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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo


Gold Member
After watching the gameplay video again, I appreciate how clear and readable the visuals are. I can understand some of the criticism but this craig meme shit is internet hyperbole at its best. Just because the game doesn't vomit bloom, HDR and particles on the player's screen doesn't mean that it looks shit. The original Halo also looked very clear and the visuals made the game readable as well.
After watching the gameplay video again, I appreciate how clear and readable the visuals are. I can understand some of the criticism but this craig meme shit is internet hyperbole at its best. Just because the game doesn't vomit bloom, HDR and particles on the player's screen doesn't mean that it looks shit. The original Halo also looked very clear and the visuals made the game readable as well.
i didnt hate the reveal, but for me texture detail is piss poor, the world is to empty of foliage and a living world ( trees,leafs,grass blowing in the wind/breeze.....i want the game to be like original reveal on the quad bike video


Finally got my PC-playing friend to see the true fun in Halo. I dragged him into ODST: Firefight, as it is the only cooperative mode we can play together, and we have been having a blast playing on "Last Platoon". Why aren't there more Firefight maps like Lost Platoon? Easily the best one. Anyways, now he seems excited for Infinite, so I hope they provide cross-play at launch.


Neo Member
Finally got my PC-playing friend to see the true fun in Halo. I dragged him into ODST: Firefight, as it is the only cooperative mode we can play together, and we have been having a blast playing on "Last Platoon". Why aren't there more Firefight maps like Lost Platoon? Easily the best one. Anyways, now he seems excited for Infinite, so I hope they provide cross-play at launch.
Reach as a few larger scale Firefight maps you guys can play if you both have reach


Is the online competitive portion of Halo a thing at this point? I've only played a little Halo 5 online, but would love to jump into some form of a Halo ranked playlist (MCC or Halo 5) before Inifinite drops this fall. Anyone know the population health for ranked Halo currently?
Is the online competitive portion of Halo a thing at this point? I've only played a little Halo 5 online, but would love to jump into some form of a Halo ranked playlist (MCC or Halo 5) before Inifinite drops this fall. Anyone know the population health for ranked Halo currently?
I believe there are more people playing MCC than Halo 5.


Is the online competitive portion of Halo a thing at this point? I've only played a little Halo 5 online, but would love to jump into some form of a Halo ranked playlist (MCC or Halo 5) before Inifinite drops this fall. Anyone know the population health for ranked Halo currently?
I’ve been playing a lot the last few days. No problems what so ever finding matches. Played lots of ranked and un-ranked. MCC always has full lobbies too.
It sounds like every big game ever like wtf? Naughty dog etc all use these practices.
Not every studio loses creative leads like the ship is sinking with it. Not every studio releases a demo months before release only to have the world laugh and meme at you. No every studio has had radio silence for 5 years and constantly changing the focus of the story of the franchise. This game will be just like Anthem. Maybe not as bad but all of the red flags are there. I have no doubt this game went through several revisions just like Anthem did.
Not every studio loses creative leads like the ship is sinking with it. Not every studio releases a demo months before release only to have the world laugh and meme at you. No every studio has had radio silence for 5 years and constantly changing the focus of the story of the franchise. This game will be just like Anthem. Maybe not as bad but all of the red flags are there. I have no doubt this game went through several revisions just like Anthem did.

That's completely irrelevant to the point of contract outsourcing being used in the development of infinite. Which is what we were discussing.

I personally think it will be decent still.


I am convinced this game is doomed and the internal struggle within the studio is real. Hiring a bunch of contract workers doesn't sound very promising to me.
I love how people who have no idea what they talk about are making comments like that. Do you realize that most of developers work on contracts? Not only in gaming. Also name very fitting for so obvious troll.
I love how people who have no idea what they talk about are making comments like that. Do you realize that most of developers work on contracts? Not only in gaming. Also name very fitting for so obvious troll.
I love Halo but ok. My name was a mostly joke and never intended to stay with it but Im lazy so whatever. The studio can't manage itself or the franchise effectively so why would I believe they could effectively manage other contract work and implement it into the game properly?. I simply believe they do not have the talent to pull it off.
After watching the gameplay video again, I appreciate how clear and readable the visuals are. I can understand some of the criticism but this craig meme shit is internet hyperbole at its best. Just because the game doesn't vomit bloom, HDR and particles on the player's screen doesn't mean that it looks shit. The original Halo also looked very clear and the visuals made the game readable as well.
My major issue was the pop in honestly


