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GSL - Global Starcraft II League May 2011 Thread


All caught up now, pretty amazing games all around. Well I still haven't watched Bomber vs MVP in the finals for Code A but I'm all up to date on Code S. Nestea vs sC was about as good a Bo5 as I can remember seeing, and while I was cheering for Nestea by the end I was rooting for sC a bit, he played so well and it was just so damn close.

Also Artosis was cheering SO HARD for Nestea I reflexively started going for the upset. I don't mind that Tasteless and Artosis sometimes have an obvious rooting interest in one player (Cliiiiiiiiiiiidee) but that was a little over the top lol.


relies on auto-aim
So, first set of Up and Down start in 30 minutes.

Group A
(T)Keen < Crevasse > (P)TesteR
(T)Keen < Xel'Naga Caverns > (P)TesteR
(T)Keen < Metalopolis > (P)TesteR

Keen/TesteR loser < Crossfire SE > (P)San
Keen/TesteR loser < Crevasse > (P)San
Keen/TesteR loser < Xel'Naga Fortress > (P)San

Group B
(Z)CoCa < Metalopolis > (T)Jinro
(Z)CoCa < Xel'Naga Caverns > (T)Jinro
(Z)CoCa < Crevasse > (T)Jinro

CoCa/Jinro loser < Dual Sight > (Z)Zenio
CoCa/Jinro loser < Terminus SE > (Z)Zenio
CoCa/Jinro loser < Xel'Naga Caverns > (Z)Zenio

Also since the min.us thread was bumped I got to re-see an old .gif I made.

Flash in G20 summit video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbQ9KVLYoy4&hd=1#t=55s
A video shown to people, to introduce them to Korea. I wonder if SC II can match the legacy of SC.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Up and down matches about to start. I hope Jinro doesn't get knocked into code A.


Jinro should beat Coca and stay in Code S, he is good enough. Huk is fucked though, he's not going to beat either MMA or MKP, whomever it is that he ends up facing.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Zzoram said:
Jinro should beat Coca and stay in Code S, he is good enough. Huk is fucked though, he's not going to beat either MMA or MKP, whomever it is that he ends up facing.

Yea, that's gonna be hard to watch.

But on the plus side, the K-POP has begun!
San and Tester
Jinro and Coca
are who I think will make it but tbh as long as Jinro makes it I wouldn't be dissapointed by any of the others making code S. Zenio has been slumping but he is good when he is on his game imo.

Chris R

Yay for gom player in osx finally, I guess since I'm already up ill watch one up/down match since they are just starting. Yay for 1AM :)


I'm so tired ;_;

I'm going to end up falling asleep and waking up to the results of Jinro



ps why haven't there been liquibets for the past few days for gsl :(


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, I really really feel sorry for HUK now :(


I don't really care about Jinro myself. He seems like a nice guy, but I have a hard enough time choosing between MMA and MVP for my terran hero. Bomber might be better than either one of them, but he's kind of a dick.


relies on auto-aim
rhfb said:
One day I hope I'm good enough to have my ladder points taken by Tasteless. He is diamond and not grandmasters right?
I believe both he and Artosis are in Masters on Korea server


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
That's gg right?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
pieatorium said:
silly marines you are not zerglings

oh wait that actually worked.
Just what I thought when it happened XD


Trickster should play defensive after the first match. Silly to do early expand against rush happy Keen.

I doubt Trickster watched any of Keen's matches. Poor prep.


Aaron said:
If Trickster hadn't expanded, he would have more troops for the rush, and would have won.
If Trickster had've focused a depot and waltzed on in, he would've won.

Just some terrible play from Trickster. Seemed to fall completely apart because he thought he was going to have a very easy win when his stalkers got to Keens base.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Disappointing games from Trickster.


Trickster: Here he comes to destroy my base, let me move my slowest units to the other side of the map.

Keen would have lost to the AI in that game. It knows enough to focus down one supply depot.
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