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If you actually care about Xbox you need to be hammering them hard right now

The controller was weird though from my fading memory... It had like upturned prongs, didn't it?

That might've been one of the variants, but something that was a standardized weird feature was the daisy-chaining. I really don't know why they could've of just built the second controller port into the system directly.

Granted, daisy-chaining had the benefit of allowing multiplayer without an additional multitap, but I imagine a lot of cheating happened too i.e people getting their controllers yanked out from another controller. I know I'd of done that a couple of times at least xD

It wasn't just the PC FX. NEC handled the USA version of the PC Engine terrible, pulled the planed Pal launch of the PC Engine at the last minute and with the Super Grax made a bigger flope than any SEGA console or Add-on you could care to mention Also, sorry one can't compare the Series X to the Saturn at all. Unlike the Saturn the Series X features the stronger and better GPU Microsoft have more In-House teams than SEGA ever did at their height, they have tons more cash and also support from all the major 3rd paties

And way the SONY fanboys carry on here, its like no major game get's deplayed or even the 360 fanboys seems to forget how the 360 had a poor showing at E3 2005 with games having terrible frame rates and graphical issues , no Halo to speak off and even Gears wasn't running on XBox harwdare but PC . Planned launch games like Ghost Reckon needed to be pushed back. MS just need to get the hardware out there and the good stuff will follow just like with the 360.

I think you're right about the NEC stuff now that I think about it, but wrong about the SEGA and Xbox stuff. Yes, Xbox division alone (let alone MS as a whole) has way more money than SEGA ever did at their height, and they may have more studios in number. But I think relative the perspective time frames, SEGA's internal studios had a lot more clout in the industry than MS's currently do at this present time. Because SEGA not only had Sonic team, they also had teams like AM2 pretty much pushing the best graphics in the industry at the time with the Model 2 and Model 3 arcade systems, and the games made on those. They actually commanded a lot of attention from hardcore and core gamers (and the gaming press) at that time due to that type of stuff even if they were floundering with Saturn. Also SEGA had 1st-party support for Saturn from Day 1, even aside the buggy Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter ports (Lunacy, Clockwork Knight, Bug, Panzer Dragoon, VF Remix, Three Dirty Dwarves etc. all in the first 6-12 months).

And FWIW I think SEGA's 3rd party support during early Saturn phase was comparable to what MS has currently, maybe with exceptions like Square and Final Fantasy because SEGA never got their or Enix's support (to be fair, MS is kinda getting sloppy seconds if the rumors of FFXVI being PS5 exclusive turn out to be true. Plus they've still had to wait a year for FFVII Remake and that won't be coming to Xbox until next year).

360 did have a bad showing at E3 '05, you're right. But the difference then was PS3 had an even worst showing at E3 '06 when they had to show actual gameplay instead of CGI trailers, and in addition to that, 360 launched by itself starting out that generation. Series X won't benefit from a year head-start or a weak Sony this time around. I definitely know the big bangers will be coming to Series X from their internal studios once they are ready, the question is will the market at large care enough to buy into their ecosystem by the time that happens?

That's the thing we need to wait and see on, but if Sony is as aggressive as these rumors are saying, it could be a case of "too little, too late" for MS by the time their 1st-party are ready to roll out.
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To be honest, I've never been the best judge of framerate drops unless it was horrendous (I remember BB dropping once during The One Reborn boss something FIERCE way back at launch). I'm in the middle of a playthrough now and it seems smooth so far. The One Reborn is my next boss though, so I'll get back to you once I beat him.

At this point though, it's not a bad idea to hold off for the eventual PS5 release (we all know its coming). PC would be nice too, but I'm not sure I believe the rumors.

That post was just meant to be a joke. I wouldn't call myself a fanboy for any console, though I lean Xbox. That said though, Bloodborne was the reason I got a PS4 and I never regretted it for a second.
It was doing like a 29/31 fps thing. Couldn't stand it. I'm used to 1080p low with 150+ fps on PC haha


Gold Member
Sure, Cyperpunk also got delayed but that game at least looks amazing. Its not just that Halo Infinite is getting delayed, its more that the game looked like ass and obviously seems to have gone through a development nightmare.