Not every studio loses creative leads like the ship is sinking with it. Not every studio releases a demo months before release only to have the world laugh and meme at you. No every studio has had radio silence for 5 years and constantly changing the focus of the story of the franchise. This game will be just like Anthem. Maybe not as bad but all of the red flags are there. I have no doubt this game went through several revisions just like Anthem did.

That's completely irrelevant to the point of contract outsourcing being used in the development of infinite. Which is what we were discussing.

I personally think it will be decent still.

I personally hope that the game turns out to be good and believe it will be. That aside, what happened to the ip/brand of Halo is unprecedented.

I hope the damage done isn't permanent but I suspect that it might be.
I personally hope that the game turns out to be good and believe it will be. That aside, what happened to the ip/brand of Halo is unprecedented.

I hope the damage done isn't permanent but I suspect that it might be.
I honestly hope I am dead wrong and this is a great Halo game. I don't even care about SP much anymore. Just give me a great MP experience please. Having it F2P really dose worry me though.
Actually, I take back my statement. Outside talent might be a good thing since 343 have clearly shown they are incompetent.

I'd say they have been poorly managed but have a tonne of top talent on the team. Halo 5 is a very well made game and was getting close to the classic halo formula but with a new twist. I'm optimistic for the multiplayer on infinite.
I'd say they have been poorly managed but have a tonne of top talent on the team. Halo 5 is a very well made game and was getting close to the classic halo formula but with a new twist. I'm optimistic for the multiplayer on infinite.
Well I can absolutely agree management was terrible. Im sure there are very talented people in 343. Halo 5 had a good core arena formula, however where we differ is I think just about everything else in that game was really disappointing (except for Forge, best forge yet in Halo).
Well I can absolutely agree management was terrible. Im sure there are very talented people in 343. Halo 5 had a good core arena formula, however where we differ is I think just about everything else in that game was really disappointing (except for Forge, best forge yet in Halo).

I'd agree the rest was a bit disappointing but my top priority is Halo being a good arena shooter. I just hope they have some innovative ideas for larger scales modes to capture a mainstream audience for a bit. I know they said no battle royale type mode. But with MP being F2P I'm sure they have something up their sleeves to try and capture that audience.
I'd agree the rest was a bit disappointing but my top priority is Halo being a good arena shooter. I just hope they have some innovative ideas for larger scales modes to capture a mainstream audience for a bit. I know they said no battle royale type mode. But with MP being F2P I'm sure they have something up their sleeves to try and capture that audience.
I mainly enjoy halo for the couch co op and local multiplayer - so halo 5 was fucking awful for me. BUT, I’m kinda optimistic about this one - I like a good comeback story and these guys clearly are trying their best. I also kinda remember pre-halo ce release bungie, and the extremely troubled development of that game with the super poor e3 showing and what not so I dunno. I have a good feeling.
Not every studio loses creative leads like the ship is sinking with it. Not every studio releases a demo months before release only to have the world laugh and meme at you. No every studio has had radio silence for 5 years and constantly changing the focus of the story of the franchise. This game will be just like Anthem. Maybe not as bad but all of the red flags are there. I have no doubt this game went through several revisions just like Anthem did.

I can think of plenty of games myself like the The Last Guardian. I guess because we haven't seen or heard anything about GTA 6 that's in all kinds of trouble?. I would put to you Prime IV is a more of a mess than Halo; You know that game that's needed 2 different developers and where nothing has been showing of the game at all, much the same goes for Bayonetta 3.

If you're going to Troll at least a grasp of facts


I can think of plenty of games myself like the The Last Guardian. I guess because we haven't seen or heard anything about GTA 6 that's in all kinds of trouble?. I would put to you Prime IV is a more of a mess than Halo; You know that game that's needed 2 different developers and where nothing has been showing of the game at all, much the same goes for Bayonetta 3.

