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If you actually care about Xbox you need to be hammering them hard right now


Gold Member
So you do care then, that’s what matters.

One other thing to consider, and it is obvious but often forgotten. The hard-core and the media that plays to it; generate a lot of buzz that filters through to the casuals. More often than not, when a Sony exclusive is coming, every man and his dog is talking about it and covering it. Obviously, quality has a lot to do with it.

It’s no different to a repetitive marketing strategy, it keeps it in people‘s minds and regularly reinforces it keeping the brand healthy.

Bad PR, and it being sustained does the opposite.

One of the most important aspects of effective PR and marketing is continuity of message. That got hammered into me early in my career. Sony have grasped this much better than Microsoft recently.

I do honestly think that so much of Microsoft’s problem right now is down to awful communications, rather than anything else. It’s been terrible for years.


The lack of software is what stands out to me the most. Granted Xbox hasn't had the biggest output from first-party in a while, they generally do have some output. I expected that the best looking games may be a ways off with all the cross-gen talk, but I had assumed there would be a few more things hitting the X1. What have the original studios been working on? Hopefully with the new studios we will see better results. Grounded is a solid effort by Obsidian, I was actually surprised that I liked it as much as I did (hoping they fix the menu/craft system, half the time I get stuck there and can't return to the game).

that lack of games sounds more and more like fud, they have announced lots of console launch exclusives (granted, some of these will come a bit later, but quite few will be launching around console launch or within first year), there is also lots of “indie” odd projects that are being announced for series x (even today there were multiple threads created here for these). some of the games presented on Sony show are not even console launch exclusives (re, pragmata, hitman, gtav, project athia) and will also realise at the same time on Xbox series x. Currently there are more xbsex games announced than ps5 ones.


that lack of games sounds more and more like fud, they have announced lots of console launch exclusives (granted, some of these will come a bit later, but quite few will be launching around console launch or within first year), there is also lots of “indie” odd projects that are being announced for series x (even today there were multiple threads created here for these). some of the games presented on Sony show are not even console launch exclusives (re, pragmata, hitman, gtav, project athia) and will also realise at the same time on Xbox series x. Currently there are more xbsex games announced than ps5 ones.

I00% I agree. I was just talking about MS's major first-party studios. However, when you think about it, this is probably just the result of games taking longer to make. The longer it takes to make a game on average the more studios you would need to maintain a steady output. I think Xboxers will have plenty to play, just i'd be in a better position to troll with if one or two more exclusives had been closer to launch. At the end of the day I probably play third-party 80% of the time anyway.


Okay, fit my narrative? I've explained my position by my first post in the thread. I'm sorry if i'm not going to get pissy over whatever it is you want me to

If you dont like the way it's going, dont buy one. What else is there to say?
I’m just tired of the same ole shit of playstation launch lineup is not good either when we don’t know what that entails as they haven’t released a launch title list yet at all!

so the comparisons to these two are unwarranted and comes off as spiteful! I can almost guarantee Sony won’t slip on this opportunity


I00% I agree. I was just talking about MS's major first-party studios. However, when you think about it, this is probably just the result of games taking longer to make. The longer it takes to make a game on average the more studios you would need to maintain a steady output. I think Xboxers will have plenty to play, just i'd be in a better position to troll with if one or two more exclusives had been closer to launch. At the end of the day I probably play third-party 80% of the time anyway.

yeah, ms first party output is a big unknown in terms of quality (maybe besides turn 10, playground (fh) and coalition (we will probably get another same gears game but looking better) and in terms of time (we have no idea when most of these games that they have shown will release). Reality is that, as usual, both consoles will start to deliver after 2-3 years after launch, until that time we will be left mostly with 3rd party titles and 1-2 big hit exclusives each (this is my prediction).
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I’m just tired of the same ole shit of playstation launch lineup is not good either when we don’t know what that entails as they haven’t released a launch title list yet at all!

so the comparisons to these two are unwarranted and comes off as spiteful! I can almost guarantee Sony won’t slip on this opportunity
True, from the looks of it and how close both consoles are to release, both parties look a bit under prepared. i'll still end up buying both mind you. The PS5 had a couple of release games i'm interested in.


