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IGN reviews De Blob: 8.4


Spectacular. Ultra-slick menus, gorgeous pre-rendered cinemas, a host of unlockables, excellent visuals and dynamic in-game music. Really well done.
8.5 Graphics
Beautiful, stylized graphics and excellent tech to match. Monochromatic world contrasts well with the primary colors. Runs at 60 frames with a bevy of tech effects.
9.0 Sound
Funky, catchy jazz soundtrack changes dynamically as you play. More games need to sound like this.
8.0 Gameplay
Really fun, but there's still room to grow. Mostly intuitive controls and enjoyable challenges. Simply painting the world is entertaining, but there are a variety of tasks.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
A robust 10-plus-hour single-player mode, a host of sub-challenges and a multiplayer mode, too. No online component. And split-screen play is not as refined as the single-player action.

local NOM gave it a round 9, good to see game's delivering

already preordered, do the same guys and gals!


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
not that i care about review scores (getting it day 1 regardless), but at least now the game will get some deserved exposure.


Death Prophet
The music aspect of the game seems like a real success. For those that don't know, it is dynamic, in the way that SSX Blur is. The more colorful your town is, the more involved and lively the music is. This shall be mine soon.

Also, in the graphics department:
de Blob is a game whose graphic look seems perfectly suited to Wii and it really is an excellent style. I love the contrast between the monochromatic cities and the colorful main character whom drenches them in bright primary colors. I think it's worth stating, though, that Blue Tongue has matched all that style with a technical showpiece for Nintendo's little system. The platformer boasts an exceptionally clean, polished look complete with well-rounded architecture, beautifully animated characters and objects, some of the best particle effects I've seen in any Wii game to date, gorgeous graphic effects like depth of field blur, shimmering water transparencies, heat distortion and bloom, and more. All of this at an astonishingly rock-solid fluidity of 60 frames per second. And the game runs in 480p / 16:9 widescreen modes, too. I'm sure some will dismiss everything that's going on in the title because of its seemingly simple presentation, but make no mistake, there's a lot of tech to match the visual style, and I tip my hit to Blue Tongue for taking the time to deliver a final product with so much polish.
You know what? The price is right, I'm going to pick this up now. I trolled it quite hard after hearing it was too simple even in the later stages. But even if that's the case at 10 hours I doubt I'd feel ripped off.

Congratulations Blue Tongue.


Glad I Pre-ordered from that The Hut site when I did, got it for £18 and now it's £25 on there. Still, this game has been increasingly getting me more interested in it with all the info they've been poring out. I almost feel like I've already played it there has been so much footage, but none of this footage was in a solid 60fps like the game is said to be.


I'd never heard of this, but the videos make it look pretty compelling. My Wii cold streak since Mario Galaxy may come to an end after all!


The review doesn't really do a very good job of describing the gameplay. From the video embedded in the review you see some pretty traditional 3D platforming, and great graphics and presentation, but what appears to be some pretty simplistic tasks (going to a spot and colouring it).

I'm wondering what sort of variety there is to the gameplay, or is it sort of just going from A to B then colouring some thing. Obviously there can be great gameplay in such a basic concept, you could argue that a lot of Mario Galaxy levels were simply going from A to B and then getting a star, but I'm wondering how much variety there is. The reviewer does mention he was a bit unsatisfied about the challenge of some tasks.

I think I need to dig up some more gameplay movies. The pretty high score has brought it back onto my radar.


I want this game. I started work on an official thread logo some months back with all the hi res artwork released but gave up somewhere along the way, and probably have to wait until next month to get it :(

But it will be mine, regardless.
Visualante said:
You know what? The price is right, I'm going to pick this up now. I trolled it quite hard after hearing it was too simple even in the later stages. But even if that's the case at 10 hours I doubt I'd feel ripped off.

Congratulations Blue Tongue.
I felt the same as well about it being overly simplistic. It does seem like there are some good times to be had with it the more i hear about it however. Ill be picking it up right there with you.

Visualante said:
Congratulations Blue Tongue.
Indeed, indeed.


Fantastical said:
The music aspect of the game seems like a real success. For those that don't know, it is dynamic, in the way that SSX Blur is. The more colorful your town is, the more involved and lively the music is. This shall be mine soon.

