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'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect

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I don't believe for a moment that its fair to cast Trump's entire voting base with this lot, their words and their actions.

As soon as Trump openly denounces Nazism, the KKK, white supremacy and all other racist organizations and movements, I'll believe you.

....still waiting

....still waiting


When unarmed black Americans are killed by police, many of our fine citizens go out of there way to list the reasons why they deserved to die. They put these pictures/memes/whatever on their social media for everyone to see. Right next to their daughters 2nd grade photo.

And people expect minorities dying to be some sort of tipping point? I mean I would hope the tipping point has already started. This shit is just fucking crazy. But I hear nothing. This seems like business as usual.

Too true. Racism fuelled executions at the hands of police who KNOW they will get away with it has reached epidemic status and yet fuck all has actually happened. Some protests that get forgotten about, some general tensions in communities reported, and it subsides until the next tragedy, then the next... America, it's media and it's people have absolutely no care in the world for this and at best just want to pretend it doesn't exist (doesn't affect "them" of course), more sinister in that they either don't care, or at worst actually fucking get a kick from seeing it happen and knowing their kind can get away with murder.

America has done jack shit about this, so with a democratically elected Neo Nazi fucking cabal of people in power, slimy power hungry Republicans in control of every branch of government, and the millions of genuine racist fuckwits emboldened to a degree they've never felt before, shit is going to get fucking grim. Violent counter action will be the only remotely worthwhile response. Sitting about talking about what to do, the left having inter-squabbles about minute differences of opinion while killings continue, will achieve fuck all.

Good luck America.

The only upside of all the evil about to come your way is that maybe it will be enough to give decent citizens a fucking jolt up the arse.

Nelo Ice

What's really amazed me is how fast things are moving.

From league of doom cabinet members to fucking neo nazis.

It's been what....1-1.5 weeks
And every day a new nightmare emerges. I tried to clear my head and every day I'm just dreading tomorrow since its one day closer to losing everything.


I don't believe for a moment that its fair to cast Trump's entire voting base with this lot, their words and their actions.
Trump's entire voting base elevated and empowered these people. Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, is now in the White House because of them. It's not a matter of being "fair". It's a fucking fact.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
What's really amazed me is how fast things are moving.

From league of doom cabinet members to fucking neo nazis.

It's been what....1-1.5 weeks

Yes. Too fast. And he isnt even the President yet.

All this is happening while Obama is still the President. Now that I think about it its like a big fuck you to Obama.

Yet all Muslims get thrown under the bus every time some psychotic extremist suicide bombs innocents.



I don't believe for a moment that its fair to cast Trump's entire voting base with this lot, their words and their actions.

Racism and xenophobia wasn't a minor facet of his platform. It was his platform. It was the one unwavering aspect of his candidacy, from the day he announced it. A vote for Trump was an embrace of that platform, no question.


“peaceful ethnic cleansing.”



So are we done with the "right way to protest" lectures? People ask to not be killed and we fret about some blocked traffic. Now the pushback is complete. Actual, real hate groups are running the show.

But all I hear is silence from the fence sitting so called moderates.


lol "white nationalists", "alt-right"

they're Nazis. Just call them Nazis.
Yep. The fight to rebrand the alt-right as white nationalists shows the fight is already lost.

They're fucking Neo Nazis. Don't settle for white nationalist as a less soft euphemism than alt-right. It's still a euphemism. It's still masking the evil.

Neo. Nazi.


You know what I equate it to? Seeing someone getting harassed, bullied, beat up, etc. and standing by, watching and doing nothing about it. Not even calling the cops.

Seeing someone hurt, in need, etc and offering no assistance what so ever.

This is the perfect interpretation.

Yet all Muslims get thrown under the bus every time some psychotic extremist suicide bombs innocents.

Not only that, but in this analogy average moderate Muslims DO loudly speak out against and resist the hate of the radicalized extremists.
alt right = white nationalist = neo nazi = Trump supporter

No need to dance around it anymore. Just tell it like it is.

FTFY and don't forget it. They are one in the same. If you support Trump, you support the groups who support him, which makes you equally culpable, and don't be afraid to speak up and tell people that too.


I am so over people trying to emphasize that not ALL people who voted for Trump are white nationalists. Of course they aren't. They are just people who are more ok with enabling and encouraging white nationalists than they are with voting for someone who doesn't inspire them.

I am getting a lot more fucking aggro over this election than I thought I would. Like, I find myself hoping to meet these disgusting fuckers on the street.

That's not a healthy way of thinking, or anything even remotely approaching a smart one, for myriad reasons.

But I literally can't get past the "seriously FUCK these people" part of the reasoning process.

Edit: I know my post is immature and not conducive to beneficial discourse. It's just hard to focus on those things right now.
FTFY and don't forget it. They are one in the same. If you support Trump, you support the groups who support him, which makes you equally culpable, and don't be afraid to speak up and tell people that too.
If you're calling my mother a neo nazi, who wouldn't be caught dead near any of those people in the OP, as well as the millions of Trump voters that also voted for Obama you're being fucking ridiculous. Sorry, but the world isn't so simple.


