this game a year or so again... my god what did they do to you. :(

I expected faster leveling, moving speed maybe more shops to get essential gear/spells. The whole thing is just a frankenstein of mismatched system that make no logical sense. Nobody groups anymore, no one speaks to one another... just made me depressed.

This is why I don't think I could ever return to the game, even for a quick look around. It's like returning to your neighborhood to see everything and everyone gone.

Trusts sound like something I wanted from the start though. Maybe too overpowered though?

I'm also nostalgic for PlayOnline lol. I remember playing around with the songs and reading Vana'diel Tribune.


This is why I don't think I could ever return to the game, even for a quick look around. It's like returning to your neighborhood to see everything and everyone gone.

Trusts sound like something I wanted from the start though. Maybe too overpowered though?

It's not really Trusts that are overpowered, it's being (effectively) level 119 and going back to do content that was designed for level 75 at most. I mean think about being a level 75 character and going to do some of the early city missions and such. Yeah.


PlayOnline was on my shit list right when the FFIX guide came out. That book is so fucking useless now that all the fucking links with the strategy and secret stuff are dead.
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