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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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I'm hoping Greymane is great fun and if this the case i will drop 15k gold on him (or not). But since i'm an EU peon i'll have to wait for tomorrow.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Abathur is the best hero

I love Abathur, I love Murky, but honestly the hero I enjoy playing the most is Sgt. Hammer. I know in the meta she isn't a great hero and usually just considered average at best, but man do I just enjoy her playstyle. She works fantastic against the AI but when playing versus people you really need to be careful and always aware with her, because people sure do love to focus on the Hammer!

Falstad is probably my second favorite hero, again not one to be considered great or anything. Maybe I just like the underdogs....


Falstad is, in the pro scene, one of the most popular and powerful heroes. He's also one of the highest skull cap heroes in the game and capable of making plays and changing fights in a way very few other heroes can.

Can't say I don't think he needs a few tweaks, but underdog he absolutely isn't right now! ;-)

(Absolutely get what you mean though, I've loved him since playing him through the dark times and everything)


Any word on the street on the next heroes coming after Greymane?

Nope. Nothing new anyway. And since there are no balance changes coming with Greymane today, there probably won't be anything to datamine either.

I'm still rooting for Kel'Thuzad though.


Leagues absolutely - I know it sound stupid and I hate myself for it, but the fact that losing just two matches drops you a rank makes me extremely unwilling to play ranked play when things like this happen. A ranked number is simply not a good system, and it worries me that so far the only leagues they have talked about are for rank 1 players. It needs to be universal, to push more people into ranked play.

You and I touched on this in the last thread, but I agree wholeheartedly.

Blizzard set out to create the most casual friendly "ranked league" and instead they've made a league with more ladder anxiety than the other MOBAs they were trying to steer away from. Pretty funny, honestly.

I don't play HL because I got my rank and there's no incentive to keep going and too much risk to lose it. I'll just QM my day away or ARAM if I want to play.

What do you mean by duo queue restrictions? It's not like me and my friends are widely different in MMR, so any restriction on MMRgap wouldn't rally impact us. It just seems that whenever we duo queue we end up with awful matches, all the time. It's very depressing because solo queue just isn't as fun and I may as well be playing Grim Dawn instead.

My experience has been much better matches (and more even ones) all around, but that's without HL.

While I agree that sucks, that also kind of lines up with the vast majority of players...if they are getting good solo queue games, that's what Blizzard is probably aiming toward the most.

Sucks for those of us who group often or only play when we group, but we are def. the minority.

In general, though, I find our group goes through a spell like the one you're describing every month or two and it has little to do with matchmaking. Just changes in the meta or overall bad luck seems to pile up for a week or two and it's the most miserable experience possible...and then we gradually go back to winning.


Falstad is, in the pro scene, one of the most popular and powerful heroes. He's also one of the highest skull cap heroes in the game and capable of making plays and changing fights in a way very few other heroes can.

Can't say I don't think he needs a few tweaks, but underdog he absolutely isn't right now! ;-)

(Absolutely get what you mean though, I've loved him since playing him through the dark times and everything)

Falstad is great. I need to try out that tailwind build. The Q build is insane for ARAM since the stacks are ez to get.




Type /join aram after you log in.

There you'll see light blue links with map names on them like [Dragon Shire]. Click the link and it'll put you in the lobby for the game.

Change your hero to the auto select, and there ya go.

The rules vary a little depending on who is running it: but in general, everyone stays mid, you can't back, but you can use the fountains. Mana/health sustain talents are very good for the mode.
We had one of our better ARAM games yesterday. Hammer (Alur), Kerrigan (Milly), Muradin (me), Morales and Zagara vs. Anub'arak, Tyrande, Valla, Zagara and Zeratul. There were three HL rank 1s on either side. It was a fairly close game in the early to mid game resulting in a nice tug of war but, we still won in the end. I think the other team would've had a better chance with a better solo tank. I'm looking forward to more of these even match-ups.

Can we get a 5v5 GAF ARAM group going in NA?

Dude I'm so in for a GAF ARAM. Do we pub stomp or do we do a 10-GAF match?


Well we have been pub stomping already with GAF 5 mans. Made me feel kinda bad since everyone was rank 1 equiv on our side, and the other side was often...much less, lol.

Winning is fun, though :p.

I'd like to do some GAF v GAF ARAMs if we could split the teams up. We don't even need all 10 to be GAF, just need an even number to split among both sides and make our own lobbies.


It varies I guess. The most common time is about 1 or 2 PM PST for about 2-3 hours.

brian! and proto and Milly are also sometimes on in the evening playing (along with brian!'s brother).
If I join in on GAF ARAM groups I'll just throw the match when we start getting too far ahead to help balance things out.

Best case scenario I random Tassadar and use Force Walls to trap you all.


at least you guys only got one dose of it

the heart of the swarm ot.. that was the disaster zone


Very fun so far. No clue WTF the build will be. Looks like you can legit go into a ranged spec if you want, not sure how viable.

EDIT: I'm playing ETC on Jake's first viewergame as Greymane. I don't play tanks. Should b gud.


Was super confused why this thread wasn't at the top of my sub list considering Greymane is out, even in Euro land. Didn't realise we were onto OT2. :p

Think I'll just buy with gold, want to save my pennies after the sales wasting my money.


He does tremendous damage. He's also kinda paper-y.

Having an ETC on your team to lock someone in place that extra half-second (or setup a nice mosh) makes him deadly. We will definitely have to try that out later.


So, any thoughts on good potential Greymane counters?

I'm thinking Thrall, since he can potentially just out sustain Greymane in melee and if he disengages, Thrall can still potentially take him out with chain lightning and his roots.

I'm also thinking Tassadar with force wall could mess him up by cutting off his points of escape, and blinding heroes will really shut him down.

This is all academic of course, since I haven't played with him live yet and won't get to until at least tomorrow night.


IIRC one of those streams said Greymane has second highest health of any assassin, only behind Butcher.


So, any thoughts on good potential Greymane counters?

Not sure yet.

He does synergize well with ETC, any kind of ranged poke, and Morales to an insane degree.

Put Stim Drone on him and wreck.

He's the most traditional MOBA-like hero IMO, can gib the shit out of people.
tass + leeching plasma is also pretty nice w/ greymane.

It seems that any char with a good stun that can punish a poor engage by greymane can do alot to him


In 10 hour chunks. I can't download those big ass files. The Russian dude got his shit straight and esports arena has a YouTube channel even
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