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Hogwarts Legacy Is Currently The Best Selling Game On Steam


TL;DW: The people involved have literally NO history churning out good games at all let alone hyped as hell open world games that boast alleged depth, story, RPG options, gameplay, etc etc. And don't get me wrong I want this to succeed and the moment I see that the game is actually what is advertised I am buying that shit. I grew up on HP and it was a foundation on which I built my love of fantasy-fiction. Yeah the creator sucks ass and all, but I won't deny my interest in this just because she has some shit opinions.
I'm with Nobody here. Not that a studio can't make the quantum leap (like CDProjektRed did with W3), its just something to watch and see how it all develops.

Its possible they pulled it off (because, on its face, it looks pretty good), but I wont be biting day one and will see what the reception is among players.


I listened to rebel fm this week, and Arthur made some points about Justin Rowland being a piece of shit and also how he won't be playing hogwarts legacy becuase it would be disrespectful to his trans friends and would literally hurt their feelings to support it.

Anthony responded with what I thought was a great point. "But you use twitter and that's owned by a huge trans phone, Elon musk"

Then Arthur responded with some lame excuse that he sees that when e uses twitter its hurting Elon musks financial situation so it's OK.

Felt like such a lame excuse and proving that people only care when it's some form of their agenda.

Anthony was also saying you like McDonald's etc that you know is cutting down the rain forest etc

All these companies or a lot of people have piece of shit opinions but these people still consume their products because....reasons.....

It's bullshit.

I'll be buying two copies of hogwarts becuase I want to support the people who have worked their ass off...as long as the games as good as it looks to be.
They're all the same. Hypocrites. It's the same type of person who talks non-stop about how modern white Americans are such POS because of the slave trade 300 years ago but then continue to buy all of the crap from China who to this day is enslaving people.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Yes I saw this post, but I don't get what's the problem with it, it's just logical facts being stated.
So my understanding is that basically they decided that we are not supposed to call trans women “trans women”, we are just supposed to call them women. So now when we are talking about biological women we can no longer just say “women”, we need a new phrase and that is “people who menstruate”.

So by saying “people who menstruate = women” Rowling is implying that only biological women should be labeled as women.


I saw some TikTok on Twitter with some guy begging people to not buy or play the game and apparently it was getting passed around pretty good. This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. To think that some people could have "friends" or even "family" getting SO upset with them for just playing a game they're interested in or excited about. It's really sad.

People that don't give a damn about JK Rowling or her opinions, but just love Harry Potter and want to play (what looks like) the best Harry Potter related game yet. But doing that makes them a "transphobe"? This is so insane.

If you don't want to play or support it, don't. But no reason to bash others that just want to play and enjoy something that makes them happy.


You can say whatever you want, you won’t be arrested for you mentality…but social consequences for opinions in one owns social group has always happened. Me saying trans women are women here isn’t going to get me praise, I know this. If you just want social validation you can make friends who agree with you. But pushback for a topic y’all don’t see eye to eye on and you going “I can’t say what I want…” that’s life bud. I disagree with my friends on a lot.
you didnt understand my point , im not talking about social validation or losing friends over my opinions , im talking about the consequences of accepting this kind of behaviour

watch this video and tell me if this is fair

and btw you can go to jail if you refuse to use their chosen pronouns

Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained​

The Canadian Human Rights Act does not mention pronouns either. The act protects certain groups from discrimination.

“Would it cover the accidental misuse of a pronoun? I would say it’s very unlikely,” Cossman says. “Would it cover a situation where an individual repeatedly, consistently refuses to use a person’s chosen pronoun? It might.
"If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time?

It is possible, Brown says, through a process that would start with a complaint and progress to a proceeding before a human rights tribunal. If the tribunal rules that harassment or discrimination took place, there would typically be an order for monetary and non-monetary remedies. A non-monetary remedy may include sensitivity training, issuing an apology, or even a publication ban, he says.

