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Halo 5: Guardians |OT| The Trials of Osiris


I managed to rank platinum in Arena playing alone. I'm satisfied with that. Probably would've gotten a bit higher if I played with a team of 4; my last qualifying match was breakout against a team of 4 and someone quit immediately...


It sorta sucks that the maps are the worst in the series (by a long stretch imo) but the gameplay is pretty much the best in the series.


Fucking team was dominating but they constantly let the enemy team farm the bosses so of course we fucking lost

Yeah, I've been telling people in my parties to split the difference. If it's a low point boss, just rush the bases. For 150s, gotta go for those. They can turn a game fast.


What I did was login into the Xbox site, went to my account privacy settings and turned off voice chat for non friends. It's universal and works for every game, I do not need to hear what random are saying.

You can join a party with just yourself and you won't hear the rubes.

Hot tips thanks.

I'm coming from Destiny on PS4 so I was not used to children screaming or eating a bag of chips loudly at the beginning of almost every single match.

And as such I am getting destroyed in Arena but really liking it. As soon as I picked up a battle rifle I started having fun. The gunplay is refreshing while feeling like Halo - it's just been a while since I played H4, but I want to say it handles much differently than that. So satisfying to get kills and I love that the old announcer voice is back. I'm still in the "honeymoon" period so to speak but Halo 5 is kicking ass so far, 3 missions in and a few arena games down.


It sorta sucks that the maps are the worst in the series (by a long stretch imo) but the gameplay is pretty much the best in the series.

The more I play the maps the more I like them. So many different paths leaves you with plenty of room to outplay your opponent if you can use them to your advantage.

It's easy to see 343s pro team had a hand in the map design.

But alas. opinions.
Yeah but they're forge.

Here's what we can expect:

I would love that. Those are some great maps.


I really like the buffed up Warthog. It's very refreshing to get killed in my warthog before my Warthog blows up from small arms fire. I would love for them to try these in BTB....bring back the days when people would actually get in the gunner of my Warthog.
Halo 5 would actually play better on terrain maps with hills being used for natural elevation. By using gentler curves to ease players into height advantage, the effects of the Spartan Abilities as far as playing defensively are concerned is diminished. Combining that with vertical, narrow pathways makes for both smarter usage of the abilites as well as more predictability in how encounters can be approached.

And yet, the majority of the maps are indoor levels with a lot of rooms, ramps, walls and doorways. Makes the game play like cat and mouse at times, and other times it's a peek-a-boo cross map fest shooting over long lines of sight when players ought to be engaging one another closer to the action on different planes. When that action does happen however, it's usually in a flat space, or the difference in elevation may be negligible.

There are a few maps that break this mold, but I find that the offering as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. Will be interesting to see what changes as players come into the meta. Bungie admitted to designing their DLC maps for Destiny with more risky concepts since players would then be more familiar with the jumping mechanics by then. Can't say it worked in their favor, but it's a solid line of thinking that could very well be in play here.

It sorta sucks that the maps are the worst in the series (by a long stretch imo) but the gameplay is pretty much the best in the series.

We can always have new maps at least. A game that's fundamentally flawed is hard to work with though (Reach).

Suppressor = Hidden gem in Halo 5.

It's beautiful.

Yea my favorite weapon in the game tbh

DJ Gunner

I feel that the basic map design is pretty strong. Coliseum and Fathom are standouts to me. Aesthetically- well, with 343s love of pipes and grates for UNSC maps, the muted colors on the non-human maps and the low resolution overall, most are just plain ugly.


FGC Waterboy
Suppressor = Hidden gem in Halo 5.

It's beautiful.

That's basically the gun I use in campaign if I can get my hands on it. It is fantastic.

Enjoying the game - 60 fps isn't as big of a deal to me (I can't really tell the difference tbh?) - but damn this game is GORGEOUS. Even my 50+ year old boss at work is like "I am scared to get this game because I'm afraid I will keep playing it, and I haven't played video games in like 10 years". He's even on the "holy crap that game looks gorgeous" train.
It sorta sucks that the maps are the worst in the series (by a long stretch imo) but the gameplay is pretty much the best in the series.

Everyone is different but i feel completely the opposite. Some really great maps and only Regret plays poorly because of some clutter issues, IMHO.

I think a lot of us have a strong nostalgia to some of the "classic" halo maps and forget that H5 has a completely new move-set and weapon balance that make new maps, map styles, jumps, layouts etc. a necessity.
Halo 5 would actually play better on terrain maps with hills being used for natural elevation. By using gentler curves to ease players into height advantage, the effects of the Spartan Abilities as far as playing defensively are concerned is diminished. Combining that with vertical, narrow pathways makes for both smarter usage of the abilites as well as more predictability in how encounters can be approached.

