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I am now a fan of Tuna, what foods have you changed your mind on?

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Carrots. Fucking hated them for so long but we had some in the fridge like a week ago and I ate some and fell in love. They're so damn tasty! Texture, moisture, and taste. Truly the complete package.


Carrots. Fucking hated them for so long but we had some in the fridge like a week ago and I ate some and fell in love. They're so damn tasty! Texture, moisture, and taste. Truly the complete package.

I still can't eat those damn things by themselves, but I can handle them with ranch.
Carrots. Fucking hated them for so long but we had some in the fridge like a week ago and I ate some and fell in love. They're so damn tasty! Texture, moisture, and taste. Truly the complete package.
Let them sit in vinegar for a few hours. Amazing!


Bananas. Despite loving banana bread, I didn't like bananas themselves.

Now a day doesn't go by without me eating 2 or 3 of them at least.


Used to dislike apple juice and applesauce until roughly a year ago(don't really know why, just didn't like it), but now I can't get enough of the stuff.

On the opposite side of things, I can't consume things like Pop Tarts, fruit snacks/Fruit Roll-Ups, most types of cereal, and soda anymore. They are completely unappetizing to me, and when I eat a Pop Tart or drink a Mountain Dew I get kind of sick.


Based on this thread, I can tell a majority of you weren't hit by your parents growing up.
Because I love it. It tastes good, has plenty of health benefits and it's convenient since I usually don't have much time for lunch. I'm sure plenty of people eat the same cereal every day, which is no different. In terms of health, my doctor says everything is perfect, so I see no reason to deviate from what's working well for me.
were you on the christian bale machinist diet
Haha, I don't believe tuna was part of his diet, but the results were somewhat similar. I dropped 20kg. To be clear though, I wasn't just eating tuna. I was drinking nothing but water, exercising and having healthy dinners such as mixed vegetables, grilled chicken breast and roast potatoes etc. I was also eating a lot of fruit. I say "was", but I'm still doing all of these things.
I have similar taste changes to other people in here. I still can't stand fish, but I recently started eating tomatoes, spinach, broccoli rabe, and green olives.


I have similar taste changes to other people in here. I still can't stand fish, but I recently started eating tomatoes, spinach, broccoli rabe, and green olives.
have you tried Sole? It's the fish that got me into seafood.

anyway, for me it's salad. I never used to eat them, no reason why, just didn't. now I have one every day for lunch, it's one of my favorite foods period, topped with feta cheese, walnuts, and olive oil for dressing
In particular, I've grown to dislike shrimp. My mouth waters for some good crustacean food no matter what, but the bulbous texture of shrimp alone triggers some kind of mild allergic reaction in my lips that makes them inflame. Therefore, I'm not certain if they're even tasty to me anymore, and I would rather not experiment with them any more.

Onions and various non-pumpkin gourds are starting to make some headway on me. The former vegetable I've always had trouble with because of its insidious bitter taste, but it adds a lot of crunch to beef stew, soups, and other stuff where there's already any overriding tastes and colors arriving on my tastebuds. Gourds, to me, are the true dessert fruits, with this super-sweet and rich taste that I like a lot. But, nevertheless, I avoided stuff like squash and onions for a long time. Still do not like tomatoes (too sweet!), haven't tried any eggplant recently, and I'm not interested in peppers of any kind.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Vegetables. All of them really.

Grew up hating all of them as a kid. The bratty kind of kid who won't eat their veggies unless they're promised dessert or a whooping for not eating them. Now a days I don't eat any meat, I'm a vegetarian and meat in general repulses me. But I do love my veggies.

Also pistachios. Never really cared for them before but I love the things now. Definitely my go to snack.


Onions, tomatoes, mushrooms and a lot of various other stuff as a kid. But started to love every single one of those things as I got older.

I'll eat pretty much anything these days. Food rules.


Most green veggies. Still can't really stomach salads though, prefer the veggies separate or on a sandwich or something.


