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Hellblade II: Senua's Saga - New Trailer | The Game Awards 2021


Yet it always came down to that face. Every single time. Now all of a sudden we shouldn't just look at the face.
Maybe for you that’s all that mattered.
But the environment and world shown in the initial trailer was insanely impressive as well. I think I even made a troll-ish thread about how people were overlooking how amazing everything besides her face looked as well. It was a large step above everything else we had seen at the time.

You can continue to focus on her close up face as some sort of console warrior gotcha but bottomline, the environments, world, NPCs, etc., shown in the first trailer, which looked unbelievable and better than anything we’d seen, were matched or exceeded in the new trailer.

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Gold Member
lol I said the same thing as soon as I saw the black bars. I was like this game is FILMIC!!

I am a big fan of Ninja Theory. I loved Heavenly Sword. I even liked DMC, but man Hellblade 1 was a misfire and I really dont like where this is going. This studio is clearly extremely talented, but this is way too on-rails. Shouldve shown some combat sections. The first game's combat was simple but still kinda entertaining and very cinematic. The first game didnt have any of these setpieces so maybe thats what they are trying to show off here.

Yep. Aside from the face, i dont see anything else being downgraded. That gif looks incredible.
I don't give a fuck about them, never liked any of their games but i'm probably gonna buy this one just for the graphic and for the nasty creatures, i'm a sucker for this shit and that giant is super cool.
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Gold Member
Maybe for you that’s all that mattered.
But the environment and world shown in the initial trailer was insanely impressive as well. I think I even made a troll-ish thread about how people were overlooking how amazing everything besides her face looked as well. It was a large step above everything else we had seen at the time.

You can continue to focus on her close up face as some sort of console warrior gotcha but bottomline, the environments, world, NPCs, etc., shown in the first trailer, which looked unbelievable and better than anything we’d seen, were matched or exceeded in the new trailer.

Jesus imagine a from software game with this level of fidelity for the bosses...

Maybe in 20 years from now...
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Gold Member
hmmmm that doesn't really sound like in-engine gameplay

Not sure if someone else replied to this, so I'll be short.

That's not what that means. You got this from a poor source who cut some disconnected pieces out from a bigger article (or press release?) without contextualizing it.

Here's what I presume is the original article/press release(?, I didn't spend a lot of time on this):

to transform this large film asset into a real-time game character, Ziva fed over 12GB of performance capture data along with the high-quality Ziva VFX simulation into their Ziva Real-Time Trainer. This technology used machine learning to train the troll asset to perform all of the animations along with novel poses in real-time while maintaining the rich dynamics of the original simulation. As a result, the final ML troll body performed at a fully-interactive frame rate of under 3 milliseconds per frame in Unreal Engine 4.26 and was ready to be handed back to the innovation-loving Ninja Theory team.

TLDR; It's running in-engine in realtime .

Edit: Oh it's already answered, sorry, this thread is getting big..
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Maybe for you that’s all that mattered.
But the environment and world shown in the initial trailer was insanely impressive as well. I think I even made a troll-ish thread about how people were overlooking how amazing everything besides her face looked as well. It was a large step above everything else we had seen at the time.

You can continue to focus on her close up face as some sort of console warrior gotcha but bottomline, the environments, world, NPCs, etc., shown in the first trailer, which looked unbelievable and better than anything we’d seen, were matched or exceeded in the new trailer.

No, that's not what I'm saying. You can't possibly mean you don't remember all the facial GIFs that were posted over and over again at the time to underline 12TF. When you build your fortress on such a foundation, it's bound to be breached when a weakness comes forth. Hell, the very same happened with Killzone 2 back in the day. Yes, KZ2 also looked very nice, but nowhere near as nice as the pre-launch trailer.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Never played the first one but saw mostly positive reactions. Is it still worth to play it now and how long is it roughly. Because this looks interesting and i don't want to play the second one before knowing what happend in the first part.
Yeah I don’t really know what I’m reading here. This looks far better than ratchet and horizon and the Spider-Man trailer - the new horizon was until this point the visual bar in terms of trailers for me. And ratchet is the game that’s out that reaches close. Those games are doing a lot more. Maybe the dark shadows or whatever make it harder to tell certain imperfections - but this is clearly above them visually on a level of reaching close to film CGI. The whole scene looks movie level


No, that's not what I'm saying. You can't possibly mean you don't remember all the facial GIFs that were posted over and over again at the time to underline 12TF. When you build your fortress on such a foundation, it's bound to be breached when a weakness comes forth. Hell, the very same happened with Killzone 2 back in the day. Yes, KZ2 also looked very nice, but nowhere near as nice as the pre-launch trailer.
This is all kind of gibberish, tbh. I’m not totally understanding the point you’re making here. You seem to be dead on focusing on her up close & personal making out face because that shows the downgrade, while ignoring the fact that the environments, NPCs, lighting, everything else besides her face front and center, which were also visual aspects that trumped everything we’d seen of next-gen, were matched or exceeded in the new trailer.


