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GMR and XBN magazines are no more

Dave Long

If you guys that have remainder subs are PC gamers, Computer Gaming World is still one of the best PC-focused magazines on the newsstand. I'd highly recommend that if you don't want to move to EGM.
Dave Long said:
If you guys that have remainder subs are PC gamers, Computer Gaming World is still one of the best PC-focused magazines on the newsstand. I'd highly recommend that if you don't want to move to EGM.

With that, I would agree. Didn't like the mag at first, but they won me over.

To my mind, they're easily the best Ziff pub. And the best PC pub.


Unbelievable. 'Hey, let's kill off our two best magazines!' This truly sucks. (And irony of ironies, I just got the Jan '05 XBN in the mail this afternoon, too. -_-)


Dave Long said:
If you guys that have remainder subs are PC gamers, Computer Gaming World is still one of the best PC-focused magazines on the newsstand. I'd highly recommend that if you don't want to move to EGM.

Yeah, I like some CGW (and they don't give me work, so you can trust my unbiased opinion). Jeff Green runs a pleasantly grown-up publication, but it's not inordinately stuffy.


Dave Long

adrockthekid said:
With that, I would agree. Didn't like the mag at first, but they won me over.

To my mind, they're easily the best Ziff pub. And the best PC pub.

Personally, I like Computer Games Magazine the best of the PC-focused pubs, but I'm not unbiased there. (I freelance for them)


works for Gamestop (lol)
For current GMR and XBN subscribers, do we get to choose any Ziff Davis publication we wish to transfer to?

Sucks that this has to happen, XBN was one of my favorite gaming magazines


I really don't know what to say :( this is horrible, not only did two good magazines die but some of the best writers got laid off, I'm sorry guys, can't imagine how you must feel right now but I can tell you that, judging from the writing I've seen in either magazines, that you won't have a problem finding somewhere else.


go eat paint
God damn, Xbox Nation too?!

I hate when this kinda stuff happens--both for those involved and for those of us who just do freelance work, because invariably it kicks more competent folk out into the freelance pool.

What a sick time of year to spring this--bad economy, cold weather, Christmas shopping, AND the DEADEST period for the industry. Did they pass on a naked photo of Bea Arthur to top it all off?


Mike Works said:
Man, that's so weird. I was just talking to drohne last night about helping him with his very first XBN review.

Yeah, I just submitted a piece to them this morning. What a fucking nightmare for those guys. I was talking with one of their guys this morning when the GMR news broke. This is horrible, horrible news. Two great publications folded.

I guess, maybe foolishly, I hope that ZD has something planned in games journalism for print media, or a reallocation of assets and talent to the digital location -- but that may be only a fool's hope. Such a fucking bummer.
It's so damn difficult to start a mag from scratch and hope people will subscribe. I think that most buyers just want to stick with one or two magazines, like EGM or GamePro (yikes) and flip through the others. Most of the reading has gone online where everything is faster and free. Plus video game mags aren't really that different from one another. There needs to be an Edge magazine, i.e. Next-Generation again to take it to the next level.
hahaha, it actually got worse. My God, there's no way for ZD to support any other magazines besides EGM and OPM? And Future Network is dancing in the streets, since the world's greatest Xbot stronghold survives while XBN dies too.

Maybe it's time someone else starts a magazine? Somebody pitch something to whoever publishes say, Rolling Stone or Blender. :(


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
What a shitty day for gaming news in general :(
The two mags folding, the NFL exclusivity thingy... some kinda chilly sea change is on and I don't like it.


hyperbolically metafictive
Mike Works said:
Man, that's so weird. I was just talking to drohne last night about helping him with his very first XBN review.

you think it's weird. i'm vaguely convinced that i jinxed them. oh well. there goes a damned good magazine! or two!


Damn, now I feel bad about giving chespace crap about some reviews....XBN was one of the better mags out there. :(

There is no fucking justice. I've barely recovered from NextGen going down.


Gold Member
Mike Works said:
Man, that's so weird. I was just talking to drohne last night about helping him with his very first XBN review.

drohne should transfer to Nintendo Power :p


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

We're all (talented and) capable members of the industry, I'm sure we'll land gigs somewhere, somehow. :)

The fucked thing is, we're a week away from finishing our last issue... now THAT'S going to be hard.


J. Horwitz said:
They will soon enough, I'm sure. They've been dreaming about that for years.

Larry Flynt and Tips & Tricks have that market cornered...hell, they would even have to change that name.

Seriously, sorry to hear about all the San Fran-based cuts. I despise the Manhattan based Ziff suits...starting with Charlie Mast.


