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Hogwarts Legacy Is Currently The Best Selling Game On Steam

Looking at IGN they've given as much free advertising for the game as they could without do having done a preview or some cringe YouTube "50 Things I'm Looking Forward To" video. Same with Gamestop. This idea that corporate games media has outright ignored this game for fear of pushback is just not true.

For sure your have the more boutique editorial rooms with more independence pushing back and not covering the game, but that was always going to be the case.

Nah Gamespot, Easy Allies, Eurogamer have done shit all on Hogwarts Legacy coverage.
Ign only does it because they care about +ve engagement above all else.
Nah Gamespot, Easy Allies, Eurogamer have done shit all on Hogwarts Legacy coverage.
Ign only does it because they care about +ve engagement above all else.
Why do people keep bringing up Easy Allies? They have been completely irrelevant for at least 2 years now. Their YT videos average like 2k views, and they have less Twitch subs + viewers than Bosman himself does.

Considering the downward spiral that they've had on Patreon, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't survive 2023.


King of Gaslighting
Nah Gamespot, Easy Allies, Eurogamer have done shit all on Hogwarts Legacy coverage.
Ign only does it because they care about +ve engagement above all else.

What coverage do you want them to do? There's been, to the best of my knowledge, no press event for previews. The media push has been, to the surprise of no one, extremely controlled and careful. Other than reaction videos, what exactly are they meant to be talking about?

. . . like, folks are acting like this game has been memory holed because a handful of media types have voiced their opposition to providing coverage for the game.

Astral Dog

So what happens if you buy another Harry Potter game? For example, what if you buy Lego Harry Potter on GOG? Are you contributing to the genocide of trans people?
That one is even worse


Just look at this bigot trash, it shouldn't be mentioned in 2023
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hemo memo

Gold Member
This game will not get many fair reviews.

Sites will be so afraid to piss off people that they’ll give the review to their one reviewer that can speak about the problems with JKR but is therefore biased against the game.

Saw it with Cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk was very broken at launch. This is a different story as big sites wouldn’t want to piss off a big publisher like WB with a ridiculous non-problem very small minority think it is. They’ll give it to someone who will focus on the actual game. I mean I still remember Gamespot Genshin Impact review when they mention that in game-chat some political words are censored because it is a Chinese dev and I was like seriously? It is like a the reviewer was reading Ree.


This game will not get many fair reviews.

Sites will be so afraid to piss off people that they’ll give the review to their one reviewer that can speak about the problems with JKR but is therefore biased against the game.

Saw it with Cyberpunk.

Sucks for them then, doubt anybody cares about reviews to start with. Twitch is the best review a game can get.


This game will not get many fair reviews.

Sites will be so afraid to piss off people that they’ll give the review to their one reviewer that can speak about the problems with JKR but is therefore biased against the game.

Saw it with Cyberpunk.
No worries. Game review sites are dead already. I trust Stream user feedback than some "gaming" sites that constantly brag about their gender identify and skin color.


This game will not get many fair reviews.

Sites will be so afraid to piss off people that they’ll give the review to their one reviewer that can speak about the problems with JKR but is therefore biased against the game.

Saw it with Cyberpunk.
sadly, probably, but anyhow only brainlet would base his game buying/playing decision on a review score given by some random whothefuck


Will this game be #1 for the most discrepancy on Metacritic between the "Metascore" and "User Score"? There's no way in hell it will get a fair shake from the game journo cargo cult.

It muddies the water on both sides, too. Because while the game media industry will either ignore it completely or virtue signal against it intentionally, gamers will be more likely to overlook any legit flaws it may have just as a fuck you to the industry that hates them so much. So it will be extra hard to find reviews you can trust, for this one.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
This game will not get many fair reviews.

Sites will be so afraid to piss off people that they’ll give the review to their one reviewer that can speak about the problems with JKR but is therefore biased against the game.

