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Halo 5: Guardians |OT| The Trials of Osiris

Frankie whilst you're here.

Pls pass on the the fact that pre order REQ packs aren't showing up for some players in the req store no matter how many times the load up the game or install or reinstall the packs.

Also I played swat today, It was aight.


My brother and I haven't won a single game of warzone yet, but we're having a fucking blast. I've had a few kickass solo base defenses, the new movement options and abilities are just too cool.
So I just finished watching all the Spartan Ops movies. Anything else I need to know before I resume the campaign? Finished the second campaign mission and Im wondering if the reveal at the end of it was foreshadowed anywhere.
Basically what happened to Halsey between end of Spartan Ops and Halo 5.
The action and gameplay is so much faster in this campaign, do kinda feel like a spartan bad ass seen in the cutscenes with how you can mow through bad guys and keep moving alot. Halo 5 is alot faster paced compared to the previous ones, and the fighting prometheans isn't a slog like it was in 4.

def sim

Yay, I managed to get the eva helm on my first night. That'll do until some other dope loot goes my way.

Anyway, I had fun playing warzone with a buddy though I wish call signs for you fire team were more prominent. It can get tough finding out where people are.


Really enjoying SWAT at the moment, but my god - the spawns are terrible. I feel like there's a lack of inspiration in some of the maps too.
Finished the campaign on Heroic, and now on level 3 in my legendary run.

Game is lots of fun so far. I love the level design, and the art is great, though doesn't really start to flex it's muscle until level 7.
Me and my cousin played through the story, and we both had a good time with it, though still just not sure how to feel about
Cortana being the villain now.
It certainly was a huge twist that I never saw coming.
Anyways, I love how chief's character has evolved. I feel like they have done a great job with him, and he has some great lines.
Like he'll she is!

I loved the
fight between chief and Locke
....feel like that was one of my favorite moments in the whole campaign.

..sorry my post is long, just so much to take in....the skulls are well hidden (only found the one on Blue team)....and love all the space, scale and alternative routes in campaign...

The Prometheian enemies are so much better now with the new design changes they made.
While there is still nothing quite like fighting the covenant, I feel like they can finally stand on their own now.

It certainly was not a perfect campaign, but overall I have trouble seeing how some people could be so down on it.
The story is controversial sure, but in my opinion, the gameplay is a giant leap ahead of all previous Halos, and there is more replay value than ever.

Excited to continue the adventure in the next game!
But for now, congratulations to 343 and Frankie. I feel this is a solid improvement for Halo 5 and had a blast with it so far!


Frankie whilst you're here.

Pls pass on the the fact that pre order REQ packs aren't showing up for some players in the req store no matter how many times the load up the game or install or reinstall the packs.

Also I played swat today, It was aight.

Seconded. The guy at Xbox Support said they're working on a patch to help get the REQ's showing up in game so you can open them etc. He said that on his end, the content is on the store, shows up in my gamer tag and account as installed and enabled, but that it's not registering in game.
Just finished the campaign.

I'll need to let the dust settle a while but I think this might be my favourite Halo campaign, it's got everything and having completed it on Heroic solo, i can't wait to buddy up and attempt it on Legendary! The 60fps design choice was inspired, Halo has never played this good :)

Great job to all at 343, you have delivered a damn fine game. I think I'll stick with this as my go to shooter for the foreseeable.


Got ranked Diamond I in Slayer after my 10 placement matches. I won't specify that it's in Halo 5 and not League, lmao.

Spawn points are still a problem. Definitely got spawned/spawned on from behind.


I have lots of legendary gear and unattainable emblems does that count?

You should be banned from the game for showing off Emblems which us Normies can't get!

Biggest Let-Down is knowing I can't have all the Customisation Items.

343i, why won't you fuel my Collectable-Addiction and keep me playing for years?!
I just logged in and I'm level 1 again with no Req points. Wtf 343...


I lost my rank in everything.


God damnit is 343 incapable of getting this shit right? Like please I just want a decent Halo MP that works. Is that really so difficult?