If you're calling my mother a neo nazi, who wouldn't be caught dead near any of those people in the OP, as well as the millions of Trump voters that also voted for Obama you're being fucking ridiculous. Sorry, but the world isn't so simple.
Your mom isn't a racist. Just a racist enabler. She doesn't hate minorities, she just doesn't care about them. Would you say that's more accurate?


If you're calling my mother a neo nazi, who wouldn't be caught dead near any of those people in the OP, as well as the millions of Trump voters that also voted for Obama you're being fucking ridiculous. Sorry, but the world isn't so simple.

Again. At the very least the shrugged that rhetoric off with no regard to the concerns or well being of other people.

You're part of the problem if you look the other way. You're part of the problem if you didn't call him out or hold him accountable. Now look what he's given way to
Your mom isn't a racist. Just a racist enabler. She doesn't hate minorities, she just doesn't care about them. Would you say that's more accurate?
Considering our family makeup, no.

I'll show her this though, no doubt. We've gone back and forth over Trump and conservative radio for what feels like forever now.

Like most things, it helps to know some people on the other side, because it helps to overcome crude or simplistic caricatures. No Trump supporter I've known or talked to would be cool with whats in the OP.
If you're calling my mother a neo nazi, who wouldn't be caught dead near any of those people in the OP, as well as the millions of Trump voters that also voted for Obama you're being fucking ridiculous. Sorry, but the world isn't so simple.

So this is all because you know someone who voted for Trump personally.

You're going to have to realize that because someone is good and kind to you doesn't mean they can't be antipathetic or apathetic about the well being of others.

You know that supporting Trump was foolish at best and it doesn't become less so because you're related to a person.


The Just World Fallacy is so strong amongst the population that even if these Nazis were wandering the streets they'd probably think everything will turn out okay

We should troll them back by beating them in public.

Lol. I bet they'll get so mad and think we're being serious.
"Come on Richard Hammond, kick this tramp to death"
If you're calling my mother a neo nazi, who wouldn't be caught dead near any of those people in the OP, as well as the millions of Trump voters that also voted for Obama you're being fucking ridiculous. Sorry, but the world isn't so simple.

Sorry your Mom has to be associated with such a horrible group of people. Personally, I'd be defending my mom too if she did the same thing.
So this is all because you know someone who voted for Trump personally.

You're going to have to realize that because someone is good and kind to you doesn't mean they can't be antipathetic or apathetic about the well being of others.

You know that supporting Trump was foolish at best and it doesn't become less so because you're related to a person.
Listen, I'm here for the fight.

But I'm not about to call 61 million Trump voters neo nazis, or say that the guys in the OP represent all of them. I'm only arguing against the extremes here.


Cretinously credulous
I wonder how these shitheads reconcile with the fact that Trump's daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandkids are Jewish.
How the FUCK is this happening in 2016???????????

Why did it happen in 1930s? Because people will acquiesce in the name of safety and comfort


So like what should I do as a minority? These fuccbois are in power now.

Prepare a go bag, and for resistance.

Prepare social networks of trusted people. Save money. Organize politically. Support politicians that fight against this, urge cowards to not be.


I'm really starting to believe this country is on the brink of Civil War.

The pot is boiling and is about to overflow. You can only stand up to hate with non-violence for so long. Trump has made all these racist people feel secure and justified. And they already have their resolve by "cleansing" ethnic people.

If that doesn't sound like a declaration of war I don't know what is.


Why did it happen in 1930s? Because people will acquiesce in the name of safety and comfort


Prepare a go bag, and for resistance.

Prepare social networks of trusted people. Save money. Organize politically. Support politicians that fight against this, urge cowards to not be.

The only difference is at least then Germany was in ruins and ripe for Hitler to take over.

We aren't. The economy is trending up, housing market up, unemployment below 5%, gas under $2, and President's approval rating around 56% .... I can't believe how easily people have bought into the myth of our economy being terrible to the point people think this is the direction to go in.


How the FUCK is this happening in 2016???????????

Because despite what modern media tells you about social enlightenment, there are 1000 examples of how it has failed to change the minds of largely-ignored parts of the US who are still operating on principles that have not progressed since WW2 and/or pre-Civil War.

People are largely the same as they've always been despite what those of us in bubbles choose to think of our country as a whole. Liberals like myself like to imagine an ideal rather than to address an ugly reality directly.

I've been 100% guilty of this, and I hate myself for it.

Rebel Leader

The only difference is at least then Germany was in ruins and ripe for Hitler to take over.

We aren't. The economy is trending up, housing market up, unemployment below 5%, gas under $2, and President's approval rating around 56% .... I can't believe how easily people have bought into the myth of our economy being terrible to the point people think this is the direction to go in.
It was no myth but a feeling.
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