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GSL - Global Starcraft II League May 2011 Thread


pieatorium said:
What the fuck my dad turned up and I missed the end how the fuck did Nestea win?
Hidden expansion, muta harass on siege tanks, and some great final infestor fungal on SC's Thors to seal the deal. Sc had no economy, lost his army to perfect Zerg play.


That was probably the most exciting ending of a SC2 game I have ever seen. Not maybe quite as razor thin close as a few of the base trade scenarios that have happened, but so much more tense. How awesome is it to see such a powerful outcome to only a handful of units interacting with each other. Fucking great.


Q8D3vil said:
what, i think sc was great this season.
he was certainly in the same level as nestea.

No, sorry.

He played well on Terminus (even though he was pretty much going all-in off two base with no thoughts of getting a third) but his win on Metalopolis was undeserved. If Crossfire wasn't such a terrible map, that last game wouldn't have been so close.


pieatorium said:
What the fuck my dad turned up and I missed the end how the fuck did Nestea win?


That one game made up for all the cheese in the first half of the broadcast. Best SC2 I have ever seen. Hope NesTea goes on to win Final, so idrA can STFU about Zerg not winning anything.


twofold said:
No, sorry.

He played well on Terminus (even though he was pretty much going all-in off two base with no thoughts of getting a third) but his win on Metalopolis was undeserved. If Crossfire wasn't such a terrible map, that last game wouldn't have been so close.
sorry, i forgot that you are zerg so i won't go and try to argue with you.


Great game, but also kind of sloppy. No upgrades, no turrets for scfou and nestea threw a lot of units away into tanks when sc was pushing closer
The game was made even better in that it was round 5 out of 5 winner-take-all at that point. A real nail-biter for sure.

It seemed for sure that sC's steady siege tank push was going to overwhelm NesTea - he even had all those banelings and zerglings cornered on the right there behind the natural for a bit, but it was just clutch, clutch play.


syllogism said:
Great game, but also kind of sloppy. No upgrades, no turrets for scfou and nestea threw a lot of units away into tanks when sc was pushing closer
sc had upgrades and turrets ( although they didn't work because there was +15 muta.
if sc expanded or saved his natural he would've have been in a much better position.
but the thing about crossfire its really hard to take a third as terran with muta around ( specially with nestea amazing muta harass).


Q8D3vil said:
sorry, i forgot that you are zerg so i won't go and try to argue with you.

What does that have anything to with anything?

It's a specific strategy that will always put the Zerg behind the Terran, even if the Zerg does the most perfect response.

It's like winning with a double bunker wall off at the bottom of your ramp or a 2 rax marine scv push on close positions - sure, it's a win, but it doesn't require much skill to pull it off.


Q8D3vil said:
sc had upgrades and turrets ( although they didn't work because there was +15 muta.
if sc expanded or saved his natural he would've have been in a much better position.
but the thing about crossfire its really hard to take a third as terran with muta around ( specially with nestea amazing muta harass).
1 1 upgrades like 30 minutes into game is a joke and nestea had none. Sc lost purely because he didn't have like 2-3 extra turrets per base


twofold said:
What does that have anything to with anything?

It's a specific strategy that will always put the Zerg behind the Terran, even if the Zerg does the most perfect response.

It's like winning with a double bunker wall off at the bottom of your ramp or a 2 rax marine scv push on close positions - sure, it's a win, but it doesn't require much skill to pull it off.
but but but why everyone was saying that it was a genius tactical move ?
nestea didn't defend it properly, as artosis said he should've attacked from the high ground and he would've stopped it.


syllogism said:
1 1 upgrades like 30 minutes into game is a joke and nestea had none. Sc lost purely because he didn't have like 2-3 extra turrets per base
maybe, but i think 1-1 is good if your opponent didn't have anything.
sc is so much focused on the micro and timings, if he expanded his macro play he can be way better.
problem with terran that they have a certain time to win otherwise they need to have a godly micro and amazing game sense to drop units and react to the tech switchs.


Q8D3vil said:
but but but why everyone was saying that it was a genius tactical move ?
nestea didn't defend it properly, as artosis said he should've attacked from the high ground and he would've stopped it.

And then Sc would have expanded behind it and been way ahead economically. See the MVP vs Idra game from months ago where MVP opened 2 rax against Idra on close positions Meta and, even though Idra held the rush, he was so far behind economically that it was impossible for him to win.

Of course they'd say it was a 'genius tactical move' - what else are they supposed to say?

The truth is, he abused the architecture of the map and got a free and easy win. That's why it was undeserving.


I want a tag give me a tag
syllogism said:
1 1 upgrades like 30 minutes into game is a joke and nestea had none. Sc lost purely because he didn't have like 2-3 extra turrets per base

he had 3 turrets at some bases... do you want 6?


HolyCheck said:
he had 3 turrets at some bases... do you want 6?
3-4 might have been fine if they were all within range and he had immediately repaired them, since at least at one point he also had marines to support them. He was floating a lot of minerals before he lost his bases, so he definitely could have afforded it. That map is so good for a terran slow push that overmaking turrets is very viable.


twofold said:
And then Sc would have expanded behind it and been way ahead economically. See the MVP vs Idra game from months ago where MVP opened 2 rax against Idra on close positions Meta and, even though Idra held the rush, he was so far behind economically that it was impossible for him to win.

