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HDR makes most games look worse.


Can’t Git Gud
It's depend on your TV. A lot of cheap TV's that claim support for HDR aren't really capable of displaying it properly.

For HDR your TV set must have:

10-bit panel or better
At least 1500 nits top brightness
Local dimming array

Some TV's color tune HDR content but with some dubious result.
1500 nits? So no tv on the market?
My oled is like 700nits peak and it looks amazing. People are crazy with these nits values. What are you playing in your backyard or with shades wide open?


I think it depends on a few things.

  • Dev Implementation
  • Console level calibration
  • Game level calibration
  • TV level calibration
  • Type/Quality of TV...
There's probably more too...

FWIW - I have never seen any HDR implementation that was a *game changer* the way that the Games press talked about it (around the launch of the pro consoles).

I always felt no matter how much I calibrated it was always just wildly inconsistent for me - but I assume it's my TV panel


Answer: sure, it you got a shitty Tv and/or you got it set-up wrong.

With HGIG and a proper OLED it looks stunning; high-lights in particular are a marvel to behold.


Can’t Git Gud
Answer: sure, it you got a shitty Tv and/or you got it set-up wrong.

With HGIG and a proper OLED it looks stunning; high-lights in particular are a marvel to behold.
True but hgig only makes things more confusing for now...
On PC, hgig does not exist but it still does something. On consoles at least you calibrate max and peak brightness and darkest level so You can try using hgig.
But on pc? no idea if it's better to use dynamic tone mapping on,off or hgig


Not accurate at all. Every TV that I've owned since I was a kid has been calibrated and I always go through each games menu to set the in-game brightness and other values to exactly what the developers intended. I know what a good image is supposed to look like, and there are a TON of games that implement HDR is a way that is so poorly done it makes the image look far worse, and yes, washed in a lot of cases. Outriders is one of the worst offenders I've ever seen of this, for example. Blacks in that game w/ HDR set to ON end up looking grey and washed out, when in SDR and other HDR enabled games, the blacks are terrific.
Honestly, there is a problem with your configuration but I understand you don't want to change anything and prefer to blame HDR. I have a LG CX, and before that a Sony, in both TVs HDR games look stunning. I didn't find any game that looked worse in HDR than standard, and for sure I didn't find any game that looked washed out in HDR. And about Outriders, I tried the demo in PS5 and blacks looks perfect. I know is infuriating when someone tells to other that that person doesn't have such problems and your first thought will be to think I am not educated enough to perceive that lack of quality in HDR, but it's not the case, I love HDR and for me it's a problem when a game doesn't have HDR (like now Yakuza like a Dragon), because then light doesn't seem correct/real.


The only game I experienced so far that had a significant difference, for the better, is The Touryst, the colors simply come to live, as oppose to other HRD implementations where it just forced "Sun-like brightness in yo face!!!" effect.


When it comes to film and television, HDR10 and Dolby Vision are overwhelmingly the better experience versus SDR content, in many cases its a massive difference, example would be The Punisher series on Netflix. On the other hand, so many games look objectively worse with HDR enabled; any NBA2K game, RDR2, Outriders, etc. While other games like Gears 5 and Division 2 w/ HDR look substantially more rich and deep. I really do think in a lot of cases with games, HDR is simply a gimmick that doesn't get the attention from developers it really should. Feels "broken" in a lot of cases, often times completely washes out the colors and, at least in the case of Outriders, turns the blacks from deep and pleasant into a grey mess.

Not sure mate, but most games look so great and vibrant in HDR. Check your calibration in console or your tv itself.


The HDR implementation is an afterthought with tacked on (and often broken) tone mapping in many games and a lot of them look terribly washed out when you activate it (RDR2 comes to mind). This will get better with the next development cycle now that HDR is actually something that should be on every developer`s radar from the very beginning.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
HDR on older movies is an insult.