Never played the first one but saw mostly positive reactions. Is it still worth to play it now and how long is it roughly. Because this looks interesting and i don't want to play the second one before knowing what happend in the first part.
About 6-8 hours. It's impossible to say if you would like it not. It's a linear 'experience' game with weak combat like most Ninja Theory games. Not my cup of tea personally.
Did people really not play the original? IIRC, it even launched on PS4 and was exclusive for a while before coming to everything. So there was plenty of opportunity to try it when the praise started to flow in about it.

As soon as the gameplay started, this looked like Hellblade but running in UE5. Even the camera movement and angles used were similar. Anyone who spent time with the original should be able to recognize this as gameplay and obviously made by the same team who did the first.
Hellblade was included in many people's GOTY list back in 2017 when it was exclusive to PS4. I remember hearing tons of praise for it's atmosphere and graphics...up until it was revealed that the game was only a timed exclusive and that Microsoft purchased Ninja Theory. After that, I've seen many of the same individuals trying to downplay the original game and this sequel every chance they get.


Hard to Kill
I think you misunderstood me lol but i see why, i didnt add a 2 next to spiderman in my list. Defintely talking about Spiderman 2. They showed a realtime trailer that looked stunning at the time, but I think its been topped since by Hellblade 2 and Matrix.



Spiderman 1 looked photorealistic at times during dusk settings. I was saying that while the night time scenes dont look as good as hellblade, the dusk scenes in the next gen Spiderman 2 should look fairly close to the Matrix unless of course, not using nanite somehow affects their rendering budget.

Here are some screenshots I took of Spiderman 1 during the dusk time period. Insane that a 1.8 tflops console is doing this so i have no doubt that Spiderman 2's dusk setting will look this good but Hellblade 2;s night time looks better than Spiderman 2's night scenes for now.


Oh, indeed I misunderstood you, for Spidey2 I feel like we haven't seen enough to be able to judge.Because both game aren't trying to achieve the same thing.
The game is currently running on early build of UE5 and looks incredible. Once more features get added to the engine and refined, I'm certain the final release visuals will come very close or even match the reveal trailer graphics. Just look at the Matrix demo for a glimpse at what can be done.


This is all kind of gibberish, tbh. I’m not totally understanding the point you’re making here. You seem to be dead on focusing on her up close & personal making out face because that shows the downgrade, while ignoring the fact that the environments, NPCs, lighting, everything else besides her face front and center, which were also visual aspects that trumped everything we’d seen of next-gen, were matched or exceeded in the new trailer.

I could say the very same about the idea of it matching or exceeding the initial reveal. Someone needs a new pair of glasses. The difference is akin to that of Uncharted 4's first and following videos. It may be subtle, especially with the environments, partly due to the darker lighting in the new video, but it's noticeable.
I could say the very same about the idea of it matching or exceeding the initial reveal. Someone needs a new pair of glasses. The difference is akin to that of Uncharted 4's first and following videos. It may be subtle, especially with the environments, partly due to the darker lighting in the new video, but it's noticeable.
It doesn’t look as good as the og video imo - I mean I guess in some ways similar but not as good. I’d be surprised if it ends up looking this good when it comes out tho this is still seems unbelievable to me
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Did people really not play the original? IIRC, it even launched on PS4 and was exclusive for a while before coming to everything. So there was plenty of opportunity to try it when the praise started to flow in about it.

As soon as the gameplay started, this looked like Hellblade but running in UE5. Even the camera movement and angles used were similar. Anyone who spent time with the original should be able to recognize this as gameplay and obviously made by the same team who did the first.
It was never exclusive...


It doesn’t look as good as the og video imo - I mean I guess in some ways similar but not as good. I’d be surprised if it ends up looking this good when it comes out tho this is still seems unbelievable to me
Agreed. That's not to say it looks bad, just that the initial bar was set so high it couldn't be reached in reality.


I could say the very same about the idea of it matching or exceeding the initial reveal. Someone needs a new pair of glasses.
In an attempt to try to make me look like a fanboy, notice how he avoided mentioning the fact that I went out of my way to say, multiple times, that I was talking about everything but her closeup face that matched or exceeded the initial trailer.


In an attempt to try to make me look like a fanboy, notice how he avoided mentioning the fact that I went out of my way to say, multiple times, that I was talking about everything but her closeup face that matched or exceeded the initial trailer.
Yet you removed the part where I actually mentioed the environments. I don't see anything there that matches, let alone excees the initial reveal.


