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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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I expect to start getting wrecked eventually, but the priest quest isn't so bad, I've usually been completing it by turn 7-8. Will be interesting to see how it evolves.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I already feel the crow incoming with that Rogue quest. Thank god for "safe 3/5" ratings LMAO!

It's like hour 3 meta. Don't forget last time we had rotations and stuff Nzoth Pally was like toppers of tiers for the first month and fell hard.


Unconfirmed Member
Taunts make Quest Paladin sad :(

So many taunts make windfury Galvadon hard to use as the easy win condition I was hoping for.
All paladin can do about it is equality + something.

All this 5+ health stuff is making my Lights Justice much worse than usual too.


Unconfirmed Member
Well I opened a good 60 packs or so till I got bored of buying them 1 at at a time with gold (WTF Mobile can't mass buy with gold? Whyyyyyy).

Got 3 legendaries so that's nice, but no quests.
Druid Legendary
Warrior Legendary
and the Priest Minion.

So yay? I played against a Taunt warrior at low ranks and man that quest was cool to see. It's FUCKING ANNOYING AS HELL to play against. But hey it slowed the game down enough for him to win. I was 4 damage off lethal but couldn't draw a freaking swipe.


I got lucky with un'goro. Got 3/4 legendaries I wanted. Got the great epic, but ooze which I crafted just in case pirate still exist.

Reach 12, got maiev. Time to rest.


I feel that I got lucky with Ungoro as well, got the 2 legendaries that I cared about from packs. The Warrior quest and the Legendary Shaman Elemental.


How do I apply a battle.net balance to card packs? I don't see an option anywhere on the account/game management page or in-game...


Elemental Shaman looks scary strong.

Tier 2 is very good.. tier 1 is deck that can get you high rank even if you braindead.. quest warrior will never that good
that's why I said "tier 2 at best", just in case aggro decks will be very popular. not extremely good, but good, which is what I consider tier 2.


Junior Member
So I was pretty lucky.

Marsh Queen
Swamp King Dredd
Golden Jungle Giants

Out of 60 packs.

Used Dust to craft warrior quest, and I went on a 5 game winning streak. Tar Lord + Stolen Goods is stupid strong. Getting Rag's attack as your hero power is epic fun.

Elemental Shaman is good if you pull the big Elementals. Kalimos is fucking amazing as expected.


Unconfirmed Member
wait the rogue quest is turning up to be good?

well, I'm for one I'm glad, rogue needed some love

I'd hold off on that thought. Sounds pretty noninteractive and unfun to play against.



Unconfirmed Member
lol. Finally got my first win of the set on my 10th game now I've switched to elemental mage.

Elemental Mage is a lot easier to build than Quest Paladin.
Is Pally quest trash? Galvadon seems like a lot of fun.

I donno, i do know that i'm going to have to craft hunter quest, mage, priest, and warrior, the ones i actually want to play XD. the discard one sucks, i'd just play regular discard lock with the new leggy minion. galvadon....idk. he's good but, i like anyfin pally so much i prob won't get really into it. would be kinda cool to hit on getaway kodo with him.


It might also be because everyone is experimenting with suboptimal decks today.

I think a refined quest rogue list can probably manage against pirate warrior.
I just spent 15 turns toying with my quest priest opponent, amara has nothing on handfuls of 5/5s generating more 5/5s always 5/5s I got a kazakus and activated it with 5 cards left in my deck. polymorphed my own board, the sheep were 5/5s

Dog is having lots of success playing rogue quest with no firefly

pretty sure he'd be better off if he played firefly tho.


What is the fastest deck you've either played against or are playing?

I just keep seeing a lot of taunts.

Discard lock is fun, not sure if it's viable, it's really slow..... I guess it's control... there's just so many taunts.

This game was legit the nuttiest, high roller game of Zoo I have ever played:

I can see half your list in that screenshot, but what are you running in quest zoo and is it working?


My quest paladin deck seems to work, but I am too stupid to play it right. Violet teacher and the new 3 mana nerubian egg are mvps. Warriors seem to seizure when I spam 1/1's after they get sulfuras out.

EDIT: I only made quest paladin because the only legendary I got from 40 packs was the new paladin guy.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
C'Thun Druid putting in work.

Still in the noob zone rank wise, but so far so good. Everyone is trying to do new shit so my old proven deck is easy wins.


I've already faced 3 wild decks in arena and even one with a banned card from before the changes last year. Either returning players or people bringing out decks they saved to prey on the new meta.


Did they increase the drop rate on legendaries? Or at least the quests?

I've gotten 4 legendaries in 20 packs opened, although 3 of them are quest legendaries.
Played around with Sherazin a bit since it's the only legendary I got, it's not as bad as I thought. I don't think it will see play, but it was pretty fun to use. Got it to revive three times in a game, which is two more than I expected to do.
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