Lets not confuse Xbox itself with 343. 343 needs a shorter leash maybe, with more checks and balances and regular direction from their parent company - yes. If even half of the feedback we are reading from people who worked on Halo is true, that studio is far too disorganized to be helming the flagship.

For now we have a high end console coming, lots of cross gen games and last gen games with updated graphics and framerates. Like upgrading your CPU and GPU - all your games are gonna look and play much better. And game pass is an awesome value. Many will argue Halo and Xbox are intertwined - and they are - but one does not equal the other. Phil's move? Delay the game, let some heads roll at 343 after launch, send a message to your other studios that excellence is not "optional". We'll see how he does with that.


Sorry but this is just unacceptable when there are consoles you prolly already own that will play those same games!

It doesn’t make sense from a consumers point of view to buy this new machine with nothing but BC that separates it from the pack!

Consumer: hey what does the new Xbox have and what’s different from the one I have now?

Gamestop clerk: ot has backwards compatibility from all past Xbox consoles and they have Halo coming one day but not right now.

consumer: so for $499 I can play the exact same shit I have on my console right now just better resolution and shit I wouldn’t even notice?

gamestop: well...yes! But MS said they’ll have the games coming soon thst will be worth the purchase if you buy it now and you get GAMEPASS!!!!

I don’t even wanna finish the scenario as I almost threw up in my mouth!

Your existing PC will play games. Should you never upgrade?
Your existing television displays programs, should never upgrade?
Your existing phone makes calls and sends messages, should you never upgrade?

Maybe you shouldn't. But hey if this new phone has a way better camera, longer battery life, better resolution, is faster etc etc etc .. you might be enticed right?

Buying Series X is probably most akin to upgrading your PC - except it comes with a Steam subscription on the cheap. All your existing games are still there for you and will look and play better than ever on your new hardware. All the *new* games coming out will play much better on your new hardware. Eventually (soon) newer games will require the new hardware anyways. And there's Game Pass. I don't get the outrage. Series X is a fucking awesome piece of hardware. So it has less exclusives than PS5, fair point. I'll be upgrading day 1. And it's not just "better resolution" its higher framerates, faster load times, improved graphics options like lighting and AA and all the other bells and whistles we don't have now due to the tablet powered cpus in existing hardware
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Gold Member
I already have the best Xbox. It's my PC. They did the thing, in my opinion, they needed to do for a long time and that's embrace the PC. The Xbox Series X is just a mini-PC in a sense to me. It's a cool thing to own and I'll probably own one eventually, but it's not something I need immediately at launch. With Games Pass, they're giving their new games on silver platter.

I honestly think this is the best course of action for them.


Your existing PC will play games. Should you never upgrade?
Your existing television displays programs, should never upgrade?
Your existing phone makes calls and sends messages, should you never upgrade?

Maybe you shouldn't. But hey if this new phone has a way better camera, longer battery life, better resolution, is faster etc etc etc .. you might be enticed right?

Buying Series X is probably most akin to upgrading your PC - except it comes with a Steam subscription on the cheap. All your existing games are still there for you and will look and play better than ever on your new hardware. All the *new* games coming out will play much better on your new hardware. Eventually (soon) newer games will require the new hardware anyways. And there's Game Pass. I don't get the outrage. Series X is a fucking awesome piece of hardware. So it has less exclusives than PS5, fair point. I'll be upgrading day 1. And it's not just "better resolution" its higher framerates, faster load times, improved graphics options like lighting and AA and all the other bells and whistles we don't have now due to the tablet powered cpus in existing hardware
This is the dumbest reply I have read so far today!

so if my PC was old as fuck and in order for me to step my gaming up to play the next grand theft Game and beyond then YES You fucking upgrade!!!

but for some dumb ass reason that’s not Xbox’s position at all correct?

I can justify upgrading my PC to play NEWER GAMES and still have my backlog upgraded but I’m doing it for the NEWER GAMES that I want to play that my system cannot handle on its current state!

Do you understand that?

MS is selling a system they don’t want to sell because they want subscribers instead of sells which doesn’t make a lick of sense at all giving the internet market is still not where it should be at for this to be a thing in a lot of regions in and outside of the US with regards to data caps and slow speeds!

