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Hellblade II: Senua's Saga - New Trailer | The Game Awards 2021

Looks heavily downgraded. Guess its another Halo scenario where the prerendered reveal is miles ahead of the actual gameplay.
Quite disappointing to say the least.


Those appear to be different enemy types. Don't write it off / downplay it just yet. Either way, it looks phenominal.


Gold Member
It's rigid body physics, this cloth animation is calculated in real time. Something being used in tons of games since the PS2 era, I remember games like the GoW ones from PS2 or PSP using it.

But they did put love and attention to detail here to make it look great.
Yeah I know it's doable it's the fact it's doing it as well as it is with the added complexity of modern assets that impressed me. :)
Games I have worked on in the past, where the animation is "set" as in a cutscene or a fixed animation (such as a run cycle) have used precalculated collision simulations converted to vertex animation simply to make life easier on the engine side.

We've come a long way!

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The point being games can be "cinematic" and a blast to play.
They also can be cinematic and not fun to play.

I'd love for this to be in the blast category. I'm going to be playing it day one, and forcing myself to finish the first one after bouncing off it hard the first time because it was not in the blast category.




you mean that right now u saw something running in console that is graphically more impressive? i mean technically.....not talking about taste and art direction clearly

Well technically speaking, you don't know if Hellblade 2 was running on console or PC, do you?

Or did they confirm running it on console? I might have missed it.

PS: I personally think it was running on Series X, as we have seen Horizon running on PS5 and both look similarly impressive, so no reason why Hellblade couldn't have been running on Xbox.


hmmmm that doesn't really sound like in-engine gameplay

if you found the actual source you'd see...

So, to transform this large film asset into a real-time game character, Ziva fed over 12GB of performance capture data along with the high-quality Ziva VFX simulation into their Ziva Real-Time Trainer. This technology used machine learning to train the troll asset to perform all of the animations along with novel poses in real-time while maintaining the rich dynamics of the original simulation. As a result, the final ML troll body performed at a fully-interactive frame rate of under 3 milliseconds per frame in Unreal Engine 4.26 and was ready to be handed back to the innovation-loving Ninja Theory team.

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Gameplay Reveals Character by Ziva Dynamics (yahoo.com)
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Anyone claiming a downgrade here is lying to themselves. If u follow any of the hellblade stuff since then we all saw screenshots of this model getting changed over time. Its just as high res as before, only difference is the lighting and scene composition. Also note that was on unreal 4.
The game looks good, but it's not the same level of quality that was shown back in 2019.

I'm sure this will be pointing out by digital foundry if they do a comparison.


I think it looks pretty impressive, and given the fact that it APPARENTLY will not be very huge in scale, I think it's totally doable on SX hardware. You can see in the gameplay that the environment which the player can move is quite limited, like a corridor.

Also, the gameplay segment was pretty dark, which serves for two purposes: it gives a sinister atmosphere, and it also helps to hide some potentially not so good details here and there.

But I mean no criticism, honestly. It looks pretty dope and super impressive nonetheless! And it has just skyrocketed my interest about it, and I will try to play the first game this weekend!
It looks fantastic. What was this captured on? I don't recall them saying in the trailer.

Looks pretty close to the original trailer. The big difference is that the first one is a cinematic trailer captured in engine as opposed to gameplay. Two very different animals to compare there, the former has tons of cinematic/post-processing effects added in, not to mention a different camera angle/focus setting all designed to give you that movie feel. I dig it either way.


Amazing stuff! More impressed with this showing than the first showcase. Hope the game is more action oriented and that I can turn off the voices! Cause these games with constant whispering can get a little irking (looking at you Chorvs)!


I disagree. This looked maybe on par with the better looking last gen games and with close to zero gameplay interaction at that.

Maybe if they show more (actual impressive) stuff I will change my mind but as is I was not impressed.
That wasn’t impressive to you? Care to share what last gen games looked better than this?

To me this looked fantastic and that troll is kind of fucking terrifying. It’s amazing how he was put together in game.


Visually impressive, although the 'dark-gray-low-contrast' theme can make things looks better than they are, like that PS5 motorcicle game.
Gameplaywise I think it is lacking, looks too scripted to my taste, but since I didn't play the first, maybe it's like that, or not, and it's good, or not.


Watched the trailer now at home on my C8, it really looks good except for being way too dark I have to say I simply love the voice acting. It’s so raw. Love how you hear Senuas vocal chords distort when screaming ”Attack!”. Adds to the realism a lot.
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Visually impressive, although the 'dark-gray-low-contrast' theme can make things looks better than they are, like that PS5 motorcicle game.
Gameplaywise I think it is lacking, looks too scripted to my taste, but since I didn't play the first, maybe it's like that, or not, and it's good, or not.
that's what i was thinking, it's not better than what we've been seeing lately, it's just a combination of a dark and barren scenario with some smoke and mirrors.


