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has anyone here ever gotten a girl...

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...pregnant from precum?

i was smashed last night and ended up sleeping with this girl and did not use a condom. i pulled out in plenty of time, but now i'm worried about her getting pregnant from precum. i'm getting conflicting reports from the net about chicks getting pregnant from it. some say it's very easy, while others say it's hard and that precum only has sperm in it if you have previously ejaculated (i'm assuming that day). has this happened to anyone or does anyone know anything about this? please help... :(
It's not likely, but it has happened. Some women are more fertal than others. My friends wife's sister will get pregnant if you jerk off in the same room as her.

If I we're you, I'd be more worried about HPV.

aoi tsuki

From what i understand, precum is a lubricant and not specifically a carrier for sperm. While it's possible that to carry sperm, especially if you recently ejaculated, it's not as potent as regular semen. The simple fact is that it is possible to get pregnant from it. Don't waste time and get in contact with the girl. i don't know how big of a window you have to take the morning after pill, but that's one option.

evil ways

It is possible but as Promised One said, it depends on the woman's fertility. Don't take chances though, worst thing would be to just wait it out and get a phone call in a few weeks saying you're going to be a daddy.


If you didn't plan to have kids - I'd suggest a morning after pill - now. If its a girl you haven't had sex with before or she's kinda 'freaky' I'd suggest you get yourself a doctor's check as well to make sure you don't have some uninvited intruders setting up camp in your immune system.


I hope she falls pregnant and call your sorry ass in a couple of months to announce it to you just for the fact that you were too dumb to use a condom in this day and age.


Sperm does indeed exist in precum without a doubt. As far as fertile goes, it really depends on when she had her last period. If she just had it before you had sex then you have a slimmer chance, if it's been a while you may be screwed. The girl is the most fertile about 7 days before her period. Keep in mind that sperm can survive for a week inside her too.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
oh man.. this reminds me of my little fiasco.. though it was much worse.

back when i was with my ex, we ended up having sex without a condom.. i would usually wear protection, even though she was on the pill.. just to be safe.. well, thinking things were all good, i came inside her.. turns out that she had stopped taking the pill several weeks back cause it was making her feel weird.. . youd think she would have pointed this out when she made that decision.. and to make matters worse, she refused to take the morning after pill.. "just dont think about it and everything will be fine" :mad:

i have never been so happy to see a girl on her period before .. man, what a relief that was.


Yeah, it can contain sperm and sperms can live up to a few days atleast. Morning-after pill, now. Don't take any chanses.


Phoenix nailed it (no pun intended) -- she should be taking the "morning after pill" ASAP. The sooner she takes it, the more effective it is...and you only have 72 hours before it won't work at all.

The amount of sperm in pre-cum depends on a couple of factors, but the major factor by far is whether or not she's in her fertile period. However, it's NOT safe to assume that the probability is low and do nothing. Get yourself to a pharmacy NOW.

And, oh yeah, don't do that again.


I wouldn't worry about it. First off, there is some sperm in your pre-ejaculate, but its a very small amount..second, even if you shot your entire load of semen into her, your chances of getting pregnant on average is very low depending on what day she is in a her cycle. day 13-15 is the most fertile days of the month and is the best chance of getting pregnant during those few days.

Consider this..if 100 people had unprotected sex only about 8 would get pregnant..thats an 8% chance, and I do believe thats if the guy finishes. However if you don't want to take any chances..go to planned parent hood and they can hook you up with Plan B (aka the morning after pill) it will reduce the average 8% down to 1%. Most planned parenthoods will give them to you for free depending on your you income, but the average cost is like $20.

Talk to her about it, ask her when her last period was..and just remember to use protection next time. oh and you better hope she didn't have any sexual diseases..but I doubt she did.


Unconfirmed Member
={<SMOKE>}= said:
what's the easiest way to go about getting a morning after pill? how much do they cost?


If all else fails...


^^^ I dunno, I LMAO.

No offense, but if you don't know the answer to that question maybe you shouldn't be having sex or putting yourself in a position where it can happen (ie, getting blitzed).


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
The funny can NOT be found, fatass.


Olimario didn't like my joke. :(
I guess it's time to kill myself.
I hope I can find a rope strong enough to hold my fat ass.
I mean, I'm fat, I'll break the rope, AM I RIGHT?


Nothing worse than a fatass comfortable with his own disgusting self. I ran into a severely obese man at Walgreens who was content with being severely obese. How sick.


olimario said:
Nothing worse than a fatass comfortable with his own disgusting self. I ran into a severely obese man at Walgreens who was content with being severely obese. How sick.
How about you worry about yourself and let others worry about themselves you dick.


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
Nothing worse than a fatass comfortable with his own disgusting self. I ran into a severely obese man at Walgreens who was content with being severely obese. How sick.

Nothing worse than some kid who jumps to conclusions. I'm glad you have analyzed my brain and know exactly how I feel about everything in my life. FYI: admitting that I'm fat and not letting twats like you make me feel bad for being so does not necessarily mean I'm happy being fat. Being comfortable in your own skin is important anyway, fat or skinny. Perfection isn't possible, so you should continue to improve yourself. I have other issues that are more pressing than being a fatty, at this point in my life and some obnoxious kid from Texas telling me than I'm worthless, unfortunately, buddy. But, I'm glad you brought it up. Fuck you very much.


first oli hates poor people, now he adds fat people to the list. won't be long before he admits to hating minorities.


