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How will you remember Rare?


I think they are probably the most overrated developer of all time. The majority of their games since n64 were just blatant ripoffs of nintendos work, minus the magic.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
TheDuce22 said:
I think they are probably the most overrated developer of all time. The majority of their games since n64 were just blatant ripoffs of nintendos work, minus the magic.

indeed they are very overrated... like Sega but with much less of an actual track record of good games
Cobra Triangle! Wow thats a memory jog, I completely forgot about that one. Played the bloody hell out of it as a kid though. I think thats when I learned saving other people from their impending doom was not fun at all. Just really tedious. And whirlpools suck.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I'll remeber them for Banjo-Kazooie as it is in my opinion the best 3D platformer across all systems and Rare's best game. I'll also remeber them for Conker and Blast Corps (positively) and Donkey Kong 64 and their latest games (negatively)


Some excellent games (true classics in the N64 era) but poor quality control because almost every game in the last 8-9 years has had horrible framerate and a shit camera

It's a shame because I'd love to see Rare back on form, but it's not happening.


I'll remember them for,

The innovative Blast Corps.

The infuriatingly tricky BatteToads.

The sumptuous Donkey Kong Country.

The neverending RC pro ram.

The wacky but addictive Banjo Kazooie.

The Multi-player brilliance in Golden Eye and Perfect Dark.

The surprisingly fun Jet Force Gemini (right up until the tribals collect-a-thon)

The comedic entertainment that is Conker's BFD(n64).

The C-C-C-C-OMBO BREAKERIFIC Killer Instinct featuring Orchid :wub

Diddy Kong Racing's great game structure.

I'll remember them as THE developer who brought live into N64 (next to nintendo).
There's no single rare-game on SNES, GB or N64 I didn't like.
I hope they return to that form again...
For all of the mediocre crap they've created...they saved Nintendo's ass with their titles on the N64, defined the NES with many hallmark titles, and helped Nintendo to push the Super Nintendo over the top against the Genny. I believe in Rare, but it's obvious they're having a hell of a time getting things back in gear.
I'll remember them mostly for Battletoads. It's the only Rareware game I ever purchased, since most of thier games are short and can beaten in a rental.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned delays, they delay games more frequenty than any other developer I can think of.


I will remember then by games like Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye and Donkey Kong Country. Goldeneye is way overrated, imo. Banjo-Kazooie is better.
When I think of Rare, I think of:



Loved alot of their "collectathons". I would remember the perfection that was Banjo Kazooie 1, atmosphere and charm that could even revel a disney or pixar animation. I still get few kids I used babysit back in day say they "saved clanker" other day for kicks.
Yoshi said:
I'll remeber them for Banjo-Kazooie as it is in my opinion the best 3D platformer across all systems and Rare's best game.

Very true. I also think Diddy Kong Racing is the best single-player kart racer ever. I still hold out hope that BK3 will redeem Rare (although after Banjo-Tooie, my hope has waned a little...)

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I have always remembered them as a company that made a huge number of NES games and had an unmistakable "style" with them that was uncommon to find among Western developers.

This is something I've grown to appreciate as I've been playing a lot of their NES library lately. A Nightmare on Elm Street, for example, is a damn good platformer.


Well the unforgettables n64 classics, they've reached an excellence in production that is still unbeaten even by nintendo. I'm talkin' about goldeneye, banjo, diddy kong,conker and perfect dark. But those days are over, sadly


Gold Member
john tv said:
I will remember Rare as the company that got bought for about 300x what they were actually worth. Also for having a few really cool games amidst tons of worthless crap (Wizards & Warriors, RC Pro Am, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, etc.).

Surprised they've lasted this long, honestly. They haven't had a soul in many years.

With wizards and warriors and RC Pro Am - I will always forgive Rare's bad games.

I will remember Rare as one of the best developers ever.


BatmanX said:
Well the unforgettables n64 classics, they've reached an excellence in production that is still unbeaten even by nintendo. I'm talkin' about goldeneye, banjo, diddy kong,conker and perfect dark. But those days are over, sadly
Haha. No. Rare could never make anything like OoT. Never.
well...Nintendo could never do a Perfect Dark.^^
I really would like to see a list of rare's crap games (which according to some of you) are the majority...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Probably their music. Rare occasionally REALLY fucked up and had a bad game along with bad music (DK64), but generally even when the game wasn't that great, the music was.

DKC, JFG, Goldeneye, PD and B-K all stand out for me.