So umm yeah, a console with only third party support for the first 2 years is not a good look and BC may be cool but I mean damn most of us are looking forward to what’s to come and BC when we’re bored or something


This is the dumbest reply I have read so far today!

so if my PC was old as fuck and in order for me to step my gaming up to play the next grand theft Game and beyond then YES You fucking upgrade!!!

but for some dumb ass reason that’s not Xbox’s position at all correct?

I can justify upgrading my PC to play NEWER GAMES and still have my backlog upgraded but I’m doing it for the NEWER GAMES that I want to play that my system cannot handle on its current state!

Do you understand that?

MS is selling a system they don’t want to sell because they want subscribers instead of sells which doesn’t make a lick of sense at all giving the internet market is still not where it should be at for this to be a thing in a lot of regions in and outside of the US with regards to data caps and slow speeds!

So umm yeah, a console with only third party support for the first 2 years is not a good look and BC may be cool but I mean damn most of us are looking forward to what’s to come and BC when we’re bored or something

There are people who can be engaged with for the purpose of friendly conversation or debate...and there are people who can not. Have a nice day.


I guess a lot of the faith towards Sony is brought on by the built up first party goodwill. What hasn’t been shown yet, will soon enough....nobody has any doubt and are sleeping like a baby..
For sure they have definitely proven themselves, I'm interested to see what they can do next gen. I'll wait for the first big banger to come however which I'm sure will be horizon.

We don’t even know all the launch games, so where are y’all getting this from that’s it’s mediocre when they haven’t said what was all going to be launched yet?
As it stands both lists are shit, I'm judging what has been shown. If anything interesting closer to release I will reassess isn't that pretty obvious?.
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um no?

it's the console with most powerful hardware, best controller, good value subscription (gamepass ultimate), 4 generations worth of backwards compatibility, and exclusives i actually care about (halo, forza, flight sim, hellblade, state of decay, etc).

if they felt halo wasn't ready then i'm happy they've delayed it. otherwise i'm excited for my Series X to arrive in November. i'll have loads of games to play while I wait for Halo which isn't even the main game i want the xbox for lol.

I agree with this, and really hope they can pull off some announcements to get themselves out of this slump they’re in. I’ve chosen to go with Xbox mainly due to Halo MCC multiplayer and their BC. I want game preservation to continue to be a thing, and they seem to be our only hope for that.

Gamepass, lower latency, more powerful hardware are all nice bonuses though.

will look into a PS5 eventually- sooner if Socom comes back


What this launch has shown is that XGS needs to double up on studios.
They need about 16 more Game Studios.
That and better quality control should get their 1st Party to much better levels.
I'm not sure who is in charge of game quality control but allowing a AAAA budget game to look like Halo Infinite means MS needs some one else in charge of 1st party QC.


Agreed 100 percent. My last X was the 360 and I bought the 360 for an exclusive.

MS did so well (despite rrod distorting their numbers) that they automatically assumed everyone would simply jump onto the One. They didn't secure studios or titles and despite having the most powerful console this gen they still fucked up and somehow finished behind the switch.

So all this power is wasted and it looks like gamepass is going to reduce the number of exclusives to near zero on XsX and ironically lockhart could be the machine that keeps them competitive.

Believe me I want an excuse to spend more money on tech I don't need but the X simply isn't making a case, if anything it's convinced me to keep my pc going lol even though it's a much more expensive proposition.

Competition breeds excellence. Wake the fuck up MS and fight like a man.
Is it? Why don't you explain that for me?

The XBOX Series X is already garnishing a relatively shaky reputation with their last showing. Halo Infinite’s controversial showing, games running on the PC, mixed feelings on subscription, GAAS and Gamepass strategy, cross generation, Craig memes everywhere, Dominos Pizza, very few actual exclusives, lots of CGI everywhere for games that presumably had near 2 years of development time, etc. Well, at least we got Halo Infinite at launch. What? It got delayed? Um, well there’s Tetris I guess.....

Basically, Halo would of been a nice shot in the arm in all the XBOX doom and gloom and now that’s not coming until later. I’m assuming they will be fine, but Halo would of definitely helped.
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you guys know whos messed up more than xbox? Nintendo and they are fine. Look at how they went from wii u to switch. n64 and and gamecube were horrible compared to the competition .
The XBOX Series X is already garnishing a relatively shaky reputation with their last showing. Halo Infinite’s controversial showing, games running on the PC, mixed feelings on subscription, GAAS and Gamepass strategy, cross generation, Craig memes everywhere, Dominos Pizza, very few actual exclusives, lots of CGI everywhere for games that presumably had near 2 years of development time, etc. Well, at least we got Halo Infinite at launch. What? It got delayed? Um, well there’s Tetris I guess.....