Cubsfan23 said:
Fuck off Olimario, go get laid and then you can talk

ALL THAT MATTERS IN LIFE IS GETTING PUSSY! Fuck off, Cubsfan. Your life view is so sophomoric and so shallow. Your view of women and of relationships hasn't evolved since Jr. High.


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
ALL THAT MATTERS IN LIFE IS GETTING PUSSY! Fuck off, Cubsfan. Your life view is so sophomoric and so shallow. Your view of women and of relationships hasn't evolved since Jr. High.

ALL THAT MATTERS IN LIFE IS NOT BEING FAT! Fuck off, Olimario. Your life view is so sophomoric and so shallow. Your view of overweight people and body image hasn't evolved since Jr. High.

Pot. Kettle. Black.


Lambtron said:
ALL THAT MATTERS IN LIFE IS NOT BEING FAT! Fuck off, Olimario. Your life view is so sophomoric and so shallow. Your view of overweight people and body image hasn't evolved since Jr. High.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Didn't say that was all that mattered, but it's definitely a big thing in life to be healthy. Being obese is NOT healthy.

And I never said anything remotely close to...
Fuck off lambtron, go get skinny and then you can talk

Just because you're a fatass doesn't mean your opinion is any less important... (unless it's your opinion on health, of course).


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
Didn't say that was all that mattered, but it's definitely a big thing in life to be healthy. Being obese is NOT healthy.
Did I claim being obsese is healthy? No. Did I ever mention my weight in this topic, before you called me a fatass? No.

But, well...
olimario said:
Nothing worse than a fatass comfortable with his own disgusting self.
Sounds like the fact that I'm fat makes me amongst the worst people ever. Look out, people. The fatties are gonna run this bitch like Pol Pot!

olimario said:
And I never said anything remotely close to...
Fuck off lambtron, go get skinny and then you can talk
Just because you're a fatass doesn't mean your opinion is any less important... (unless it's your opinion on health, of course).
No, but being a fatass makes me unfunny. Waistline and humor level are inversely proportional!

The joke was tasteless. I can admit that. I don't understand why you had to go out of your way to insult me. Other than the fact you're extremely immature.



Christ, some of you people are thick.


Lambtron said:
Did I claim being obsese is healthy? No. Did I ever mention my weight in this topic, before you called me a fatass? No.

But, well...

Sounds like the fact that I'm fat makes me amongst the worst people ever. Look out, people. The fatties are gonna run this bitch like Pol Pot!

No, but being a fatass makes me unfunny. Waistline and humor level are inversely proportional!

The joke was tasteless. I don't understand why you had to go out of your way to insult me.

I thought your joke was so incredibly tasteless that it warranted some sort of personal attack as retaliation. I didn't intent for it to spiral out of control like it did.

Funny how this wouldn't have happened had I gone with my original
The funny can NOT be found, fucker.
Instead of
The funny can NOT be found, fatass.


={<SMOKE>}= said:
hey, guys, someone's body weight is not the issue here. i need fucking help...

I think they can get the pill to your local pharmacy.

For more information about where and how to get the morning after pill (emergency contraception) closest to you, call the Emergency Contraception Hotline from anywhere in the United States at 1.888.NOT.2.LATE.

or search here for a place near you to obtain it.


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
I thought your joke was so incredibly tasteless that it warranted some sort of personal attack as retaliation. I didn't intent for it to spiral out of control like it did.
Oh, well, I see the logic in that, my bad!
olimario said:
Funny how this wouldn't have happened had I gone with my original
The funny can NOT be found, fucker.
Instead of
The funny can NOT be found, fatass.
Yeah, it wouldn't have happened, you're right. Do you know why? "Fucker" isn't a personal attack. "Fatass" is. (Especially considering your "I <3 Tacos" photoshop of one of my pictures, which you later claimed was yourself, a late ROFLCOPTER on that one) You didn't win any points back by then saying all obsese people are disgusting. Maybe you should think these things through a bit more? Or maybe you should grow up a little bit?

I apologize for ruining yr thread, Smoke.
Dood she's prolly not pregnant, you can stop phreaking out, at least it looks like you've learned a valuable lesson.

What's with Oli? He woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Don't be hatin' the chu-Bs!


Lambtron said:
Oh, well, I see the logic in that, my bad!
Yeah, it wouldn't have happened, you're right. Do you know why? "Fucker" isn't a personal attack. "Fatass" is. (Especially considering your "I <3 Tacos" photoshop of one of my pictures, which you later claimed was yourself, a late ROFLCOPTER on that one) You didn't win any points back by then saying all obsese people are disgusting. Maybe you should think these things through a bit more? Or maybe you should grow up a little bit?

I apologize for ruining yr thread, Smoke.

But I do find obese people disgusting. Why would I hide my views on that? To make obese people feel semi-normal about their condition? No thanks.
And I don't see how voicing my views on obesity is in the least bit childish. I think, if anything, not caring for your body is infantile.

I think I gave Smoke the links he needed. I'm done here.
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