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//: Global Starcraft II League (GSL) 2013 Season 2 + GSTL Season 1 Thread



Actually, I think I'll just do it now. WCS Europe S2 starts in like 6 hours so might as well have it up for that.

I've been way too busy with my new job otherwise I would've just made the post myself :[

I haven't had time to watch any of OSL/WCS S2


I've been way too busy with my new job otherwise I would've just made the post myself :[

I haven't had time to watch any of OSL/WCS S2

Ah, sorry to hear that man. Hope things smooth out soon. I'll let you make the Season 3 thread when the time comes and hopefully your schedule isn't so hectic. :)


GSTL Season 1 Playoffs are here!


Let's go, StarTale!! Fighting~!!!
I miss Saturday GSTL where it would actually start early and I could watch it with little trouble. Now I have to miss Azubu vs LG-IM. :(

Will catch AxiomAcer vs whoever wins today next week.
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