Gold Member
Wow some mental gymnastics going on in this thread.

To summarize, It looks fucking amazing graphically, but not quite amazing as it should right?
While geometric detail levels look good on rocks, i would still like to see non-rocky environments with UE5 preferably at 60 fps with lumen disabled. Murky color grading also tends hide some of potential issues on this demo.

^ Did this person just say "looks good but lets see a different scene at double the frame rate without lighting, reflections and post processing and we'll see how it REALLY looks."

Holy mother of god..
Ninja Theory reeeeeally did something to y'all with this one, didnt they?
Looks real good. I can believe that is in-game... I did not believe the initial trailer was possible and clearly, it was not. Clearly it was a target render. That's a downgrade, luckily, it still looks good.

The funniest thing now will be the talk of "Epic said it was real time" "It looks the same, just different lighting" Take your fanboy glasses off... the initial trailer was a real time rendering, it's what they had hoped to hit. They did a good job, but they clearly missed the mark... if you can't see that, you got fanboy glasses on and you can no longer call anyone out for not seeing "the downgrade" moving forward.


Yet you removed the part where I actually mentioed the environments. I don't see anything there that matches, let alone excees the initial reveal.
Watch the initial trailer again. Everything shown besides her face is matched or exceeded in the new trailer. This really isn’t subjective, everyone can see it, just like how everyone can see her facial detail is downgraded. I mean, people aren’t blind. Your entire post history is subtle console warring for Sony PlayStation.


Like, this doesn’t match or exceed the initial reveal? What?
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It came out on PS4 and PC in 2017. Isn't console and PC the combo that's currently fine when it comes to exclusives? Can't keep up with the narratives.

And at least you could play it on XB a year later. The same can't be said about the sequel for those outside of MIcrosoft's ecosystem.


Wow some mental gymnastics going on in this thread.

To summarize, It looks fucking amazing graphically, but not quite amazing as it should right?
This is the graphics I'm expecting from XSX when very talented developers put their hands on the hardware. It looks amazing, I would say like you, fooking amazing. When the Game is supposed to be released ?


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Watch the initial trailer again. Everything shown besides her face is matched or exceeded in the new trailer. This really isn’t subjective, everyone can see it, just like how everyone can see her facial detail is downgraded. I mean, people aren’t blind. Your entire post history is subtle console warring for Sony PlayStation.


Like, this doesn’t match or exceed the initial reveal? What?
Downsampled gifs for ants mean nothing for judging graphics...

It came out on PS4 and PC in 2017. Isn't console and PC the combo that's currently fine when it comes to exclusives? Can't keep up with the narratives.

And at least you could play it on XB a year later. The same can't be said about the sequel for those outside of MIcrosoft's ecosystem.
Not sure what is your point. I just pointed that the first game never was exclusive...
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the crazy thing about this, and I don't know why they do this, was the ppl who were like "Best Graphics EVER"... then it was revealed that they had only started development. Some ppl doubled down still. Like SERIOUSLY look at that image on the right! We aren't there yet, no way. We may have to wait a couple generations, maybe the next one if we're lucky.

Now, I'm starting to 2nd guess what I'd seen from A Plagues Tale 2 :messenger_dizzy: Since what they showed looked amazing... but then again, A Plagues Tale looked really damn good.


Watch the initial trailer again. Everything shown besides her face is matched or exceeded in the new trailer. This really isn’t subjective, everyone can see it, just like how everyone can see her facial detail is downgraded. I mean, people aren’t blind. Your entire post history is subtle console warring for Sony PlayStation.


Like, this doesn’t match or exceed the initial reveal? What?
That's the definition of subjective. There's a plenty of people on this very thread who can see the difference between the two. Guess they're just fanboys, eh?

You seem to be focused on console warring, since this is your third post mentioning it. You also seem to be moving from the matter at hand to personal takes, which people tend to do when they can't justfy their point of view otherwise.

That was quick; you managed to check out my entire post history since 2006, when I joined here.
It came out on PS4 and PC in 2017. Isn't console and PC the combo that's currently fine when it comes to exclusives? Can't keep up with the narratives.

And at least you could play it on XB a year later. The same can't be said about the sequel for those outside of MIcrosoft's ecosystem.
Ninja Theory was an independent developer when Hellblade released, now they are not. Your point?


the crazy thing about this, and I don't know why they do this, was the ppl who were like "Best Graphics EVER"... then it was revealed that they had only started development. Some ppl doubled down still. Like SERIOUSLY look at that image on the right! We aren't there yet, no way. We may have to wait a couple generations, maybe the next one if we're lucky.