Basically, Halo would of been a nice shot in the arm in all the XBOX doom and gloom and now that’s not coming until later. I’m assuming they will be fine, but Halo would of definitely helped.

They won't be fine if Sony prices right. The way the ship is sinking, they'll be glad to sell half of what they sold this gen and miraculously hold ship until 2023. 2021 is already shaping up to be a beatdown... Demon Souls Remake, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Returnal, then Horizon Forbidden West, GT7 maybe.... on top of third party timed exclusives, Gold-star indies like Kena etc... It's gonna be a bloodbath after those initial 2-3 million Xbox hardcore buy in November. After that, who are you selling that box with such lackluster content relative to the competition? MS better pray Sony has some horrible yields or RROD type situation.... only way.
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They won't be fine if Sony prices right. The way the ship is sinking, they'll be glad to sell half of what they sold this gen and miraculously hold ship until 2023. 2021 is already shaping up to be a beatdown... Demon Souls Remake, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Returnal, then Horizon Forbidden West, GT7 maybe.... on top of third party timed exclusives, Gold-star indies like Kena etc... It's gonna be a bloodbath after those initial 2-3 million Xbox hardcore buy in November. After that, who are you selling that box with such lackluster content relative to the competition? MS better pray Sony has some horrible yields or RROD type situation.... only way.

Yeah, cause the 15 studios will be putting out fewer games than the Xbox One generation, right? And the fact that Xbox will be priced competitively instead of $100 more like the Xbox One this time and they have a cheaper model in the XSS but that won't matter, nope. Game Pass at launch where you get games from those 15 studios at launch for a cheap sub won't matter at all either. Yep, somehow MS is in a worse spot than launch Xbox One and they are somehow sinking because of what? Halo?

The only game from those you mentioned I am interested in is Demon Soul's and maybe Horizon even if the first one bored me. And who knows when they are actually launching. You have high hopes that all of those are coming in 2021. Don't get me wrong, I am getting a PS5 because of DS, God of War 2, Sucker Punch's next game, and Naughty Dog, but idk how anyone can come to the conclusion that Xbox is in a worse spot now than in 2013.

As far as games coming soon or in the launch window I think the Xbox lineup looks more interesting. The Medium, Scorn, Crossfire X, Gears Tactics, Flight Simulator, The Ascent, and Halo annihilate Sony's line-up. What's even better is I only have to pay for 1 of those. No contest.
Yeah, cause the 15 studios will be putting out fewer games than the Xbox One generation, right?

Outside of guessing Halo Infinite somewhere in 2021 or 2022 and Forza from Turn 10 in late 2021 or 2022 what else from first party isn't looking at 2023? Looks to me like more barren wastelands like this gen.

As far as games coming soon or in the launch window I think the Xbox lineup looks more interesting. The Medium, Scorn, Crossfire X, Gears Tactics, Flight Simulator, The Ascent, and Halo annihilate Sony's line-up. What's even better is I only have to pay for 1 of those. No contest.

You're free to your opinion.

That list is kinda like throwing AA pitchers at a big league team full of all-stars - definitely bound to be blown the hell out and boed off the diamond. Speaking of which - MLB: The Show (try it - you could even simulate the scenario I just described - see the result). It's however not time for list-wars yet.. and it's already bad. We gotta wait at least one more month before it blows up even wider. I think the fun will commence then. This year is bad it's - Sony with 2 GOTY contenders (TLOUII/Ghost)..... and another GOTY contender timed exclusive (FF7 R).

As for Gamepass..... if you're really in a pinch for renting content you could always use Gamefly (the original, unfiltered - not the "netflix" wannabe), and actually get good exclusives Day One, or in Week one.... from Sony and Nintendo first party. You could be renting and playing God of War or TLOUII or Ghost of Tsushima instead of say, Grounded. But then again you probably find more enjoyment in Grounded - open world, lots of stuff to do, and fun. Just saying options for $1 or less are out there...start your free-trail today, at Gamefly.
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Outside of guessing Halo Infinite somewhere in 2021 or 2022 and Forza from Turn 10 in late 2021 or 2022 what else from first party isn't looking at 2023? Looks to me like more barren wastelands like this gen.

