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Gran Turismo 7 Deep Forest gameplay

Tbh, I don’t think FH5 is that much more impressive than FH4 was on XoneX, particularly at 60 FPS. In the same way that the PS4 Pro version of GT Sport looks so similar to GT7. In fact, GT Sport cars were designed to be future proof for the next gen. In any racing game, the car should be the star, and it really is in GT.
I do not want to bring FH to the table, it's not fair to compare as FH is a open world game where you can get through several types of places. Much harder to squeeze the hardware to the best visuals it can provide and keep a steady frame rate at the same time. Yet I agree with your comment about FH5, I would expect more visual upgrades over FH4, I was disappointed in visual terms when I played that game.


What the F was that?

What's going on in the orange tunnel at the top of the hill. Looks like the reflections on the rear of the cars update at about 3fps.

2 lod swaps on the orange Mazda within the first 5 seconds of gameplay.

The sound effects are great apart from the PS1 era tyre squeal, yet again.

Look at the shadow being draw across the crowd on the very first corner.

I have a feeling like they just gave up half way through and though, this will do for PS4.

Not up to usual standards by that showing I hope that was a very, very old build.


Looks good but the vegetation/foliage shadows and/or lighting here were a little too bright. This could also be an art direction decision as far as palette choice too. I know it’s not a focus but everything else is convincing!

Don’t know how qualified I’d be to make that remark since I’m slightly color blind to deep/neutral shades of green/red though.
The tonemapping in general looks pretty weak IMO. Everything looks really bland. The cars do look great, but that's what's making all the environment look worse in comparison.

Lots of shadows are also missing from what I can tell, unless they chose the worst scenarios to pick from.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Incredible graphics, that said you can punish Forza for understanding the arcady feel.


While I am watching that footage, I have Forza Motorsport 7 downloading in the background on the Series X... :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This doesn't look great, especially when compared to Horizon 5.

I expected more from Polyphony Digital.

Edit: apparently expressing an opinion is very funny here. I own a PS5 and was looking forward to this game, but for some this means I need to love every screenshot and trailer that Sony's first parties put out.
Great way to discredit yourselves people.
Don’t be discouraged by the lol brigade. They are only leaving you a LOL because they have no counter argument. They know they will get banned for warring if they open their mouths so they settle for lol reactions. There is around 50 serial LOL giving non verbal sociopaths on this board. Get used to blocking them.
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Looks great @ 1080p. Will watch in 4k later. Cresting the hill and zipping down into the valley gave an impressive sense of scale. I do wish they could have a RT mode, because there's still the uncanny valley once cars get near each other. The lack of car reflections always jumps out at me.


Gold Member
I do not want to bring FH to the table, it's not fair to compare as FH is a open world game where you can get through several types of places. Much harder to squeeze the hardware to the best visuals it can provide and keep a steady frame rate at the same time. Yet I agree with your comment about FH5, I would expect more visual upgrades over FH4, I was disappointed in visual terms when I played that game.
I’ve literally just been playing FH5 on Series X in performance mode and the in-car view is surprisingly poor. The reflections on the bonnet are terrible, the interior is really flat. It’s clear that PD have focused more on the in-car details than Playground Games and vice versa for the environment details; though pop-in is prevalent on both.


Gold Member
Looks great @ 1080p. Will watch in 4k later. Cresting the hill and zipping down into the valley gave an impressive sense of scale. I do wish they could have a RT mode, because there's still the uncanny valley once cars get near each other. The lack of car reflections always jumps out at me.
Yeah, shame PD haven’t considered a lower res RT mode for PS5. Maybe they have, but haven’t announced it yet? Still a couple of months to announce additional features, so I haven’t given up on the idea.


Finally catching up to the competition that has done that for years. Maybe by the time GT9 comes around we'll get accurately modelled torque steer, accurate high powered RWD WOT behaviour, and a decent tire model that isn't just a grip modifier.

I don't care what the "competition" has done for years. I pointed out a nice touch with the reflection detailing. You need to get out more.


Gold Member


Cars look good (not a massive upgrade from GT Sport but still an upgrade) although:

- What were those weird reflections in the tunnel? Looked like they were just switching between baked textures of "light on, light off".
- The environments look like shit. Especially those paper trees... still... plus the crowds look terrible.

Sounds like it'll be great as a car game for those who like GT but didn't like GT Sport (ie lack of proper career mode), but I don't think it will visually blow my socks off.


I see a ton of posts from users who got lead by the nose by a brand ambassador a few weeks back. Can’t take those seriously.


Damn when devs are finally gonna ditch last gen.
Looks like slightly improved GTS.
Cardboard trees on PS5/XsX gen are just terrible...



Im always fascinated by the amount of car brands that colaborate and design Vision Grand Turismo cars and even make the prototypes in real life.