What baffles me the most is how out of touch MS seems to be with what they're showcasing. First they do the May event, and had to apologize for it saying they learned from it and would do better in July. Then they build the whole July event around Halo Infinite, and again they are apologizing, and now even delaying their flagship launch title. Its like they don't know what they're doing and are caught by surprise by the terrible feed back they're getting from the gaming community.
Agreed. I don't know how that presentation got the green light. There someone job that should be in jeopardy for that.


That might've been one of the variants, but something that was a standardized weird feature was the daisy-chaining. I really don't know why they could've of just built the second controller port into the system directly.

Granted, daisy-chaining had the benefit of allowing multiplayer without an additional multitap, but I imagine a lot of cheating happened too i.e people getting their controllers yanked out from another controller. I know I'd of done that a couple of times at least xD
Oh yeah, that's right. It had a port at the bottom, like where the mic jacks of current controllers are, so you could plug more controllers into them. But you're correct, they failed to understand that gamers are the biggest trolls in the world 😂


It was doing like a 29/31 fps thing. Couldn't stand it. I'm used to 1080p low with 150+ fps on PC haha
I just beat The One Reborn. Framerate was still fucked. Apparently they put out a patch a long while back to make it better (same patch that fixed the load times), and things have felt smooth otherwise, but this one section at least is just as bad as it was. Just hold off for next gen or PC in your case


user I was responding to suggested that there are no games on Xbox, I have pointed out that ms actually announced more xbsex games than Sony did for ps5, number of shows, quality (which is debatable) doesnt have to do anything with my comment. Moving goalposts much?

Again XBox had 2 shows one in may and one in July. Sony has had one dedicated to PS5.

And regardless if they "showed" more, there was no gameplay for pretty much most of them.

Not moving goal posts just pointing out MS has had 2 shows Sony 1.


Not Banned from OT
Is hammering them going to make obsidian entertainment make avowed faster nope. I like the direction it just takes time to make games. Crying about it won't do any good. There is plenty of concern trolls to hammer away. If they did not buy and create studios I be questioning the direction but they have and those teams deserve time to put out good games.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Been on this train since the last couple years of the 360. They went downhill and never recovered. The people they put in charge of this division are just not treating it properly.

How they got so much right in the first Xbox generation against the PS2 and then the early 360 generation against the PS3 remains a mystery after watching them trip all over themselves ever since.

This is my thought. At the start of that generation, I was firmly on Xbox hype train. Sony fucked up with the PS3's overpriced release and many of its "exclusives" were mediocre as hell for a number of years. Then came the upset about halfway through. Xbox moved to family friendly and lower quality releases with the same 3 franchises on loop. Sony moved to making more exclusives with higher quality and with numerous genres. Far more variety from them that *almost* matched the PS2 (even if the overall quality didn't, IMO).

Come this generation, MIcrosoft shit on consumers with the always-online, no used game, low quality Xbox One and Sony was given a free win with their Pro Consumer choice... until about halfway through where Xbox One started to become more consumer friendly and Sony got infected with the mind virus when they moved HQs to California. Sadly Microsoft didn't really catch up like Sony did in the previous generation, but now both are roughly on equal footing and I can't say I am excited for *either* choice.

This is the first generation I am truly apprehensive about going into. Xbox Series X feels like Microsoft doesn't care much about consoles or physical media anymore and would rather release lower effort games for their rental service (gamepass) - at least that is the impression I got with their grand reveal of Halo: Infinite. PS5 feels like Cocky Sony is back in full force, but now with added censorship and limp-dicked assholes parading around in the Cali offices. Also not looking forward to playing the same AAA 3rd person cinematic adventure game that they have been putting out for years now, just with a different coat of paint. Both Microsoft and Sony have a wide variety of fantastic IPs with numerous genres, but neither seem to want to release anything outside of this very narrow niche they dug themselves. I want to see a AAA, high quality return of Ape Escape. I want to see a fantastic, singleplayer focused return of Conker or Banjo.

