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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Spyrian said:
Recently, Dustin mentioned on Twitter that the team is looking to start releasing balance changes more often.

I don't have any information to share on how regular these will be, but we are planning to start rolling out smaller balance tuning updates in between our major patches. The first of these is coming within the next couple of weeks, and should help to address a couple of the heroes that have been more * ahem * ...popular in community discussions lately. More info soon!



mac 1st impression video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8goPdVGZK6g&feature=youtu.be

tldr; underwhelming

id agree on paper (havent played him), no survivability, no cc, like atm there doesn't seem to be much to make me go yeah I'd choose this guy over raynor or valla or something
but at the same time his talents are really interesting, like in terms of single target dps his is probably the best. im prtty interested in what his go-to talents will be and stuff

my bruh says his lvl 20 human splash is ridic tho?
he def seems to scale hard


yeah he looks super fun, waiting for that price drop

i agree with mac that compared to nidalee/jayce in league and ullr in smite his kit is slightly disappointing but it is kind of in line w/ blizzard style design. having d be shapeshift and having 6 unique spells + ult would have been nice but whatever it's not a big deal


my bruh says his lvl 20 human splash is ridic tho?
he def seems to scale hard

Just from playing around with his talents, that human splash talent felt flat-out broken. The AoE is huge, and with it he can often damage backline squishies while positioning to attack frontline beef. Of course, if he's subpar from 1-19 it doesn't really matter how good he is at 20+.
Greymane is Butcher minus survivability, plus range. Harder to bully out of lane early because of his range, great at picking off heroes that are horribly out of position, great at getting horribly out of position with his dive and he melts pretty fast in teamfights without a pocket healer. Bought him with gold but I haven't tried him yet, just played against the standard tide of Greymane's tonight. Just trying to get Lunrare to 10 so I can stop playing the hero. Her slow is actually really great against him, you have to be incredibly careful with your positioning. He looks like he could be fun in a group but hell solo.
I fucking hate Lunara, she's Murky with a regular spawn timer. I don't know why I'm grinding her up to 10. On top of my general disatisfaction with the game since the last patch I'm grinding out a hero I've grown to hate playing.

Basically I'm filling in for Yoshi.
Greymane seems basically what he felt like in try mode a few weeks ago, he melts people unless he gets melted first, and boy does he go down fast. Rolling Greymane and Uther with shield duo with the lady friend, seems like good stuff for QM but probably as easy to shut down in HL as Morales

Then again I haven't touched HL in 3 months so I wouldn't know


I fucking hate Lunara, she's Murky with a regular spawn timer. I don't know why I'm grinding her up to 10. On top of my general disatisfaction with the game since the last patch I'm grinding out a hero I've grown to hate playing.

Basically I'm filling in for Yoshi.

I would venture your general dissatisfaction is amplified to a large degree by playing the worst hero in the game currently, and playing it exclusively.

God speed with that endeavor. You must love pain.


I fucking hate Lunara, she's Murky with a regular spawn timer. I don't know why I'm grinding her up to 10. On top of my general disatisfaction with the game since the last patch I'm grinding out a hero I've grown to hate playing.

Basically I'm filling in for Yoshi.
Just drop her till they fix her. It's not worth putting your dick in a blender like this.

Can't say I'm surprised MadTimmy's been dropped again.


Someone needs to change this thread title, on mobile it shortens to

Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Haunted

And I do a double take every fucking time.
Welcome back to the land of the living breh.

I was just in the middle east for 3 weeks, quite convenient considering not much internet when going camping.

Anyways did I miss anything. Heroes Rising was impressive considering the Kickstarter ended with just 8k and even the rebroadcast had upwards of 1.5k viewers.

Didn't watch it though, any particular matches I should rewatch? Oh and what's up with Lunara I know she's not great but I had a lot of fun with her. Only played her for a couple days though and haven't played HoTS since coming back.

I looked her up on hotslogs and maybe because of people being down on her there's like zero consensus on how to play her.

I've had the most success with her
, played her for only 8 games and only won 4 of those though,
skilling into her slow which was quite fun. I see that it's really unpopular on hotslogs though for some reason.

I also love the nimble wisp to scout bushes and a general warning beacon that lets me retreat in time. Which is pretty much every time anyone shows up even remotely on the radar.

Oh and Nature's Culling dunno how good it is but it was certainly quite something to see the huge poison bars on building.


So I grabbed Greymane last night and all I can say is he is a ton of fun to play!

Still working on a high DPS build so if anyone has suggestions I welcome the insight.


Can you please post them if they ever do.

Will do if I ever come across them. You're more likely to find them since you seem to check YT often. If I see a post, I'll grab the link.

So I grabbed Greymane last night and all I can say is he is a ton of fun to play!

Still working on a high DPS build so if anyone has suggestions I welcome the insight.

I've personally been using Human AA build whenever I've used him. A ton of fun, imo. He's way too squishy to go ham in melee and stick in the thick for long. Hopefully once the stun meta chills out, he'll be more viable to play that style.


Madtimmy and fury removed from MG


Heh, Greymane reached Lunara's winrate (37%) on hotslogs in less than 24 hours. He was at 30% around 12 hours ago, so he's still on the rise.


We were playing Greymane with Leoric and Entomb which worked a treat. Capturing someone in place for 4 seconds to let his wolf auto attacks do their work is amazingly brutal.


They should absolutely ban heroes from heroes league for the first week they are out at the very minimum. Every other game does that.


Really hope they ban out sub-5 heroes from Hero League. No good reason not to do it.

They should absolutely ban heroes from heroes league for the first week they are out at the very minimum. Every other game does that.