I still remember how much I disliked the prototype cars when they started appearing in GT games, and today some of my favorite cars to drive in Grand Turismo are Vision GT cars.
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I’m sure I’ll be eaten alive for this but over the years I’ve become less and less impressed with GT and more and more impressed by Forza, especially FH Games.
GT is everything about the minute details and the outstanding attention to detail. That is unrivalled.
But the impact of the overral presentation got weaker.


I’m sure I’ll be eaten alive for this but over the years I’ve become less and less impressed with GT and more and more impressed by Forza, especially FH Games.
It’s ok. Some people think the avengers movies look better than what Christopher Nolan puts out.
Waiting for the Mario Cart comparison in 3...2...1.
I’m just happy it looks better than pole position


I'm curious if it'll have realtime weather and time progression on PS4. If it does it'll likely look worse than Sport on the Pro unless they have hacked it akin to GT4's 1080i on PS2.
GT5 and GT6 had dynamic weather and time progression on PS3. I never understood why they didnt implemented it on GT Sport. GT7 on PS4 should look identical to GT Sport but i expect them to include dynamic weather and time.


GT is everything about the minute details and the outstanding attention to detail. That is unrivalled.
But the impact of the overral presentation got weaker.
Remember how they released a PS3 game with 1000 of the like 1200 cars without interiors and being lifted directly from the PS2, looking like complete trash?

Minute detail and attention to detail my arse.


Looks great. Its clean, as GT should be. GTS has the best online mode I've played in a racer, so I expect GT7 to succeed that.

Hate on some graphical details as you want, but every GT, even GT5 which I hated with a passion, hooks me in like no other racer does. I'll probably enjoy grinding the SP, collecting cars, trying out lots of them. And I like how GT has become sort of GAAS, I don't need a new circuit racer every year. Just keep supporting this game with car packs, new courses, challenges etc. GTS did this well.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This video looks a ps5 Creig moment
Both companies jumping over each other trying to see who can fuck over their fanbase the most. All to make a little more cash. First parties are supposed to be better than this. Their job is to take risks when third parties refuse to do so early on in the gen.

What’s infruriating is that they are making more money than ever before. 70% of the sales are digital and they pocked 30% of it when they only used to get 10%. Ps+, xbl and gamepass have 45 million subscribers. Their games sell literally tens of millions of units when they would struggle to hit a million just a gen ago. Cross gen should not have even been contemplated for any of these games.

When first parties turn into third parties we are done. No risks. No innovation. Everyone puts their bottom line above pushing the industry forward. In 2006, MS pushed the industry forward when Sony was busy trying to win DVD wars. In 2013, Sony made a promise to gamers while MS courted TV viewers. Now who do we have? I keep looking for something to get inspired by but we are a year in and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I see nothing but dated games from both companies. Starfield in holiday 2022 And Spider-Man in Hillary 2023 is the best we got. Two games and we don’t even know what’s next Gen about them.

I’ve never been more dejected about the state of gaming than I am today. Every conference for the last two years has been a letdown. Things have gotten so bad I’m putting my faith in the hands of fucking Geoff Keighley.

We won’t get a true next Gen GT until 2027. The year ps6 is supposed to launch. Isn’t that the most depressing thing you have ever read.
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Remember how they released a PS3 game with 1000 of the like 1200 cars without interiors and being lifted directly from the PS2, looking like complete trash?

Minute detail and attention to detail my arse.

GT5 is an outlier and a travesty. But its also kind of the story of the PS3 in general.

The first 4 GTs pushed the hardware while being extremely polished, esp. 3 and 4. GT5 was a mess. The framerate was horrible, pick Monza and only premium cars in cockpit cam and rejoice. But even GT5 was brilliant at times. Driving through a rainy special stage with the F40 felt glorious. But at other times you were racing on Autumn Ring with standard cars and both those legacy tracks and cars were ripped straight from PS2. It was a mess of a game. Let alone the terrible load times, menu lag when signed in.

Venom Snake

I consider the cross-gen aspects to be justified in this particular case. The game is coming out soon and PS5 availability is still pretty low. All those who still can't buy a new console will be able to join the fun. After GT Sport, Polyphony owes us a decent Gran Turismo game, one that goes back to its roots and proves why it is still at the forefront of the genre.

I don't give a fuck what the trees look like. It's good that there are some, period. If i was a tree hugger, i would play Farming Simulator or Forza instead. GT is a game for which i am able to invest in a high-end steering wheel without even considering its price. And i would even do it on a PS4, with even more shitty cardboard trees.

I can see that apart from the pile of complainers, there are a few enthusiasts here who know what they are dealing with. I'm waiting for you motherfuckers in March. :messenger_horns::messenger_horns:
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