As for Nintendo? Hated the Wii with a passion. A few great games, but the controls ruined much of them for me. Wii U was an amazing console with great ideas, but no fucking games to play, and the Switch is a step between the two. Lots of great games and portable at that, but feels cheap and the games are greatly hindered by the performance. Not to mention NO FOLDERS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NINTENDO?!


which games that they have announced haven’t begun production? Can you please list these? Or it is another poor attempt to troll Xbox thread?

Fable, Avowed

Even Hellblade 2 will be made in an engine that Ninja Theory (or anyone else) won't have access to until 2021.
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Been on this train since the last couple years of the 360. They went downhill and never recovered. The people they put in charge of this division are just not treating it properly.

How they got so much right in the first Xbox generation against the PS2 and then the early 360 generation against the PS3 remains a mystery after watching them trip all over themselves ever since.
They had a dream team with the 360 in its early years, everyone was focused and bullish - there was a period of time where the 360 was my JRPG console!

Then kinect happened...Don Mattrick etc etc
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Cool... But my point is over the first party stuff...

If you want to talk about power.... Well, let's wait and see if all that power will be put in good use. The OG Xbox was more powerful than the PS2.... Guess which console had more games and sold way more?
First party is just a sliver of what most people play.

The 2016 'Ghostbusters' remake 'sold more' than 'Fargo' by the Coen bros. I still prefer Fargo by a large margin.

If you just want more games, then let me introduce you to Gamepass and full BC. You'll love it.


"They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is? "

Compared to Sega? Jesus, Sega went full retard with 32X and Saturn, the person who actually tried to save the console division had to fight until the last minute to get Dreamcast being released in time for the western release and people only remember him for his hatred for 2D games (Was a bad thing on that nonethless).

I agree that there are mishaps on marketing division, but releasing Halo Infinite on that state is worse than not having it on time, and it was even said months ago that they wouldn't delay the console for any game, Halo fans hate 343i and giving it more gas up to eleven to the point of even the non fan being shocked by its issues would become the circus all over the place. It would become Microsoft's Knack.
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A more powerful Xbox, a vast back catalogue of games and games that are coming out

I think i'm okay with that.
The differential between the XBSX and the PS5 is smaller than the gap between the XBO X and the PS4, what difference did the power gap between the two (in multi-platform games) make?. Did it help the XBO X close the sales gap between the two systems?... what's that?... no?. Where you playing the games side by side on each system to tell the difference between the two versions?, were the casuals talking about how games ran better or had 5 extra pixels on the XBO X with their friends?... what's that again?... no?. A vast catalogue of games... from previous gen that you already played?, then why buy a new console?... keep replaying games from years and years ago over and over again, you'll save up money even!. Games that are coming out... when?, first party games when?, we haven't even seen actual games running on an actual XBSX. Let alone games that are not cross-gen, people were saying "cross-gen won't hold back next gen!"... we all saw Halo Infinite already and we can safely say that cross-gen DID IN FACT affect the next gen version so much so that they had to delay it into next year...

Cool of you're okey with all of that... I sure as heck wouldn't be.
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Get angry when they mess up Fable, Avowed, next Gears, etc.

These things happen with big projects.

Knowing MS output, chances of them messing this up is high. But I hope they don't mess up Fable as I'm quite excited to play it on PC whenever it's out in the next five years.
The differential between the XBSX and the PS5 is smaller than the gap between the XBO X and the PS4, what difference did the power gap between the two (in multi-platform games) make?. Did it help the XBO X close the sales gap between the two systems?... what's that?... no?. Where you playing the games side by side on each system to tell the difference between the two versions?, were the casuals talking about how games ran better or had 5 extra pixels on the XBO X with their friends?... what's that again?... no?. A vast catalogue of games... from previous gen that you already played?, then why buy a new console?... keep replaying games from years and years ago over and over again, you'll save up money even!. Games that are coming out... when?, first party games when?, we haven't even seen actual games running on an actual XBSX. Let alone games that are not cross-gen, people were saying "cross-gen won't hold back next gen!"... we all saw Halo Infinite already and we can safely say that cross-gen DID IN FACT affect the next gen version so much so that they had to delay it into next year...