And yet, the majority of the maps are indoor levels with a lot of rooms, ramps, walls and doorways. Makes the game play like cat and mouse at times, and other times it's a peek-a-boo cross map fest shooting over long lines of sight when players ought to be engaging one another closer to the action on different planes. When that action does happen however, it's usually in a flat space, or the difference in elevation may be negligible.

There are a few maps that break this mold, but I find that the offering as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. Will be interesting to see what changes as players come into the meta. Bungie admitted to designing their DLC maps for Destiny with more risky concepts since players would then be more familiar with the jumping mechanics by then. Can't say it worked in their favor, but it's a solid line of thinking that could very well be in play here.

I feel that Halo 5 has a core focus of Arena being well... classic shooter arenas and Warzone being your more open-map designed stuff.

I can't see them doing landscape based small arena maps honestly. That would totally screw up a bunch of core Halo MP mechanics like repeatable grenade bounces.
Everyone is different but i feel completely the opposite. Some really great maps and only Regret plays poorly because of some clutter issues, IMHO.

I think a lot of us have a strong nostalgia to some of the "classic" halo maps and forget that H5 has a completely new move-set and weapon balance that make new maps, map styles, jumps, layouts etc. a necessity.

The problem is the new maps aren't new enough. Most are remixes of the 2-base, 2-tower design: Truth, Regret, Coliseum, Fathom and Empire.

Of those, I'd say Fathom plays the best because of how disjointed it is. It's otherwise about as generic as competitive maps come.

I feel that Halo 5 has a core focus of Arena being well... classic shooter arenas and Warzone being your more open-map designed stuff.

I can't see them doing landscape based small arena maps honestly. That would totally screw up a bunch of core Halo MP mechanics like repeatable grenade bounces.

It's absolutely possible to make competitive terrain maps.


The problem is the new maps aren't new enough. Most are remixes of the 2-base, 2-tower design: Truth, Regret, Coliseum, Fathom and Empire.

Of those, I'd say Fathom plays the best because of how disjointed it is. It's otherwise about as generic as competitive maps come.

It's absolutely possible to make competitive terrain maps.

You on and up for some breakout/arena? :)
the combination of being slow as hell and yet having all these evasive manuevers is really odd

movement feels kind of bad overall--especially after titanfall, advanced warfare, and cod blops 3 beta
You on and up for some breakout/arena? :)

i'll be online soon but idk if i'll play matchmaking today. I enjoy Breakout, but the custom games I played yesterday were infinitely more fun than any game I've played of Arena so far.

We played no radar and pistol only FWIW. Don't think anything was different than that other than the laid-back environment.

Just don't like the focus on being super competitive and ranking up when I can't even see those ranks in the lobbies.
So a friend and I are trying to resume our campaign but it takes us to a black screen. We can hear ourselves firing but can't see anything. PLEASE HELP!
Has anyone noticed that some of the medals are bugged? Grenade Kill and the standard Kill medals haven't triggered for me, and the Beat Down medal has the Wingman medal icon. Didn't see anything posted about this stuff


I like that even though there is clamber there are still some skill jumps that require crouching. Fathom has a couple of these
i'll be online soon but idk if i'll play matchmaking today. I enjoy Breakout, but the custom games I played yesterday were infinitely more fun than any game I've played of Arena so far.

We played no radar and pistol only FWIW. Don't think anything was different than that other than the laid-back environment.

Just don't like the focus on being super competitive and ranking up when I can't even see those ranks in the lobbies.

I think you can see everyone's ranks post-game when you look at the scoreboard in the carnage report.

I sort of like it this way cause then people won't quit out if they see someone with a high rank on the other team
Plaza is not a very good map unfortunately. Way too many routes into each base.

It's pretty silly in FFA though.

I think you can see everyone's ranks post-game when you look at the scoreboard in the carnage report.

I sort of like it this way cause then people won't quit out if they see someone with a high rank on the other team

Even the post game carnage report feels like it's out of the way, unless i'm pressing the wrong button or something.
didn't want to touch any of the threads until I was able to play the campaign for myself.

Just wanna wanna give a shout out to Tanaka for all those revives...
The problem is the new maps aren't new enough. Most are remixes of the 2-base, 2-tower design: Truth, Regret, Coliseum, Fathom and Empire.

Of those, I'd say Fathom plays the best because of how disjointed it is. It's otherwise about as generic as competitive maps come.

It's absolutely possible to make competitive terrain maps and feel that plays best?

