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How will you remember Rare?


Assume Rare disappears or becomes obsolete in a couple of generations (please spare us your witty comments on how you think that's impossible, somewhat plausable, or a given fact). For what will you remember them?

Although they've done many things well, I'll probably remember them for their collectathons. They kinda paved the way for repetitive 3D adventure games (and their DKC series became more and more about collection with 2 and 3). That sort of collection-happy game design pretty much defines them in my mind.

Tied for second place, I'll remember them as one of the only, if not the only, console-centric-FPS developers and as having really, really poor management.

john tv

I will remember Rare as the company that got bought for about 300x what they were actually worth. Also for having a few really cool games amidst tons of worthless crap (Wizards & Warriors, RC Pro Am, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, etc.).

Surprised they've lasted this long, honestly. They haven't had a soul in many years.


john tv said:
I will remember Rare as the company that got bought for about 300x what they were actually worth. Also for having a few really cool games amidst tons of worthless crap (Wizards & Warriors, RC Pro Am, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, etc.).

Surprised they've lasted this long, honestly. They haven't had a soul in many years.

Holy crap, did you just call RC Pro Am and Wizard and Warrior worthless? Boy, thems fightin words! Two of my childhood favorites and RC Pro Am still holds up well today. W&W is cheese now though, but it was a cool game back in the day.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I doubt they would stay in our collective thoughts for long, we would all move on to bigger and better things. I'd forget about them in less than two years...not seeing them release anything wouldn't seem odd at all.
Diddy Kong Racing ..... sure i played godly amounts of Goldeneye and PD just like everyone else here ...but since then ive played and loved quite a few other FPS games...but i havent played anything in the Kart/mini Racer type genre since DKR, it was and still is the best you can find imo.

surpized nintendo didnt make a new one on GC :(


Kills Photobucket
Im sure in the years to come i'll remember RARE for the 5 different consoles I've played Kameo on at E3 without ever getting a final product
I'll remember them as a talented developer with little originality, that unfortunately lost its talent--and thus its potential--as the years went by.


wobedraggled said:
California Games is 100% Epyx


(though I believe they just ported it)


Mashing said:
Holy crap, did you just call RC Pro Am and Wizard and Warrior worthless? Boy, thems fightin words! Two of my childhood favorites and RC Pro Am still holds up well today. W&W is cheese now though, but it was a cool game back in the day.
Read it again. He meant that those games were the gems amongst the crap.

Regardless, I'll remember Rare for Goldeneye.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I see Rare as a company that helped Nintendo ALOT in the late days of the Super Nintendo, and were a driving force for the early days of the Nintendo 64. They dropped the ball near the end of the N64's life, and Rare got the deal of the century with that merger with Microsoft. They've floundered ever since.

Unless Perfect Dark gets released to unanimously positive reviews, I think that Rare will fade away quietly. Sad end to a mostly decent developer.

If they DO fail, it will be interesting after the pink slips get issued, whether or not former employees put up blogs about what happened within Rare's offices post Nintendo 64.


Yossarian said:
Read it again. He meant that those games were the gems amongst the crap.

Regardless, I'll remember Rare for Goldeneye.

Ahh, I wasn't sure... they way he structured his sentence lead me to believe for some reason that he was listing hte crappy games (but Goldeneye being in that list should have been my first clue).

john tv

Mashing said:
Holy crap, did you just call RC Pro Am and Wizard and Warrior worthless? Boy, thems fightin words! Two of my childhood favorites and RC Pro Am still holds up well today. W&W is cheese now though, but it was a cool game back in the day.
No, no. You got it backwards. Those were the gems that existed among all the crap. :) I loved W&W. Ironsword was great, too. Never played the others, though (W&W3 or X or whatever).
They were at one time my favorite developer out there during their streak of DCK1 and 2 along with Killer Instinct. They then had a few rough spots but made up for it with Goldeneye. Sadly, it was all down hill after that. Now they're a mere shell of their former selves.


I will remember them as a company who produced lots of great games in the 8, 16 and 64 bits eras to finally disappear with only 3-5 games produced in the GC-Xbox-X360 era.

And if PDZ is successful, I'm certain that someone who registered Wallguy as a trademark will sue them, and win.


I wont remember them... we are talking about games here people....why not try remembering something important for a change.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Banjo Kazooie, the first game on my N64 and the first time I owned a console from launch, Banjo's "Huyah" noise was the first noise I heard from my N64 and I will never forget it. The grin on my face must of been huge :D

Honerable Mentions: Goldeneye and Perfect Dark


I'll always associate them with Wizards and Warriors and being the only thing that stopped the N64 being a horrible failure.
Norse said:
I wont remember them... we are talking about games here people....why not try remembering something important for a change.

What's important? Maybe others find things important....that you don't. It's called free will ;). "Don't condescend me, man"- Lloyd.


Norse said:
I wont remember them... we are talking about games here people....why not try remembering something important for a change.

1. Sarcastically biting response: OK. Let's talk about Gandhi on the gaming forum.

2. Literacy-centered response: Remembering is a term that roughly means recalling something from the past. I remember finding a dime on the ground yesterday -- does that mean it was important?

3. Serious response: no, I just don't have one.
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