Cool of you're okey with all of that... I sure as heck wouldn't be.
You must've missed the power bragging of the PS4 when it first came out. More power only quit being important when the One X came out. Im fact the power difference was a big factor for some people jumping ship at the start of the last generation.. so don't just write off how important that can be to some. Here is another secret... Almost every new gen game has it's roots in the previous generation. If it is coming out day one it was probably originally intended to be a previous gen game. Spiderman is just as guilty of this... It's a good thing you don't buy a console for it's initial releases. You buy it for the potential.


Not Banned from OT
Knowing MS output, chances of them messing this up is high. But I hope they don't mess up Fable as I'm quite excited to play it on PC whenever it's out in the next five years.
Because the last game playground messed up was? Hate on 343 sure they have a shit track record but playground they earned respect.
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I for one completely enjoyed my xbox one x (and my ps4 pro for exclusive sony games) and am just looking foreward to a new more powerful xbox. Just relax......if you thst worried, just buy a ps5 an an xbox and stop worrying. 2080 super power level gpu with a super fast ssd and a closed architecture, backwards compatibility enhancements and a cool quiet system for $500? Sold. Ps5 at a similar level - sold too.

Wait, aren't u the guy that said there was no series s?
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The problem with a lot of these arguments, is that they’re happening on enthusiast forums, which are not inclined toward nuanced or non-hyperbolic point of views. Realistically speaking, yes Sony will likely do much better next gen in terms of unit, marketshare and software sales. This doesn’t somehow invalidate Microsoft’s existence in the console industry or business plans. Indeed for people such as myself who are completely unaffiliated and unattached to any console brand or manufacturer, Gamepass and other services, and being the ideal to play on to multi platform games—based on what we know at this time—is enough. A $299 next gen console (Series S) will most likely seal the deal for a number of other consumers. Now I’ve had every Sony system since the PSX—including the Vita, God bless—but nothing they’ve shown me appeals to my specific needs at the moment and the only IP of theirs I’m currently interested in is GoW, which I’ll likely purchase a PS5 for whenever that releases.

I’m getting an XSX for Gamepass and ESO. The end. A lot of people will do the same for Forza or CoD. I understand that isn’t what motivates the purchasing habits of most of us here, but we’re not indicative of consumer habits as a whole (though a certain momentum will inevitably be achieved by early adopters).

That said, the amount of justification necessary to explain to adults why one is making an adult decision with their own money is equally hilarious and exhausting.
You sure the Spiderman DLC won't tip you to get a PS5?? XD.

That fact people think PlayStations launch exclusives are something the cheer about is embarrassing.. both consoles have sub par launch games.

I'll be waiting for some of sonys bigger 1st party games to come out until then I will most likely have a series X for gamepass and cyberpunk.

Kagey K

Again XBox had 2 shows one in may and one in July. Sony has had one dedicated to PS5.

And regardless if they "showed" more, there was no gameplay for pretty much most of them.

Not moving goal posts just pointing out MS has had 2 shows Sony 1.
Same runtime though. Approx 90 mins each XbsX and PS5, so they balance. No?

Or is it just 2 shows vs 1 regardless of length?


A Sheep
I’m a PlayStation guy but I really don’t get all the hate! The system isn’t even out yet And all launch games are sparse for both systems. It’s always been that way! Plus they gave you a awesome piece of hardware! Games will come people.


You sure the Spiderman DLC won't tip you to get a PS5?? XD.

That fact people think PlayStations launch exclusives are something the cheer about is embarrassing.. both consoles have sub par launch games.

I'll be waiting for some of sonys bigger 1st party games to come out until then I will most likely have a series X for gamepass and cyberpunk.
I guess a lot of the faith towards Sony is brought on by the built up first party goodwill. What hasn’t been shown yet, will soon enough....nobody has any doubt and are sleeping like a baby..

Kagey K

I guess a lot of the faith towards Sony is brought on by the built up first party goodwill. What hasn’t been shown yet, will soon enough....nobody has any doubt and are sleeping like a baby..
If anybody is losing sleep over a game console, they should be checked by a Dr. as it’s probably unhealthy.

