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If you actually care about Xbox you need to be hammering them hard right now


Some of you are so dramatic. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. Most people don't buy in the first year anyways.

Halo Infinite will eventually come out.. and the console will be the same as it would have been if you bought it day one.

They bet on having a game with a massive SP campaign at launch, which actually would have been a bit out of the ordinary for a console. Too many eggs in one basket? Probably, but them's the breaks. What do you want shitty QTE-fests pulled out of their ass or something?
"We have a product for people that want games. It's called the PS5"


Gold Member
You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.

Oh nowwwwww you guys are waking up. It's simple, praise what deserves praise. Don't damage control a damn thing. They are still figuring this shit out. This is where fanboys do the most damage. Sending them mixed messages. These damn "Oh here's why the Halo trailer was actually ok, hear me out" type threads make me sick. It was objectively not ok. Xbox does a lot of things right. However, you can't just take everything they do as Gold just to improve your perceived position in a console war that honestly is starting to look like it doesn't exist anymore. The console war only lives in the hearts of those who don't want to let go. It's pathetic.

That being said, Op you're being hyperbolic...that doesn't help either. They aren't in tatters. Again they are still figuring some things out. Halo Infinite should be praised for being delayed because of when we found out what it was. Think about this. When Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed, people didn't say they were incompetent and the game was being mismanaged. They originally showed the game in a state that looked finished. Xbox's mistake was showing the game in the state it was in the first place. In a way though. I'm glad they did, because we had a chance to respond and that response is what brought about the delay. The dumbest thing Microsoft could have done was to force a release of their FLAGSHIP game as not a full package. The game is GAAS, sure. That doesn't give the devs an excuse to release the game without all the initial features. GAAS is for additions to story content, DLC and unfortunately, microtransactions.
Yeah, people underestimate how much of a fuck-up the PC-FX really was. At the same time, NEC had the foresight to not release it outside of Japan, the damage done to them there was already more than enough to alert them foreign launches weren't worth it. I wish the handful of good games on the platform got ported to Saturn & PS1 though (actually I think some did like Dragon Knight 4, but it got censored on those platforms).

It wasn't just the PC FX. NEC handled the USA version of the PC Engine terrible, pulled the planed Pal launch of the PC Engine at the last minute and with the Super Grax made a bigger flope than any SEGA console or Add-on you could care to mention Also, sorry one can't compare the Series X to the Saturn at all. Unlike the Saturn the Series X features the stronger and better GPU Microsoft have more In-House teams than SEGA ever did at their height, they have tons more cash and also support from all the major 3rd paties

And way the SONY fanboys carry on here, its like no major game get's deplayed or even the 360 fanboys seems to forget how the 360 had a poor showing at E3 2005 with games having terrible frame rates and graphical issues , no Halo to speak off and even Gears wasn't running on XBox harwdare but PC . Planned launch games like Ghost Reckon needed to be pushed back. MS just need to get the hardware out there and the good stuff will follow just like with the 360.
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Unconfirmed Member
I was going to put my disc version of Blinx in my series x first just for the novelty value. Now its my only option.


Sorry but this is just unacceptable when there are consoles you prolly already own that will play those same games!

It doesn’t make sense from a consumers point of view to buy this new machine with nothing but BC that separates it from the pack!

Consumer: hey what does the new Xbox have and what’s different from the one I have now?

Gamestop clerk: ot has backwards compatibility from all past Xbox consoles and they have Halo coming one day but not right now.

consumer: so for $499 I can play the exact same shit I have on my console right now just better resolution and shit I wouldn’t even notice?

gamestop: well...yes! But MS said they’ll have the games coming soon thst will be worth the purchase if you buy it now and you get GAMEPASS!!!!

I don’t even wanna finish the scenario as I almost threw up in my mouth!
U ok hun?
I just don't get why are people are angry at Xbox? The Series X strategy is "Play Xbox games from 4 generations of consoles at the highest quality on Series X", what part of this do people not understand? If this platform isn't offering what you want, you can always look elsewhere at launch no?


A next gen machine that is guaranteed to run whisper quiet is frankly enough for me. I'm sick of my jet engine PS4 Pro ruining every dramatic scene in a game.


One of the biggest issues is that any one in the games media or influencers that have a voice and could make a difference simply won’t....

They worship Phil and will not rock the boat.

I’m curious to see what Parris has to say, he’s been critical of them in the past and called Infinite XBox’s most important game ever....