Gold Member
Neither Forza Horizon, nor Ratchet looks average compared to this. There is a lot of hyperbole being thrown around...
Absolutely disagree, not saying either of those looks bad but this is by an order of magnitude better. This actually looks genuine next generation, where's those two could be achieved (as Forza was) on last gen hardware with cutbacks. The lighting alone in HB2 is unachievable on last generation hardware.


This is a courtesy warning. It will be extended once. Another lame bait reply like this and you will be on the ban page. No driveby shite that's intended only to provoke. Read the sticky to catch up..

This lame warning makes it seem like you (or at least some posters, because reasons) can't point out the obvious downgrade from the initial reveal. I've probably been longer on this forum than most of the current mod team, and pointing out obvious downgrades has never before been an issue. Smells like a hypocrisy scented butthurt. Banning is the equivalent of putting fingers into ears to not hear unpleasant truths. Waiting to be proven right.
Absolutely disagree, not saying either of those looks bad but this is by an order of magnitude better. This actually looks genuine next generation, where's those two could be achieved (as Forza was) on last gen hardware with cutbacks. The lighting alone in HB2 is unachievable on last generation hardware.

Noted, and I strongly disagree. Orders of magnitude above Ratchet? It's not even orders of magnitude against the best titles of last gen, just from a "visual result" point of view. Plus, how could you even compare, given the different aesthetics? Do you have some technical expertise to share, or are you focusing purely on art style and overall direction (looking realistic and badass vs cartoon-oriented)?
I can only trust my eyes, and when I watched it in 4k, I went: "This is quite impressive, but not on the level of what was shown before"...Perhaps have I become jaded?
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As far as being a gameplay trailer that was a massive letdown. Just running and throwing a spear over and over. Very scripted. This needs to be more than just a pretty game.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
No you misunderstood me, when I said Spiderman 2 I meant the next gen only that will come later.This one may give a great example of what next gen only means.I am also very interested in what sucker punch will make be it GOT or another Infamous.But once again I'll repeat what I said to the people disapointed at the year 1 games, it is only the beginning.
I think you misunderstood me lol but i see why, i didnt add a 2 next to spiderman in my list. Defintely talking about Spiderman 2. They showed a realtime trailer that looked stunning at the time, but I think its been topped since by Hellblade 2 and Matrix.



Spiderman 1 looked photorealistic at times during dusk settings. I was saying that while the night time scenes dont look as good as hellblade, the dusk scenes in the next gen Spiderman 2 should look fairly close to the Matrix unless of course, not using nanite somehow affects their rendering budget.

Here are some screenshots I took of Spiderman 1 during the dusk time period. Insane that a 1.8 tflops console is doing this so i have no doubt that Spiderman 2's dusk setting will look this good but Hellblade 2;s night time looks better than Spiderman 2's night scenes for now.




Assets definitely see a downgrade from the reveal but still a real look up there with the other upcoming nextgen games like Forza and Forbidden West.

hmmmm that doesn't really sound like in-engine gameplay

"As a result, the final ML troll body performed at a fully-interactive frame rate of under 3 milliseconds per frame in Unreal Engine 4.26 and was ready to be handed back to the innovation-loving Ninja Theory team."


The only downgrade is the face, specifically the facial animations.

Do a side by side comparison of the environments via gifs or the actual trailers and it’s clear there’s no downgrade in the environments and world.

Everybody is just harping on her face posting those two comparison screenshots.


Gold Member
Noted, and I strongly disagree. Orders of magnitude above Ratchet? It's not even orders of magnitude against the best titles of last gen, just from a "visual result" point of view. Plus, how could you even compare, given the different aesthetics? Do you have some technical expertise to share, or are you focusing purely on art style and overall direction (looking realistic and badass vs cartoon-oriented)?
I can only trust my eyes, and when I watched it in 4k, I went: "This is quite impressive, but not on the level of what was shown before"...Perhaps have I become jaded?
Something striving for a realistic look or photorealistic (obviously not saying this is) comes with a whole load of expectations that something like Ratchet doesn't have to worry about.
what technical level?

the animations, world scale, enemy designs, and interactivity are all better in H:FW

You're making these comparisons out of ignorance due to the fact H:FW and HBII are two different types of games. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this on some level in the first reply to you but that goes for the game as a whole. What you are basically saying is the equivalent of "Avatar is better than Pan's Labyrinth" because of world scale, animations, enemy designs (this one is EXTREMELY subjective btw) and interactivity (different types of stories/narratives are going to influence different levels of interactivity, so this one is also quite subjective)."