If you're going to Troll at least a grasp of facts

The funny and sad thing is Im not trolling. This is how I actually feel and you are missing so much context why I think this game will fail and also ignored the other points I made. 343 has show time and time again to me that they don't have a clear vision for Halo and they don't know what they are doing. Halo is a dying franchise and the player numbers have show this even after 1 year of release for both Halo 4 and 5. They got memed and laughed at after the demo, canceled the game until next year and just recently got a new creative director. The red flags are all over the place with this one. I will be incredibly surprised if this is a great game.
The funny and sad thing is Im not trolling. This is how I actually feel and you are missing so much context why I think this game will fail and also ignored the other points I made. 343 has show time and time again to me that they don't have a clear vision for Halo and they don't know what they are doing. Halo is a dying franchise and the player numbers have show this even after 1 year of release for both Halo 4 and 5. They got memed and laughed at after the demo, canceled the game until next year and just recently got a new creative director. The red flags are all over the place with this one. I will be incredibly surprised if this is a great game.
You clearly are trolling

Any gameplay to show us from Prime IV? You know a game announced nearly 4 years ago. What about Bayonetta 3 a game also announced nearly 4 years ago? Forget about getting a new creative director Prime IV had to get a new development team. Halo Infinite story arc and the campaign is all but finished, it was the graphics called into to question, sadly by people like you.

So keep trolling...



I can think of plenty of games myself like the The Last Guardian. I guess because we haven't seen or heard anything about GTA 6 that's in all kinds of trouble?. I would put to you Prime IV is a more of a mess than Halo; You know that game that's needed 2 different developers and where nothing has been showing of the game at all, much the same goes for Bayonetta 3.

If you're going to Troll at least a grasp of facts
Metroid does look like it's in a lot of trouble honestly. But Last Guardian and Bayo 3 at least still had/have the same creatives at the top during the troubles. Fumito Ueda didn't piss off and leave some other guy in charge.
Also Rockstar take a stupid long time to make games but that's just their style.
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You clearly are trolling

Any gameplay to show us from Prime IV? You know a game announced nearly 4 years ago. What about Bayonetta 3 a game also announced nearly 4 years ago? Forget about getting a new creative director Prime IV had to get a new development team. Halo Infinite story arc and the campaign is all but finished, it was the graphics called into to question, sadly by people like you.

So keep trolling...
Keep telling yourself that because I hurt your feelings from my opinion. Im done posting here, I have already made my points clear and I was very civil to the other posters who disagreed with me. If you can't see the red flags, that is your problem. Not mine. Hope you enjoy the game.
Keep telling yourself that because I hurt your feelings from my opinion. Im done posting here, I have already made my points clear and I was very civil to the other posters who disagreed with me. If you can't see the red flags, that is your problem. Not mine. Hope you enjoy the game.

What's the matter? No footage of Prime IV or Bayonetta 3 to show us, it's only been 4 years mun...
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What's the matter? No footage of Prime IV or Bayonetta 3 to show us, it's only been 4 years mun...
So that's a no then.

You're a typical troll
Go ahead and report me then. Not sure why you are so hung up on one aspect of my argument and conveniently ignoring everything else. You are seriously being dishonest with this "conversation" if you think I am going to claim any game that is 5+ years in development. It is all of the compounding factors that scream that this game has had a troubled development and it will possibly disappoint in the future.
Go ahead and report me then. Not sure why you are so hung up on one aspect of my argument and conveniently ignoring everything else. You are seriously being dishonest with this "conversation" if you think I am going to claim any game that is 5+ years in development. It is all of the compounding factors that scream that this game has had a troubled development and it will possibly disappoint in the future.
Report you LOL. I'm not a child.

So let's try again. Since you called Halo out for showing nothing of the game in nearly 5 years ... Despite 2 In Engine trailers and also an 8 min gameplay video *rollseyes*.
You got any more to show of Prime IV other than a logo? or what about Bayonetta 3. You've got any more to show, other than a CGI trailer?.

I mean it's been 4 years for both games now and for trolls like you... that's long enough
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