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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Nexus charger is coming in next week at 30k for a limited time.

On one hand, I feel bad for those that paid $40. On the other hand, GET REKT. I'VE WANTED THIS ONE FOREVER.
Nexus charger is coming in next week at 30k for a limited time.

On one hand, I feel bad for those that paid $40. On the other hand, GET REKT. I'VE WANTED THIS ONE FOREVER.

Oh jeez. I was so excited, I have like 31k after buying Zul'jin with gold. I was thinking "nice, no need to worry about getting future heroes with money since I have all this gold". WOOPS.


MVP Black sake mentioned hints about next hero in his twitch broadcasts

He says heard about this hero at BlizzCon

* First, everyone knows and likes this hero
* Second, Diablo's Aidan is not (because many KR fans were thinking that next hero would be Aidan)
* Third, it is female hero!

However, later he said again, don't know this hero definitely come out as next hero,

but probably will be in next three or four times


MVP Black sake mentioned hints about next hero in his twitch broadcasts

He says heard about this hero at BlizzCon

* First, everyone knows and likes this hero
* Second, Diablo's Aidan is not (because many KR fans were thinking that next hero would be Aidan)
* Third, it is female hero!

However, later he said again, don't know this hero definitely come out as next hero,

but probably will be in next three or four times

That is almost so vague as to be useless. But I do love to speculate.

Very well known and liked female character... Starcraft has a couple of female characters left, but none of them I would classify as 'well known'. Only well known Diablo female characters I can think of would be Adria or Leah, and neither of them are particularly 'liked'. Warcraft has Garona and Valeera that immediately spring to mind... But I think it's D.Va.


I'll make the laziest guess ever that D.Va's Q will be a long dash that knocks people around like Chen's barrel or Cho's Q.


Ya rehgar is really strong. Bloodlust in particular is totally overturned nonsense.

Hehe, funny that. Bloodlust got a small nerf today.

In other news, D.Va eh? How are they going to represent in Mech and out of Mech? In Mech is "mounted" and out of Mech is "on foot"? Sounds like it might be weird. D.Va is well liked though.


Can't even get Malthael for Diablo's anniversary smh

The excuse used to be that Malthael was originally supposed to have Leoric's kit, and then they changed him to Leoric because they felt it fit his character better, so they would have to completely redesign Malth, but it's been a year and a half...

Blizzard put out a post that explains armor.


It's super simple! Except when it's not! The cap is -25% and +75%! ...unless an ability specifically reduces or buffs beyond that!


I've had the worst solo que luck with Zuljin. Every time I pick him it's like some clown show going on. I play a different hero for a quest and it's fine, but zuljin and it's rage quitting gazlords or nova tracer guldan comps. Or useless medivhs.

I think I like Samuro more then zuljin though. Even though the illusion heroic is nerfed into uselessness.


God damn another Warcraft assassin. So the last 6 heroes were: Alarak (assassin), Zarya (bruiser), Samuro (assassin), Varian (2 assassins/1 tank), Ragnaros (assassin), Zul'jin (assassin), Valeera (assassin)

Nice work Blizz on keeping the new hero releases varied and fresh! Another stealthy... christ. Preparing my anus accordingly.
i think the reworks have done a good job of keeping the other roles semi fresh malf rehgar, diablo dehaka artanis. So honestly i dont care too much that we keep getting more assassins and honestly we are long overdue for a rogue


Apparently the dude replacing dbro thought the game needed more assassins. I'm still stoked for Valeera. Maybe they'll introduce Broll Bearmantle next.
Huh, I am pretty sure I healed more than the enemy lili as Moralez, yet lili get the spolight as best healer, unless the shield doesnt count as healing.

Valera is from Warcraft right?


Huh, I am pretty sure I healed more than the enemy lili as Moralez, yet lili get the spolight as best healer, unless the shield doesnt count as healing.

Valera is from Warcraft right?

Valeera is a major character in Hearthstone I cant wait to play as her assuming the leak comes true

edit- but yes she originates in WoW


I'm not upset about Valeera but...

I feel like they are setting themselves up for a bad run. They have suggested as many as 3-4 supports (or maybe more) could be coming down the pipeline, but right now we're getting assassins. If they release two supports in a row, or god forbid three in a row, there's gonna be a shitton of QQ because so few people play them in comparison to everything else. I'm pretty sure supports sell the least as well, too, so there's that problem as well. I hope they have a plan to break it up so it's not like when they did that one run on tanks.


Hard to get upset about a run of specialists or assassins for me. And hell, I like supports too. Mainly I feel like they hose themselves a bit if they go more than 2 months without releasing a hero that can be played in QM solo.
I've had the worst solo que luck with Zuljin. Every time I pick him it's like some clown show going on. I play a different hero for a quest and it's fine, but zuljin and it's rage quitting gazlords or nova tracer guldan comps. Or useless medivhs.

I thought it was just me. My first 3 games with Zuljin were amazing. Then I started getting teamed with jobbers and had me wondering what I did to the Hots gods to upset them so. 7 games later and I got another won with him.


It's not so much that she's an assassin that bothers me - assassin is the most popular class in a normal team comp, and ranged assassin is the only role that normally has two slots in a team.

It's the fact she is yet another melee assassin. We have had SO many this year, and the game simply does not need more right now given the absolute dearth of variety in supports. You almost without exception only take one melee assassin per team (at best) and they just keep flinging them at us.
But melee assassins are by far the most exciting characters. They are the ones everyone knows are carrying. The most prominent players in hots are almost exclusively know for being melee carries


who cares about valeera. baffling how Maiev Shadowsong is still not in this game.

She's most definitely coming, patience boys, patience

Idk how I feel about more stealth heroes. They're so annoying to deal with and we're adding a FOURTH already? yeeeeeeeeeeeesh


I had the weirdest brawl so far. We keep stomping the enemy team (with 3 chromies btw, it wasn't fun), we turn in, break everything except for 2 keeps, and that's it, they stopped collecting gems, turning them in, and kept running into 1v3-4 and dying until we lost at their third webweavers.


thx for watching sc00by, last game was ruff

im getting more used to talking to myself, but my mic is an onboard laptop mic so i think anything i say comes off real low


thx for watching sc00by, last game was ruff

im getting more used to talking to myself, but my mic is an onboard laptop mic so i think anything i say comes off real low

Ya i could tell you were talking, but only really picked up like half of what you were saying. What MMR are you at? You seem pretty damn good
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