Dsal said:
What a shitty day for gaming news in general :(
The two mags folding, the NFL exclusivity thingy... some kinda chilly sea change is on and I don't like it.

This reminds me, when is EA starting its own house rag? Electronic Arts Power?

I'd laugh, except it doesn't seem that unlikely anymore.



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
damn. gmr, eh, no biggie. xbn? holy fucking shit that sucks. literally the only mag i care to read.


:( This is ridiculous..What a nice Christmas present for their employees. XBN was my favorite magazine, I'm sorry Che :( You guys were (I should be saying are) the best.
Outside of Play, XBN was the only mag I actually find myself looking forward to month after month (See, while I anticipate OXM, the slop that comes with the OXM demo disk doesn't count).

A sad day to be sure...


chespace said:
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

We're all (talented and) capable members of the industry, I'm sure we'll land gigs somewhere, somehow. :)

The fucked thing is, we're a week away from finishing our last issue... now THAT'S going to be hard.

Damn... I really am bummed. I can't imagine what it's like for you guys. I've always had a good job in a stable industry. I'm suddenly reminded of reading your blog and the stories with you and your wife. I wish you, your wife, and the rest of the staff the best of luck in transition. Not the best time to be out of work.


AbeFroman said:
Larry Flynt and Tips & Tricks have that market cornered...


I always knew that, but always kind of denied it in my head--Larry Flynt with any legit production just doesn't click in my head.


Console Market Analyst
Haven't read these publications regularly, but I'm saddened to learn so many I know from these boards as decent folk (who have been generous with inside knowledge or providing much needed rumor control) are now out of a job.

Best wishes to you guys for the Holidays and beyond.

J2 Cool

Wow, this sucks. On a sidenote, a GMR magazine is sitting on one of the bookshelfs in MGS3 :) This game's got so much shit in it.


chespace said:
The fucked thing is, we're a week away from finishing our last issue... now THAT'S going to be hard.

Yeah. My former employers have always been kind enough to make me get the fuck out in short order. It saves a lot of hassle that way, really.

In my experience, losing a job's no fun if there's not at least an outside chance of your bosses calling the cops to remove you.



Do the walking papers read anytihng like this?

"Merry Xmas, now find a new job. We are a bunch of fuckholes."


Ziff Davis Management

It's a shame about these mags getting the boot, especially XBN. It pains me that I now have to resort to OXM for print mag info on Xbox gaming. Looks like I'm transferring over to CGW now.

Dave Long

ferricide said:
<looks at sheaf sitting on desk>


Wow. Really sorry to hear that Christian. Good luck with the job search. Did they at least offer to look for placement inside ZD elsewhere?

Steve Bauman at CGM always seems interested in good freelancers. Try him out.


GhaleonEB said:
Damn, now I feel bad about giving chespace crap about some reviews....XBN was one of the better mags out there. :(

There is no fucking justice. I've barely recovered from NextGen going down.

At least Next Gen slowly degraded over the years until it was just a shell of its former self before they pulled the plug. You could see it coming. But this...this is just like BAM! and it's over.

Time to fire some emails off to Ziff. This just sucks.


BuddyChrist83 said:

I really enjoyed GMR. Now all I've got left is XBN...
Nothing. Now i've got nothing.


My condolences and best hopes to those at both XBN and GMR. You guys made two of my favorite gaming magazines, ever.


Man, that sucks for all of you, truthfully I was never the biggest GMR fan but XBN seemed to be a pretty good magazine. It was awful nice of Ziff do give you guys the layoff right before Xmas. :(

I'm sure most of you won't have much trouble finding work elsewhere... I'd suggest going to futuremedia just to maybe inject some quality into there mishmash of garbage. PSM jumped it's shark back in 2000 yet it still keeps going on like the energizer bunny.... OXM, without its demo disc would be a pretty worthless read, not that all of its content sucks , it's just a really tiny magazine.
...because I gave Breakdown a 9, isn't it?

Considering how long as I've refrained from posting here, this seems as good an opportunity as any...

Thanks all for the kind words and support. Having been a part of both GMR and XBN these past two years, it's nice to know someone noticed--and even appreciated--our efforts.
Lakitu said:
I really don't know what to say :( this is horrible, not only did two good magazines die but some of the best writers got laid off, I'm sorry guys, can't imagine how you must feel right now but I can tell you that, judging from the writing I've seen in either magazines, that you won't have a problem finding somewhere else.

But that's the problem. Seems like the world of game journalism ]doesn't want talented writers that are straight shooters and can string complete sentences.
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