Saw it with Cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk PC won and was nominated for a shit ton of awards.
The PC version was like 90/100 or very high 80s if i recall.
The console versions were broken and people pointed that out and judged it harshly for that....not because of any of the other controversy.
But the PC version was a PC version with some glitches
Shes a TERF...she's fairly centrist, but her whole identity is about being anti trans. If I were a billionaire I'd probably find a more important cause to put my all into.
It's ridiculous that you all say the same thing. No original thoughts, no differing opinions, nothing. Do you see why were refer to you as NPCs? It's a damn videogame. Let people enjoy it and stop spreading your preprogramed false rhetoric. We have to deal with Hollywood spouting BS 24/7 and we still see movies. Never thought i would live to see an era where people couldn't play a videogame because a hate mob would attack them. We live in pathetic times.
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It's ridiculous that you all say the same thing. No original thoughts, no differing opinions, nothing. Do you see why were refer to you as NPCs? It's a damn videogame. Let people enjoy it and stop spreading your preprogramed false rhetoric. We have to deal with Hollywood spouting BS 24/7 and we still see movies. Never thought i would live to see an era where people couldn't play a videogame because a hate mob would attack them. We live in pathetic times.
Can't two things be true at once? I don't mind people supporting the devs (some of whom are trans IIRC) and/or buying a game as a simple piece of entertainment BUT also acknowledging the mind that inspired the product is deeply flawed.
It's ridiculous that you all say the same thing. No original thoughts, no differing opinions, nothing. Do you see why were refer to you as NPCs? It's a damn videogame. Let people enjoy it and stop spreading your preprogramed false rhetoric. We have to deal with Hollywood spouting BS 24/7 and we still see movies. Never thought i would live to see an era where people couldn't play a videogame because a hate mob would attack them. We live in pathetic times.
A thought is only valid if its original? The process of building a thought is gaining information from a plethora of places + your past experiences...my current world view is fairly left leaning so naturally as I gain information it goes through my left leaning filter which is live and let live as long as your way of life isn't hurting others. I and many many other lefties don't care what games are being played. I mean y'all all say the same thing to but regardless I judge each person as individuals on interactions. Shoot you even said "why WE call you npc's" because you know you are part of a group. Also what you call pathetic times is the safest most inclusive era in history...what era would you want to go back too?

Astral Dog

Can't two things be true at once? I don't mind people supporting the devs (some of whom are trans IIRC) and/or buying a game as a simple piece of entertainment BUT also acknowledging the mind that inspired the product is deeply flawed.
This stance sounds reasonable, but(!) its no longer 'allowed' on social media / many groups, because you will be quickly labeled a transphobe bigot if you say you want to support the game
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I really don't give a shit what Rowling's views are, nothing I do or not do is going to have any effect on her wealth. So why not just enjoy what few things bring us joy in this bleak world?


REEEE has now officially banned OT and all discussion about the game without exceptions.

The thread is full of patting admins on the back like the evil has been banished forever.

I think it’s dumb.

The problem is not the game. It’s JKR. But they can’t go after her so they go after a game. And it’s perfect cause it gives them the chance to virtual signal that they’re not buying the game any chance they get (see the thread for IGN’s most anticipated games of 2023).

And it’s very hypocritical to say “the developers already got paid so it doesn’t affect them”. Well, so did JKR, when WB paid for the license. But if the game bombs, it’s the developers that might end up getting laid off or the studio disbanded. JKR will not be affected at all if the game succeeds or fails.

Fuck JKR. Fuck her in the eye. Fuck her transphobia. Fuck her in the other eye. But also fuck anyone that tells people that they are transphobes for playing this game or that they have failed some made-up moral test.
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Astral Dog

I think it’s dumb.

The problem is not the game. It’s JKR. But they can’t go after her so they go after a game. And it’s perfect cause it gives them the chance to virtual signal that they’re not buying the game any chance they get (see the thread for IGN’s most anticipated games of 2023).

And it’s very hypocritical to say “the developers already got paid so it doesn’t affect them”. Well, so did JKR, when WB paid for the license. But if the game bombs, it’s the developers that might end up getting laid off or the studio disbanded. JKR will not be affected at all if the game succeeds or fails.