There is an option on Gears 4 to play with HDR on just one half the screen, the difference is pretty startling. HDR is much better.


i found death stranding on pc hdr looks underwhelming and i have a 1000nits fald monitor 🤷‍♀️

forza hdr looks good

fs20 looks ok but since its a boring sim, not as dramatic as expected


Gold Member
Kinda yeah, but just because devs do a shitty job with the implementation of this technology, also most tvs don't have good hdr.

Funny how many people can't even recognize when hdr completely fuck over color graduation but they rip their hairs off for just a brighter scene with more vivid colors thinking that it suppose to look like that...
TV calibration is the most stupid thing ever. I don't get how there's not an automatic calibration option to just display the colors as they were intended.
Because every display is different and there is no way to know what colors are really shown by your display unless its examined. That's when display calibrate n kicks in. On a more positive way - it needs to be done once per display and results are worth it. Our brain perceive calibrated display as 'more natural, life-like'. Ask Apple why they've always calibrating their displays. (Ipad, Iphone, Macbook screens for example will look much better than 'others')
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do NOT fucking use HDR inc with windows 10 .
i don't know wtf is wrong with it..

but it does NOT look like my ps4 pro / ps5 at all

Its because when you turn on HDR in Windows it just tells your TV its HDR now, by putting it in an HDR container (A poorly tonemapped one at that, which makes the PS5 SDR-in-an-HDR-container problem look like a minor problem in comparison) so the TV gets the HDR flag and switches to its HDR picture mode - which is basically the picture mode you are currently on, but with maxed backlight/brightness, default gamma and brand specific extended dynamic range options turned on.

Its more for people doing video/image work I think, its not really useful for anything else I've found, since even if you try to do youtube in HDR on a browser it doesn't look nearly as good as just using the internal apps of your TV does.


Several of my Samsung TV apparently have raised blacks on PC in HDR mode. Yet LG CX just work. The only issue is all the games with bad/fake HDR implementations.


Don’t bother with hdr. Full 4:4:4 rgb is a full uncompressed image with correct colour information. HDR is too gimmicky
You obviously don`t even understand what HDR is if you call it a gimmick. A native HDR image is as "correct" as currently technically possible.
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1500 nits? So no tv on the market?
My oled is like 700nits peak and it looks amazing. People are crazy with these nits values. What are you playing in your backyard or with shades wide open?

1500 nits is wild. The sun must be next to them.


1500 nits? So no tv on the market?
My oled is like 700nits peak and it looks amazing. People are crazy with these nits values. What are you playing in your backyard or with shades wide open?
1500 nits is wild. The sun must be next to them.

There are a few that actually do =>1500 nits during real content but yeah its few and far between, under 10 models total probably and some of them are not realistically affordable for most people. Most of them aren't available to buy new as well, no its only a few available new and a large chunk of them are 8K.

I'd say 1000 nits is what you want to make bright scenes in HDR look fantastic, but OLED peak brightness makes for great HDR too, its when it goes below ~500 nits that you start to see less of a difference in the parts that are meant to be really bright over the rest of the image. The thing is also that because OLED gets the dark parts so accurate, if you are in a dark room then the highlights will still seem very bright anyway.

It would (/should?) only be a tiny area of the screen thats actually 1500 nits (It will prob be 4000 or 10000 nits but TVs can't show that yet) in brightness, like the sun or a tiny specular highlight on some chrome in Fury Road. If the whole screen was requested to be 1500 nits for every pixel it would be far too bright though yes, it would probably really strain your eyes in a dark room.