They are going to have a ton of good games (95% of them on both consoles and what everyone will be buying and playing) and the other 5% only the hardcore care about.


If anybody is losing sleep over a game console, they should be checked by a Dr. as it’s probably unhealthy.

They are going to have a ton of good games (95% of them on both consoles and what everyone will be buying and playing) and the other 5% only the hardcore care about.
I assume you are hard-core being a regular poster on here.
That might've been one of the variants, but something that was a standardized weird feature was the daisy-chaining. I really don't know why they could've of just built the second controller port into the system directly.

Granted, daisy-chaining had the benefit of allowing multiplayer without an additional multitap, but I imagine a lot of cheating happened too i.e people getting their controllers yanked out from another controller. I know I'd of done that a couple of times at least xD

I think you're right about the NEC stuff now that I think about it, but wrong about the SEGA and Xbox stuff. Yes, Xbox division alone (let alone MS as a whole) has way more money than SEGA ever did at their height, and they may have more studios in number. But I think relative the perspective time frames, SEGA's internal studios had a lot more clout in the industry than MS's currently do at this present time. Because SEGA not only had Sonic team, they also had teams like AM2 pretty much pushing the best graphics in the industry at the time with the Model 2 and Model 3 arcade systems, and the games made on those. They actually commanded a lot of attention from hardcore and core gamers (and the gaming press) at that time due to that type of stuff even if they were floundering with Saturn. Also SEGA had 1st-party support for Saturn from Day 1, even aside the buggy Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter ports (Lunacy, Clockwork Knight, Bug, Panzer Dragoon, VF Remix, Three Dirty Dwarves etc. all in the first 6-12 months).

Yeah... You mean that same clout that made all the SEGA fans and a host of Nintendo fans going running off to SONY and PS? It didn't matter with the PS that SONY had next to no In-House studios, no massive sequel to an established IP to launch a console with. Nope all the PS generation cared for was the flashy graphics and widespread third party support.


The community did and they listened now Satya has approved Phil to open the blank checkbook, should be interesting couple of month's boys. It's great to be a gamer...


I would assume also.

Not sure what that changes, and I have been called a casual once or twice.
So you do care then, that’s what matters.

One other thing to consider, and it is obvious but often forgotten. The hard-core and the media that plays to it; generate a lot of buzz that filters through to the casuals. More often than not, when a Sony exclusive is coming, every man and his dog is talking about it and covering it. Obviously, quality has a lot to do with it.

It’s no different to a repetitive marketing strategy, it keeps it in people‘s minds and regularly reinforces it keeping the brand healthy.

Bad PR, and it being sustained does the opposite.

Kagey K

So you do care then, that’s what matters.

One other thing to consider, and it is obvious but often forgotten. The hard-core and the media that plays to it; generate a lot of buzz that filters through to the casuals. More often than not, when a Sony exclusive is coming, every man and his dog is talking about it and covering it. Obviously, quality has a lot to do with it.

It’s no different to a repetitive marketing strategy, it keeps it in people‘s minds and regularly reinforces it keeping the brand healthy.

Bad PR, and it being sustained does the opposite.
I don’t recall saying I didn’t care. I said most of the market doesn’t.

The repeated SSD threads, and Halo delay bad threads here have no effect on the market.

Nobody is losing sleep because of Gaf threads except Gaffers.

Im really not sure what your point is.


I don’t recall saying I didn’t care. I said most of the market doesn’t.

The repeated SSD threads, and Halo delay bad threads here have no effect on the market.

Nobody is losing sleep because of Gaf threads except Gaffers.

Im really not sure what your point is.
Well alrighty then, carry on.