Not to mention, H:FW is a cross-gen game on an already-established engine coming early 2022 so is much further along in the development chain, while HBII is a next-gen game on a new engine coming early 2023 most likely, therefore not nearly as far along in the development chain. Yet the fact what NT had to show off yesterday eclipses something like H:FW at the technical level shouldn't be an admonishment on H:FW. It should be viewed with excitement, because that's just indicative of how great next-gen only games on engines like UE5, with talented teams working on them, are going to be able to look.

Hellblade is much smaller and more confined. The character modeling is weaker and animations aren’t nearly as good. It has good lighting and fire effects certainly.

These are just buzzterms you're throwing around with no technical evidence to back them up. And even if you could bring about such evidence, you lack any subjective nuance of context into the differing nature of the two games ,so you'd apply that technical evidence wrongly. We don't know the full scope of HBII yet, but we do have word from NT that they want to make the world more open.

A game being smaller in scope shouldn't act as a disqualification of technical accomplishments compared to one of bigger scope, because what is serving as the metric of the scope itself can differ between people discussing it. You can say HBII's world scale is smaller than something like H:FW's and that could end up being true; they are two very different games at a narrative and thematic level after all so a larger world scale is more a necessity in a game like H:FW than it would be for HBII. But in the same measure, someone else can say that the thematic narrative of HBII is a lot ambitious and grander in scope than that of something like Horizon, and they could be right.

Keep in mind that doesn't mean the plot, specifically; you can have a larger, more complex structure of theme and narrative in a story while having a smaller event-based plot, we see it regularly in indie films compared to their Hollywood counterparts. In fact that would probably help structure the view of HBII a bit better: I think some people are thinking the game is trying to be (or NEEDS to be) more like a typical blockbuster, heavily Hollywood-influenced type of AAA game. Something that H:FW is basically going for, per example. But it doesn't. It doesn't need to be that to provide as good or a richer visual experience, thematic experience, etc. HBII is closer to an indie movie in spirit but with a larger financial backing to kick up production values onto Hollywood levels.

In that sense it's the gaming equivalent of a Pulp Fiction (this is a VERY loose comparison because the actual stories of these two are drastically different never mind their genres of story, tropes etc.) while H:FW would be the gaming equivalent of True Lies (again, very loose comparison).

and artistically it’s not even close to me personally I much prefer the vibrant tropical look over the gray and colorless vibe in Hellblade

Well at least here you qualify that take with a personal, subjective opinion. And that's fine. However I'd disagree that HBII is "colorless", this isn't a greyscale or b&w production. Even if it were, there are plenty of films in that style that work perfectly; I'm not just talking about super-old films, either. Tetsuo: Iron Man, Begotten, Addiction (with Liv Tyler IIRC) etc.

The type of story HBII apparently wants to go for, the vibrant color palette of a H:FW would not work with it, and vice-versa for that game's story. But maybe because I appreciate more than one type of story, I'm able to appreciate the visual aesthetic of both.

both games are at the top of what we’ve seen though overall, but I give HFW the nudge

Just keep in mind that nudge of yours is wholly based on a subjective viewpoint, which you're allowed to have. However the points you tried to argue on a technical level, have very little merit and that's mainly for the reasons I mentioned at the beginning.

It had a huge downgrade in facial detail and animations. Massive. This isn’t even up for debate

There have been stills posted with the character in vaguely similar body positions where anyone with good eyes can observe and see that the actual geometry level of the character model in the face is the same, texture work is the same, facial musculature is the same, etc.

A lot of the people arguing there's a "massive" downgrade in this department apparently can't tell that the weather conditions are notably different between the two trailers (rain-slicked skin will naturally soften certain subsurface facial and skin details as does in real-life), as well as certain lighting conditions, not to mention nuanced differences in her emotive state which would relax certain things of the face like vein protrusions of the forehead.

So yes it is up for debate because the people arguing a "massive" downgrade here don't even have an understanding on what they are talking about!

I think they still managed to capture the essence of what the initial trailer was trying to suggest, and I liken Hellblade to that as well.

Well there's no doubt they definitely captured the original essence. But let's be real here: they also captured the technical essence as well, at least within no more than a margin of error WRT accurate recreation.


The only downgrade is the face, specifically the facial animations.

Do a side by side comparison of the environments via gifs or the actual trailers and it’s clear there’s no downgrade in the environments and world.

Everybody is just harping on her face posting those two comparison screenshots.
That's what the initial reveal focused on, and that's what was used countless times in relation to 12TF. Guess what, if the actual gameplay doesn't match the hype, it will be called out.


It wasn't, because it was an indie game made on zero budget, with tons of dev diaries explaining how they're trying to make the game with tape and shoestring. Personally, I hoped the gameplay would be a lot more advanced in the new one.