My TV (ZD9) can go up to 1800 nits in certain circumstances, but still a long way to go before you can display 4000 nits without tonemapping, or the holy grail of 10000 nits. Vincent Teoh said he saw the Sony 10000 nit prototype next to a 75" ZD9 and it made the ZD9 look "shit" lol. Although I think that was maybe the ZG9 prototype, which ended up being 3000-4000 nits in practice.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Speaking of PC. How has the HDR implementation been there? A friend of mine had many problems with it last year. Any improvements?
Bad. Most monitors dont have it and using windows games HDR with a TV has been a shit experience for me. Honestly I don't miss it, or even think about HDR though.
Lot of HDR stans ITT, didn’t realize it was possible.
Honestly, there is a problem with your configuration but I understand you don't want to change anything and prefer to blame HDR. I have a LG CX, and before that a Sony, in both TVs HDR games look stunning. I didn't find any game that looked worse in HDR than standard, and for sure I didn't find any game that looked washed out in HDR. And about Outriders, I tried the demo in PS5 and blacks looks perfect. I know is infuriating when someone tells to other that that person doesn't have such problems and your first thought will be to think I am not educated enough to perceive that lack of quality in HDR, but it's not the case, I love HDR and for me it's a problem when a game doesn't have HDR (like now Yakuza like a Dragon), because then light doesn't seem correct/real.
My setup is fine fine, calibration is fine. The issue here is there is no standard for HDR and a lot of games have jacked up tone mapping, wether you want to admit it or not. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about or are at the very least you’re biased, based on how hard you seem to stan for HDR.
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I do not know if this was talked here, sorry I am on the phone, but does other TVs auto change to a HDR mode? My Samsung tv does that, HDR mode has different settings that need to be tuned, too bright, no auto brightness and the sharpness was at almost full etc.

So I had to change everything for that HDR mode. Essentially my tv has Game mode and HDR mode.

The settings of HDR mode are not good and applying my calibrated game mode settings did not result in good image so I had to calibrate everything for that HDR mode.

damn TVs are so hard nowadays


Ah yes HDR, the feature that manufactures assured us would be a game changer yet we're still wondering years later if it actually looks better or not.

Don't worry though, I'm sure the TV shills will be out in force again soon explaining why THIS YEARS TV is going to be the one that changes everything.

My advice, just turn it on and leave it, regardless of if you think it "looks better" or not you will forget about it after an hour and probably never think about it again.

HDR for gaming is a joke, change my mind


Can’t Git Gud
Ah yes HDR, the feature that manufactures assured us would be a game changer yet we're still wondering years later if it actually looks better or not.

Don't worry though, I'm sure the TV shills will be out in force again soon explaining why THIS YEARS TV is going to be the one that changes everything.

My advice, just turn it on and leave it, regardless of if you think it "looks better" or not you will forget about it after an hour and probably never think about it again.

HDR for gaming is a joke, change my mind
That was exactly me talking two weeks ago. Week ago i got lg c1 oled for a monitor and HDR produces much better color range.


Ah yes HDR, the feature that manufactures assured us would be a game changer yet we're still wondering years later if it actually looks better or not.

Don't worry though, I'm sure the TV shills will be out in force again soon explaining why THIS YEARS TV is going to be the one that changes everything.

My advice, just turn it on and leave it, regardless of if you think it "looks better" or not you will forget about it after an hour and probably never think about it again.

HDR for gaming is a joke, change my mind
It depends on the display and the game. My TV can do 1700+ nits and games that support above 1000 nits through it's calibration looks REALLY good. Some games have wonky implementations and doesn't output anything over 1000 nits, they just look dim on my TV, I can compensate a bit with settings on the TV though.
Jumping back and forth between SDR and HDR in a game with great HDR you'll quickly start to appreciate the nice colors and sparkly highlights. Unfortunately, the majority of LCD TV on the market are cheap and bad at HDR and create grey black with low nits highlights and monitors are in general atrocious at HDR. OLEDs are better unless you have a top of the line LCD such as mine (Sony Z9F) but they still lack peak output and most maxes out under 700 nits and also have the super annoying Automatic Brightness Limiter to reduce risk of burn-in which causes day scenes to look dull compared to a good LCD.
Also due to most displays still not being capable of 1000+ nits reproduction, Hollywood and TV shows often maxes out at around 300-1000 nits which aren't especially spectacular.
Seeing a game with high adjustable peak brightness 2000~10.000 nits on a great display is really impressive and addictive. I don't think HDR is a fad that will die out and as times goes on we'll start seeing more competent TVs and display technologies and eventually even avarage joe monitors will start doing HDR some justice.
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HDR is transformative. Bad implementation of HDR is obviously bad, and frustrating, but it's relatively new for most developers so I'll let it slide and play those games in SDR.