The point at which marketing/defending harms the cause has long been passed. I think to myself that if you don't get any money from Microsoft, you should slowly stop supporting them, because things won't get any better that way.


Gold Member
Not to mention, a lot of Playstation fans were (and still are) very sceptical of Ryan.
In not sold on Ryan also. I will give him credit for his aggressiveness at making sure Playstation gets in on seemingly everything. Looks like the guy studied the early 360 playbook, and took it to the next level. I can see him becoming the next major villain of gaming.

Incoming future Windows Central article head line: Is Jim Ryan bad for gaming? Discuss


Gold Member
I'm confused.

We should be outraged, despite them turning 180 from the horrendous X1 launch, offering incredible BC dating back to the original Xbox (objectively best in console business), and offering the best deal in videogames? We should be outraged because they have pulled back on shitty, paid 3rd party exclusives and purchased some really talented studios which are all hard at work creating 1st games to expand beyond Halo/Forza/Gears?

This is why I hate the internet. They have made incredible strides since the X1 launch debacle, yet we should be "hammering them" because an anticipated game is delayed (which was the right move). I hope they tune out all the mindless OUTRAAAAAAAGE and just stay the course. The future looks good for Xbox, and that's not something I could say back in the Kinect/TV, TV, TV, CoD, TV, TV, TV days.


are in a big trouble
I just don't get why are people are angry at Xbox? The Series X strategy is "Play Xbox games from 4 generations of consoles at the highest quality on Series X", what part of this do people not understand? If this platform isn't offering what you want, you can always look elsewhere at launch no?

Because its against the norm. People have been so used to new system new exclusive games maybe that's why they're upset.

Microsoft are looking to change that and plenty of people don't like change especially when you're used to something. They also become attached to a brand and again don't want to change
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This is a Sonic the Hedgehog moment, and people need to identify with that situation and what happened as a result...

This is where Xbox is at right now...


But with the right message from the community that they've really screwed up, and that what they're presented us with is not acceptable....

It could be turned into this...

Didn't the Sonic redesign bankrupt the animation company?


I am, I really wanted to champion Microsoft and pick up the series X, but since they are putting their games on PC day one I won’t buy that system. Next they really don’t have anything really ready in the next year, seems like it will be at least 2 years till we see anything worth wild from Microsoft outside of Halo if that game is even any good. It sucks because they have the $$$ to make big things happen, they could get big 1 year timed exclusives or exclusives. All I know is I’m very disappointed with Microsoft and it seems like the 360 was just luck.


And once they buy a PlayStation, the unconditional Xbox fans completely write-off any criticisms they have about what Xbox is doing (or not doing) because they are just dirty Sony fans - never questioning WHY that is.
Naw they complain about everything lol

I think it's a very disgruntled group
You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.
I'm right with you, OP.

Unfortunately, on this and many other forums, constructive criticism of the Xbox brand is seen as an attack, you are labelled a fanboi or Sony Pony and your views are ignored.

I've been going through the same motions since Kinect; Argue with shills about why it's a bad idea, watch the bad idea turn to shit, shills move on to next party line, argue with shills about why it's a bad idea....

On rails Fable,
No new console in 2010/2011
Tv Tv Tv
No games
Xbox One X not being an upgraded Xbox One, but an entirely new console
Xbox Series X naming regime
Xbox Series S

It never ends. At some point in the communication chain, someone at Microsoft is stopping the information from moving upwards, towards the people that can change direction. If only i could have a meeting with Spencer, Nadall, Hryb and co
They don't need to win to be a viable option and stay in existence. If you actually care about value Xbox is way ahead of PS. Not everyone has time/money to play every game worth playing every year and is happy with a few game purchases a year. Gamepass is fantastic value and if you can only afford 2 games a year why not get gamepass and have 200 instead. Just because they are not doing what Sony is doesn't mean it's wrong.

Nothing wrong with a different strategy and I actually don’t mind that Microsoft isn’t emulating everything Sony does, but what people are asking for is more effort and quality control from Microsoft. If the X360 or even the original XBox didn’t exist, I think things could be a little different for them now, but those consoles really set the standard quite high for Microsoft’s future. Gamers miss the old Microsoft when they seemingly had more passion for gaming, delivered better software and had actual quality exclusives.

