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Halo 5: Guardians |OT| The Trials of Osiris


This game needs a couple casual playlists and a legit solo queue so badly.

Really hard to climb ranks playing alone first parties


So did everyone up their control sensitive to 10? Coming from Destiny and MGO it's taking me longer to get adjusted than I thought. Haven't played Halo in years but having a good time getting killed in warzone.
loving the game so far, HOWEVER, why are there no Team Objective modes with vehicles. Like 4v4 Single CTF Zanzibar or one bomb etc. These were always my favorite gametypes, now it seems there aren't even any maps which support something like that.... How come?
Big Team maps w vehicle spawns are coming in November


Big Team maps w vehicle spawns are coming in November
Yeah but they're forge.

Here's what we can expect:


So did everyone up their control sensitive to 10? Coming from Destiny and MGO it's taking me longer to get adjusted than I thought. Haven't played Halo in years but having a good time getting killed in warzone.

I did turned that up to 9. Much better now.

I honestly believe that's a common issue between both Halo 5 and Destiny. I remember to have a feeling the aim was too strange in Destiny aswell, until I turned that up to the maximum.


Is there no global option to auto-mute players? Every match I have to immediately go to mute all. Man, now I remember this is what XBL is like.


I did turned that up to 9. Much better now.

I honestly believe that's a common issue between both Halo 5 and Destiny. I remember to have a feeling the aim was too strange in Destiny aswell, until I turned that up to the maximum aswell.
I'm 7 in MCC for every game, but had to turn H5 to 8. Still think I need to go to 9.
I'm currently at 2.2 but for some reason I never care about my KDR in Halo as much as I do in COD.

I don't know why that is, but that was always how I felt. Weird,

As long as we win and I don't hurt the team by going 5 -10 or some crazy negative ratio, then I'm all for it.

I used to be OCD about my K:D ratio in games. Not that I'm good at any games, but I always wanted it as high as possible. I got so bad where I wasn't playing the damn game at all because I was scared I'd do bad and my K:D would go down. About 4 or 5 years ago, with one of the CoD games, I wanted to play a few games but couldn't bring myself to do it because of this. It just suddenly smacked me in the face at how stupid I was being. Nobody was looking at my stats, I wasn't showing them to anybody, they weren't anywhere remotely good enough for anybody to give a shit.

It was that very moment that I said fuck it, I don't care anymore. To this day, I couldn't care less. I play my hardest, do my best, don't quit or AFK. I'm usually a hindrance to my team but I'm having fun.


Played first two campaign missions. EXCELLENT. Cannot wait to get back into it tonight. Need to give MP a go, before I get lost in the dust and slaughtered..


MP- Really hate Colliseum.

Campaign- Extremely short, only like 12 real missions, but I enjoyed most of them. The story was god awful.

I stick for the multiplayer so at least that's good.


Ok weird Xbox related question: I have to download this 9 GB update off campus because after using around 6 GB at my dorm, the whole download screws up beyond repair. So I need to go off campus. Would it work if I went into like a Starbucks, plugged the xbox in sans television, and used smartglass to connect to wifi and update? Lol I'm desperate.
Don't you need to be on the same network before you can use smartglass?

If you do this please take pictures, I can imagine trying to sneak in a huge xb1 lol


I'm currently at 2.2 but for some reason I never care about my KDR in Halo as much as I do in COD.

I don't know why that is, but that was always how I felt. Weird,

Probably because K/D doesn't mean shit in skill based ranked MM. Your rank is ultimately what determines your skill level.

CoD all you have is your stats
So did everyone up their control sensitive to 10? Coming from Destiny and MGO it's taking me longer to get adjusted than I thought. Haven't played Halo in years but having a good time getting killed in warzone.
I'm at 8 right now I don't see how you could play successfully at any lower


Is there no global option to auto-mute players? Every match I have to immediately go to mute all. Man, now I remember this is what XBL is like.

What I did was login into the Xbox site, went to my account privacy settings and turned off voice chat for non friends. It's universal and works for every game, I do not need to hear what random are saying.


Don't you need to be on the same network before you can use smartglass?

If you do this please take pictures, I can imagine trying to sneak in a huge xb1 lol
You're right, I do need to be on the same network. I just figured that out. Here's what I'm gonna do: drive up to the back of the Potbelly Sandwich shop across the street, find an outlet in the back of the building, run an extension cord to my car, plug my tv and xbox in and hopefully the potbelly wifi is strong enough to use. Wish me luck!