You're free to your opinion.

That list is kinda like throwing AA pitchers at a big league team full of all-stars - definitely bound to be blown the hell out and boed off the diamond. Speaking of which - MLB: The Show (try it - you could even simulate the scenario I just described - see the result). It's however not time for list-wars yet.. and it's already bad. We gotta wait at least one more month before it blows up even wider. I think the fun will commence then. This year is bad it's - Sony with 2 GOTY contenders (TLOUII/Ghost)..... and another GOTY contender timed exclusive (FF7 R).

As for Gamepass..... if you're really in a pinch for renting content you could always use Gamefly (the original, unfiltered - not the "netflix" wannabe), and actually get good exclusives Day One, or in Week one.... from Sony and Nintendo first party. You could be renting and playing God of War or TLOUII or Ghost of Tsushima instead of say, Grounded. But then again you probably find more enjoyment in Grounded - open world, lots of stuff to do, and fun. Just saying options for $1 or less are out there...start your free-trail today, at Gamefly.

You see, I'm not a fanboy and own a PS4, have already played and beaten TLOU2 and Ghost. I'm a gamer and you're judging my list before the games are out, amazing. There are countless great games on Game Pass and I don't need to wait for them to ship. Final Fantasy looks dreadful to me. Maybe when it's complete in 12 years.
You see, I'm not a fanboy and own a PS4, have already played and beaten TLOU2 and Ghost. I'm a gamer and you're judging my list before the games are out, amazing. There are countless great games on Game Pass and I don't need to wait for them to ship. Final Fantasy looks dreadful to me. Maybe when it's complete in 12 years.

Doesn't really matter to me whether you consider yourself a fanboy or not - nor did I say you were. It's you who said Xbox's line up will "annihilate" Sony's that gives off the wrong impression... I didn't write that... but that must have been a heat of the moment kind of thing. At the very least I can see where your preference lays..... now you could try to deny and lie to yourself thinking we can't deduce a preference but that's another topic. I love neutrals honestly - everyone here knows. You made a big deal out of Gamepass so I said to myself why not recommend a better rental service not limited to one platform, with the best exclusives from the Big 3. The service is cheap with free trials and $1 deals... with rent-to-own feature, over 8000 titles and so much more great value. I would dare to say for those on a pinch with multiple consoles it's the best value in gaming. Did I mention they let you rent movies too? Even I didn't know that until I visited them today. More bang for the buck.... Sony better watch out. But you're right, immediacy is an issue.
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They won't be fine if Sony prices right. The way the ship is sinking, they'll be glad to sell half of what they sold this gen and miraculously hold ship until 2023. 2021 is already shaping up to be a beatdown... Demon Souls Remake, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Returnal, then Horizon Forbidden West, GT7 maybe.... on top of third party timed exclusives, Gold-star indies like Kena etc... It's gonna be a bloodbath after those initial 2-3 million Xbox hardcore buy in November. After that, who are you selling that box with such lackluster content relative to the competition? MS better pray Sony has some horrible yields or RROD type situation.... only way.
None of those games you mentioned are confirmed launch titles
None of those games you mentioned are confirmed launch titles

They're launch window titles, which is what the argument alludes to. I thought it would be too unfair to make the greater 2020 part of the argument....or even PS5's launch titles given Halo's delay. Moreover, from my pov it's not like it's gonna matter for the 2-3 million Xbox hardcore that will buy Xbox no matter what. It's the ones that come after those 2-3 million that are the hard sells - and it's those titles from the competition that Xbox will have to sell against. That's when the gap will start to take off.
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They're launch window titles, which is what the argument alludes to. I thought it would be too to unfair to make 2020 part of the argument.... it's not like it's gonna matter for the 2-3 million Xbox hardcore that will buy no matter what. It's the ones that come after that are the hard sells - and it's those titles from the competition that Xbox will have to sell against.
Also what if third party games do actually look better? That could sway a lot


They're launch window titles, which is what the argument alludes to. I thought it would be too to unfair to make 2020 part of the argument.... it's not like it's gonna matter for the 2-3 million Xbox hardcore that will buy no matter what. It's the ones that come after that are the hard sells - and it's those titles from the competition that Xbox will have to sell against.