Ugh, I hate the tuning in this game, just like 4. Playing on Heroic feels all wrong, like this game wants me to spend time in cover, popping out to shoot dudes, instead of strafing and meleeing.

Example: I fired half an AR clip into a soldier, then shotgunned him TWICE. I went down. He meleed me once--I had full shields--which took me down.

I shot an exposed jackal three times with a zoomed-in BR before he went down.

What is even going on here?

Grenade bounces lacks the pinball feel of previous games.

I love the idea of verticality and the cool jetpack dodge feature, 60fps is a great choice, and mantling, when it works, feels good (it's still not as readable as Titanfall's), but the difficulty tuning means I'm supposed to spend way more time taking potshots with ranged weapons. Also not a fan at all of the "wait 35 seconds to spawn" stuff.


IGN gave it a 9/10, with the one negative being story/characters. That seems like great praise because we all know that multiplayer is what will keep this game going in the coming months or even years.

Also, I mentioned it to Josh as well, but 343 staff should really have unique emblems and armor that is unattainable for normal players. Not only will it make it that much better when we play against the devs, but it's a way to reward the team that worked on the game as well.
Just finished the campaign and unfortunately I did not enjoy it except for a few moments. Constantly fighting the soldiers and crawlers was boring. And having to use the alien weapons constantly was not fun at all. I get it, we are on a black op and you have to use what is around but it was painful. The fact that there is no punch to the weapons at all and none of the enemy ai reacted to being hit except for when the soldiers armor popped off or when you hit the weak points on the Knights.

I've played 3 games of war zone and I am enjoying that. I think I will be stuck on that for a while.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I just logged in and I'm level 1 again with no Req points. Wtf 343...


I lost my rank in everything.


God damnit is 343 incapable of getting this shit right? Like please I just want a decent Halo MP that works. Is that really so difficult?

Mind pm-IMG me your GT and a cellphone pic? Not seeing any reports on this so might be isolated glitch. I will forward to the authorities


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Ugh, I hate the tuning in this game, just like 4. Playing on Heroic feels all wrong, like this game wants me to spend time in cover, popping out to shoot dudes, instead of strafing and meleeing.

Example: I fired half an AR clip into a soldier, then shotgunned him TWICE. I went down. He meleed me once--I had full shields--which took me down.

I shot an exposed jackal three times with a zoomed-in BR before he went down.

What is even going on here?

Grenade bounces lacks the pinball feel of previous games.

I love the idea of verticality and the cool jetpack dodge feature, 60fps is a great choice, and mantling, when it works, feels good (it's still not as readable as Titanfall's), but the difficulty tuning means I'm supposed to spend way more time taking potshots with ranged weapons. Also not a fan at all of the "wait 35 seconds to spawn" stuff.

I agree that prometheans still feel bullet spongy. Disagree about the rest though. There are loads more enemies, perhaps that's why you feel more punished for risky play and pushed into cover shooting?


Man, when this game looks good, it really looks good. Swords of Sanghelios is breathtaking and is easily one of the best Halo levels ever. How is this for pretty:




And these do not even do it justice.


What is the button to perform finishers? Holding melee didn't seem to work, and I don't remember seeing it instructed, nor is it in the control button layout in settings.
Got a sweet AR and SMG for warzone but it's so high up the rec chain I doubt i'll use them more then just trying it out before a base is destroyed, which is rather easy to do with a fuel rod cannon...


I thought your arena ranking was determined entirely off of win/loss? Me and three friends did all of our placement matches together. Me and another got Diamond I, one got Platinum I, and one got Gold I. Also do you always get placed into the first level of a tier or is it possible to get placed at a II or III rank from the start?



Clothed, sober, cooperative
What is the button to perform finishers? Holding melee didn't seem to work, and I don't remember seeing it instructed, nor is it in the control button layout in settings.

Make sure you didn't disable it in options but yes it's hold melee while behind target in melee range.
Req packs that came in the halo 5 Locke and Master chief controllers aren't showing up in game after I redeemed them. What the hell? I want my two visors damn it. Lol
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