Now, I'm starting to 2nd guess what I'd seen from A Plagues Tale 2 :messenger_dizzy: Since what they showed looked amazing... but then again, A Plagues Tale looked really damn good.

We're getting there. I mean after experiencing the final fight in TLOU2, it feels like we're getting closer. Perhaps at the start of next-gen, who knows really.

Dr Bass

Watch the initial trailer again. Everything shown besides her face is matched or exceeded in the new trailer. This really isn’t subjective, everyone can see it, just like how everyone can see her facial detail is downgraded. I mean, people aren’t blind. Your entire post history is subtle console warring for Sony PlayStation.


Like, this doesn’t match or exceed the initial reveal? What?
I don't think it quite matches. It definitely looks more "gamey," but so far it looks fantastic. I also think it looks better than almost everything currently out.

I mean it's using UE5 which clearly has stepped up what the companies using the tool can do with their games. I mentioned earlier in this thread I thought the trailer looked like God of War, but I meant the game style. With the more open feeling than Hellblade 1, the camera viewpoint on the main character, the big nasty boss etc. Feels just like it to me.

Definitely looks like a step up visually though so far. Made Horizon FW and the new GoW feel "old' already IMO. Along with the Matrix demo. Will be cool to start seeing more UE5 based projects over the coming year or two it really unlocks the potential of the consoles as made obvious by last night.

I hope the game is good, but part 1 was pretty weak in terms of gameplay and the whole "experience mental illness!" angle is ... not what I'm looking for in a game, and it seems like they are continuing that in this trailer. Just make it a fun game Ninja Theory!

Awesome production values/graphics though.


Again, downsampled gifs for ants are useless for comparatives...
A 4K trailer isn’t for ants. The fuck…

That's the definition of subjective. There's a plenty of people on this very thread who can see the difference between the two. Guess they're just fanboys, eh?
Everyone talking about downgrades is talking about her face, which is downgraded. Who has said the environments, world, NPCs, everything but her face, is downgraded?

The trailers are right there for everyone to see. Show me any non-face part of the initial reveal that looks better than that gif or the other gifs.

Should be pretty easy to do based on what you’re saying.


When people start arguing about this kind of stuff you some are kicked in the balls 🤣

shit looks glorious!
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We're getting there. I mean after experiencing the final fight in TLOU2, it feels like we're getting closer. Perhaps at the start of next-gen, who knows really.
I think we're definitely getting there, its just going to take some time. Ppl can talk about "different lighting" all they want, but when you look at the image on the right there is just something more... it looks way more real. The image on the left just looks like a game. I personally don't care much about "realistic" art direction, but I can't wait till we get to the image on the right. I think that opens up the possibility for even more crazy art styles/directions.


A 4K trailer isn’t for ants. The fuck…

Everyone talking about downgrades is talking about her face, which is downgraded. Who has said the environments, world, NPCs, everything but her face, is downgraded?

The trailers are right there for everyone to see. Show me any non-face part of the initial reveal that looks better than that gif or the other gifs.

Should be pretty easy to do based on what you’re saying.
Just look at the post above yours.

EDIT: Funnily enough, stating her face is downgraded got me a warning from the mods. I wonder if you get one as well. :D
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So do you have a non-face segment from the original trailer that looks better than those gifs or not?

Here it is again, feel free to link me a time stamp.

I don't think it quite matches. It definitely looks more "gamey,"
Are you going to do this to all posters on this thread who disagree with you, including the one who said the above, or am I just getting the special treatment?


Go play hell blade 1 first.
That game isn't even close to cinematic.

Its psychological horror simulator, where your brain messes up with you.

God of war is straight up cinematic, because that is what game revolves around. Same for tlou2. You need them in that cinematic mode, to make sense of the story.

God of war shows this alot, when you are fighting the enemies. Slightly defeating a boss enemy, will lead to a cinematic scene, where both Kratos and the boss fight (the stranger fight).
Different is One gameplay matter, while the other is filler for the cut scenes.
For the last time, Hell blade isnt cinematic. Its more of walking simulator, not cinematic experience.

2nd one might be more cinematic. but not the 1st one.

Me too. I am waiting for it.
Biggest hypocrite here. You're famous for saying that all Sony cinematic games are the same and you can't tell the difference and then you twist yourself into a pretzel saying Hellblade is different?

I will never understand why you get so much protection from the mods here.
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Are you going to do this to all posters on this thread who disagree with you, including the one who said the above, or am I just getting the special treatment?
So the answer to my question is “no”, you can’t link me a non-face segment that looks better than those new clips.

This is what you said:

I don't see anything there that matches, let alone excees the initial reveal.

Sounded pretty confident. I just asked what parts you were referring to.
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