I say they are much better than what we've heard for Sony's launch. Spiderman and Kena is all I know that are confirmed. Kena isn't my type of game and I've yet to finish the first Spiderman so not too excited about the new one. So yeah, my list vs. Those two. I think Horizon which is the only one I care about from your list is a lot further than you think. Bloodborne was the first game I cared about for PS4 so I don't have much anticipation for what PS5 will deliver in the first year either.
Also what if third party games do actually look better? That could sway a lot

They definitely could. True 4K a real thing I hear. Can you imagine Resident Evil VIII 1080p, fake 4K on PS5 and True 4K on Xbox Series X? Or COD? DF threads are going to be a blast. Plus, Sony's anti-consumer moneyhats could turn people off - not buying their console and boycotting. It's possible.

I say they are much better than what we've heard for Sony's launch. Spiderman and Kena is all I know that are confirmed. Kena isn't my type of game and I've yet to finish the first Spiderman so not too excited about the new one. So yeah, my list vs. Those two. I think Horizon which is the only one I care about from your list is a lot further than you think. Bloodborne was the first game I cared about for PS4 so I don't have much anticipation for what PS5 will deliver in the first year either.

I see. Well... I still think it's a sinking ship if Sony prices right. However... if those muscles in your avy are anything to go by I'm sure Xbox is safe from capsizing with you on board - at least for a while 🚣‍♂️ :messenger_winking:.
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They definitely could. True 4K a real thing I hear. Can you imagine Resident Evil VIII 1080p, fake 4K on PS5 and True 4K on Xbox Series X? Or COD? DF threads are going to be a blast. Plus, Sony's anti-consumer moneyhats are sure to make a lot of people not buy their console and boycott. It's possible.

When you look at the beginning of this gen compared to last gen, last gen ended nearly a 50/50 split between 360 and ps3 but everybody jumped at PS4 with it being the more powerful of the two. At launch xbox had the better games which dwindled as time went on but PS4 outsold the Xbox one with it being the most powerful

i also dont believe the resident evil rumours the ps5 gonna be extremely powerful, just not as powerful as the series x
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Yeah, cause the 15 studios will be putting out fewer games than the Xbox One generation, right? And the fact that Xbox will be priced competitively instead of $100 more like the Xbox One this time and they have a cheaper model in the XSS but that won't matter, nope. Game Pass at launch where you get games from those 15 studios at launch for a cheap sub won't matter at all either. Yep, somehow MS is in a worse spot than launch Xbox One and they are somehow sinking because of what? Halo?

The only game from those you mentioned I am interested in is Demon Soul's and maybe Horizon even if the first one bored me. And who knows when they are actually launching. You have high hopes that all of those are coming in 2021. Don't get me wrong, I am getting a PS5 because of DS, God of War 2, Sucker Punch's next game, and Naughty Dog, but idk how anyone can come to the conclusion that Xbox is in a worse spot now than in 2013.

As far as games coming soon or in the launch window I think the Xbox lineup looks more interesting. The Medium, Scorn, Crossfire X, Gears Tactics, Flight Simulator, The Ascent, and Halo annihilate Sony's line-up. What's even better is I only have to pay for 1 of those. No contest.

You’re definitely entitled to your opinion, but I just don’t see how Microsoft’s line-up will “annihilate” Sony’s line-up especially considering that Microsoft’s line-up has rarely, if ever been on par with Sony’s reviews and opinion-wise worldwide, let alone decimate Sony’s offerings. We’ll see though.

The verdict is still out on those new studios. They could create amazing games, average games or they could create trash. Just because you created good games in the past doesn’t necessarily mean you will strike gold again in the present. Also, judging by all of the CGI trailers and early gameplay, those games could be years off.
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Xbox biggest enemy is itself.
How anyone can keep ruining momentum like they have been doing?
I have never seen this type of oddness done by any company/product.
Not even Sega messed up this bad.

MS needs to flex some muscle and get a attitude/grow a pair.