The differential between the XBSX and the PS5 is smaller than the gap between the XBO X and the PS4, what difference did the power gap between the two (in multi-platform games) make?. Did it help the XBO X close the sales gap between the two systems?... what's that?... no?. Where you playing the games side by side on each system to tell the difference between the two versions?, were the casuals talking about how games ran better or had 5 extra pixels on the XBO X with their friends?... what's that again?... no?. A vast catalogue of games... from previous gen that you already played?, then why buy a new console?... keep replaying games from years and years ago over and over again, you'll save up money even!. Games that are coming out... when?, first party games when?, we haven't even seen actual games running on an actual XBSX. Let alone games that are not cross-gen, people were saying "cross-gen won't hold back next gen!"... we all saw Halo Infinite already and we can safely say that cross-gen DID IN FACT affect the next gen version so much so that they had to delay it into next year...

Cool of you're okey with all of that... I sure as heck wouldn't be.
There are games coming out for it, and vast catalogue doesn’t mean you played everything now does it? You played every PS4 game because I haven’t. The series x will still launch fine. They may have something up their sleeve ready, we still dont know what ps5 launch games are yet


I gotta hand it to you mate, you're taking this in a level headed way that buffs up a lot of your former threads.

I think it's time for Nintendo to come back to the top table of consoles, hardware wise

Edit: I quote myself in another thread, or, paraphrase:

"[They're telling their fans what they want, when three decades of console generations prove that what everyone wants, and is happy to pay for, is a brand spanking new generation with shiny new games.]"
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Same runtime though. Approx 90 mins each XbsX and PS5, so they balance. No?

Or is it just 2 shows vs 1 regardless of length?

Length does matter, and honestly there was a lot of talking and fluff in the May showcase. So whatever. I care about games and seeing something that shows me what the game is about aka gameplay. Even if it's small snipets. Most of what sony showed even in their recent state of play was all gameplay.

Microsoft needs to literally show gameplay for all their games now. And since none of those that they showed in May were gameplay but some are launching this fall, now its on them to show these. ANd honestly the ones from may event were not big games. Microsoft would need to have some kind of exclusive app on gamepass to clear the air-waves, and wash over this bad press they have gotten over the past couple months. SO far the second half of the year has been met with mix-messaging on what their goals are. Now its all about gamepass, yet first half of the year it was about most powerful console ever built, ray tracing.

Then the time came to show off that power and in two shows they blew it. Now they have 2 months before release to try and clear this up. But it seems they are just going to lean on gamepass, which right now outside of gears tactics doesn't have that big new app to launch with their system this fall.

Regardless of their endgame, if you can't entice people to see gamepass in a good light then you have to lean on your hardware, and if their message is "look at all these old games you can play" for $500. Then I really don';t think they are going to see this giant surge of continued growth in gamepass like they need it to happen.

This is make or break how ever you slice it for them.
Can I just say the writing has been on the wall for years?

The amount of abuse I got during the Sea of Thieves Alphas and Betas along with me voicing my opinion on the Forza forums about the direction the Forza games were going in (after the launch of Forza 7) made me realise that some of these people are literally happy with anything as long as it has an Xbox logo on the box.

It's like people have become accustomed to mediocrity. Mediocrity is actually celebrated. 6/10 games? That's fine, it's just the biased media, leave us alone. Games being cancelled? It's good, papa Phil is saving us from bad games. Multiplayer exclusive games releasing half baked without any marketing? It's fine, gamepass will save the day. You couldn't write this stuff. The list of excuses and handwaving is endless. Not once do these people turn round and say "this isn't good enough".

I know I joke about Xbox sometimes and I can be harsh but what people don't get are two things:
  • The Xbox 360 is one of my top 3 consoles of all time.
  • I have fucking shares in Microsoft, not Sony.
I want them to do well (which is why I'm harsh) but this really isn't it. I like buying new hardware - I want them to make a product I need to have but they aren't. I bought a 360 because that shit was hot at the time, there was a long list of amazing games that you couldn't experience elsewhere. Other than the hardware issues, the console was amazing, everyone knows this, it's undisputed. Even more than that the whole experience of the console felt like a leap forward and innovative. The achievements, the online integration, the interface, the controller. That's what Xbox needs to get back to. Everything since then has just felt lazy for lack of a better word, both in their game output and the overall experience you get when using their hardware. They are literally about to launch new hardware and there won't even be a new user interface. The controllers are essentially the same. What the fuck is that about? Tie that in with the situation with the games, how are people supposed to get excited about this?