I'll remember them for having a really fancy looking office near Twycross Zoo. I wanted to work there because it was near my parents


TheDuce22 said:
I think they are probably the most overrated developer of all time. The majority of their games since n64 were just blatant ripoffs of nintendos work, minus the magic.
Werent they part of Nintendo? Part of the reason for Rare's decline is that they are no longer under Nintendo's supervision.

I mean they were a pretty average developer in the 8 and 16 bit era. Its only after joining Nintendo that they rose to super stardom. It now seems like some of the magic is gone.


The most memorable thought of Rare I can think of is when I first played Donkey Kong Country. Turning it on seeing the fancy shmansy rendered Nintendo and Rare logos, hearing the old Donkey Kong tune as Cranky cranks the phonograph, and then all hell breaks loose as DK comes pounding down and starts freestyling some shit.


Orgen said:
If you add Killer Instinct and Jet Force Gemini, we have a winner. (and the music... bufff!)
Yes!! Jet Force Gemini! I've never been shy about my love for the JFG. The only series from Rare I give two craps about. Best soundtrack ever.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Orgen said:

I don't know what this sound's supposed to mean, it looks like what happens when you walk into something sticking out at chest level while talking, but stop it. Stop it now.


Mallrat83 said:
Yes!! Jet Force Gemini! I've never been shy about my love for the JFG. The only series from Rare I give two craps about. Best soundtrack ever.

JFG was really something else. Great looking game,great soundtrrack,sweet shooting and exploration mechanics,damn I'd go crazy if a sequel were ever made. Never cared for much else from Rare besides this game though. Maybe they'll get it together with Microsoft someday. Kameo looks good,though I'm just renting it to test the waters with them.


Their SNES games blew me away. But then they became some kind of "lets make Nintendo-type games with new characters because Nintendo can't make them fast enough" 2nd party.

2D platformers, 3D platformers, Mario clones, Zelda clones, Mario Kart clones, They even threw in a pseudo-Lara Croft inspired sequel to Goldeneye. Can remeber thinking of Kameo as inspired by pokemon too. Its evolved since, but I bet it started out as "the 3D pokemon RPG Nintendo refuse to make!!!!" Conker = South Park. They just latch onto the current trend, wait until its 3 years out of date and release a game.

Way to go originality. I will remember them as poor uninspired developers who thought too much of themselves, delay games more than anyone and made a handful of good games.
Basically, for their unforgettable N64 gems (I would've dropped the N64 without them) and DKC.

Donkey Kong Country Trilogy: Screw the haters, I love the series. Amazing graphics, music, and especially art and environments. DKC2 was the best, especially with the moody atmosphere. Seriously, why isn't there a Mario level that takes place on a haunted roller coaster, or a beehive?

Diddy Kong Racing: Brilliant racer. I can't even call it a kart racer, since you drive cars, hoverboats, and planes instead of karts themselves. The idea of 3 veichles and an overworld was really neat, better than MK64 in some areas. It's pretty cool how the Mario/Donkey Kong series technically crossovers into Banjo and Conker.

Banjo-Kazooie: The original was the best 3D platformer ever, IMO. Brilliant characters, music, humor, levels and design. Truly magical. I also liked the sequel, but it lacked the charm of the original.

Conker's Bad Fur Day: You really had to play this in early 2001 to appreciate this game. Pushed the N64 to its limit in all areas, and a great swan song for the system. Outstanding graphics and animation, voice acting throughout the whole game (a rare for N64's cartridge) great music score, and the twists at the end I didn't see coming.

Goldeneye: My first owned FPS, played the hell out of this game (both single and multi), and still one of my all-time favorites. Played a bit over the summer, I think it still holds up. Some of the best FPS level design too.

I liked a few others, but those stand out. Seeing as how I enjoyed Ghoulies and Conker:L&R, I'll check out their 360 games.


nightez said:
I mean they were a pretty average developer in the 8 and 16 bit era. Its only after joining Nintendo that they rose to super stardom. It now seems like some of the magic is gone.

Though they had the best graphics back then. Their 8-bit games usually did a lot of cool nifty stuff you never saw in other titles.


Mama Smurf said:
I don't know what this sound's supposed to mean, it looks like what happens when you walk into something sticking out at chest level while talking, but stop it. Stop it now.

:lol :lol :lol

This sound's supposed to mean... ehmmm... something like "indescribable" :p
Even though some of their recent shit has been just that - shit, I will remember RARE 10 years from now as the company who produced Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, and Battletoads, 3 games I have put hundreds and hundreds of hours into.
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