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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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brian is the best player in HOTSGAF AFAIK. He's p good. Now if we could just get him to play HL, or even go pro so we could be in the know rite? rite?


who cares about valeera. baffling how Maiev Shadowsong is still not in this game.

My exact reaction.

EDIT: I like playing Rogue in Heathstone but can't stand this lady at all. I'm day one when they sell a reskin for her. Anyone from the pre-WoW lore, Maeiv would be great


I think Valeera is a good choice. They are trying to get more people to play, and Valeera is way more recognizable today than Maiev. I'd rather have Maiev, but yeah.
I just wanted to say how much I'm loving Dehaka and Artanis lately. Killing it with both heroes on the reg. So happy. I can even get away with solo tanking as either, which is absurd to think only a few months ago.


Could be chu8, i know he lives in canada and presumably has zero female interactions given his lifestyle... aside from landlady of course

What about that Fan dude? I know he has mega girl issues and is super emo. Idk if hes Canadian though


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Must hold on for Lunar skins... don't fail me, Blizzard!

New brawl is pretty cool, but I find most who pick Chromie have no idea how to use her in those conditions. If your team gets two of her you'll probably lose.


Nexus charger is coming in next week at 30k for a limited time.

On one hand, I feel bad for those that paid $40. On the other hand, GET REKT. I'VE WANTED THIS ONE FOREVER.

Oh jeez. I was so excited, I have like 31k after buying Zul'jin with gold. I was thinking "nice, no need to worry about getting future heroes with money since I have all this gold". WOOPS.

I've been holding onto 30k just in case gold dump mounts come back. I don't like the nexus charger that much, but I might well grab it just to justify my hoarding. Then again, I'm hitting L10 with a bunch of characters all at once, and some of them have good master skins...

What I really want a second chance at from that blizzcon bundle is the Heroes emblem for StarCraft II.


Anyone else finding Ragnaros really laggy to play? Especially with movement when body blocking's involved? Something seems like it's wrong w/ the character.


Anyone else finding Ragnaros really laggy to play? Especially with movement when body blocking's involved? Something seems like it's wrong w/ the character.
Yes, he's a little awkward with body blocking and sometimes A moving, especially with his Q enabled


I think Valeera is a good choice. They are trying to get more people to play, and Valeera is way more recognizable today than Maiev. I'd rather have Maiev, but yeah.

I had to go read Wikipedia for Valeera. I haven't played WoW in years so I had no idea who she is. Her backstory sounds pretty cool as a companion of Varian.

For those folks who don't play WoW she will be a complete question mark though. I would reckon that D.Va is far more recognizable at this point.


Yes, he's a little awkward with body blocking and sometimes A moving, especially with his Q enabled

I think they screwed something up. Having the same issue with Zul'jin from time to time. Clear path ahead of me and it wants to run me into destroyed objects while a moving.


I had to go read Wikipedia for Valeera. I haven't played WoW in years so I had no idea who she is. Her backstory sounds pretty cool as a companion of Varian.

For those folks who don't play WoW she will be a complete question mark though. I would reckon that D.Va is far more recognizable at this point.

I only know her from Hearthstone, never played WoW. D.Va would be soooo goooood, she's one of my favorites!


If they keep adding stealth heroes I feel like the game needs better/more ways to reveal them.

Also, where's the damn supports/main tanks? There's like 60 heroes in the game but every match has the same 3 to 4 heroes because they lack good options in main roles.

Edit: Idk if that's true. But either way, there's definitely grossly outnumbered by assassins/specs.... doesn't help that most specs are basically just assassins anyway. Game probably just continues to be bogged down by the roles system.
If they keep adding stealth heroes I feel like the game needs better/more ways to reveal them.
they just buffed scouting drone to reveal stealthies.
Also, where's the damn supports/main tanks? There's like 60 heroes in the game but every match has the same 3 to 4 heroes because they lack good options in main roles.

Edit: Idk if that's true. But either way, there's definitely grossly outnumbered by assassins/specs.... doesn't help that most specs are basically just assassins anyway. Game probably just continues to be bogged down by the roles system.

Hard to design and less popular so understandable there are less off but we really are on a long streak of non essential heroes. Johanna was the last main tank added to game not counting Diablo buffs.


they just buffed scouting drone to reveal stealthies.

Hard to design and less popular so understandable there are less off but we really are on a long streak of non essential heroes. Johanna was the last main tank added to game not counting Diablo buffs.
Ehhh varian can main tank, and dehaka can sort of now too


Yeah I was going to say, Varian is a fine main tank. Played well he's a beast.

Deharka also seems to be getting solo play now. Not as sure on that one but clearly seems to be working for folks.


Yea I'm thinking more about the prevalence of etc, muradin, Johanna.

I'm kind of interested in trying arthas now with his armor thing.... really wish they hadn't nerfed his hp/regen.

The vampire bat skin is so dope.
In other news Snitch bodied Glau in chess.
You have to play fairly conservative until 10, but he has engage, tons of cc, big health pool. Most definitely a main tank.
But that's the whole issue. Does he really make up for it post 10? Azmostacks was a strategy that needed to be played conservatively but if successful Azmo chunked people.


I guess we just disagree then. Taunt is an insane ultimate. Pick it versus extremely mobile assassins to lock them in place such as Zeratul, Tracer, MingLee

3 games from master Rag, feelsgoodman


taunt is fine, but you still need another front liner or you're team comp suffers.

Like you can't really pick varian inplace of muradin, johana, or etc.... when I feel like those three are interchangeable in many cases.

And maybe blizz is correct in not making more "one size fits all" heroes for specific roles, in the long run they're probably doing the exact right thing.

But for right now, there's so many more assassins and specs that it seems like it's very common to end up in situations where you need a very small subset of heroes to fill out the team.

I actually feel like they were getting away from that with the run of a medivh, Ariel, zarya, varian and ragnaros..... like it would be really interesting if zuljin could cast his heal on someone else....

I don't really know what I'm even going on about anymore, but I guess that's a king winded way of saying that I don't think the game needs a stealth assassins right now..... unless they have some cool team utility maybe.


Grand master Milly inc?

Doubtful, lol. I went 3-7 last placement and wound up at Plat 5 IIRC after finishing Diamond 3 the season prior.

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