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God of War 2018 crosses 23 million units sold


In the same time they are forcing their first party studios to develop games that will run on slow-asfuck PS4 HDD, CPU, GPU. So i dont think PC is problem here, where most ppl intersted in new titles did have minimum SATA SSD.
Read my first reply to you. I specifically said "in the future when PS4 is becoming irrelevant to Sony"...


Not trying to be a dick or anything, but I hope these numbers, and the flops of Uncharted and Sackboy on pc show Sony where their consumers are.

Maybe they’ll slow down on the pc stuff a bit.
Games (re-)released at 60$+ 2-4+ years after their initial release, with near zero marketing and while simultaneously being available for 20 bucks or even for free on console fail to sell as well on PC as they did on console................no shit Sherlock.

and then someone like you comes along and twists this into a "Console has more loyal customers". How knotted up has a brain to be to come to that conclusion in this situation?
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Well, I would argue that this makes game design catering to steam pc configs even in the future when ps4 is becoming irrelevant to Sony.
We simply won't see games with specific PS5 engines using their full 7gb/sec SSD for crucial game mechanics, because then you couldn't port it to PC where 90% of users are still not on the NVMe train ...
Something like the UE5 matrix demo only uses ~60% of the possible data throughput that even a low cost standard 2,5 slot SSD can easily provide, and that is without even using newer possibilities like direct storage........so please elaborate why Sony would even need to make high end NVME a requirement while having a 2070-2080 / zen 2 equivalent at the other end of their pipeline. :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Something like the UE5 matrix demo only uses ~60% of the possible data throughput that even a low cost standard 2,5 slot SSD can easily provide, and that is without even using newer possibilities like direct storage........so please elaborate why Sony would even need to make high end NVME a requirement while having a 2070-2080 / zen 2 equivalent at the other end of their pipeline. :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:
Some of you aren't reading my posts, its not about fancy gfx its about "crucial game mechanics", parallel gaming where you can switch your character in an instant in outrageously different settings or whatever new game mechanic gets made possible utilizing such fast bandwidth.

Not on rails shooters or slow traversing open world games.


Some of you aren't reading my posts, its not about fancy gfx its about "crucial game mechanics", parallel gaming where you can switch your character in an instant in outrageously different settings or whatever new game mechanic gets made possible utilizing such fast bandwidth.

Not on rails shooters or slow traversing open world games.
Absolute nonsense.
The vast majority of data size in games ARE graphics. You can`t switch a level/character faster than the GPU can render and the CPU adapt its draw calls to stick with your "example". The GPU side is just a 2070/2080 equivalent and if you think you`d EVER need 7gb/s to feed a mid class zen 2 CPU then I´d like to sell you a bridge or two.
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You can`t switch a level/character faster than the GPU can render or the CPU adapt to stick with your "example".
The whole super speed PS5 SSD is a very nice fire and forget thing but it will not lead to anything impossible with regular SSDs.......the rest of the system simply can`t keep up.
You have to watch Cernys road to PS5 video, he touches on this very subject and the I/O that helps the PS5 in theory push its bandwith throughout the system. Look, it's not me who came up with this stuff, Cerny advertised it. I believe (him), that this is possible on his custom designed hardware, but isn't ever going to be used if PS4 or Steam PC configs (of the masses) are eternally going to be the lowest common denominators for PS5 game development.
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You have to watch Cernys road to PS5 video, he touches on this very subject and the I/O that helps the PS5 in theory push its bandwith throughout the system. Look, it's not me who came up with this stuff, Cerny advertised it. I believe (him), that this is possible on his custom designed hardware, but isn't ever going to be used if PS4 or Steam PC configs (of the masses) are eternally going to be the lowest common denominators for PS5 game development.
Cerny was talking SSD vs classic HDD. That is a WHOLE other universe than your "PS5 Super SSD vs normal SSD" nonsense right here.....
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
The reveal was insane, i knew this was gonna be something special. Im happy that more people have enjoyed the game.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Fanboys want to stir the pot this is where Sony made something happen god of war is different than 15 years ago kratos has a little less bitterness and a little more toughness.


Ragnarok first year sale alone could be like 15M+
Doubtful as Sony seems to have taken a page from Nintendo's book in regards to price retention this generation.

I imagine the majority of these GOW18 sales occured at the impulse buy price range, ala $10-20 per.

If Sony isn't gonna be as aggressive with sales and price slashing, I wouldn't expect that to be anywhere near as quickly moving.

Time will tell though.

Sony has cultured its base to expect sales, so if they're no longer doing so, who's gonna give in first, Sony or the fans?


Cerny was talking SSD vs classic HDD. That is a WHOLE other universe than your "PS5 Super SSD vs normal SSD" nonsense right here.....
Why are you this antagonistic? It’s about video games. Chill out.

Cerlinsky talked about not only the SSD but the whole I/O stack and the philosophy behind it. Thee SSD is a key component here but not all there is to it.

Matter is, the throughput here is the essential part and it’s just not comparable to a PS4 or budget PC build.


This is interesting to me, because although 23 million sold is a great number for games, it still appears low compared to other mediums. I'm assuming here that they're not counting PS+ copies of the game.

For example, Avengers Endgame got 350 million movie tickets admission, and then there's a whole swat of people who watched it on BluRay or DVD, or streamed it, etc.