Its got to a point where I don't even know what the answers are anymore, that's how much of a hole they've managed to dig for themselves this generation (and in the run up to next gen). But I can tell you one thing, if Xbox fans demanded better instead of licking Phil Spencer's butthole then the situation might be better right now. I don't think people fully appreciate just how bad the situation has become for them outside of Western territory. They are at risk of multiple regions becoming like Japan for them.

Don't get me wrong, there might be some people who are genuinely happy with how Xbox is at the moment, there are things to be happy with such as gamepass. However just because you might be happy it doesn't invalidate the thoughts of those who might have genuine areas of concern or be unhappy with certain aspects. Echo chambers help nobody. Allow those people to express their thoughts so that their voices can be acknowledged, heard and improvements can be made where necessary. That benefits everybody.

In any situation, the diehard fans who accept everything, make excuses for everything and go around behaving like paid PR/marketing drones are their own worst enemy and they don't even realise it. Change happens when the biggest fans demand it. When sports teams do badly, the fans demand change from the team, the manager, the board, etc, they don't pop off and attack their rivals while allowing their own team to take them for a ride and get away with murder. It's lunacy.

Longer post than I thought it would be, people might not even read it but I wanted to express my overall feelings on this.
I agree with you 100%.


Gold Member
They announced games that haven't even begun production. That's not much different than announcing nothing.

Yeah, what happened to Phil's policy of only talking about games that were going to be released in a year or so? That was a bragging point over Sony last gen. It was part of how the "wait for next E3" mantra got justified. Big bad Sony was getting people excited for games that were years away, but the swell guys at Microsoft were only showing games you could get your hands on real soon.

Now MS shows off games that are probably 3 years away at least, and no one seems to notice.


Stalker 2, is old?

How hot has it been? Must've blacked out.
That’s nowhere near being a launch title or release window! Don’t twist up what he is saying to fit your narrative!

he is saying it’s dumb to buy a system at launch/window with no games to showcase it from first party!!!

mans he’s right about it too!


I just don't get why are people are angry at Xbox? The Series X strategy is "Play Xbox games from 4 generations of consoles at the highest quality on Series X", what part of this do people not understand? If this platform isn't offering what you want, you can always look elsewhere at launch no?
Going by what we’ve seen so far and the implementation of ray tracing well after launch of a game you shouted about from the high heavens... I wouldn’t be so sure of that!

don’t care about playing 1,000’s of old games in its highest quality! Not for $500+ bucks!!!

I want new experiences and features they said couldn’t happen last gen! Xbox is not doing that at all and haven’t even showed anything using all that POWA!!!


You sure the Spiderman DLC won't tip you to get a PS5?? XD.

That fact people think PlayStations launch exclusives are something the cheer about is embarrassing.. both consoles have sub par launch games.

I'll be waiting for some of sonys bigger 1st party games to come out until then I will most likely have a series X for gamepass and cyberpunk.
We don’t even know all the launch games, so where are y’all getting this from that’s it’s mediocre when they haven’t said what was all going to be launched yet?





That’s nowhere near being a launch title or release window! Don’t twist up what he is saying to fit your narrative!

he is saying it’s dumb to buy a system at launch/window with no games to showcase it from first party!!!

mans he’s right about it too!
Okay, fit my narrative? I've explained my position by my first post in the thread. I'm sorry if i'm not going to get pissy over whatever it is you want me to

If you dont like the way it's going, dont buy one. What else is there to say?


That's the thing we need to wait and see on, but if Sony is as aggressive as these rumors are saying, it could be a case of "too little, too late" for MS by the time their 1st-party are ready to roll out.

The lack of software is what stands out to me the most. Granted Xbox hasn't had the biggest output from first-party in a while, they generally do have some output. I expected that the best looking games may be a ways off with all the cross-gen talk, but I had assumed there would be a few more things hitting the X1. What have the original studios been working on? Hopefully with the new studios we will see better results. Grounded is a solid effort by Obsidian, I was actually surprised that I liked it as much as I did (hoping they fix the menu/craft system, half the time I get stuck there and can't return to the game).
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