Fuck JKR. Fuck her in the eye. Fuck her transphobia. Fuck her in the other eye. But also fuck anyone that tells people that they are transphobes for playing this game or that they have failed some made-up moral test.
The problem is not even JKR, its ResetEra™
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I think it’s dumb.

The problem is not the game. It’s JKR. But they can’t go after her so they go after a game. And it’s perfect cause it gives them the chance to virtual signal that they’re not buying the game any chance they get (see the thread for IGN’s most anticipated games of 2023).

And it’s very hypocritical to say “the developers already got paid so it doesn’t affect them”. Well, so did JKR, when WB paid for the license. But if the game bombs, it’s the developers that might end up getting laid off or the studio disbanded. JKR will not be affected at all if the game succeeds or fails.

Fuck JKR. Fuck her in the eye. Fuck her transphobia. Fuck her in the other eye. But also fuck anyone that tells people that they are transphobes for playing this game or that they have failed some made-up moral test.

Stating a biological fact isnt transphobia. She said what is right.

Now stuff like this is concerning. everyone has a right to his/her opinions but killing them or decapitate them over their views ? fuck them



I think it’s dumb.

The problem is not the game. It’s JKR. But they can’t go after her so they go after a game. And it’s perfect cause it gives them the chance to virtual signal that they’re not buying the game any chance they get (see the thread for IGN’s most anticipated games of 2023).

And it’s very hypocritical to say “the developers already got paid so it doesn’t affect them”. Well, so did JKR, when WB paid for the license. But if the game bombs, it’s the developers that might end up getting laid off or the studio disbanded. JKR will not be affected at all if the game succeeds or fails.

Fuck JKR. Fuck her in the eye. Fuck her transphobia. Fuck her in the other eye. But also fuck anyone that tells people that they are transphobes for playing this game or that they have failed some made-up moral test.

Yup. Though "so did JKR, when WB paid for the license" -- not necessarily, there may be (actually like is, a royalty or % that goes to JK). But no one outside of JK or WB's legal teams actually know.

Anyway, I got banned on REEE a few weeks ago for saying I'd buy it to support the hundreds of people that were NOT JK that worked on it for years. I got 2 messages that were heard loud and clear:

  1. I'm an idiot because the devs had already been paid (and I guess no one's ever worked on a game after it ships, what a dummy I am!)

  2. If I choose to buy and play the game, under no circumstances should I call or consider myself a friend or ally to transpeople. Forget defending them to boomers and the shit they hear on Tucker, forget voting for candidates that support progressive policies and LGBTQ+ rights basically my whole life. Nope, I gave JKR $3 so I'm just another transphobic piece of shit.
Got it loud and clear, won't happen again.

That said, man JK really picked quite the hill to die on. Can't you just take your hundreds of millions and go home? Regardless of this game, she's really destroyed her own image and legacy. If you're that bored, maybe feed the poor or something?
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Stating a biological fact isnt transphobia. She said what is right.

Now stuff like this is concerning. everyone has a right to his/her opinions but killing them or decapitate them over their views ? fuck them

Point to a case of a TERF being decapitated or eaten. I mean, if there is one, I’ll respond with thousand of articles of trans women being killed by transphobes.

Are they “biological” women. No. That’s not what they’re saying. Trans women are women. Period.


Banning all discussion is the only option when you know the game's going to be received well.

Not only banning discussion of the game but also the ban itself:

"we do not allow for advocating or metacommentary on content ban decisions, which are decided by the mod team. Any that we see, whether for or against, will be met with threadbans at a minimum."

which again, is the play when you know open dissuion won't go the way you want.

Frankly friendship needs to be earned, and endless antagonism isn't the way to do that.

They can't see that.

they are the friend that immediately turns on you when they say "jump" and you don't ask how high.
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Astral Dog

REEEE has now officially banned OT and all discussion about the game without exceptions.

The thread is full of patting admins on the back like the evil has been banished forever.