If the person refused to comply with the tribunal's order, this would result in a contempt proceeding being sent to the Divisional or Federal Court, Brown says. The court could then potentially send a person to jail “until they purge the contempt,” he says. "

So if lets say you want be to call you she and i dont and you consider it a discrimination you can take me to court for it
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So my understanding is that basically they decided that we are not supposed to call trans women “trans women”, we are just supposed to call them women. So now when we are talking about biological women we can no longer just say “women”, we need a new phrase and that is “people who menstruate”.

So by saying “people who menstruate = women” Rowling is implying that only biological women should be labeled as women.
But then if you go this way, they could argue that biological women who become trans men are still people who can menstruate and therefore "people who menstruate" isn't even a clear way to say "women" either anymore lol It never ends.

It's... insane how they try to make everything so complicated for nothing, like really, they want to give everyone headaches for things you shouldn't even think about, it's a really strange way of living.
I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 3 recently, but this non-sense of gender is even more complicated than Nomura's lore.


+ recent Art Book leaks:







you didnt understand my point , im not talking about social validation or losing friends over my opinions , im talking about the consequences of accepting this kind of behaviour

watch this video and tell me if this is fair

and btw you can go to jail if you refuse to use their chosen pronouns

Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained​

The Canadian Human Rights Act does not mention pronouns either. The act protects certain groups from discrimination.

“Would it cover the accidental misuse of a pronoun? I would say it’s very unlikely,” Cossman says. “Would it cover a situation where an individual repeatedly, consistently refuses to use a person’s chosen pronoun? It might.
"If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time?

It is possible, Brown says, through a process that would start with a complaint and progress to a proceeding before a human rights tribunal. If the tribunal rules that harassment or discrimination took place, there would typically be an order for monetary and non-monetary remedies. A non-monetary remedy may include sensitivity training, issuing an apology, or even a publication ban, he says.

If the person refused to comply with the tribunal's order, this would result in a contempt proceeding being sent to the Divisional or Federal Court, Brown says. The court could then potentially send a person to jail “until they purge the contempt,” he says. "

So if lets say you want be to call you she and i dont and you consider it a discrimination you can take me to court for it

You spent most of your paragraph talking about your friends reaction to your statements and said "i cant say what I want anymore"...my main point is that the world doesn't stop spinning and your life will be minimally affected if trans woman continue to be seen as and accepted as women. Other than you not seeing them as women how does your life change? Live and let live, you can express any opinion you want, but if your friends disagree thats life. IDC to get into a trans women sports debate because I can say 99% of trans women don'y do well that well in sports and most of the time if they get 1 win it becomes news vs the other 90% of the time they don't place...but even if trans women won in sports 99% of the time you life remains minimally affected...it just becomes an ideological point of contention in the same way some people think gay people getting married is wrong too...but if you just live life letting consenting adults do them, you'll be a lot less pressed about what other people are doing. Theres more important things in life we can focus on and true misjustices.
That is a screenshot of ac valhalla menu system. Like almost exactly. Wow.
It's going to be a ubi style harry potter game. I think people are expecting way to much from a mobile developer. I'll be good with a solid 75 type ubi game in the harry potter verse. But one side will say the game is god awful cause of the controversy and the other will praise it as the next elden ring cause of the controversy when its just okay most likely.
It's going to be a ubi style harry potter game. I think people are expecting way to much from a mobile developer. I'll be good with a solid 75 type ubi game in the harry potter verse.

Mobile developer? They made games for Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC before.

Nothing wrong with ubi style, 75 MC game with Harry Potter aesthetics.
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Its gonna be better than those EA games so Im excited. I did have fun with that first harry potter game on pc back in the day


Mobile developer? They've been making games for Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC before.

Nothing wrong with ubi style, 75 MC game with Harry Potter aesthetics.

Yea no matter what scores it gets potter Fans will love the game for sure. You can see how much care went into the game.


So my understanding is that basically they decided that we are not supposed to call trans women “trans women”, we are just supposed to call them women. So now when we are talking about biological women we can no longer just say “women”, we need a new phrase and that is “people who menstruate”.