It was maybe the idea of making cheese into a cake that freaked me out. Like I'm not big into curdled cheese stuff, cottage cheese makes me gag, so the idea of cheese being baked into cake form completely destroyed my mind and I never really bothered having any.

i was the same way...I used to think it was some kind of cottage cheese mixed into it.


aka Cabbie
Used to dislike apple juice and applesauce until roughly a year ago(don't really know why, just didn't like it), but now I can't get enough of the stuff.

On the opposite side of things, I can't consume things like Pop Tarts, fruit snacks/Fruit Roll-Ups, most types of cereal, and soda anymore. They are completely unappetizing to me, and when I eat a Pop Tart or drink a Mountain Dew I get kind of sick.

It happens for the best. I never crave soda anymore, it's one of those things your body just does not need.

I try not to ever drink my calories.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Mayonnaise. Used to love it, then developed a complete revulsion to it for almost five years, then finally suddenly started liking it again (although only on cold sandwiches, keep that shit off my hot food)




Fermented soy beans...used to hate this stuff, smelled so bad to me. However I wanted to try it again because of it's nutrition, so I had to prepare it a different way for me. Apparently putting fat-free mayo on it nearly masked most of the taste for me. Putting natto on seaweed (nori sheets) also helps cut down on the taste.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I ate beets when I was a kid. Never again.

Not that I ever disliked beets, but after quite a few years without having any, I ate a nice beet salad one evening. The next day there was a brief moment of panic after using the bathroom because I thought I was bleeding internally.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The only thing I can think of are those incredibly salty green olives with garlic in the middle. Used to hate 'em, now I love 'em.


Not that I ever disliked beets, but after quite a few years without having any, I ate a nice beet salad one evening. The next day there was a brief moment of panic after using the bathroom because I thought I was bleeding internally.

This also happened to me as well.
Went to the doctor and had some tests done, blood was drawn, etc. They didn't find anything wrong, till my family finally pointed out I tried some beets some weeks ago.

Just thankful it wasn't anything serious, ha.




Fermented soy beans...used to hate this stuff, smelled so bad to me. However I wanted to try it again because of it's nutrition, so I had to prepare it a different way for me. Apparently putting fat-free mayo on it nearly masked most of the taste for me. Putting natto on seaweed (nori sheets) also helps cut down on the taste.

if you have to put something on something else to mask it's flavour, you don't actually like it. themoreyouknow


Spinach. Hated it as a child. Tend to consume scary amounts of it these days.

Truth. I realized that the only thing that made lettuce edible to me in a salad before was copious amounts of dressing. Spinach leaves actually taste good with minimal salad dressing.


Never really liked Strawberries, but my parents served me some Strawberry shortcake a few weeks ago, and I ate it to be polite. Man, those strawberries were good.


A lot of foods honestly. I used to like approximately 0 vegetables, but those are all boring.

I really came around on shrimp and sushi. I've hated fish since I can remember, so I never gave any other type of seafood a shot. My feelings were reinforced when I tried lobster and didn't like it. But I gave shrimp a try and really liked it. Then I tried sushi and I found that I can handle raw seafood, but cooked grosses me out.


I keep waiting for ouzo to come back to me, but I think once you go bad on it, it never will.. : (

I still love you Greek friends mother.
I am not really a picky eater. I'll try anything once. There are a lot of foods I don't prefer, but will still eat. For instance, I used to not really like tomatos, but I would never take them off my sandwiches or anything.

There were a few things I hated though. I still hate mayo (but I still don't take if off sandwiches if it's on it, unless it's just a crazy amount). For me there is really only one thing I can think of that has changed, and that is brussels sprouts. I had them as a kid and they were just way too bitter for me. I always liked broccoli, asparagus, and lots of other vegetables, but brussels sprouts were awful. Now I love them.

Davey Cakes

At one point I didn't like peppers; over time I grew into them, especially when cooked.

I also didn't care much for grapefruit or grapefruit juice, but now I really enjoy them.

Still haven't changed my mind on raw tomatoes, though. I can eat pretty much everything that's made with tomatoes, but I can't eat them raw. The flavor is completely different and is very unappealing to me. Olives are similar; there are some things I can eat that are made from olives, but pure olives are revolting to me for some reason. Every once in a while I'll try an olive or a piece of raw tomato, just to see if I've changed my tune, but it seems that my disdain for their taste persists.
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