Remember back in the day when you plugged in a cart and the game worked? Lol.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
Lot of HDR stans ITT, didn’t realize it was possible.

My setup is fine fine, calibration is fine. The issue here is there is no standard for HDR and a lot of games have jacked up tone mapping, wether you want to admit it or not. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about or are at the very least you’re biased, based on how hard you seem to stan for HDR.
Dolby Vision is coming for Games on Xbox. That and HGIG should help.
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Ah yes HDR, the feature that manufactures assured us would be a game changer yet we're still wondering years later if it actually looks better or not.

Don't worry though, I'm sure the TV shills will be out in force again soon explaining why THIS YEARS TV is going to be the one that changes everything.

My advice, just turn it on and leave it, regardless of if you think it "looks better" or not you will forget about it after an hour and probably never think about it again.

HDR for gaming is a joke, change my mind

What model of HDR TV or monitor do you have?

I don't see anyone saying that year to year thing, there haven't been big changes with HDR TVs since around 2019, in terms of brightness and image processing at least. HDR video has only been a thing since 2015 and HDR capable TVs only really got going in 2016 so surely it wouldn't be unusual for it to be improving a lot year on year.

I've always just said you need a TV over a certain specification, preferably with a VA panel + full array local dimming backlights or an OLED panel for higher contrast, rather than IPS and edge-lit backlights. The TVs image processing is really important too but the HW is the shoulders on which the processing stands.


In my experience most games look slightly better in HDR, although it's often hard to put my finger on exactly WHY - it's quite a subtle effect - and a few look MUCH better.

Then there's RDR2 which just looks spectacularly crap. Very very dark and washed out, there's just no way that can be preferable.

The good ones I've found so far are things like Days Gone, God of War, Horizon ZD, and GT Sport.


the thing is, game developers seem to have this ability to fuck specific things up so colossally sometimes that it's kinda sad.
that and they often ignore features they can use.

so it isn't surprising that HDR implementations often suck ass... like have you played Destiny 2 with HDR on? that shit looks so bad it's ridiculous, it's like they haven't even playtested that.

I always bring up a specific example of how game devs just don't care...
Xbox 360 owners will surely remember how the system would automatically mute in-game music if you started playing your own MP3s in the background right? almost all 360 games used this feature (except for Call of Duty for some bizarre reason)

now many of you might ask why the PS4 and Xbox One don't have that feature set in place, and you would be right that the Xbox One doesn't have that feature... BUT THE PS4 DOES!
YES the PS4 has the system level ability to mute in-game music when you start playing MP3s or Spotify... the thing is, NO FUCKING DEVELOPER OPTIMISES THEIR GAME FOR IT ANYMORE! they simply don't give a shit. the only 3 games I've ever played that actually make use of this are Earth Defence Force 4.1 and 5, and Rocket League... AND ROCKET LEAGUE PATCHED IT OUT A FEW MONTHS AGO SEEMINGLY ACCIDENTALLY!
so the PS4 can do it, it's just that no developer can be asked to give a shit about it.

so yeah, it shouldn't be surprising that an optional feature like HDR would be undercooked and basically ignored by many developers, they often just put it in so they can use it in PR material as a buzzword it seems
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In my experience most games look slightly better in HDR, although it's often hard to put my finger on exactly WHY - it's quite a subtle effect - and a few look MUCH better.

Then there's RDR2 which just looks spectacularly crap. Very very dark and washed out, there's just no way that can be preferable.

The good ones I've found so far are things like Days Gone, God of War, Horizon ZD, and GT Sport.
Well, RDR2 has faux HDR, the games engine basically out puts for SRD and then converts the limited dynamic range of SDR into fake HDR. So no wonder it looks like crap.
TV industry need to have more Geneva Conventions to make their stuff less Plug and Pray and more hey it just works.
I have given up completely on getting PC HDR to work.
Consoles seem to do much better.