Ultimately, this all falls on them, its their responsibility, if they want to form a friendship circle and hold hands to banish this ungodly Evil from the Earth like on a Stephen King movie, all while looking down on others(including their own members and LGBT) who may like to buy, discuss and play this game, we can only watch or ignore them

They believe themselves to be so morally above the rest of the filthy gamer scum, its pretty crazy
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REEEE has now officially banned OT and all discussion about the game without exceptions.

The thread is full of patting admins on the back like the evil has been banished forever.

All that does is the reduce the number of outrage nutjobs from doing anything to "hurt" the game sales. Hilarious.

Airbus Jr

I think it’s dumb.

The problem is not the game. It’s JKR. But they can’t go after her so they go after a game. And it’s perfect cause it gives them the chance to virtual signal that they’re not buying the game any chance they get (see the thread for IGN’s most anticipated games of 2023).

And it’s very hypocritical to say “the developers already got paid so it doesn’t affect them”. Well, so did JKR, when WB paid for the license. But if the game bombs, it’s the developers that might end up getting laid off or the studio disbanded. JKR will not be affected at all if the game succeeds or fails.

Fuck JKR. Fuck her in the eye. Fuck her transphobia. Fuck her in the other eye. But also fuck anyone that tells people that they are transphobes for playing this game or that they have failed some made-up moral test.
Bro youre in the wrong page resetera is that way
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A thought is only valid if its original? The process of building a thought is gaining information from a plethora of places + your past experiences...my current world view is fairly left leaning so naturally as I gain information it goes through my left leaning filter which is live and let live as long as your way of life isn't hurting others. I and many many other lefties don't care what games are being played. I mean y'all all say the same thing to but regardless I judge each person as individuals on interactions. Shoot you even said "why WE call you npc's" because you know you are part of a group. Also what you call pathetic times is the safest most inclusive era in history...what era would you want to go back too?

Listen, i'm not trying to be a jerk but your boycott will do nothing. J.K. is a billionaire and doesn't need a penny of your money. You are hurting innocent game developers by pulling this crap. Play it, enjoy it and above all else seperate the art from the artist. If i listened to every stupid thing hollywood said i would never watch a movie again.


Point to a case of a TERF being decapitated or eaten. I mean, if there is one, I’ll respond with thousand of articles of trans women being killed by transphobes.

Are they “biological” women. No. That’s not what they’re saying. Trans women are women. Period.

Every cell in their body is marked by the male sex. Sorry you aren’t up to date on the science.

also, it is certainly a problem when mass groups of people are publicly calling for violence.

Airbus Jr

Stating a biological fact isnt transphobia. She said what is right.

Now stuff like this is concerning. everyone has a right to his/her opinions but killing them or decapitate them over their views ? fuck them

Calling for women to get decapitated and eaten

Scary people

And look at their faces smilling

Scared Dog GIF
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Fuck JKR. Fuck her in the eye. Fuck her transphobia. Fuck her in the other eye. But also fuck anyone that tells people that they are transphobes for playing this game or that they have failed some made-up moral test.

She has said nothing transphobic. She just doesn’t want men in women’s spaces. It’s common sense and for the safety of women.

No need to be hateful and violent. I sure hope you don’t present yourself to the world as being overflowing with love and acceptance.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
If you buy it from a shop you’ll probably have to ask for something kept under the counter and then you’ll have to whisper it when you ask.

The shop manager will tell you to come back after closing where you’ll meet him at a random phone box where he’ll hand over the game.


From that place....

After continued internal discussion, we began to start outlining the issues put forth by Rowling and the game in question and each time, and as we discussed it all, we kept coming back to the simple fact that Rowling is not only a bigot but is actively pushing, in her position as a wealthy and famous individual, for legislation that will hurt trans people. That she uses the influence and money gained from her success with Harry Potter to push transphobic legislation.

Therefore, the mod team has decided to expand our prior ban on promotion for the Hogwarts game to include the game itself. There will be no OT and no discussion of this game.

As a reminder, we do not allow for advocating or metacommentary on content ban decisions, which are decided by the mod team. Any that we see, whether for or against, will be met with threadbans at a minimum.


Internal discusion ffs. Imagine the state of it....

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