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'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect

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LA Times photo is from an LA Times photographer. It's not a general press photo. They literally had a photo shoot for that article.

Yeah man, they shot that shit like he is some up and coming Silicon Valley disrupter or sumshit. Disgusting how they are trying so hard to normaize this fuckery.


Listen, I'm here for the fight.

But I'm not about to call 61 million Trump voters neo nazis, or say that the guys in the OP represent all of them. I'm only arguing against the extremes here.

So you're here to point out the obvious then? Most things arent 100% of anything. Besides my sex appeal.

Your mom is supporting a fascist, and the candidate endorsed by the white supremacists national party. As all trump supporters are. In a very literal sense. It's the same as my vote for Obama equating to supporting drone striking God damned weddings. That was my vote, that is on me. I don't like it, but that's the reality.

If anyone is saying that all trump supporters are literal nazis, they are definitely wrong. But I don't think anyone being intellectually honest, is suggesting as much.

It's getting tiring to see trump supporters try to extract themselves from the blatant racism and bigotry. They unfortunately cant, but will keep trying to cherry pick Donald trump. It's all or nothing when you vote, else you'd choose another candidate.
So you're here to point out the obvious then? Nothing is ever 100% of anything. Besides my sex appeal.

Your mom is supporting a fascist, and the candidate endorsed by the white supremacists national party. As all trump supporters are. In a very literal sense.

If anyone is saying that all trump supporters are literal nazis, they are definitely wrong. But I don't think anyone being intellectually honest, is suggesting as much.
Check the post I was responding to. Couldn't be any clearer.

And to be sure, GAF's good people, and you among them, and I'll ponder on what you guys are saying even if I think its a bridge too far. No less than three mods calling me out definitely makes me feel out on the edge atm.


"Build the wall!"

"Ban the Muslims!"


It's also bullshit rhetoric.

The fucked up part of this (well, one of them) is that the pieces of shit spouting this crap will most likely NEVER be adversely-affected by the fallout. Who will? Minorities.

This is a giant hissy fit that poor white America is throwing to find a way to feel better than poor brown/black America. All the while they are fucking oblivious to the fact that they are going to get fucked over ASAP as well, even if they still enjoy the privilege of not being scared about being shot by police. Their lives will still get worse in a net result.

The US is turning into a Whitemare.


Everyone hasnt even delved into the deepest pits of the darkest timeline. Just wait till the actual jihad terrorists who are thrilled by the Trump election commit some serious attack in a year or two. Get ready, once everyone forgets and is all like ' omg its 9/11 again we need to bomb them', thats when all your freedoms will go away. bye byeeeeeee

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Everyone hasnt even delved into the deepest pits of the darkest timeline. Just wait till the actual jihad terrorists who are thrilled by the Trump election commit some serious attack in a year or two. Get ready, once everyone forgets and is all like ' omg its 9/11 again we need to bomb them', thats when all your freedoms will go away. bye byeeeeeee

I would suggest people re-watch V for Vendetta to get an idea of the general vibe we're going for. I realize the movie has become a joke thanks to Anonymous and the damn mask, but having watched it again recently, it feels less silly than it may have just five years ago.

It doesn't take any imagination at all to visualize Trump ranting and spitting at his inner circle of enforcers "I WANT EVERYONE TO REMEMBER, WHY! THEY! NEED! US!"
Yeah man, they shot that shit like he is some up and coming Silicon Valley disrupter or sumshit. Disgusting how they are trying so hard to normaize this fuckery.

A lot of the MSM lost the plot and purpose some time ago. Just blown along by the wind. Not really critical, not thinking, not taking stands. just...idunno, just no critical application of thought. Whatever gets ratings and clicks.


Check the post I was responding to. Couldn't be any clearer.

They must have edited out the part about all trump supporters being nazis. But again, folks saying that are speaking on something that couldn't even be quantified.

So if thats what youre debating, I think you, i, and anyone making that statement know its not all. That's why I say anyone being intellectually honest, isn't deeming all trump supporters are nazis. And i agree, anyonr saying all, is wrong. Now, supporting white supremacists with their vote? Yes all of them do, by their vote. He's endorsed by them. Then you have his own words, and his nominations. Their vote allowed that.


I scrolled up.

You translated culpability to, is a literal nazi. That leap was on you. Trump supporters support the platform. That platform is white supremacy, as illustrated by his appointments, words, and groups that endorse him.

Bold One

I wonder where anonymous would stand on this...

Didn't they co-opt the Guy Fawkes imagery or am I thinking of another internet based coalition of activists?