Gamepass is nice and all, but I feel they will need special and quality games to truly make the service shine and stand out from the competition. Not sure how intelligent it is to base majority of your strategy around a streaming service, subscription rental service and backwards compatibility on your new powerhouse hardware, but we shall see.
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It's been one stumble after another since the reveal of the Xbox One. Even the Xbox Series X name is poorly conceived. The only decent things they have done in the last generation was Gamepass and backtracked on backwards compatiblity


I'm confused.

We should be outraged, despite them turning 180 from the horrendous X1 launch, offering incredible BC dating back to the original Xbox (objectively best in console business), and offering the best deal in videogames? We should be outraged because they have pulled back on shitty, paid 3rd party exclusives and purchased some really talented studios which are all hard at work creating 1st games to expand beyond Halo/Forza/Gears?

This is why I hate the internet. They have made incredible strides since the X1 launch debacle, yet we should be "hammering them" because an anticipated game is delayed (which was the right move). I hope they tune out all the mindless OUTRAAAAAAAGE and just stay the course. The future looks good for Xbox, and that's not something I could say back in the Kinect/TV, TV, TV, CoD, TV, TV, TV days.
Honestly it’s how well they are positioning themselves that is bringing on this reaction. Imagine if they get another awesome studio or two. Then it will be how they’re are destroying the landscape by buying and consolidating all the studios.
No idea where this „no Series X exclusive game“ sentiment comes from. They absolutely have exclusive launch titles, like that Tetris game, as evident by their November launch article.

OT: I always buy into both console platforms at launch (console + games to play) and I agree. Both have their pros and cons, but MS really drops the ball in terms of getting people to upgrade to the new gen and/or tries to push the new gen (holding it back with a focus on cross gen titles, which imho boils down to fear of adoption for the new consoles).

You either go all in on next gen or you don‘t, no inbetween (well, the inbetween would be backwards compatibility allowing you to continue your XB1 journey, which should be enough value proposal to get you to upgrade nowadays).

I could of sworn Phil said that there will be no exclusive XBox series X games for at least two years and everything will be cross generation.


I'm right with you, OP.

Unfortunately, on this and many other forums, constructive criticism of the Xbox brand is seen as an attack, you are labelled a fanboi or Sony Pony and your views are ignored.

I've been going through the same motions since Kinect; Argue with shills about why it's a bad idea, watch the bad idea turn to shit, shills move on to next party line, argue with shills about why it's a bad idea....

On rails Fable,
No new console in 2010/2011
Tv Tv Tv
No games
Xbox One X not being an upgraded Xbox One, but an entirely new console
Xbox Series X naming regime
Xbox Series S

It never ends. At some point in the communication chain, someone at Microsoft is stopping the information from moving upwards, towards the people that can change direction. If only i could have a meeting with Spencer, Nadall, Hryb and co

It's more of a corporate culture thing than anything. XBox unfortunately is at the mercy of big brother Microsoft and it's direction. Nadall is the reason they changed ship to services, and got the influx of cash. Phil basically took the deal to get a giant influx of cash to buy some exclusive gamepass deals and buy studio talent.

Without aligning with Nadall XBox was even talked about being spinned off at one point early this gen.

Phil took the lesser or two evils. But unfortunate the bigger issue has never been money. It's more or less the company, their view of their sub divisions, and view of where it should align instead of how it should be treated/run.

If they had people who were in entertainment or had a background in entertainment and were big in video games running xbox the whole hierarchy within it would be totally different. Xbox was created by enterprise people, run by mostly enterprise people Minus a few like Phil who came from games, but I want to believe started in enterprise software before transitioning to games.

I truly feel xbox if they don't have some killer apps in the next couple months going through 2021, going to be dark days even for gamepass.
It's more of a corporate culture thing than anything. XBox unfortunately is at the mercy of big brother Microsoft and it's direction. Nadall is the reason they changed ship to services, and got the influx of cash. Phil basically took the deal to get a giant influx of cash to buy some exclusive gamepass deals and buy studio talent.

Without aligning with Nadall XBox was even talked about being spinned off at one point early this gen.

Phil took the lesser or two evils. But unfortunate the bigger issue has never been money. It's more or less the company, their view of their sub divisions, and view of where it should align instead of how it should be treated/run.

If they had people who were in entertainment or had a background in entertainment and were big in video games running xbox the whole hierarchy within it would be totally different. Xbox was created by enterprise people, run by mostly enterprise people Minus a few like Phil who came from games, but I want to believe started in enterprise software before transitioning to games.

I truly feel xbox if they don't have some killer apps in the next couple months going through 2021, going to be dark days even for gamepass.
J Allard and Peter Moore were the best execs Xbox has ever had. Allard was a gamer who learned to suit, Moore was a suit who learned the console Game.