Of course they'd say it was a 'genius tactical move' - what else are they supposed to say?

The truth is, he abused the architecture of the map and got a free and easy win. That's why it was undeserving.
if you hold a rush, zerg can drone as much as they can.
see nestea vs sc second game.
he produced shitton but he kept up easily ( at some point nestea was 50 and sc was 35).

don't take what idra say, because he think that zerg can only win they have insane advantage over their opponents.


Q8D3vil said:
if you hold a rush, zerg drone as much as they can.
see nestea vs sc second game.
he produced shitton but he kept up easily ( at some point nestea was 50 and sc was 35).

don't take what idra say, because he think that zerg can only win they have insane advantage over their opponents.

I'm not talking about what Idra said. I'm talking about a SPECIFIC game where MVP did a two rax bunker push against Idra and, even though Idra held it off perfectly, he was behind 5 or so drones which was an insurmountable economic lead to overcome in the early game.

If you fall that far behind in the early game, unless the Terran fucks up in spectacular style, you're not going to win. Nestea would have been behind Sc even if he held off that bunker push in the most perfect way possible.


twofold said:
I'm not talking about what Idra said. I'm talking about a SPECIFIC game where MVP did a two rax bunker push against Idra and, even though Idra held it off perfectly, he was behind 5 or so drones which was an insurmountable economic lead to overcome in the early game.

If you fall that far behind in the early game, unless the Terran fucks up in spectacular style, you're not going to win. Nestea would have been behind Sc even if he held off that bunker push in the most perfect way possible.
i think its different from one situation to another, what do you think about the second game ?
do you think nestea was far behind after the first harass ?


Q8D3vil said:
i think its different from one situation to another, what do you think about the second game ?
do you think nestea was far behind after the first harass ?

No, because, iirc, there wasn't a bunker placed at the foot of his hatchery. If the bunker completes, the 2 rax becomes way stronger and harder to deal with. That's why Nestea pulled 8-10 drones as soon as he saw the SCVs - if the bunker completes, it's pretty much gg.

The bunker positioning on Meta was especially strong since Sc could corner in his marines to protect them from taking hits from the drones and it isn't possible for the Zerg to get a surround on the bunker when it's positioned as it was against the wall.

Sc hasn't impressed me and I don't think he would have come so far if not for the map pool. Terrans like MVP, MMA and Bomber are far more impressive (and solid) and we'll see that next season.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Holy crap, GOM already has the VODs up.

This is why I will always pay for GSL but probably not the NASL next season.
You guys are insane for not giving SC credit. He has provided entertaining games where he excels at all types of play, including strategies we haven't seen before, and all most of you are saying is boring, boring and boring.

It would be a sad e-sports scene if you all had your way and we saw the same 3-4 players in the semi-finals and finals every single season for the next 20 years.


Just watched the vod for game 5. Oddly I don't think it was that exciting to watch, I think it might be because it was on crossfire, so far I don't think I've watched a game that I've really enjoyed on that map :(
Trickster said:
Just watched the vod for game 5. Oddly I don't think it was that exciting to watch, I think it might be because it was on crossfire, so far I don't think I've watched a game that I've really enjoyed on that map :(

Wasn't it on crossfire that MVP first showed pro-gamers the power of BC's versus Ryung in the GSTL, on the day of the patch? That game was nice.


Giriath_89 said:
You guys are insane for not giving SC credit. He has provided entertaining games where he excels at all types of play, including strategies we haven't seen before, and all most of you are saying is boring, boring and boring.

It would be a sad e-sports scene if you all had your way and we saw the same 3-4 players in the semi-finals and finals every single season for the next 20 years.
Terran hate still continues from the beta, terran do bynker = wtf cheese all in doesn't deserve the win.
protoss cheese (i'm talking about mc and inca) = that's so gosu !!!

i think the problem that many people think terran is still op because there is many good korean terran with so many good results.


Nothing was more impressive than his spine crawler rush against Anypro, but still solid games from the zerg emperor. Should roll Inca in the finals.


GOM TV must be happy Nestea won. To grow SC2 as an e-sport they need to develop fan favorites, and that only happens when there are a few players that can consistently win stuff or at least get to the finals. MC, MVP, and Nestea are the respective champions of their races. Nestea winning his 2nd GSL will put him in the same league as his other race counterparts.
Zzoram said:
GOM TV must be happy Nestea won. To grow SC2 as an e-sport they need to develop fan favorites, and that only happens when there are a few players that can consistently win stuff or at least get to the finals. MC, MVP, and Nestea are the respective champions of their races. Nestea winning his 2nd GSL will put him in the same league as his other race counterparts.

I believe the downside to focusing on fan favorites too much is that most of their audience may end up caring little for matches they aren't playing in. I think the better approach is giving the spotlight to all players that are consistent, not just the finalists, and also make an effort not to discredit effective aggressive play, or any particular races.

GomTV is already doing this somewhat, with their mini-documentaries about players like MKP and Losira.


Sniper McBlaze said:
Where can I find all the games you're talking about? All I've seen is game one where Sc won against Nestea.
What do you mean? You need to pay to watch sets 2-5. If you've paid you just need to click the sets below the video player.
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