So by saying “people who menstruate = women” Rowling is implying that only biological women should be labeled as women.
Literal genocide


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I find it ironic that it's not okay to buy Harry Potter But it's okay to use H.P. Lovecraft's ideas such as his Mythos. The man who was extremely racist.

These people are hypocrites and they have no consistency whatsoever.


Gold Member
Yeah an action RPG with a page where you can see the equipment, the horror...
Looks like every other character item/equip screen. This isn't a big deal.

I remember the same drama with No Man's Sky had an almost carbon copy of the Destiny inventory UI setup. A big nothing burger.
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Gold Member
Who the actual fuck is this bitch to give me a test ?? I cant wait to play this game and support Rowling. Fuck them degenerates.
IDK who she is but she's right, it's a test for those vocal tiny groups on internet calling "political correctness" to what is actually politically unpopular. Those people will now have their exam, the problem is that passing the exam means not going to hogwarts and not the opposite LMAO.

I see some hot arguments in here for what's right or not regarding trans people, I'm glad we can heat up discussing that without people getting banned because of mods biases, I'm completely sure they have their opinions and I appreciate they don't enforce it on one side or the other.
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Yes I saw this post, but I don't get what's the problem with it, it's just logical facts being stated.

In places like Twitter/Era it's considered transphobic to acknowledge that there's differences between biological men/women and trans men/women. The second you identify as another gender you are to be treated as if you are and have always been 100% identical to someone who was born as that gender, no exceptions and no questions asked.
The same applies to language, for example if we are talking about menstrual cramps we are no longer supposed to say that they affect women, because there's a tiny percentage of people who menstruate but identify as men and acknowledging that they are an exception or special case would be transphobic.

Rowling acknowledges the difference, says her life has been shaped by being born as a biological female and questions making fundamental changes to language to accommodate a tiny percentage of people (something which, btw, we don't do for people suffering from disorders/conditions which are more widespread than gender dysphoria) and, as such, is seen like a bigoted monster.
As a fan of the HP series I am keeping an eye on this, but I am SUPREMELY skeptical of its quality given the pedigree of its creators. (or lack thereof)

Explanation in detail

TL;DW: The people involved have literally NO history churning out good games at all let alone hyped as hell open world games that boast alleged depth, story, RPG options, gameplay, etc etc. And don't get me wrong I want this to succeed and the moment I see that the game is actually what is advertised I am buying that shit. I grew up on HP and it was a foundation on which I built my love of fantasy-fiction. Yeah the creator sucks ass and all, but I won't deny my interest in this just because she has some shit opinions.

What I mean it went from a game to a ideological stand point...one side will hype it as the GOTY because the creator is transphobic, while the other side, if they even play will downplay it as the modern day ET because of the creators views...when in most likely it'll be a middling game wit ha cool setting and pretty basic game design conventions. It sucks because the discourse will only get worse when IGN give its a 7 and it falls somewhere around a 77-78...the "its only being reviewed bad by the blue hair woke moralist". I just wish this had co-op.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I'm buying Hogwarts Legacy on PS5,
Leaving the woke purple-haired whiners behind,
Got my wand in hand, ready to cast,
Leaving them in the dust, I'm moving fast.

Cause I'm a wizard, a true master,
I'll be playing all day, no need to ask her,
I'll be in Hogwarts, living my dream,
While the woke purple-haired whiners shriek and scream.

Verse 2: I don't care if they say it's not woke,
I'll be exploring every nook and crook,
From the Forbidden Forest to Hogsmeade,
I'll be living the life, feeling the breeze.

Cause I'm a wizard, a true master,
I'll be playing all day, no need to ask her,
I'll be in Hogwarts, living my dream,
While the woke purple-haired whiners shriek and scream.

Verse 3:
I'll be making potions, casting spells,
I'll be living my life, no need to dwell,
On the opinions of the woke,
I'll be playing my game, no need to provoke.