I think the team over there is all wrong, the communication is all wrong, the approach is all wrong.

Give me 6 months as head of Xbox division and i could win the next-gen for Microsoft, or their money back


How so? You mean through 2 shows while Sony has had basically one in June dedicated to PS5?
Sony showed actual gameplay for the ones they showed.

Quality over Quantity

user I was responding to suggested that there are no games on Xbox, I have pointed out that ms actually announced more xbsex games than Sony did for ps5, number of shows, quality (which is debatable) doesnt have to do anything with my comment. Moving goalposts much?
Nothing wrong with a different strategy and I actually don’t mind that Microsoft isn’t emulating everything Sony does, but what people are asking for is more effort and quality control from Microsoft. If the X360 or even the original XBox didn’t exist, I think things could be a little different for them now, but those consoles really set the standard quite high for Microsoft’s future. Gamers miss the old Microsoft when they seemingly had more passion for gaming, delivered better software and had actual quality exclusives.

Gamepass is nice and all, but I feel they will need special and quality games to truly make the service shine and stand out from the competition. Not sure how intelligent it is to base majority of your strategy around a streaming service, subscription rental service and backwards compatibility on your new powerhouse hardware, but we shall see.
I kinda agree. The biggest gaming market is mobile which shows people like smaller experiences and subscription services killed movie renting and even buying. I think they are ahead of the curve and have been for 7 years but a bunch of crying on the internet made them go backwards instead of forwards. I honestly think in not to many years Sony is going to be doing the exact same thing and the reaction is going to be opposite. I just think ms is a decade or less ahead of the times.


Oh nowwwwww you guys are waking up. It's simple, praise what deserves praise. Don't damage control a damn thing. They are still figuring this shit out. This is where fanboys do the most damage. Sending them mixed messages. These damn "Oh here's why the Halo trailer was actually ok, hear me out" type threads make me sick. It was objectively not ok. Xbox does a lot of things right. However, you can't just take everything they do as Gold just to improve your perceived position in a console war that honestly is starting to look like it doesn't exist anymore. The console war only lives in the hearts of those who don't want to let go. It's pathetic.

That being said, Op you're being hyperbolic...that doesn't help either. They aren't in tatters. Again they are still figuring some things out. Halo Infinite should be praised for being delayed because of when we found out what it was. Think about this. When Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed, people didn't say they were incompetent and the game was being mismanaged. They originally showed the game in a state that looked finished. Xbox's mistake was showing the game in the state it was in the first place. In a way though. I'm glad they did, because we had a chance to respond and that response is what brought about the delay. The dumbest thing Microsoft could have done was to force a release of their FLAGSHIP game as not a full package. The game is GAAS, sure. That doesn't give the devs an excuse to release the game without all the initial features. GAAS is for additions to story content, DLC and unfortunately, microtransactions.
Sure, Cyperpunk also got delayed but that game at least looks amazing. Its not just that Halo Infinite is getting delayed, its more that the game looked like ass and obviously seems to have gone through a development nightmare.

What baffles me the most is how out of touch MS seems to be with what they're showcasing. First they do the May event, and had to apologize for it saying they learned from it and would do better in July. Then they build the whole July event around Halo Infinite, and again they are apologizing, and now even delaying their flagship launch title. Its like they don't know what they're doing and are caught by surprise by the terrible feed back they're getting from the gaming community.


Does it still have horrendous frame pacing issues? Last time I borrowed it I just couldn't get over it. Needs a PC release.
To be honest, I've never been the best judge of framerate drops unless it was horrendous (I remember BB dropping once during The One Reborn boss something FIERCE way back at launch). I'm in the middle of a playthrough now and it seems smooth so far. The One Reborn is my next boss though, so I'll get back to you once I beat him.

At this point though, it's not a bad idea to hold off for the eventual PS5 release (we all know its coming). PC would be nice too, but I'm not sure I believe the rumors.

Or you know, people can enjoy video games on more than one console...
That post was just meant to be a joke. I wouldn't call myself a fanboy for any console, though I lean Xbox. That said though, Bloodborne was the reason I got a PS4 and I never regretted it for a second.
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I could of sworn Phil said that there will be no exclusive XBox series X games for at least two years and everything will be cross generation.
The fact that they‘re really missing a space after the „Game Pass,“ probably indicates that this was hastily thrown together?
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