Also, in the graphics department:

de Blob is a game whose graphic look seems perfectly suited to Wii and it really is an excellent style. I love the contrast between the monochromatic cities and the colorful main character whom drenches them in bright primary colors. I think it's worth stating, though, that Blue Tongue has matched all that style with a technical showpiece for Nintendo's little system. The platformer boasts an exceptionally clean, polished look complete with well-rounded architecture, beautifully animated characters and objects, some of the best particle effects I've seen in any Wii game to date, gorgeous graphic effects like depth of field blur, shimmering water transparencies, heat distortion and bloom, and more. All of this at an astonishingly rock-solid fluidity of 60 frames per second. And the game runs in 480p / 16:9 widescreen modes, too. I'm sure some will dismiss everything that's going on in the title because of its seemingly simple presentation, but make no mistake, there's a lot of tech to match the visual style, and I tip my hit to Blue Tongue for taking the time to deliver a final product with so much polish.


[small_rant]I usually don't care for review scores, but if what they're stating is really true and it only got a 8.5 in graphics, I'm guessing that no game will ever get a 10 [Corruption and Galaxy both got a 9.5 in graphics] in that department... I mean, seriously... what else do they want the console/game to do to give it a better score?[/small_rant]
60 frames? Very nice, it just goes to show what little effort most devs put into Wii development when the best looking games (De Blob, Galaxy and Prime) all have the highest frame rates.

I feel obliged to buy this purely to support future developments of games like this.
Farore said:
[small_rant]I mean, seriously... what else do they want the console/game to do to give it a better score?[/small_rant]
Okami, Wind Waker, Gear of War, Heavenly Sword. All of these games fit the 10 bill for visuals for me.

Just having clean, proficient, functional art and animation isn't enough to get you close to a 10 in my book. It's nice enough but I think your scope isn't wide enough.


Visualante said:
Okami, Wind Waker, Gear of War, Heavenly Sword. All of these games fit the 10 bill for visuals for me.

Just having clean, proficient, functional art and animation isn't enough to get you close to a 10 in my book. It's nice enough but I think your scope isn't wide enough.

"Clean, proficient, functional"? Maybe you misread that:

de Blob is a game whose graphic look seems perfectly suited to Wii and it really is an excellent style. I love the contrast between the monochromatic cities and the colorful main character whom drenches them in bright primary colors. I think it's worth stating, though, that Blue Tongue has matched all that style with a technical showpiece for Nintendo's little system. The platformer boasts an exceptionally clean, polished look complete with well-rounded architecture, beautifully animated characters and objects, some of the best particle effects I've seen in any Wii game to date, gorgeous graphic effects like depth of field blur, shimmering water transparencies, heat distortion and bloom, and more. All of this at an astonishingly rock-solid fluidity of 60 frames per second. And the game runs in 480p / 16:9 widescreen modes, too. I'm sure some will dismiss everything that's going on in the title because of its seemingly simple presentation, but make no mistake, there's a lot of tech to match the visual style, and I tip my hit to Blue Tongue for taking the time to deliver a final product with so much polish.

And the reason behind the lack of 10s is "lolz Cassamassina". Didn't he say something about never giving 10s in a podcast or something?


TheGrayGhost said:
I'm a HUGE, HUGE fan of motion-control, but gesturing downward to have de Blob jump sucks all kinds of major ass.
Due to the way the accelerometer works, i am sure you can gesture upwards if you wish.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
yeah, and here i was preparing for some hot multiplayer painting, just to have my 2nd wiimote die on me last night. multi rats.
theviolenthero said:
Another Wii game i want BUT the $49.99 price is just too much.

don't worry, it will sure have a huge price drop of 20$ thanks to poor sales caused by people not fucking supporting fucking GOOD third party games when they deserve it


Death Prophet
Farore said:
[small_rant]I usually don't care for review scores, but if what they're stating is really true and it only got a 8.5 in graphics, I'm guessing that no game will ever get a 10 [Corruption and Galaxy both got a 9.5 in graphics] in that department... I mean, seriously... what else do they want the console/game to do to give it a better score?[/small_rant]
I noticed that as well, but I decided not to comment on it. It's definitely weird that he only gave it an 8.5. I mean, he describes everything that you could want a Wii game to look like. On top of everything it supports 480p and 16:9.


Death Prophet
I hope a video review is being made. I thought it was kind of weird that they didn't have on today after how much IGN hyped it.
It's so hard for me to buy standard games anymore. I've had a huge backlog all year long. The last disc-based game I bought besides Rock Band 2 was Brawl. I haven't finished the last 4 or 5 games I bought that actually had an ending.

Edit: On topic, the point of all this is that I really want to buy this game, but I just can't justify it since I doubt I'd finish it. I never even finished Zak and Wiki.


I'm surprised that everyone is expecting such poor sales. I think with even a fairly modest push by THQ that this game will do quite well. It fills a surprising hole in a genre that has traditionally sold very well on Nintendo systems, the lighthearted (and well made) platformer. I expect it to be over 400k by years' end.
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