Cause I'm a wizard, a true master,
I'll be playing all day, no need to ask her,
I'll be in Hogwarts, living my dream,
While the woke purple-haired whiners shriek and scream.

So go ahead and shriek and scream,
I'll be living my life like a true fiend,
Buying Hogwarts Legacy on PS5,
Living my dream, feeling alive.


I'm with Nobody here. Not that a studio can't make the quantum leap (like CDProjektRed did with W3), its just something to watch and see how it all develops.

Its possible they pulled it off (because, on its face, it looks pretty good), but I wont be biting day one and will see what the reception is among players.
I agree with Nobody as well, aside from his regurgitated NPC talking point about JK Rowling.

It feels like the game is just too good to be true. I will say my kids loved Disney Infinity back when they were little.


Yep, game design of the game will be awful
Some of you are insane. “Wow this game is using a menu similar to most AAA games of the past few years, including the well received GoW: R. This game is going to be awful”

Ok so let me ask, what the fuck do you want this game to do? Revolutionize the menu system of video games as well as have a From Software-quality combat system and Tolstoy-level narrative? Like fucking hell when did we become this nit picky about video games? The menu looks great and at WORST serviceable. It uses the template of successful games, and they can focus their energy on the fun parts of the game like clothing, Hogwarts, the gameplay, etc. At this point I think people are just trying to hate on this game because they aren’t as excited as others.
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What time is it?
Some of you are insane. “Wow this game is using a menu similar to most AAA games of the past few years, including the well received GoW: R. This game is going to be awful”

Ok so let me ask, what the fuck do you want this game to do? Revolutionize the menu system of video games as well as have a From Software-quality combat system and Tolstoy-level narrative? Like fucking hell when did we become this nit picky about video games? The menu looks great and at WORST serviceable. It uses the template of successful games, and they can focus their energy on the fun parts of the game like clothing, Hogwarts, the gameplay, etc. At this point I think people are just trying to hate on this game because they aren’t as excited as others.

The menu system should cast a spell on us all. The combat should be a cauldron of fresh ideas that bewitch us as all. And finally the narrative should charm us, conjure our deepest fears and emotions, and be a hex for any similar stories that came before it or would dare follow it.
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Our evil twin is calling you. You'll fit right in there.
I got kicked, as "soy" as I am to most here, my mindset of speak your opinion even when the vast majority doesn't agree didn't really fly there. Got a warning on saying despite Colin Moriarity tweet I don't think he's a bad person, telling a user that they can't judge all of Japanese culture because they dislike bathhouse scenes, and something about excusing racism...I think the issue there is people want to project an image of liberalism and not actually live it. Chronically online people in general. I'm so far left I have a Serp i Molot tattoo, but I'm also not one to assume everyone is bad since most are a product of their environment...good ideas will eventually win out.

Cmt I Love All Of Yall GIF by Party Down South
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Some of you are insane. “Wow this game is using a menu similar to most AAA games of the past few years, including the well received GoW: R. This game is going to be awful”

Ok so let me ask, what the fuck do you want this game to do? Revolutionize the menu system of video games as well as have a From Software-quality combat system and Tolstoy-level narrative? Like fucking hell when did we become this nit picky about video games? The menu looks great and at WORST serviceable. It uses the template of successful games, and they can focus their energy on the fun parts of the game like clothing, Hogwarts, the gameplay, etc. At this point I think people are just trying to hate on this game because they aren’t as excited as others.
I think GoW R is an awful game indeed, in no small part because of its useless, bloated & atrocious UI, XP and « gear » system, yes.
That's the problem for the divide & conquer pushers and their useful idiots. ;)

They tend to do the polar opposite of sound logic. I have to believe that is on purpose, at this point. I've tried wrestling with my conscious, but it is what it is.
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Fuk the political BS. Game looks fun so ima get it. Simple as that. The left these days are as bad as the fascists' because they went around and became them.
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