Interesting. You like the more asymmetrical disjointed map? Different strokes for different people/playstyles totally get that!

Personally, I'm more of a power weapon and map team-control kinda player that is best suited to maps like the ones you mentioned above.

Oh i agree... look at Beaver/Battle Creek. But there is a limit to just how open and terrain-y you can get with things like non-clutterd visuals, sight lines, grenade bounces etc. Halo has always taken a sort of combo approach that i think has worked. Halo 5 feels more arena-esq though... which i much prefer.
Interesting. You like the more asymmetrical disjointed map? Different strokes for different people/playstyles totally get that!

Personally, I'm more of a power weapon and map team-control kinda player that is best suited to maps like the ones you mentioned above.

Oh i agree... look at Beaver/Battle Creek. But there is a limit to just how open and terrain-y you can get with things like non-clutterd visuals, sight lines, grenade bounces etc. Halo has always taken a sort of combo approach that i think has worked. Halo 5 feels more arena-esq though... which i much prefer.

I like maps where their symmetry isn't obvious and they don't revolve around sitting in a dominant position and shooting across large open lines of sight. Don't necessarily prefer segmented room-based maps or asymmetrical maps since I like Capture the Flag.

Terrain maps can mix flat structures with natural geometry to provide a balance. If grenade bouncing is that important so as to limit the potential map selection, they should have adjusted the grenade physics to be unaffected by terrain (unless they were thrown in water).
the combination of being slow as hell and yet having all these evasive manuevers is really odd

movement feels kind of bad overall--especially after titanfall, advanced warfare, and cod blops 3 beta

not sure if serious..... The mechanics in Halo are MUCH better than AW and BO3. Maybe you need to start trying some combo mechanics. Sprint>slide>jump>thrust is fucking awesome


I hear you, man.

Also, getting my ass handed to me by the Warden Eternal on heroic... 10 wipes in a row, time to git gud (or just find that cannon everyone talks about) :D

Edit: Beat him first go after typing this... using
your team as bait and snipe him
was the key big time.
I just spent an hour and a half on that dude in legendary.


i'll be online soon but idk if i'll play matchmaking today. I enjoy Breakout, but the custom games I played yesterday were infinitely more fun than any game I've played of Arena so far.

I'm down for customs. I wouldn't mind some practice without worrying about screwing rank/KDA. I'll be on in a bit too.
Finished the campaign on Heroic last night...took about 7.5 - 8 hours

People liked this campaign? Honestly shocked. 1/4 of the game is fighting the SAME boss fight, and its an awful boss fight. The Prometheans on Heroic are like fighting Prometheans on Legendary in Halo 4...except there's more of them and they're actually more annoying to fight. I'm glad I did Heroic instead of Legendary because the Warden fights and Prometheans were annoying enough on Heroic. Strangely, Heroic seems easier than ever, but those Warden fights...who thought this was a good idea? Who thought fighting him, what, 8x? was a good idea. Seems like they spent a lot of time with the engine and graphical prowess than fleshing out good campaign beats.

The story fully expects the player to be FULLY IMMERSED in Halo EU. I used to be...but I'm in my late 20s now, I don't have time for that stuff. They just throw you in expecting you to know who Fred, Kelly, Linda are. I actually did because again, they are from a time period of when I was into the Halo lore.

I have zero clue who Tanaka or Vale are, not sure I should care about who they are. Buck is the only one they gave any sort of personality to. Locke is the most wooden character ever, but I suppose they wrote him that way, to be a former ONI 100% straight character, but he's also 100% not interesting.

I have 0 clue what the Domain is, but again, they seem to expect you to know, unless there was some throwaway line that got fed to me during some firefight.

As far was what was good about the campaign...I think they did have some nice set pieces, especially the vehicle sequences, they seemed grand and large in scale, I enjoyed all of those. I thought the various settings were great; the Meridian, Sanghelios, Genesis, and the Forerunner structures were all fantastic and unique looking and all had nice verticality. Also, the Cortana story twist (if you can call it that...you can pretty much tell immediately she does not have humanity's interests in line with hers) is very interesting and was enough to keep me interested for Halo 6.

That's really it. Beyond just the engine/mechanics, which feel great, this is as bad as Halo 2 for me. I will not be going through this on Legendary as I just don't care enough to climb that mountain
Funny too hear multiple times in a warzone map "Xbox record that!"

Can get quiet hectic in warzone especially when vehicles are unlocked

can be great when vehicles show up but don't get the same rush as i do in BTB when you'd grab a warthog and charge straight at the other base.

that feeling when you spend 8 REQs on a Mantis and someone boards you right after you leave the garage.
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