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GB Micro - Famicom version


maybe there is a NES ver later


and the new TV commercials
They should drop the A and B letters on the buttons on that version. But if there is a NES pad version, I might just have to get it even if it's a shameless ripoff.


Ruzbeh said:
My guess is that Nintendo will introduce a redesigned DS on E3 2006.

Hopefully. Too bad I want one before christmas. Maybe I'll get the best buy extended warranty, then claim mine is broken and trade it in.
Sho Nuff said:
Looking at that video, I have no idea how anything is playable at that size, but whatever.

And here I thought I was alone in not really understanding the craze of "let's see how tiny we can make it!" let alone paying a hundred dollars for it. Yes, I realize I'm going to die because of this post. :D
Kroole said:
Why? Nothing you said is anywhere near controversial.

I realize that, but I've seen a lot of support for the Micro around here - and if ridiculously small and sleek is your thing, that's cool - I guess it's just not for me, especially at that price.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
this thing is so tempting.... man, but no thanks my DS is more than enough


The faceplate on the Famicom Micro hopefully is better quality than the ones in the Famicoms originally.

My old Famicom P1 faceplate is entirely decolorized, especially around the D-pad and the A-B buttons. Although that took about 5 years of play by me to inflict that kind of damage. :D


sh1t... I'm sold now...
want that badly :'(... I surrender... whatever Nintendo creates, I want... I really tried not to be a nintendo whore... and I dont even need ANOTHER gameboy... but that Famicom one =sexy

edit: after watching the ads... I'm a believer, that thing will sell very well in Japan


Well, that seals the deal. I'm going to import a Famicom-colored one.

Me too. I placed an order for it at Play-Asia.com a few minutes ago (it comes with a free copy of Astro Boy: Tetsu Wan Atom as a bonus). I have a DS, but sadly, Nintendo is just so capable of producing these pieces of hardware (whether they are handheld, console or whatever) that just freakin' look hot and scream "Buy me!". :(


jarrod said:
Fixed. No doubt we'll see this and a Super Famicom Mini line at some point. :)

I dunno. While previous remakes of games haven't prevented Nintendo from releasing ports of the original sometime after (i.e. DKC and SMBDX on GBC versus FMSMB and DKCGBA), I think the Revolution's download service and the wide availability of SNES games on the GBA preclude a Super Famicom mini lineup that's, ain the least least, as extensive as the Famicom one. I can see the DS being designed based on the Super Famicom, but it would be wiser to just release something like Super Mario All-Stars with it rather than go through the trouble of redoing SNES games.


Those are really sweet commercials. I doubt NoA has the balls to put something that minimalistic on north american television though.


And even i am moderately surprised
the famicom mini is lovely - BUT wouldn't all the other face plates look a bit crappy with the base colour of the unit?

Still not sure if 12,000 yen for hardware i already own in three other forms is a good price!


damn sexy, I guess I will be importing :)

I do wanna see an actual image of this, I'm so sick of these stupid Illustrator-renders ---- I wanna see the real-deal and how nice the foil is.

That Famicom-Red has always been such a nice industrial color -- it should complement other faceplates well.... I'd much rather have that than the typical silver (is the new black is the new white)

Musashi Wins!

DCharlie said:
the famicom mini is lovely - BUT wouldn't all the other face plates look a bit crappy with the base colour of the unit?

Still not sure if 12,000 yen for hardware i already own in three other forms is a good price!

dude, it's not. this and that "core" product all the kids are mad for should come with "I'm With Stupid" faceplates.


damn that thing is awesome. Style baby. Great commercials too.

mutsu said:

no kidding. the scrawny little collector in me is threatening to turn into the Hulk and bust his way out. must resist...


posting on contract only
I still don't get why Nintendo went with some woman whispering "Gamecube" over just using the coin noise or something like that.


Goddamn that is painfully nice :( I can't resist. What the hell am I supposed to play on it though? Anything tasty in the GBA pipeline?


It's too expensive for what you get. Sure, it's a sexy little thing, but you might as well spend an extra $30 and get a DS. I'd be buying a Micro if it was priced at $60 or cheaper, but not for $100.


Jeff-DSA said:
It's too expensive for what you get. Sure, it's a sexy little thing, but you might as well spend an extra $30 and get a DS. I'd be buying a Micro if it was priced at $60 or cheaper, but not for $100.


I think this thing will act as a secret nintendo fanboy identifier, which will admit signals to nintendo to identify their fanboy base in different areas, since I can't see anyone else buying this thing. It's a great idea, but not for $100.
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