E92 M3

Am i the only one or are the Slayer maps somewhat boring? I digged most Slayer maps in Halo 4 though.

They are and a little too big for my liking. Way too many doors, windows and entrances everywhere.

Just for the optimal experience, Halo requires a team going in. Otherwise map control is nearly impossible. Just sucks that people who enjoy playing solo as well don't have an arena playlist except FFA.


What I did was login into the Xbox site, went to my account privacy settings and turned off voice chat for non friends. It's universal and works for every game, I do not need to hear what random are saying.

Really?? I never heard about that! I will consider doing the same!


Neo Member
Anybody knows the best buttons/paddles layout for Elite Controller?

Depends on your base button layout.

Recon will want to move a melee to a paddle instead of B to allow ground pound control and faster melee.

Bumper Jumper will want to move thruster and sprint to paddles to remove having to take fingers of thumbsticks to hit X and A respectively.

It's about minimizing the times you take your thumbs off the thumbsticks. Any button you NEED IN COMBAT that requires you to push A, B, X, or Y should be mapped to a paddle.


K all done with campaign on heroic, i really enjoyed it,

Ending felt a bit abrupt to me and i expected a bit more but alas the rest of the game was decent enough for me (fuck every boss fight in this game)


SWAT Stats:

KDA: -4.7 (75 Kills, 13 Assists, 127 Deaths)

10 Games Played, 2 Wins. (1st and 10th Match)

Accuracy: 22.2

CSR: Platinum 1

...343i...your Ranking System is broken!


There aren't any classics IMO. Most of them have really awkward geometry and sightlines - Regret in particular. Cluttered sightlines with no room to breathe, ugh.

Hopefully Forge leads to some real great remakes and new ones down the line.


How many people on here have a positive kdr? I checked out about 16 players stats who I was playing against and only one person had more kills than deaths.

My KDA is 3.6 after 70 games... not sure how they calculate that though, my K/D isn't nearly that high.

Place Onyx in both Free for All (after dropping from Champion 32) and SWAT, Diamond Slayer, Platinum Team Arena.

I'm loving it, but the map rotations within playlists sucks.


What I did was login into the Xbox site, went to my account privacy settings and turned off voice chat for non friends. It's universal and works for every game, I do not need to hear what random are saying.

Woah. Gonna do this now. Game changer.

I have just been opening a party chat every time I play


Yeah but they're forge.

Here's what we can expect:
Has this been confirmed or denied by 343? I won't mind some forge especially remakes but I would like to have some new stuff as well. Hopefully new maps that take into account the new movement options.


I did turned that up to 9. Much better now.

I honestly believe that's a common issue between both Halo 5 and Destiny. I remember to have a feeling the aim was too strange in Destiny aswell, until I turned that up to the maximum.

Really is a big difference between the two. I moved it up to 10 but that may be a little quick for me. May try 9 or 8.

I'm at 8 right now I don't see how you could play successfully at any lower

Was the first thing I noticed was the turning was just way to slow at default.
Yeah but they're forge.

Here's what we can expect:

What a goddamn shame if that's true. They looked awesome in Halo 4, Forge is gonna make it A LOT worse.

They are and a little too big for my liking. Way too many doors, windows and entrances everywhere.

Just for the optimal experience, Halo requires a team going in. Otherwise map control is nearly impossible. Just sucks that people who enjoy playing solo as well don't have an arena playlist except FFA.

There aren't any classics IMO. Most of them have really awkward geometry and sightlines - Regret in particular. Cluttered sightlines with no room to breathe, ugh.

Yeah exactly. That's why i wonder what exactly it is that all these reviews are giving it praise for. Sure the gameplay is fantastic and it controls like a dream, but that praise surely ain't based on these maps. Man i honestly was expecting a lot more from 343's Slayer maps.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Playing on Heroic felt like 343 went "Fuck it how about we throw around 50 enemies in this small section"

I hear you, man.

Also, getting my ass handed to me by the Warden Eternal on heroic... 10 wipes in a row, time to git gud (or just find that cannon everyone talks about) :D

Edit: Beat him first go after typing this... using
your team as bait and snipe him
was the key big time.


Ok so enjoying the campaign. Though I wish the Promotheans had more vehicles and I wish they were more unique. Ok I mean the Promotheans are in essence transformers, they break apart and reform, I mean it would be cool if vehicles could reform into other vehicles. So that Promotheans aircraft transforms into a land vehicle, I don't know maybe not that, just wish they were more unique.
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