If the only thing that it takes to qualify as a gameplay trailer is showing some walking in between in-game cutscenes, that is a low bar indeed. Looks amazing graphically, but I hope they detail a lot more meaningful interactivity in the future than this. Basically just was watching a movie.
You came to the conclusion that the game has shown you everything the gameplay has to offer in a short demo? I'm sure there will be plenty of variation once the completed game is released.


That's what the initial reveal focused on, and that's what was used countless times in relation to 12TF. Guess what, if the actual gameplay doesn't match the hype, it will be called out.
There were plenty of scenes in the initial reveal of the environment and NPCs and this new trailer either matched or exceeded all of them. You might want to watch the old trailer again. Her face looks so incredible in it that people forget the other things shown in that trailer.


Noted, and I strongly disagree. Orders of magnitude above Ratchet? It's not even orders of magnitude against the best titles of last gen, just from a "visual result" point of view. Plus, how could you even compare, given the different aesthetics? Do you have some technical expertise to share, or are you focusing purely on art style and overall direction (looking realistic and badass vs cartoon-oriented)?
I can only trust my eyes, and when I watched it in 4k, I went: "This is quite impressive, but not on the level of what was shown before"...Perhaps have I become jaded?
he is biased and always has been, the game is dark and hiding all the detail in shadows - getting higher graphical fidelity when you're not showing anything doesn't make it look better it's just an illusion.

you also have to consider animations, which this game is clearly a bar below both the games you mentioned.

Either way, im sure the game will be great like the first one and the one thing that really impressed me wasn't the lighting, it was the cloth physics on her clothing.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
You came to the conclusion that the game has shown you everything the gameplay has to offer in a short demo? I'm sure there will be plenty of variation once the completed game is released.
That would be lovely. I'm just commenting on what they showed so far.


Gold Member
Ok rewatched the whole thing on the 4k oled.

This is how i was expecting ragnarock to look...

Very impressive.

Sure everything being soo dark help with hiding flaws, i wanna see some daylight footage.

Some animations were a bit rough considering the high level of fidelity.

But i'm gonna say it again, i have strong the order vibe from this one, incredibly pretty but incredibly limited\cinematic.
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There were plenty of scenes in the initial reveal of the environment and NPCs and this new trailer either matched or exceeded all of them. You might want to watch the old trailer again. Her face looks so incredible in it that people forget the other things shown in that trailer.
Yet it always came down to that face. Every single time. Now all of a sudden we shouldn't just look at the face.

Don't get me wrong, it does look good. Just not as good as the initial reveal, which some believed to be real time and representing actual gameplay.

As for gameplay itself, as someone who platinumed the original Hellblade, and played Heavenly Sword back in the day, the trailer doesn't really do a good job of convincing that they've overcome their past shortcomings in that area. Fighting was the worst and most tedious part of Hellblade, and the atmosphere and aural effects the best.
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Yet it always came down to that face. Every single time. Now all of a sudden we shouldn't just look at the face.

Don't get me wrong, it does look good. Just not as good as the initial reveal, which some believed to be real time and representing actual gameplay.

As for gameplay itself, as someone who platinumed the original Hellblade, and played Heavenly Sword back in the day, the trailer doesn't really do a good job of convincing that they've overcome their past shortcomings in that area. Fighting was the worst and most tedious part of Hellblade, and the atmosphere and aural effects the best.
Well, I think that the fighting was OK but a bit repetitive. The worst by a large margin were the puzzle elements. I hope that they are a little bit more creative when it comes to this.


Well, I think that the fighting was OK but a bit repetitive. The worst by a large margin were the puzzle elements. I hope that they are a little bit more creative when it comes to this.
Oh yeah, the puzzles outwore their welcome after a while. It would have been better with less of battles and puzzles.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Ok rewatched the whole thing on the 4k oled.

This is how i was expecting ragnarock to look...

Very impressive.

Sure everything being soo dark help with hiding flaws, i wanna see some daylight footage.

But i'm gonna say it again, i have strong the order vibe from this one, incredibly pretty but incredibly limited\cinematic.
lol I said the same thing as soon as I saw the black bars. I was like this game is FILMIC!!

I am a big fan of Ninja Theory. I loved Heavenly Sword. I even liked DMC, but man Hellblade 1 was a misfire and I really dont like where this is going. This studio is clearly extremely talented, but this is way too on-rails. Shouldve shown some combat sections. The first game's combat was simple but still kinda entertaining and very cinematic. The first game didnt have any of these setpieces so maybe thats what they are trying to show off here.

Like this, for example. It matches or exceeds all non-close up face shots in the initial trailer.
Yep. Aside from the face, i dont see anything else being downgraded. That gif looks incredible.
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