TV industry need to have more Geneva Conventions to make their stuff less Plug and Pray and more hey it just works.
I have given up completely on getting PC HDR to work.
Consoles seem to do much better.
My PC HDR works really well and looks great, I use my very capable TV as monitor. Only thing to keep in mind is whether to enable the HDR in Display Settings before launching a game or if the game can activate it by it self. And as long as you use it with a really capable display, there are almost no monitors that does HDR a service, but if you are on a TV, don't forget to calibrate the max brightness in game as well.

Other wise I can't tell why you are having problems with HDR on PC?
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This thread is giving me flashbacks to tweaking the calibration screens of RE2&3 Remake, I aged 10 years during those hours:

Aging Season 7 GIF

In this one I'm Patrick and Spongebob is my flatmate who didnt even go through it but I've aged him just by telling him what I did:

life aging GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Life is short guys, don't spend it all calibrating brightness/HDR, just ask a collection of nerds to tell you the answer:

revenge of the nerds 80s GIF
the simpsons nerd GIF
international man of mystery nerd GIF

Or better still just throw your HDR TV out the window/into a lake and go back to a simpler time:

mad tommy wiseau GIF by The Room

This thread is giving me flashbacks to tweaking the calibration screens of RE2&3 Remake, I aged 10 years during those hours:

Aging Season 7 GIF

In this one I'm Patrick and Spongebob is my flatmate who didnt even go through it but I've aged him just by telling him what I did:

life aging GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Life is short guys, don't spend it all calibrating brightness/HDR, just ask a collection of nerds to tell you the answer:

revenge of the nerds 80s GIF
the simpsons nerd GIF
international man of mystery nerd GIF

Or better still just throw your HDR TV out the window/into a lake and go back to a simpler time:

mad tommy wiseau GIF by The Room


Yeah I'm with you on this. I tweak each game if it needs it, but if it looks jacked up, I just turn the HDR off.

The real question is, why can't we enable/disable HDR on a per-game basis?


Would disagree 100% I haven't found a single game that does not look better in HDR including the games you mentioned. I think your problem is hardware-related.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
My only experience with DV is from what is streamed over Netflix. Would love to see a good 4k BluRay with DV.
The C9 and CX (i think the b9 has it as well not sure) has the dynamic tone mapping for HDR which works better than I think people give it credit for considering its doing it on the fly, but DV simply does it better. You get the brighter overall picture with better highlights that just cant be matched.

Watched Power Rangers and I know people weren't super hot on the movie but that is one stunning 4K disc from start to finish. Great Atmos track as well.

Gonna give The LOTR Trilogy a watch next.
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Yeah I'm with you on this. I tweak each game if it needs it, but if it looks jacked up, I just turn the HDR off.

The real question is, why can't we enable/disable HDR on a per-game basis?

On PS5? Fuck my life yes thats annoying.

I have to change it multiple times a day because I'm going between It Takes Two, The Pathless and Control right now and its pretty annoying because sometimes I start the game before I realise and some games don't react well to you changing it in real-time.

How can we signal boost it to Sony? Surely memes can help us:



Even Digital Foundry has mentioned numerous games where the HDR tone mapping is simply broken.
Very weird, have never found a single game with a problem in HDR thus far and my personal preference is to play them in HDR, like for NBA2k, HDR makes the game brighter and non HDR just makes the colors are little deeper but the differences are slight


The C9 and CX (i think the b9 has it as well not sure) has the dynamic tone mapping for HDR which works better than I think people give it credit for considering its doing it on the fly, but DV simply does it better. You get the brighter overall picture with better highlights that just cant be matched.

Watched Power Rangers and I know people weren't super hot on the movie but that is one stunning 4K disc from start to finish. Great Atmos track as well.

Gonna give The LOTR Trilogy a watch next.
I don't use dynamic tone mapper because Vincent Teoh goes on a lot about how it is inaccurate, causes artifacts but some like dynamic picture mode so whatever. I just set hgig and hope games properly support eventually (and filmmaker mode for movies)

There's some weirdness in some lotr scenes (like in the Shire early) but HDR is pretty good overall
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