Oh, I don't disagree. But since they don't, I enjoy the data that we get as a result, since I prefer to watch the trends more than just a single data point.

Edit - any way, my main point was to highlight just how borked Lunara is, if Greymane can overtake her in winrate in less than a day.


Guys, remember when everyone said Blizzard only released OP heroes to make money and then nerfed em?

Greymane seems okay, but he's not OP for sure.

Hadn't had the chance to reply in the old thread so I'm hijacking this reply to highlight it but somebody did the match for end game XP.


Yeah I guess that's a better way of saying what I think myself and the other person were getting at.

Whether it's your level or the time elapsed, they seem to kind of correlate at a certain point if the game lasts long enough. What I mean is it's hard to be behind by 2-3 levels when you are past 20 minutes, so for the most part at that point everyone is even on levels so level of your team does more or less = time if it's a long game because you inevitably catch up or stagnate.

December Pre-Season Leaderboards are out. Srey went from 1st to unlisted.

Everyone's favorite BMer Lightknite69 is 152. Huehue.
Hadn't had the chance to reply in the old thread so I'm hijacking this reply to highlight it but somebody did the match for end game XP.



So basically, if we're almost up a level, it'd be worth downing a nearby fort or something to level up and in general destroying more structures will give us more XP in-game which will level us up in-game and should result in higher XP out of game.


Yep, after a fashion.

Assuming that is correct, instead of time (like most people assume), it's just your level at the end of the game.

Also explains why when people did AI pickup groups in Alpha they killed every structure before ending without really knowing why.
i know ill be on again like how i was during the summer.

even though non-yall even invited me to play!!! YEA YEA YEAH, im a NOOB not fit for HERO LEAGUE. ushgh
Woah Team Liquid just lost Vortix and Lucifron, just when they got back on top.

The spanish armada is no more. Vortix is going back to SC2.

Vortix said:
First of all, I have to say that I'm grateful for the time I've spent in Heroes of the Storm. I've met a lot of nice people, I've experienced how it's like to compete in a team game, and I've had lots of fun. The Game has a very healthy community and I'm sure it will grow even bigger next year. However, I'm a very competitive player and in my opinion, the game is too team dependent and the individual skill cap is too low for my tastes. The ladder matchmaking also slowly burnt me out over the past few months.

On the other hand, watching SC2's DreamHack: Winter tournament made my whole perspective towards the game change. I felt it fit me much better and I found it much more entertaining than HotS or WoL. My desire to go back to SC2 slowly kept growing, and after WCA I made the decision to switch back. Also, the chance of being able to do it while on Team Liquid, one of the teams I had always admired the most in SC2, makes it even more interesting and exciting.

My motivation and mindset towards the game and towards competition overall are much better than what they had been. Once I'm used to the new expansion, I fully expect to do better than what I had accomplished before this 1 year break. I've already been playing for the past few weeks and the sensations are good. When I retired I said, "I'm pretty sure sooner or later SC2 will catch my attention again and I'll be there to show the best level I've ever had." Hell, it's about time.

- Liquid`VortiX

Lucifron said:
After a very successful year in Heroes, I've decided to quit the game. The main reason for this is that I no longer enjoy playing as much as I used to. Even if scrims were fun, laddering has always been—in all the different games I've played—my main source of practice and the one I used to enjoy the most. That's just something I couldn't do in Heroes. Maybe I'm too used to solo games, but playing Heroes League was very frustrating for a number of reasons that aren't worth going into detail right now. However, they are very obvious to anyone who has played HL at a high MMR.

Another important reason is that I want to finish my bachelor's degree this year, so playing a team-based game could be tricky in terms of scheduling scrims, attending tournaments, etc. Back when I played solo games, I could choose whether or not I wanted to attend a tournament or what days and at what time I would practice, giving me more control over my time. This is obviously different in team games.

Even if I see Heroes get bigger through 2016, both in terms of popularity and prize money, I realized that team games are just not my sort of thing when it comes to competition. However, I still believe that the game has a lot of potential and the problems Heroes League has will be solved in the near future. At this point I'd like to clarify that I'm in no way blaming any of my past or present teammates at all, as I consider all of them very helpful and easy to play with. It's just that playing team games is not really my thing.

So, for those wondering about my plans for 2016: I'll focus on finishing my bachelor's degree and play some SC2. I still don't know whether I'll try to go pro again while studying or if it will just be for fun.

I'd like to thank Team Liquid for their support throughout the year. They were one of the first organizations that invested in Heroes and have been very helpful and friendly to me during this time. I would also like to wish my teammates good luck. I'm sure they'll do great.

- Liquid`LucifroN

When pro gamers quit their job because of ranked mode...


Greymane doesn't seem to suffer quite as bad as Lunara did re: being balanced too safely, but I haven't played him myself yet so I can't form a real opinion.

My buddy bought him and enjoys him, but we concurred that he really needs to be careful and wait for that right moment to clean up damaged enemies in team fights.I think right now, too many people are too eager to get into extended melee.

In the meantime, I finally started playing Morales after buying her dirt cheap in the Black Friday sale, and she may be my favorite support, even if Tyrande is the superstar right now. I kind of love how "pure" she is in regards to being high in utility, and pushing enemies around with the grenades feels good.
Got Lunara to 10. Jesus.

I don't know what they're going to do to Lunara to improve her when they inevitably patch her but the one change I hope they add is allowing her right-click attack to not be overridden/cancelled by her movement animation. Basically to allow her to attack while she's in appropriate range whether she's stationary or moving. Then her baseline movement speed would be an actual advantage.
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