Is anonymous even capable of having a unified stance?


semen stains the mountaintops
I love how many people on Twitter are calling this fake or saying that it was liberals pretending to be Trump supporters.
You translated culpability to, is a literal nazi. That leap was on you. Trump supporters support the platform. That platform is white supremacy, as illustrated by his appointments, words, and groups that endorse him.
Actually, I took the literal expression of equality between Trump Supporter and Neo Nazi and Alt Right, along with "They are one in the same" as meaning what they say. There's no leap.

And I hope I am just stating the obvious, but emotions are running high, and rightfully so.


Spencer has popularized the term “alt-right” to describe the movement he leads. Spencer has said his dream is “a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans,” and has called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”

There was this guy once, he said his dream was to have a singular race composed of white skinned people with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Can't remember his name but he had a Charlie Chaplin moustache...

Joking aside, the parallels are there that the alt-right are just Nazis in disguise.
I would suggest people re-watch V for Vendetta to get an idea of the general vibe we're going for. I realize the movie has become a joke thanks to Anonymous and the damn mask, but having watched it again recently, it feels less silly than it may have just five years ago.

2016 in general feels like a 80s/90s Vertigo comic written by a Brit with a low opinion of America's intelligence.
They must have edited out the part about all trump supporters being nazis. But again, folks saying that are speaking on something that couldn't even be quantified.

So if thats what youre debating, I think you, i, and anyone making that statement know its not all. That's why I say anyone being intellectually honest, isn't deeming all trump supporters are nazis. And i agree, anyonr saying all, is wrong. Now, supporting white supremacists with their vote? Yes all of them do, by their vote. He's endorsed by them. Then you have his own words, and his nominations. Their vote allowed that.


I scrolled up.

You translated culpability to, is a literal nazi. That leap was on you. Trump supporters support the platform. That platform is white supremacy, as illustrated by his appointments, words, and groups that endorse him.

I believe he is referring to this exchange:
alt right = white nationalist = neo nazi = Trump supporter

No need to dance around it anymore. Just tell it like it is.

FTFY and don't forget it. They are one in the same.
Question but if Trump just straight up said "Hey I'm really a white supremacist!" Like, is he allowed to get impeached for that? Or is he protected by freedom of speech, etc?

Like, he's pretty much the President now and barring he does anything illegal, he can probably be a flat earther for all we know and be vocal about it, and still pass his horrendous bills as expected.
Alt-Reich. Y'all Qaeda. If being called "racist" just reaffirms their views, we need to make them a laughingstock instead.

Remember when conservatives were all, "If the Jews had guns, they wouldn't have been taken to the camps!" Might be about time to test that theory.
This country really fucked up by not outlawing hate speech it's biting it in the ass big time aim not saying these dickheads wouldn't still be around but they would have zero influence and be arrested for any of the shit they have pulled.


Intrepid Breitbart reporter John Binder is on the case!


Checkmate, liberals!

If someone is trolling with Nazism, then when I call them Nazis I'm just trolling them back so it's cool.

Question but if Trump just straight up said "Hey I'm really a white supremacist!" Like, is he allowed to get impeached for that? Or is he protected by freedom of speech, etc?

I'll answer your question with another question: has he been given a chance tho?


The fact that he attacks SNL and not this is what is so puzzling. If.....IF he decides to comment on this, it will be a shitty little thing that he will do purely by peer pressure and the comment will be, "I condemn them" or "I denounce them."

You'd think he can do a little better than that.
The fact that he attacks SNL and not this is what is so puzzling. If.....IF he decides to comment on this, it will be a shitty little thing that he will do purely by peer pressure and the comment will be, "I condemn them" or "I denounce them."

You'd think he can do a little better than that.

He's already done so. Everything is a "oh guys behave" with a wink and a nod at the end. The president elect and his administration are outright white nationalists and the media will not call them out on it.
Everyone hasnt even delved into the deepest pits of the darkest timeline. Just wait till the actual jihad terrorists who are thrilled by the Trump election commit some serious attack in a year or two. Get ready, once everyone forgets and is all like ' omg its 9/11 again we need to bomb them', thats when all your freedoms will go away. bye byeeeeeee

Those freedoms are already gone the patriot act is still around. Jihad terrorists should not be the main concern its domestic terrorists or lone mass murders that should be the main concern for everyone. America as a whole still has not addressed major issues with mental health care and the issues with the massive amount of guns the country has and the less than perfect regulations surrounding those guns. Having republicans control all branches of government and a fool as president ensures those issues will not get better and will most likely get worse as they will look to cut funding from programs and agencies trying to combat the issues.


Actually, I took the literal expression of equality between Trump Supporter and Neo Nazi and Alt Right, along with "They are one in the same" as meaning what they say. There's no leap.

And I hope I am just stating the obvious, but emotions are running high, and rightfully so.