It's time to lock down upcoming 3rd party games,take Minecraft off of PlayStation and undercut PS5 by $100 in price.
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On one hand people scream "NO GAMES LOL" and on the other hand people yell "QUANTITY OVER QUALITY LOL". I got a feeling that no matter what they showed, the exact same people would still not be satisfied.

You don't need to be very bright to understand what this means. They are churning quantity for gamepass, but have no exclusive series X games (or even next gen first parties)


You’re definitely entitled to your opinion, but I just don’t see how Microsoft’s line-up will “annihilate” Sony’s line-up especially considering that Microsoft’s line-up has rarely, if ever been on par with Sony’s reviews and opinion-wise worldwide, let alone decimate Sony’s offerings. We’ll see though.

The verdict is still out on those new studios. They could create amazing games, average games or they could create trash. Just because you created good games in the past doesn’t necessarily mean you will strike gold again in the present. Also, judging by all of the CGI trailers and early gameplay, those games could be years off.

I listed games that are launch or Holiday besides Halo which who knows. Most think it will still come by March but maybe they will delay it longer. I'm only going by launch and Holiday. I never meant it as for the whole generation. No one knows that for sure. Maybe we can stop speculating soon and both MS and Sony will reveal the launch games.

As far as the quality of games goes, I agree. Ghost came out of nowhere for me and maybe my GoTG but I didn't care for the Infamous games at all. Any of these devs could surprise us.


The one thing I don't understand about the launch game narrative is why? They both kinda suck, It's like 2 dudes with micro penises arguing about who has the bigger one.

Realistically we will start seeing AAA first party offerings in mid-late 2021 or 2022 from either side. The third party games is what will carry the consoles while first party gets up to scratch.


The one thing I don't understand about the launch game narrative is why? They both kinda suck, It's like 2 dudes with micro penises arguing about who has the bigger one.

Realistically we will start seeing AAA first party offerings in mid-late 2021 or 2022 from either side. The third party games is what will carry the consoles while first party gets up to scratch.

Man, Flight Simulator has a 94 on metacritic so far so bring on some more micro penises. Thanks! Pretty sure Gears Tactics has good scores as well. I think The Ascent, The Medium, Scorn, and CrossfireX all have a chance to impress as well but we'll see.

Spiderman and Kena for people who are into those will probably do good as well. Godfall....not so much.


i get what you saying. people not always need to praise or deny everything even if plainly obvious. sometimes they need to complain, alot and not just blindly defending everything. people also need to avoid to easily swallowed any fancy marketing buzz words they throw. not just ms, be it sony or nintendo too.
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Snake Oil Salesman
What NeoGAF is missing...

In 5 months, the industry will be gearing up for Halo Infinite, which will be absolutely massive, we'll have a Forza Motorsport release window with tons of new details, and we'll have gotten a sneak peek at Perfect Dark. The Series S will sell much better than everyone expects and GamePass will continue to improve.

Don't be a slave to the moment. This is a marathon, not a sprint. XBox is almost out of the dark ages
What NeoGAF is missing...

In 5 months, the industry will be gearing up for Halo Infinite, which will be absolutely massive, we'll have a Forza Motorsport release window with tons of new details, and we'll have gotten a sneak peek at Perfect Dark. The Series S will sell much better than everyone expects and GamePass will continue to improve.

Don't be a slave to the moment. This is a marathon, not a sprint. XBox is almost out of the dark ages

I don't think Halo is realistically salvageable going by the management and certainly not in 5 months. To get the Halo next gen game you want it'd have to be restarted from ground up for Series X and that would take 3-4 years.


Snake Oil Salesman
I don't think Halo is realistically salvageable going by the management and certainly not in 5 months. To get the Halo next gen game you want it'd have to be restarted from ground up for Series X and that would take 3-4 years.

Graphically it isn't. But Fortnite, a game that looks like a bad PS3/360 era game, has been the most popular/successful/dominant console title for the last 3 years. We have no idea what "Warzone 2.0" is like to play.

Fun is waaaaaay more important than graphics. You'd never know that judging by how NeoGAF talks.
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I feel this OP should be reconsidered in the context of current opinions. How much of what's complained about here magically changed in the last week?
Look what you have done OP Phil saw your thread and he took it personal


Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.
Ooooh, damn! This didnt age well...
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