I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but it still shows how games are a niche market. There's so much less 'gamers' attracted to blockbuster games, than there are movie watchers, or even readers for that matter.
This is interesting to me, because although 23 million sold is a great number for games, it still appears low compared to other mediums. I'm assuming here that they're not counting PS+ copies of the game.

For example, Avengers Endgame got 350 million movie tickets admission, and then there's a whole swat of people who watched it on BluRay or DVD, or streamed it, etc.

I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but it still shows how games are a niche market. There's so much less 'gamers' attracted to blockbuster games, than there are movie watchers, or even readers for that matter.

A movie ticket is like 12 dollars and people of all ages can watch it. Video games are still targeting a very narrow demographic of people that care for violence and themes in them, and require the skill to play them.

Thats why mobile is such a big market, it targets every age and financial bracket


This is interesting to me, because although 23 million sold is a great number for games, it still appears low compared to other mediums. I'm assuming here that they're not counting PS+ copies of the game.

For example, Avengers Endgame got 350 million movie tickets admission, and then there's a whole swat of people who watched it on BluRay or DVD, or streamed it, etc.

I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but it still shows how games are a niche market. There's so much less 'gamers' attracted to blockbuster games, than there are movie watchers, or even readers for that matter.
To watch movie i just need to spend 15$, and then watch it for 2 hours or so. Most people going there in group buying multiple tickets, not alone. To play game i first need platform for that, console for 500$, then spend 10 hours or more to finish it, mostly alone. So of course much more people would prefer cinema.
It depends on how they decide what counts as a sale, but over 10 Million copies s good regardless of the announced number.

I wonder if those sales are spread out or frontloaded like Spiderman, may give us a hint of how well the new upcoming GOW will do.


Why are you this antagonistic? It’s about video games. Chill out.

Cerlinsky talked about not only the SSD but the whole I/O stack and the philosophy behind it. Thee SSD is a key component here but not all there is to it.

Matter is, the throughput here is the essential part and it’s just not comparable to a PS4 or budget PC build.
Stating facts is being antagonistic now...uh huh. Insecure much?
If you just want to talk about personal fantasies and hear praise for that then maybe...I don't know... Twitter? You could also stop playing the offended maiden and maybe actually bring an argument that's rooted in reality for once.

The current facts are:
- No game in existence needs an nvme SSD + special I/O Tech to function.

- The best looking tech we've seen so far with quality and scope we might actually not see before the PS6 in real games barely
uses half of a normal SSDs throughput without any additional I/O hardware or software.

- we have direct storage on pc just waiting to be used.

- The rest of the consoles' hardware is just a standard mid spec pc.

- There is no technological indication at all that a normal SSD could ever become a bottleneck this gen.

Therefore your magic fairy dust PS5 SSD and I/O is just a convenience feature in the end and not a game changer when compared to modern PCs and you're fear mongering over nothing....
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Stating facts is being antagonistic now...uh huh. Insecure much?
If you just want to talk about personal fantasies and hear praise for that then maybe...I don't know... Twitter? You could also stop playing the offended maiden and maybe actually bring an argument that's rooted in reality for once.

The current facts are:
- No game in existence needs an nvme SSD + special I/O Tech to function.

- The best looking tech we've seen so far with quality and scope we might actually not see before the PS6 in real games barely
uses half of a normal SSDs throughput without any additional I/O hardware or software.

- we have direct storage on pc just waiting to be used.

- The rest of the consoles' hardware is just a standard mid spec pc.

- There is no technological indication at all that a normal SSD could ever become a bottleneck this gen.

Therefore your magic fairy dust PS5 SSD and I/O is just a convenience feature in the end and not a game changer when compared to modern PCs and you're fear mongering over nothing....
Yeah and all I argued from the beginning is that there is not going to be any game dependent on the SSD, I/O speed because nobody is going to develop one where it would be needed now that even Sony has low spec PCs in mind.

Of course there is no precedent here, why would a PC studio release a game with such a min spec (sky high bandwidth )? They wouldn’t sell games at all, the only Studios that could do that are console studios- but they haven’t because of cross gen titles and in future because of lower spect PCs.

I never said there are games out there that need these speeds now, all I said and you refuse to grasp, is that it is possible to develop a game mechanic that would be dependent on these fast SSD, I/O speeds. But it would make no sense developing such a game if it’s not to stay PS5 exclusive, wich is not Sonys strategy anymore.

It’s really not that hard of a concept to grasp.


I never said there are games out there that need these speeds now, all I said and you refuse to grasp, is that it is possible to develop a game mechanic that would be dependent on these fast SSD, I/O speeds. But it would make no sense developing such a game if it’s not to stay PS5 exclusive, wich is not Sonys strategy anymore.

It’s really not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you`d read more than 1-2 sentences of something you`re replying to you`d see that I´ve understood your point from the get go and utterly refuted your "arguments" on a technological level multiple times already.....

Since you seem to refuse to read text I´ll make it as simple as I can and put it into one sentence:

With the hardware the consoles are boasting aside from the I/O part and the engine tech possibilities we`ve seen with UE5 and the prospect of features like direct storage it`s clear by now that the difference between a normal SSD and fairy dust Sony I/O concerning raw game design possibilities is convenience only.
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Well deserved, great experience to play through on my pc. Made me get cheap keys for Horizon, Days gone and Journey to play more of sony's output. Will check out Ragnarok when it drops for PC in a year or two
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