Looks like xenodude edited their post. Humanity saved.

Anyone suggesting it 100% wrong.


You can't honestly believe what you posted.

These fuckers up there in the OP are not the ones that can be reached. The multitude of millions out there who voted for Trump but would never even imagine to participate in this kind of event are.

Sorry, but this seems to be a running refrain in so many political threads lately, and its annoying to see people miss the (debatable) point by so many miles.

These people need to be fought and shunned. They should find some far away uninhabited island somewhere they can call their own so this country can continue to evolve.
If you're a republican (or voted republican) they're part of your party. The party literally courted them to join. Their "totally non-racist" leaders literally (LITERALLY this election cycle) stood by and said "we're fine with that. We can work with them on a lot of issues." Unlike blacks or muslims who haven't actively courted and encouraged terrorists or violence, it actually is the GOP's job at this point to tell these people to fuck off. They haven't. They won't. The "multitude of millions out there who voted for Trump but would never even imagine to participate in this kind of event" are actively and knowingly participating in this kind of event (and then playing you by saying "that's horrible, but lets just wait and see what happens first").
This country really fucked up by not outlawing hate speech it's biting it in the ass big time aim not saying these dickheads wouldn't still be around but they would have zero influence and be arrested for any of the shit they have pulled.
I don't think that would have done much. Just driven it underground more. Europe is having a similar right wing movement and they have been much tougher on hate speech laws.

Where we really fucked up was in reconstruction and post Civil War. Many if not all Confederate generals and leaders should have been lined up and shot and their existence beaten into submission. Reconstruction should have gone much further than it did.
if they don't treat you like a human, don't treat them like a human, see these nazi scum for what they are, cowards in a world thats quickly passing them by
I'm so depress that the people who voted for him don't care about other people and especially minorities in this country. All they care about is "yeah screw Obama!, Hillary is a criminal!, Trump will take care of those Muslim immigrants and Mexicans!, he'll deal with Obamacare and put more money in our wallets!"

Fucking selfish people don't give a shit about us minorities. Maybe it's just my mindset, but I always look out for the human race as a whole and to push forward while some of these people only care about their money and believe the bs he spouted while running his campaign on racism, etc.


actually just fought w my bro on facebook who answered my sarcastic "both sides are the same" posting of this with "yes". After going back and forth, without him giving any actual specifics, yet saying 'im ignoring whats out there', he finally says that the government is behind BLM, but he has no proof but that's what he thinks from experience.

I just stopped replying, I don't even know what to do at this poitn. He's always been like hardcore libertarian with a healthy distrust in government, but equating having a base made of of these fuckheads, with obama... idk he never even said what, and then claiming the government basically invented BLM (or really... has any involvement at all)... like, what? How do you even counter logic when someone admits they have no facts to back it up?


What's really amazed me is how fast things are moving.

From league of doom cabinet members to fucking neo nazis.

It's been what....1-1.5 weeks

It's been there the entire time, just not out in the open. Now racists can be free to share their opinions because a Trump election helped normalize racism and white nationalism. The fight is to both keep it from being normal and tearing apart and if need be, excising from civilized society every person who comes forward in support of these ideals.
No one is surprised that cops kill black people all the time but people are surprised when nazis talk about this country being for white people.


I mean it's Ann Coulter...but she's literally gone full Nazi Defense force on Twitter right now.

Her entire timeline is nothing but the Defense of the Nazi party and somehow that connects to Al Sharpton killing 9 people in cold blood somehow.


I dont even need to link to a single tweet...all of her timeline is Nazi Defense.


I mean it's Ann Coulter...but she's literally gone full Nazi Defense force on Twitter right now.

Her entire timeline is nothing but the Defense of the Nazi party and somehow that connects to Al Sharpton killing 9 people in cold blood somehow.


I dont even need to link to a single tweet...all of her timeline is Nazi Defense.

She's comparing genocide to...Al Sharpton?

What the fuck? She has something going wrong in her head.


sparkle this bitch
I decided to watch the movie about how the Nazis came about the final solution, yesterday.

Evacuation, relocation, sterilization, mass immigration, etc. They used all those wonderful words.


I decided to watch the movie about how the Nazis came about the final solution, yesterday.

Evacuation, relocation, sterilization, mass immigration, etc. They used all those wonderful words.

The Jews were blamed for getting Germany into debt after ww1 as well, which kick started the "other" to pin it all on.

The gop is blaming minorities for debt, and terrorism(blm) with open calls to support torture. We are going to skip a few steps if it's allowed to continue. ALREADY taking about registries, cleansing, and literal European/whites only land. None of this is just some political pov to discuss. This is about to be a fight for survival.
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